Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 14 New Residents

In the sunset forest in the early morning, Xia Ye woke up with cries. Three days had passed since the Pokémon Hunter incident. In the past few days, he had been going to Yanghua Grassland every day to observe the growth of Yanghua Grass.

"Well, the Yanghua grass should be fully mature today."

The knocking monkey next to him stretched out his little hand and yawned. There was a small wooden drum hanging around its neck, which Xia Ye made in his spare time.

To activate the potential of a master performer, you need to master a certain instrument, and for the sound monkey, it must be the drum.

The drumming monkey was very happy to get the small wooden drum. In his free time, he would take off the wooden stick on his head and play the melodious drum sound. Now basically all the residents of Sunset Forest are his fans.

Therefore, it cherishes this wooden drum very much and wears it even when sleeping.

"Music Monkey, after breakfast you will start today's work."

Xia Ye got up and got dressed, preparing to make breakfast. Their breakfast was very simple. Sunset Forest's specialty pomelo jam and slices of bread could satisfy the energy needed for the morning.

The jam was made by the old man of the restaurant in Spike Town. He was very surprised when he saw the basket of pomelo fruits in Xia Ye's hand. This was the first time he had seen such plump pomelo fruits with mellow fragrance.

He didn't believe it when Xia Ye said that he picked it in the Sunset Forest. He muttered, "I have lived next to the Sunset Forest for sixty-eight years, how come I have never seen such high-quality tree fruits?"

However, thanks to this incident, Xia Ye became familiar with the restaurant owner and learned that his real name was Gade. According to him, he had been a restaurant owner for a period of time.

After enjoying breakfast, Xia Ye and the Sound Monkey began their daily patrol. To put it simply, they walked around the Sunset Forest to see if anything unusual happened.

The percussion monkeys accompanied melodious drums, and Xia Ye stepped on the ground in a comfortable mood. He walked slowly through the forest, scanning his surroundings.

The chickadees chirping and flying over the branches, and the green caterpillars hiding in the canopy that are no longer arrogant. The competition between the two has improved each other's strength, and they continue to make progress in order to survive.


Morubeko, who was taking a walk, raised the half-eaten fruit in his hand to say hello to Xia Ye. As expected, Morubeko was quite cute when he was full.

"Good morning, Morubeko~"


Xia Ye and the Knocker Monkey responded to Morubeko. After the Pokémon Hunter incident, Xia Ye made a new agreement with the Pokémon in the forest to use their full strength when humans try to capture you.

In this case, the seemingly cute Morubek will also explode with great strength, which can prevent Pokémon hunters like Blanc.

But if a trainer really comes to Sunset Forest to catch Pokémon, it depends on whether he is strong enough to catch the Pokémon here.

The current area of ​​Sunset Forest is not very large. Today's patrol has been completed before the Pinellia leaves have passed in the morning, and his final destination is Yanghua Lawn.

Even before he got close to Knocker Monkey, he already had a comfortable expression on his face. The effect of Sunflower Grass on Grass-type Pokémon was really remarkable.

In front of Xia Ye, the Yanghua grass is growing well, and its height is already half the height of Xia Ye's calf. The green Yanghua grass is dotted with small light yellow flowers, scattered on the grass.

He stretched out his hand to prepare for the rapid growth and suddenly found three tender green leaves emerging from the grass. The small brown eyes on the pale yellow body stared closely at the summer leaves.

"Lily root doll?"

Xia Ye said with some surprise. Unexpectedly, Yanghua Grassland has attracted grass-type Pokémon now.

Then, more lily root dolls emerged from the grass, mixed with a few young cotton balls and kapok balls floating in the air.

"Ah, so many"

There were so many Pokémon hidden in the small lawn. Xia Ye made a rough count and found that there were about twenty Pokémon. He once again confirmed the status of Sunflower Grass in the hearts of grass-type Pokémon.

Although Xia Ye was born with an affinity for Pokémon in the forest, these Pokémon were timid by nature, and they retracted into the grass as soon as Xia Ye took a step forward.

"They are still on guard, but that's normal. After all, they have just changed their living environment." Xia Ye was sure that there was no trace of Pokémon in this grassland yesterday.


The knocking monkey raised his wooden stick and shouted to Xia Ye.

"Sound-tapping monkey, do you have any good ideas?"

The knocking monkey nodded. If you want to make friends, use music. No words are needed. Just the tune can make the other person feel your kindness.


The collision of wooden sticks and wooden drums made a sound, and the melodious drumbeats spread throughout the grassland. Under the exquisite playing of the percussion monkeys, the lily root dolls poked their heads out again, and the kapok balls and young cotton cotton floated into the air.

Along with the rhythm, the lily root dolls swayed the green leaves on their heads, and the kapok balls and young cotton wool floated around the summer leaves and danced like a dance group in the forest.


With the last drumbeat, the Knocker Monkey's performance ended. It looked at the grass Pokémon in front of it. They all had expressions of unfinished expressions, which was the greatest affirmation of it.

"That's the power of music."

Xia Ye touched the sound monkey's head and praised it. He looked at the group of Pokémon and should be able to communicate with them now.

"Hello, my name is Xia Ye, and I am the ranger of this forest. My duty is to protect the forest, so I will not hurt you." Xia Ye knelt down and smiled. "I also planted the grassland you live in now. The smell of the sun is very comfortable, right?"

A lily root doll emerged from the grass and walked to Xia Ye, touching Xia Ye's hand with the leaves above its head.

"Well, you see, from today on you are residents of Sunset Forest, and the environment will get better and better with me here."

Seeing that Xia Ye did what he said, the other grass-type Pokémon slowly came over. If this grassland was really planted by Xia Ye, they would have to thank him. Like the blue jay, they are also looking for new ones. The place of residence came to Sunset Forest.

Unlike the blue jays, they chose to leave their original place of residence because of environmental damage. The environment there was rapidly deteriorating due to the discovery of new mineral veins.

Grass-type Pokémon are the Pokémon that are most responsive to environmental changes. They are very sensitive to pollution. Air, sunlight, soil, and water are their sources of nutrients, so serious pollution will threaten their lives.

[Add new members and obtain props Luoziguo saplings. Luoziguo: loved by grass-type Pokémon. 】

[Add new members and obtain props apple saplings. Apples are common fruits that will attract certain Pokémon to settle down. 】

[With the addition of new members, the first time and space distortion will begin in seven days. 】

Forest ranger assistant sounded in Xia Ye's mind three times in a row. He could still understand the first two, but what about the distortion of time and space?

[Time and space distortion: You will travel to another time and space location, experience an experience you have never had before, and you will receive props based on your performance. 】

After hearing its explanation, Xia Ye couldn't help but think deeply, is this considered a ranger's job?

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