Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 145 Ice and Snow Forest

"Well, how can I put it, it's really spectacular."

Xia Ye sighed as he looked at the scene in front of him. To his left was a tall and lush tropical rain forest, and to his right was a coniferous forest with branches piled with snow.

This kind of scenery obviously does not conform to reality, and has a sense of violation that is artificially divided and set up deliberately.

Speaking of which, I remember hearing Wu Li say that the Blueberry Academy he studied at was an artificial island, and there was also an ecological environment park that directly divided areas like this.

People can still use technology to explain it, but the Xia Ye in front of me stretched out his hands, and the feeling of damp heat and dry cold came at the same time. He withdrew his arms, shook his head, and said:

"Even if I use Celebi as an excuse, I'm afraid it won't work."

"Bonnie!" Ergui Pun on the side was very excited, because Xia Ye told it that with the snow, it could make snowmen and have snowball fights. It was very interested in both games and couldn't wait to go in and play.

"If other people heard about snowball fights in the summer, they would definitely have expressions of disbelief."

Xia Ye shook his head, then squatted down and tied a wool scarf around Ergui Pun's neck. Ninety-nine percent of the wool scarf comes from woolly horn sheep, bringing you furry warmth.

Ergui buried his whole face in the scarf and rubbed it back and forth. It was amazing, it got hot all of a sudden!

Xia Ye smiled, patted its head and said:

"It's definitely not easy to play with a mask on. Don't wear the stove mask this time. Use a scarf to keep warm."


"As long as you like it, then I should make preparations."

Xia Ye put on her down jacket, thick cotton pants, and gloves. A feeling of sultry heat spread throughout her body instantly.

"The effect is very good. Ergui, let's go in quickly. I feel like I'm going to sweat soon." Xia Ye looked embarrassed. Wearing winter clothes in summer was too difficult to withstand.


Egui Peng trotted on the snow and entered the ice and snow forest, followed closely by Xia Ye. As soon as he walked into it, Xia Ye felt the cold wind blowing across his cheeks, and the sultry feeling disappeared.

There are many forests covered with snow all year round in Galar. To the north there is the snow-white forest near Zhanjing Town, and to the south there is the Crown Snowfield. They are both in a cold environment for a long time.

The ice and snow forest currently located there is not much different. Most of it is composed of cold-resistant cedar trees and white birch trees. It is also full of snow and is also a vast expanse of white.

The icicles that can be seen everywhere on the branches are actually Pokémon, which are snow swallowers that feed on snow. Whenever they are full, they will spin cold threads on the trees and hang upside down to sleep.

The edelweiss moths waving their pure white wings are exactly what they work hard to grow up for day and night. Their noble appearance and pure white skin are known as the elves in the snow. They have been deeply loved by the ladies of the Galar region since ancient times. favorite.

The thick fur collars on their clothing are designed to imitate the down on their chests.

A little wild boar arches back and forth on the snow, leaving a long trail of snow. It relies on its keen sense of smell to find food hidden under the snow.

Experienced travelers will look for the leftover food of the little mountain pig based on this trace. The way to distinguish it is also very simple, just look for small dots in the snow traces.

Those are the little wild boar’s little feet hidden under the down. Don’t think of them as just a ball of fluff.

The wild environment in the snow is quite cruel. Pokémon living in cold environments have evolved great foraging abilities, and some even feed on the snow like snow swallowers.

But they don't have to worry about this now. The food in Sunset Forest is quite abundant, provided they can withstand the heat of summer.

Several Galar red tumblers were chasing a snow monster. The fruit around its belly had a popsicle-like texture and was their favorite.

Ergui also joined the chase. Its appearance made Galar's red roly-poly panic. Why was it chasing while waving its stick.

So they fled in all directions, and the puzzled Ergui was stunned on the spot. At this time, the snow monster walked over and shared the fruits on his body with Ergui to express his gratitude.

Looking at the Snow Li Monster's leaving figure, Ergui took a bite of the fruit, and then his whole little face twisted into one piece. It was so cold, it was about to turn into an icy cake!

There were geometric snowflakes floating in the air, mini ice blowing out cool air, and the timid Snow Boy who ran away when he saw anyone. Xia Ye turned around and didn't find any dangerous Pokémon.

Maybe it’s because it was born so young? Xia Ye shook his head. In short, he should wait until a powerful Pokémon appears that can rule this area before establishing a friendly relationship with it.

Then, he raised his head and looked at Ergui and said with a smile: "The inspection is completed, well, let's build a snowman, Ergui."


Ergui jumped up happily, waiting for a long time!

"Although it's a snowman, you can make it whatever you want, just use your imagination." Xia Ye said.

Eguifen thought for a while, then squatted down and started his creation. Xia Ye silently stared at it like a kind old father. Suddenly, something appeared in his sight that should not appear here.

"This is."

With hair as white as snow, crystal blue pupils, and a tail as fluffy as white snow, there was no mistaking it. This was a Vulpix, or a Vulpix from the Alola region.

The Vulpix who followed humans to Alola adapted to the cold climate of Mount Lanakira, which is covered with snow all year round, and has the ability to control ice. Logically speaking, it should not appear in Galar.

However, with the precedent of a permanent forest and the current complex environment of the Sunset Forest, there may be more regional Pokémon here in the future.


While Xia Ye was thinking, Ergui also completed its work. Because of its petite body, it was not very big.

Xia Ye knelt down and took a look. He could easily tell the difference between a dog, a monkey and a chicken from the appearance of a mini snowman. Although he did a great job, isn't this the Three Treasures Companion?


Ekuei suddenly took out the stick, and then swung it with all his strength. When he touched it, the treasure companions turned into debris. He showed a satisfied smile, and then looked at Xia Ye for praise.

Is this child a little naturally dark? Xia Ye decided to correct Er Guipeng's misunderstanding about building a snowman.

"The snowman is great, but the point of building a snowman is not to destroy it, unfortunately."

"This is the result of your hard work. Cherish it more. Well, let me think about it, how about doing something you like, because this area is always in a cold state, and it should be preserved for a long time without anyone destroying it."


Er Guipeng showed a thinking expression, and then an idea occurred to him. He had to take the things he liked more seriously.

On the snow, next to a small snowman wearing a cloak stood two snowmen, one was tall and strong, and the other had a gentle face.

Because the finished product is quite exquisite, many Pokémon passing by stopped to admire it, and they tacitly agreed not to destroy this thoughtful work, making it a rare sight on the monotonous snow.

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