Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 158 The bear tribe will never surrender unless the honey tree is full of fruits

In the permanent forest at dusk, the queen bee is counting the nectar collected by the three bees today. It seems that because of the exciting music, they have been working very efficiently these days.

Honey is placed in hexagonal storage containers, and jars are neatly placed around the queen's throne.

The bright yellow honey was about to overflow. The queen bee stretched out her paw and dipped a little honey into her mouth, showing a happy expression. It was a wise decision to settle in the Sunset Forest.

Then it seals it with beeswax itself. This measure allows the honey to be stored for a long time without deteriorating.


As night falls, the queen bee releases a unique pheromone. The three bees around them all stop what they are doing, fall to the ground, stick together closely, and form a ring around the container for storing honey.

The remaining three bees landed on their heads in an orderly manner, stacking up layer by layer like bricks, and a yellow wall quickly formed.

The queen's pheromones are also summoning the three bees that have not returned yet. The last batch of them to return form a cover in the air, and fall to buckle on the ring-shaped fence.

A hive of three bees is formed. They are close together and share their body heat to resist the cold night.

The queen bee enjoys the warm environment inside, breeds new members of the tribe, and feeds them sweet honey.

Every night the queen and the three bees do the same thing to ensure the future of the colony against the threat of uninvited guests.

The moonlight shines on the ground of the permanent forest, and a pair of dark pupils peek out from the big tree near the beehive. This baby bear has been following the three bees during the day, and now it finally has a harvest.

Thinking of this, it unconsciously licked the palm of its hand, but the stored honey had long been used up.

The dry smell made him anxious. Seeing the sweet honey so close at hand, Baby Bear decided to seek wealth and wealth in danger. If he couldn't break through from the front, he would break through from the ground.

It is going to dig a burrow that leads right into the hive, and then sneak in and feast.

However, the inexperienced Baby Bear did not realize a key issue. How could Queen Bee not expect that Pokémon would break through from the ground? Those three bees that cling to the ground have the most sensitive hearing.

In the early morning, Xia Ye woke up to the buzzing sound. Last night's concert lasted until midnight. Three consecutive encores exhausted Nie Zi and Homiga's energy, so they had no choice but to end the concert.

As the music stopped, Ma Li also decided to say goodbye to Xia Ye.

Because she had to take care of her eldest brother who was doing his best. Based on her past experience, Nie Zi would probably have to lie in bed for three days before he recovered. She had to take over Nie Zi's place to handle the related matters.

A faint blush was hidden under the neon lights. Ma Li smiled and said goodbye. Her fingers hung on her cheeks and she whispered:

"Ma Li is really happy today, all thanks to you, Xia Ye, bye!"

"Me too, I won't forget tonight." Xia Ye replied immediately.

Ma Li's blue eyes moved slightly, then she turned around, put down her hands, and left with a happy pace, with a smile still on her face.

After watching Ma Li leave, Xia Ye was also ready to go back. He would still have work as a forest ranger tomorrow.

So he returned to the Sunset Forest with the drowsy Ergui and Banglui Kongangang on his back, opened the wooden door, placed the Ergui, and fell asleep.

Recalling what happened last night, Xia Ye calmed down a little and then walked out of bed.

Outside the house, the queen bee was carrying a pitiful baby bear. This guy was caught stealing honey last night, so she came to Xia Ye specifically to ask for an explanation.

It saw that Xia Ye and Yueyue Bear had a good relationship, and it was another bear who stole the honey.

And it was Xia Ye who gave his tribe the opportunity to live in Sunset Forest, so it didn't kill the baby bears all at once.

"It was you who stole the honey first. There's no point in pretending to be pitiful. Besides, you're not a resident of Sunset Forest." Xia Ye quickly figured out the reason and stared at the baby bear.

The queen bee understood and showed her sharp claws, which meant that I could dispose of them at will.

The baby bear's tear glands couldn't hold back at all, and big tears were streaming down his face. Obviously, pretending to be cute before was very effective for humans. They are really cruel humans. My life is at risk!

"However, Queen Bee, there is one thing I want to remind you. Without your guard, the honey that you have worked so hard to collect will be targeted by more dangerous guys." Xia Ye reminded.

After listening to Xia Ye's words, the queen bee's amber eyes widened. Damn, her children can't deal with that big bear!

It didn't care about the little thief bear baby, threw it away, and flew back to the hive in a hurry. Now it can only pray that the bear's appetite will be smaller.

The bear baby wiped away his tears after escaping from death. Xia Ye sighed and said: "Really, you don't look at the opponent's strength before taking action. If you weren't in the Sunset Forest, you might have become the nutrient of the queen bee. "

The baby bear realized later, so it was this human who saved him just now?

It was moved to tears and hugged Xia Ye's thigh. Sure enough, being cute was useful.

"Oh, Thunder King Kong, you're awake. Just in time, come with me to see this guy's senior." Xia Ye pointed at the baby bear clinging tightly to his lap, and then looked into the room.

At this time, Eguifen was lying on his back, sleeping soundly. He showed a doting look in his eyes, and then said: "As for Eguifen, let him have a good sleep, and let's go."

Banglei King Kong nodded silently, and then grabbed the baby bear on Xia Ye's lap. Since it was a bear, he had to hand it to Yueyue Xiong.

The baby bear hanging in the air was startled, could I escape death?

In the permanent forest, the three bees resisted desperately but could not stop the rough-skinned and fleshy Yueyue Bear. Facing the clean container, it patted its belly and showed a satisfied expression.

It is indeed the honey of the Sunset Forest, I love it!

The queen bee who rushed back was about to explode with anger, but an attack command hit the Yueyue Bear's hard mud armor, but it was just an itch for it.

"Oh, I knew it, Yueyue Xiong, aren't there enough fruits in the Sunset Forest for you to eat?" Xia Ye came late and complained helplessly.

Yueyue Xiong sat on the ground and scratched his head in embarrassment. There was nothing we could do about it. We, the bear clan, just wanted this mouthful of honey.

The queen bee couldn't express her pain, so she could only turn to Xia Ye for help. She didn't want to leave this magical forest, and she didn't want the big bear to eat her own honey at will.

"I know, let's do it this way"

In fact, Xia Ye had already thought about it, but he didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly. To put it simply, Yueyue Bear works for the Queen Bee in exchange for honey. Anyway, it has very strong combat power and can drive away almost all Pokémon that covet honey. .

The queen bee reluctantly agreed, but Yueyue Bear would not give out another drop of honey until the jar of honey was paid off.

Yueyue Bear was in the wrong. He didn't want the three bees to relocate and have no honey to eat in the future. Anyway, he could occasionally take a few mouthfuls of honey to satisfy his craving, so it wasn't unacceptable.

The two parties reached an agreement, and Xia Ye handed the baby bear to the Yueyue Bear Belt. It had always been seen that it was alone with no other members of the same clan, so it might as well have a companion this time.

Looking at Xia Ye leaving, Baby Bear raised his head and asked Yueyue Xiong, "Senior, why do you respect Xia Ye so much?"

Yueyue Bear just smiled, because he provided us with food. The baby bear licked his sweet palms. The tree fruit was enough, and it would be the same for him.

Yueyue Xiong didn't say anything more. The food provided by Xia Ye didn't just mean food. To it, it was an important favor.

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