Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 166 Kawu’s Assessment (Two in One)

As Xia Ye speculated, Annie did pass Kawu's test, but she did not receive the reward mentioned by Yaluo.

Speaking of this matter, Annie did not show any disappointment. Instead, she patted Xia Ye on the shoulder and wished him the recognition of Kawu and the reward. She must notify herself when the time comes.

At this time, Paralys, who had been worried about his baby Chongchong, asked: "Ahem, Annie, can you disclose the content of the assessment?"

"Well, I'm not sure whether Kawu will change the assessment content. Anyway, my assessment content is a battle. There were three battles in total." Annie had no intention of hiding it.

"Eh, no way, so direct?!" Paralysian lowered his head in frustration.

"You don't have to worry too much," Annie comforted with a smile, holding out two slender fingers, "If I win two battles, I will pass~"

"Oh, I didn't expect Mr. Kawu to be so gentle," Badan said with a nod. Kawu often went to the Second Mine to practice, and the content of each training was extremely harsh, which gave him the impression that Kawu was very strict.

"Haha, you can feel the charm of Mr. Kawu. He must know that most of our rangers use grass and insect Pokémon, so he took special care of us. Woohoo, it's really touching. "Mathahali said with a cry.

Mi Dou touched his beard and looked at Annie: "Annie didn't even win the third battle. Could it be that the person you are fighting against is Mr. Kawu?"

Just as Annie was about to speak, she heard a cough from the front desk staff, and then reminded:

"Miss Anne, since you have completed the assessment, come here and log in. In addition, the assessment content was thought up by Teacher Kawu based on the ranger's working environment. Keeping the content confidential can be regarded as recognition of his hard work."

"That's right, that's right!" Mathahali immediately agreed.

Even the staff said this, and everyone stopped asking, but everyone silently confirmed the fact that Kawu would play in person in the third game.

An inexplicable pressure emerged in the hearts of several rangers, and in the end they were fighting against the gym leader, who was one of the top trainers in Galar! I’m afraid the condition for obtaining the reward is to defeat Kawu!

Of course, apart from Xia Ye, this group of people has not competed with the owner before, so he naturally doesn't have any psychological pressure in this regard.

"Then, Xia Ye, Mi Dou, I wish you all the best in your challenge. It's rare to come to Jiqing Market, so I'll go and have a good look first. It's a paid vacation, it's the best!"

After watching the happy Anne walk out of the arena gate, Xia Ye went to the front desk to log in his information. Participating in the assessment needs to be done in order, and he needs to wait for several seniors to complete before it is his turn.

He happened to take advantage of this time to communicate with Mi Dou about upgrading supplies, and at the same time let the steel-armored crow rest for a while to relieve the fatigue of flying.

Mi Dou is an experienced wilderness survival expert, and his opinions are naturally quite professional. He also told Xia Ye which brand of backpack has the best quality and other information, which gained him a lot.

At the same time, the assessment of several forest rangers was also going on. Parallese failed the assessment because he felt too embarrassed to lose in the first game and did not reveal the details.

Badan passed the assessment and failed cleanly in the third game. Mathahali passed the assessment and also lost in the third game, but he got Kawu's signature, so he was more happy than getting a reward.

Mi Dou also passed the assessment. He almost won the third battle. The reason for his failure was because his ace was wearing a bear, which was furry. It would be restrained when faced with fire-type moves, and he suffered a big loss.

However, Kawu gave him a consolation reward, a heat-resistant multifunctional iron pot produced by Jiqing City. Xia Ye always felt that it was the reward he requested.

During this period, new rangers also arrived. Although they were both rangers, they all had their own characteristics, but they all showed the demeanor of their seniors to Xia Ye, the ranger with the shortest working hours.

"Mr. Xia Ye, it's your turn next." The staff greeted.

"Oh, I know." Xia Ye nodded, then stood up and walked towards the door leading inside.

At this time, a sitting ranger shouted to him: "Come on, Xia Ye."

"That's right, don't be stressed. Well, just try your best to deal with it!" another ranger agreed.

"Hey, our rangers' training in the wild is no worse than that of trainers!"

Xia Ye turned around and responded with a smile, and then said: "Of course, maybe I can get a reward."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled. Young people are confident. With this mentality, they will definitely pass the assessment.

Xia Ye pushed open the door and stepped forward. This passage led directly to the battlefield, but his current destination was the training ground in the Jiqing Arena. The assessment was conducted there and he needed to turn left at the first intersection.

In addition, the spectator passage is located on the right side of the arena, which he learned the last time he came to the arena to watch a game.

Xia Ye pushed open the door of the training ground. It was a medium-sized square room with a transparent glass ceiling that allowed sunlight to shine directly into it.

In the internal battle area, grass, rocks, tree models and other furnishings that simulate the ecological environment are placed, all of which Kawu specially prepared.

There is also a plastic track surrounding the battle area, where Kawu and the trainers of this arena will conduct running training on rainy days.

There are no seats in this room, and the only thing that can be used for rest is probably the drinking area to replenish water.

"I am Kawu. Welcome to take the assessment. Young ranger, your name is Xia Ye, right?"

Kawu put his hands behind his back, straightened his back, showed a faint smile, and asked Xia Ye in a loud voice.

He was wearing a red competitive uniform, and his gray hair was neat and stained with a touch of paleness from the years.

But there is no trace of weakness in Kawu. His eyes are bright, full of energy, and his complexion is healthy and rosy. Through his clothes, you can see his well-trained physique, which is full of strength.

"Yes, Mr. Kawu." Xia Ye replied.

There are three more people standing behind Kawu. They are wearing the same competitive uniforms as Kawu, and they also stand with their hands behind their backs. They should all be trainers studying in this arena.

There is another person in this room, and that is Paralys who failed the test. Because of Kawu's request, he will read all the challengers here today and keep the same stance as himself.

Paralis' expression was very painful, but he was inexplicably relieved when he saw Xia Ye arriving. Finally, someone came to accompany him.

"Well, your mental state is very good. Let me introduce the first assessment content to you. The content is very simple. If you compete one-on-one, you will pass if you win." He said and looked at the trainer behind him.

"Nobuhiro, I'm leaving it to you this time!"

"Yes, Teacher Kawu!" the brown-haired man responded with a powerful voice, and then took a step forward.

Paralis sighed helplessly. Little brother Xia Ye might have fallen here. This was the trainer who had just defeated him, and he was very powerful.

"Please give me some advice, Xia Ye!" Xin Bo trotted to Xia Ye and extended his hand to say hello, then trotted back to the original place and took out the elf ball.

Xia Ye also took out the elf ball and responded: "Ah, me too."

Kawu trotted to the central position to serve as the referee. After signaling that the two were ready, he announced the start of the assessment with an imposing wave of his hand.

"Go ahead, Otan Che!"

A large black charcoal cart appeared in front of Xinbo. It had burning coals on its back and kept spitting out hot air from its mouth. It is said that Galar was once shrouded in cold, and people relied on the coal on its back to survive.

"Go ahead and blast the King Kong Ape!"

Xia Ye sent out the Bang Bang King Kong, which slapped the wooden drum on the ground, took out two drum sticks and assumed a fighting posture.

Kawu couldn't help but give Xia Ye a high look in his heart. This was the most energetic Pokémon he had seen so far.

"Big charcoal cart, spray flames!" Xinbo waved his hand and gave the order. He kept in mind Mr. Kawu's teachings. If he has an attribute advantage, he must maximize it.

There was a flame accumulating in the mouth of the big charcoal car, and the coal on the back became hot and thick smoke came out.

“Use the grass slide!”


Nobuhiro was startled. Only then did he realize that there were 'green grass' emitting green light all around.

"Oh, you are the grass maker. Not only that, you also have a grass slide, which is interesting." Kawu nodded silently and analyzed in a low voice.

The Banglei Diamond Ape turned into a streak of emerald green lightning and glided across the grass, and instantly approached the big charcoal car. It kicked the big charcoal car in the belly, causing its entire body to flip up, and the flames stored in its mouth were sprayed into the air.

"One hundred thousand horsepower."

The Banglei King Kong Ape's originally raised foot slammed down on the ground. Its whole body exuded the aura of the earth, and it punched out, hitting the exposed belly of the big charcoal car heavily.

The terrifying impact directly knocked the big charcoal car dozens of meters away, and it lost its combat effectiveness in just two moves.

"Amazing!" Xinbo exclaimed in surprise. The opponent relied on his abundant moves to master and used ground moves to instantly reverse the situation of the battle. He had not even thought of this possibility.

Isn't this right? This is the strength that a novice forest ranger should have? This kid couldn't be an elite trainer who turned into a ranger halfway, right? Pyralis exclaimed in his heart.

He has finally recognized the reality. Why should he accompany him? It’s just this Pokémon. In the second round of the assessment, he can wear two of them casually!

"The big tan car has lost its combat capability. Congratulations, Xia Ye, you successfully passed the first round of assessment." Kawu squatted beside the big tan car and announced after inspecting it.

Not to mention the characteristics of Banglui Kongangang, just mastering these two moves is enough to praise him. With such rich moves, Kawu couldn't help but think of the current champion Dan Emperor.

All of this guy's Pokémon have a huge number of moves, giving them a huge advantage in the Dynamax battle.

Then, Kawu stood up and looked at Xia Ye, saying: "Very good, Xia Ye, then let's start the second test. Please take back the Pokémon and stand in the center of the battlefield."

Xia Ye nodded, then took back the Thundering Diamond Ape, and walked towards the center according to Kawu's request.

At the same time, the remaining two trainers trotted to both sides of the battlefield, and then sent out their own Pokémon, namely General Tengqi and Lantern Ghost.

"The purpose of the second assessment is to simulate the danger of a ranger being surrounded. Let me see how you respond when you lose your first mover advantage." Kawu unconsciously expected more from Xia Ye.

"That means there is no limit to the number of Pokémon you can send out?" Xia Ye touched the elf ball at his waist.

Kawu nodded, and then announced: "That's it, let's start, Louis, Elu!"

"Light ghosts, flame vortexes!"

"Young general Tengcu, spark!"

The light ghost hanging in the air turned its body, and a swirling flame flew towards Xia Ye. Teng Cui jumped left and right, then spit out a small ball of flame and kicked it away.

And Xia Ye threw the elf ball into the air, and the dark steel-armored crow flapped its wings and flew in the air, releasing a sense of oppression. It was finally my turn to show off!

"Blow away the flames, Steel-Armored Crow!"


Such weak flames, I can easily extinguish them!

The steel-armored crow flapped its huge wings fiercely, and swung out two wind blades sharply. Sparks and flame vortices instantly dissipated in the air.

"Oh, you can actually use flying-type moves to this extent."

As an experienced trainer, Kawu is well aware of the mainstream fighting style of the Steel-Armored Crows. Known as the Shield of the Sky, they use defense as offense, using their hard steel wings and armor to crush all enemies.

They are good at physical attack and defense, but naturally they are not good at using the special flying moves launched by the wind. The air blade of Xia Ye, the steel-armored crow, is at least on the level of the Great Electric Petrel.

"Beat the King Kong with 100,000 horsepower."

"Urgui, use the thorn stick."

Xia Ye directly chose to send out the remaining two Pokémon. If he was surrounded by Pokémon hunters in the wild, his chosen fighting method would be a quick fight without giving his opponent a chance to react.

Louis and Elu were still immersed in the shock that the attack was easily resolved. The steel-armored crow could use such a powerful air blade. No, no, it must be because the power gap is too big.

Just like Mr. Kawu's Nine Tails, the sparks can have the power to spray flames.

call! The violent sound of wind passed by her ears, making Louis startled. Did something fly past just now? She looked at the Banglei King Kong Ape who silently closed his fist in front of her. When she turned around, she saw her own ghost of light lying on the ground, inside. The flames have been extinguished.

On the other side, the young general Teng Cui was stunned when he looked at Ergui who was charging towards him waving a stick. It was wearing a laughing stone mask, and the stick as sharp as a rock in its hand was even more dangerous.

If you give yourself a stick, you won't die immediately?

Then, it fell to its knees with a pop, gave up its resistance, and looked at Ergui with praying eyes. Can you be gentler?

Ergui thought for a while, and then hit it on the head with a stick. Don't worry, the pain is only for a moment, because you can't feel it now.

Elu covered his forehead in distress. His Pokémon must be too weak. Teacher Kawu must give it a good lesson in the future.

"There's a Pokémon I haven't seen before. It's interesting." Kawu smiled. He was looking forward to the start of the third test more and more. The young ranger showed him too many surprises.

"Ghost of Lantern, young general Tengcui has lost his fighting ability. Prepare for the third round of assessment. Xia Ye, next, I will be your opponent personally."

Everyone present saw the burning passion in Kawu. He would continue to practice until death. Perhaps in his opinion, this ranger could bring him experience in the battle and allow him to grow.

After watching the first two battles, Paralis quietly whispered to the side: "This brother Xia Ye, maybe he can really win a reward!"

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