Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 164 Forest Ranger Assessment Notice

The next time-space distortion will begin in a week. Because of the last experience, Xia Ye is preparing to comprehensively upgrade the supplies he carried in the past to prevent him from falling into a similar embarrassing situation again.

He originally planned to do this, but a phone call from Yaluo interrupted the beginning of the plan.

"Hey, Xia Ye, I'm Yaluo."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Yaluo, what can I do for you?" Xia Ye asked, holding up the phone.

He contacted Yaluo once every half month, and most of the content was related to the situation in the forest. This contact was not half a month away from the last time, so Xia Ye wondered if there was something else to talk about.

"Good afternoon," Yaluo sighed rarely. He usually showed an optimistic smile to others.

"Could it be some bad news?"

"No, no, I'm just a little tired because I've been on the phone since just now. I'm sorry for making you worry." Yaluo smiled bitterly.

"Calling on the phone actually made you feel tired?" Xia Ye couldn't believe it. Yaluo was a Super Galarian who could easily lift heavy bales of straw. He should be very energetic.

"There are twenty-three rangers in charge of me. I have been calling your seniors since morning. The good news is that you are the last one."

"Just a notification that things might not be like this, but this time the news came suddenly and the requirements were tough. It took a lot of time to communicate."

"Huh, thank you for listening to my complaint. I'll keep the story short. The alliance has issued an order requiring all rangers in Galar to participate in the ranger assessment." His tone became much more relaxed.

"But didn't Galar have no ranger assessment before?"

"So it's a sudden announcement. Do you remember the reason for the last exchange meeting? It's the same this time. It's the Dawn Team again. It's better to say that there have been more or less vicious incidents in other areas."

"For example, in the Kanto region, the disbanded Team Rocket became active again. There were many explosions in Padea, and it was said that Team Dawn was responsible."

Yaluo's tone suddenly became angry and said: "This is the Dawn Team, doing evil everywhere, so the alliance has paid more attention to the strength of the rangers and created this assessment."

Xia Ye fell silent next to the phone. Team Rocket recovered, and Team Dawn was doing evil. Not to mention Team Dawn's evil deeds. The biggest crisis facing Galar now was at the hands of Alliance President Roz, but no one would believe it if he told others now. .

"Ahem, the location of this assessment is at the Jiqing Arena. The assessor is Kawu, the owner of the arena. The content of the assessment is combat." Yaluo explained the content of the assessment.

"What if you don't go?"

"It doesn't matter. Instead, the alliance will send staff to the forest to conduct the assessment in person." Yaluo explained skillfully. He had said this sentence twenty-three times.

Xia Ye doesn't have a good impression of the alliance now. If the assessor is Roz's subordinate, it will be difficult to handle.

"I understand, I will go. By the way, what will happen if you fail the assessment?"

"Don't worry about this. If you fail the assessment, your ranger certificate will not be revoked," Yaluo quickly replied. "You will only be forced to undergo training until you pass the assessment."

How can I put it this way? It really has a Galar style.

"By the way, Xia Ye, since you agreed to go for the assessment, let me tell you one more thing. The rangers who performed well this time will be rewarded."

"The alliance actually gives rewards?"

"We are not some evil company. In addition, travel expenses will be reimbursed and food and accommodation will be provided. This can be regarded as mobilizing the enthusiasm of the rangers who are unwilling to leave the forest."

In fact, the following conditions were all added by Yaluo out of his own pocket. He knew the character of these rangers very well and would not leave the forest unless they were properly arranged.

"As for the care of the forest while you are taking the assessment, I will ask the trainer of the Grass Arena to take care of it on your behalf."

"It's okay, Mr. Yaluo, there is no need to trouble you, I will arrange it myself." Xia Ye responded.

"Oh, I understand. In that case, let me tell you the time and process. One week from tomorrow, go to the front desk of the Jiqing Arena and show your ranger card to the staff."

"He will guide you on the content of the assessment. Kawu will tell you the results of the assessment personally at the end, and the rewards will also be distributed by him, so the earlier you participate, the greater your chances of getting them."

"But if you fail the assessment, you will have to receive special training from Kawu. He is a very serious trainer who will not stop practicing until death."

Then, Yaluo said with a smile: "However, I think Xia Ye, you will definitely be able to pass the assessment, so don't worry, well, that's all. I wish you the best!"

"Thank you, Mr. Yaluo, please go to bed early."

Putting down the phone in his hand, Xia Ye began to think about the members he would bring with him for this assessment. This time he planned to bring three Pokémon with him.

The first person to enter the target is the Thunder King Kong Ape. He is strong enough and has the best cooperation with him. This can be regarded as the confidence for the assessment.

Next is the Steel Armored Crow. With the idea of ​​leaving early and returning early, taking the Steel Armored Crow to Jiqing City can save a lot of time.

As for the last one, Xia Ye looked at Ergui, whose eyes were shining and ready to move. Is there any other choice in this situation?

Regarding the management of Sunset Forest after Xia Ye went to take the assessment, he decided to leave it to Yuan Zengyuan. This guy had done wrong things before, but his current performance was enough to win his trust.

And it's smart enough that as long as you put your mind in the right place, there will definitely be no problem.

Now everyone in Spike Town is busy with the popularity brought by the concert, so we can't bother them all the time.

When Yuan Zengyuan heard that Xia Ye was going to temporarily hand over the management responsibilities of Sunset Forest to him, he burst into tears. It felt so good to be trusted by others.

There is no need to worry about combat power. Menas, Brímwen, Moonbear, Miss Washer and Kuchiki are all powerful Pokémon, and ordinary Pokémon hunters really can't do anything to them.

Of course, Xia Ye also made a second-hand defense. He told Yunzeng Yuan that when there was an enemy that he could not deal with, he would immediately go to the nearby Spike Town to seek help from Nie Zi and Mr. Gaede, and also told them their looks. it.

Wan Zengyuan immediately patted his chest and promised that the interests of Sunset Forest would not be harmed at all during Xia Ye's absence.

Regarding the arrival of the man who wants to capture Celebi, there is no need to worry. Celebi also gave an approximate time. He will not arrive for at least a month, because the prediction of time ripples is at least one month into the future.

Xia Ye decided to complete this assessment trip within three days. At the same time, he could go to Jiqing City to complete the upgrade of preparation materials. It was not just as simple as taking part in the assessment.

In the Jiqing Arena, Kawu crossed his arms and looked at the assessment content he created and nodded with satisfaction. The rangers who can pass these three tests must be considered qualified.

If you don't pass the exam, don't worry, because I will tutor them wholeheartedly.

"I'm looking forward to it. Rangers of Galar, let us temper ourselves in the flames and grow together!"

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