Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 176 Super Water Whirlpool Wisdom Lake Style

Lake Wisdom, along with Lake Heart and Heart, is one of the three major lakes in the Sinnoh region. It is said that the legendary Lake Pokémon lives here, making it a rather mysterious lake.

However, now this place has become the battlefield for Xia Ye and his party to face off against Rejichikas, and this rampaging incarnation of myth must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"Wisdom Lake is here, Xia Ye, what are your plans?" Zhu Bei asked, looking at the magnificent lake in front of him.

"I think Mingyao's analysis is correct. The slate is the key to driving that Pokémon, and the slate will also block attacks. No matter what, the slate is a problem we cannot avoid." Xia Ye took out a water-blue Crystals are embedded in the bracelet.

"Indeed, Ice Eevee's attack just now had no effect at all." Zhubei nodded and stared at the pure white giant walking slowly.

The ground trembled with every step Regichkas took. Along the way, Pearl saw many Pokémon fleeing their home in panic, which reminded her of Team Pearl who also fled their home.

"Meinas, let's use the mist field first."

Menas chanted softly, and the thin mist filled the surroundings. The Lord of Mist can let it increase the special attack and dodge power on the mist field.

"Xia Ye has never seen a move before. What should we do next?" Mingyao asked. From the look on his face, it seemed that he already had a way to deal with it.

"Ice-type moves are resisted by both steel and ice-type moves. This corresponds to the properties of the glowing stone slab just now. Next, we have to test whether the stone slab can be activated continuously."

"If there is a gap in their activation, we must take advantage of this opportunity to release moves that restrain the remaining stone properties." Xia Ye explained.

"Attribute restraint. Xia Ye, why don't you just tell me what moves to use? In fact, before I commanded Pokémon to fight, I relied on feeling." Zhubei's expression was a little embarrassed.

Xia Ye was speechless for a moment, but everything must be viewed in light of the times. Now is an era when the war is just developing, so we can't be too demanding.

"Ice Eevee's ice-based moves, Sun Eevee's super-power-based moves, and Fire Eevee don't need to attack for the time being, just accumulate strength."

"Oh, that's it, I understand. Okay, everyone, show your energy!" Zhubei responded emotionally.

Then, Xia Ye looked at Mingyao and asked, "Mingyao, what about you?"

"I have no problem. I remember the knowledge very clearly, the flying and normal moves, right?" Mingyao smiled, "Xia Ye, which stone slab do you want to solve first?"


At this moment, Regichkas approached the three of them. It raised its arms as if it was preparing to accumulate energy and launch an attack.

Upon seeing this, Xia Ye responded and commanded: "Rock, that guy is here, Steel Armor Crow, use the storm!"

The steel-armored crow flapped its wings, and a fierce storm hit Regichkas. The rocks and steel slabs floating above its head emitted light at the same time, and the storm dissipated in the air the moment it approached it.

"Let's go, Ice Eevee, Frozen Ray! Sun Eevee, Mental Power!"

Ice Eevee spit out extremely cold light, and the bead on the head of Sun Eevee emitted light, and a twisted mind force formed around Regichkas.

This time the light was coming from the steel and icicle stone slabs, but the steel stone slabs were a bit dimmer.

"Great, there is a change! Muke Eagle, the ultimate impact! Raichu, high-speed star! Magic Wall Doll, mental strength!" Mingyao keenly captured the abnormality of the stone slab.

The steel slate emitted light, and the shining stars and telekinesis exploded and dissipated in front of Regichkas. At the same time, Muk Eagle's whole body erupted with intense light, waving its wings and dashing through the air to launch an attack.

The strong aura of Muke Eagle made Regichicas hesitate in his movements, and the steel slab above its head was completely dimmed.

Then, the black spot on the top of Rejichikas's head emitted red light. Muck Eagle's attack seemed to anger it. It waved its huge arm heavily, and a strange wall appeared in front of Muck Eagle, cutting off this fatal attack. attack.

But Muck Eagle's body was still rolling on the snow. The magic wall puppet stretched out its hands to create a wall of light to stop it from rolling.

Mingyao bit his lip and put the Muck Eagle, who could no longer fight, back into the elf ball.

"Meinas, freezing light!" Xia Ye did not hesitate because of the fall of his companion. Now he must seize every moment.

Extremely cold light spewed out from Menas' mouth. This time, only the icicle slate was left with the light. Under Menas' attack, its light quickly dimmed, and the extremely cold ice crystals enveloped Regichkas. legs, making the giant unable to move.

"Awesome. Is this the same move as Ice Eevee?"

Zhu Bei was still praising, Xia Ye nodded and could carry out the next plan.

"Meenas! Get ready!"


Under the gaze of the two people, Xia Ye suddenly danced a strange dance. Their expressions were first confused and then turned into surprise, because the Z pure crystal on his wrist burst out with aqua blue light, and this light was injected into Mena Si's body.

"The gods of the lake, the wise lake water, let us borrow a little bit this time, the super water whirlpool!"

Feeling the abundant water energy, Menas jumped into the Lake of Wisdom. The originally calm lake surface instantly became restless, the air was filled with water vapor, and a huge vortex formed on the water surface.

"This kind of power! Even the King of the Bay, Black Tail Blackfish, has to rely on his companions!" Mingyao looked in disbelief.

The turbulent waterspout rises on the lake. It seems to be able to suck in and crush everything close to it. This is the most brutal side of water, full of terrifying destructive power.

Menas's graceful body appeared in the center of the waterspout. It directed the violent water energy to rush into the sky and attack Regichicas who was trapped in place.

The waterspout roared and fell from the sky, instantly submerging Regichicas' body.

Menas rotated and swam in the water around it, and the turbulent water waves kept hitting Regichkas' huge body. The rock slab above its head emitted light, but it dimmed and showed signs of fracture in an instant.

Regichkas also seemed to feel the threat. It supported the heavy hammer on the ground, and countless rock blades rose from the ground, greatly limiting the power of the super water whirlpool.

"That's enough, Menas." After observing that the rock slabs were almost broken, Xia Ye was not prepared to let Menas risk his entanglement. "At this level, I'll beat the King Kong Ape!"

Menas jumped out of the waterspout, sprayed extremely cold light towards the ground to create an ice road, then landed on it and slid back to Xia Ye.

At the same time, the green grass field covered the surrounding area. Xia Ye stretched out his hand and commanded: "Drum beat, wooden gun!"

The Banglei Kongangang is beating the wooden stake drum with all its strength. This is the second form developed by Xia Ye and the Banglei Kongangang. In order to achieve a single point breakthrough, they pursue the ultimate attack form.

boom! A wooden spear suddenly appeared on the ground. Countless vines were entangled together, condensing all the life energy on the tip of the spear. At this time, its hardness even exceeded that of steel.

The powerful impact made Regichicas retreat backwards. The rock slab could no longer bear it and exploded violently. The rich rock energy spread around.

At this point, the first slab has been destroyed.

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