Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 156 The day before the concert

"It's Giganta Steel, it exploded! The Gigantamax was released! Player Mali's Slash Commander successfully defeated the Gigantamax Frost Milk Fairy of Popola Gym Leader. She once again passed the path despite the pressure of her attributes. Pavilion Challenge!”

"Let us cheer for her, and let us remember that she comes from Spike Town. This cool evil girl brings us another wonderful battle. Her name is Ma Li!"

The excited voice of the commentator came from the mobile phone. Xia Ye watched the battle completely. He was very aware of Ma Li's efforts.

Cool Leopard's spiritual blade suppressed Galar's double bomb gas, the hooded gangster's flame fist suppressed Big Mouth Baby, Morubeko skillfully switched forms and used aura wheel to suppress Pokkiss, and the last Commander Slash, the last time we met It is still a small soldier with a small sword.

Xia Ye took a cursory glance at the Ma Li fan exchange group. The group was currently discussing Ma Li's wonderful performance in the game. Many people called Xia Ye to explain. After all, Xia Ye's record in Spike Town was too high. Luxurious.

In this regard, Xia Ye did not shirk and typed out his opinion. Everyone looked confused. He thought for a while and sent another message.

"In general, the reason for the victory is that Ma Li worked hard."

As soon as this statement came out, he immediately won the praise of the cheering team. As long as you play Ma Li, we are good brothers.

Of course, there are also people in the shouting team who know the battle well, such as Mr. Gade. He has now gone to show off to a few old friends. He not only showed off Ma Li but also showed off Xia Ye at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

"However, there was no message from Ma Li this time." Xia Ye put down the phone, feeling a little lonely.

He got up and walked outside the house to check if the three bees had come back. If he didn't come back today, he wouldn't have time to deal with it because the three-day concert was about to start tomorrow.

At dusk, Xia Ye finally settled down with Queen Bee, who brought her family with her.

As soon as he heard that they were coming to settle in the Sunset Forest, Yueyue Bear volunteered and invited them to live in the permanent forest.

Xia Ye saw its thoughts at a glance. You are just greedy for honey.

But when he thought about it carefully, there were not many Pokémon in the permanent forest, which was indeed suitable for a huge swarm to settle.

So he followed the trend and found a good open space for the queen bee and the three bees to settle here.

"You guys should adapt to the environment of this forest first. Except for the snow-covered forest, you can collect honey in other areas. Well, it's getting late, so I'll go back first." Xia Ye said.

The queen bee stared at the departing Xia Ye with her amber pupils, and then she called her children to start building a new hive. In addition, she also gave a special warning.

Be careful of that big bear, I only see two words in its eyes, honey.

In the wooden house, Xia Ye felt something was wrong after opening the door. He turned around and found that Ma Li was holding Mo Lubeike and looking at the accessories on the shelf attentively.

"There are more collections, Xia Ye." Ma Li said softly.

"Ma Li. Didn't you just finish the game today?"

"Shouldn't we congratulate Ma Li for winning the competition first?" Ma Li turned around, still with the familiar cold face, with the unique sense of oppression of an evil trainer.

"Momo~" Molubeke raised his little hand in greeting.

At this time, the Ecuador had already jumped into the house, and the Thunder King Kong followed closely behind.

"Indeed, Ma Li, you have prepared a lot for this gym challenge. You have worked really hard." Xia Ye praised frankly.

"." Ma Li raised her eyebrows slightly, lowered her head, showed a faint smile, and murmured in a low voice: "The effect is really outstanding."

"Ma Li?"

"Okay, no more joking. You also know that my brother held a concert." Ma Li's expression softened a lot.

"Well, a concert with Homiga, a rock singer from the Unova area."

"That's right, I didn't expect that my brother would actually find Homiga. I like her songs very much." Ma Li stretched out a finger and introduced with a serious look: "For example, explosion, gas bomb! Split, cross poison Blade! Something like that.”

"Oh, it's indeed a very Homiga-style title." Xia Ye recalled the battle with Homiga and said.

A trace of joy flashed in Ma Li's eyes: "Hey, Xia Ye, are you also a fan of Homiga? Wait, if you are a fan, how come you don't know her songs."

"Because I fought her once, I know her fighting style very well."

"Yeah, I'm so envious." Ma Li half-squinted her eyes and stared at Xia Ye.

"Ahem, so, Ma Li, the reason why you came back is to watch Mr. Nie Zi's concert?" Xia Ye asked.

"The answer was correct, so Ma Li rushed back without stopping."

Then, her blue pupils glanced at the Thunder King Kong Ape and Ergui Pun, and said regretfully: "If it hadn't been for the match just finished today, Ma Li would definitely have had a battle with you."

"So, let's have a review, Xia Ye." Ma Li walked to the bed, sat down naturally, then patted the chair and urged: "Come on, you will accompany Ma Li, right? "

Erkuei showed a surprised expression, Sister Ma Li, her rank is so high, and Banglui Kongangang picked up Ergui and put her on his bed. Okay, let's not disturb them for today.

Because of the previous analysis in the group, Xia Ye was now very confident. He briefly recalled it and then said, "No problem, let's analyze that battle together."

Ma Li covered her mouth and nodded silently: "I see, Ma Li didn't expect this."

"This situation will allow Commander Cleaver to trigger the trait of not admitting defeat, and it will be easier to fight the Frost Milk Fairy later." Xia Ye adjusted the progress bar of the video, and then added.

"Of course, Ma Li, the decision you made at that time was also a good one, and the situation of the battle was reversed from this point on."

"I'm always making progress, and I can't let down everyone's support." The corners of Ma Li's mouth rose slightly.

"Yes, let's continue," Xia Ye answered in the affirmative. Ma Li worked hard, and he already knew this.

Unconsciously, the topic of the conversation between the two changed.

"Flowers, it's almost time for flowers to bloom." Ma Li closed her eyes and fell into memories. When she was a child, she went to pick flowers and was chased by three bees and cried a lot. It was really disappointing.

She glanced at Morubeko who was eating fruit from the tree in her arms. At that time, she was still being comforted by this greedy guy.

"Well, a swarm of three bees recently came to settle in the Sunset Forest. Maybe they will be able to taste honey soon."

"Hey" Ma Li was stunned. She pursed her lips and stared at Xia Ye closely, then sighed, "It's just a coincidence. Well, Ma Li once"

Halfway through, Ma Li felt ashamed and stood up suddenly. Then she hugged Molubeke and said hurriedly: "It's not too early. It's time for Ma Li to go back."

"That's it. It's true." Xia Ye nodded silently, feeling that if Ma Li stayed for a while, Nie Zi would come over soon.

"Xia Ye, then I wish you a sweet dream. Ma Li is very happy today."

After saying that, Ma Li quickly left the cabin. She only doesn't want you to know about such embarrassing things.

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