Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 179 Legendary Lake Pokémon I am good at making chains

I saw Uxie floating on the lake calling softly, and two elves like it appeared in the flickering light.

"Ai oh ai~"


The Pokémon on the left has mostly purple-red head with four pigtails. Its body is also grey-blue, with a red gem embedded in its forehead. Its two small tails are floating in the air, and its golden pupils are full of passionate emotions.

The Pokémon on the right has a triangular head, mostly sky blue. Its remaining features are the same as those of the other two companions, but its golden pupils reveal an extremely determined will.

"Emrido, and Aknom!" Zhubei called out their names. In that crisis, the red chains they made played a crucial role.

Xia Ye also showed a surprised expression. He actually saw a fantasy Pokémon, a legendary Pokémon, a king Pokémon, and now he saw three legendary Pokémon in one day. It was truly a cleansing era. .

The legendary Lake Pokémon are beings that possess wisdom, emotion, and will. Did they appear to seal Regichkas?

Speaking of which, the red chains they made can bind even the two dragons of time and space. Surely they have the power to bind Regichicas, right?

The three Pokémon glanced at Xia Ye, and then communicated with each other. They saw the wisdom of the stone's defense mechanism, their desire to protect their companions' emotions, and their will to not be afraid of powerful enemies.

There is no doubt that he has the qualifications to pass the test. The Pokémon of the lake nodded. Let us solve the problem this time.

The hands of the three Pokémon radiated light, and the three energies that had originally dispersed in the air quickly gathered in their hands. Steel, rock, and ice were connected together to form a unique three-color chain.


The roar of Regichkas came from under the snow-capped mountains, and the ice that trapped it turned into fragments. As the recovery time prolongs, it is constantly regaining its original strength.

But then, the Lake Pokémon teleported around Regichicas, forming a triangle and throwing the three-color chains in a circle into the air, tightly binding Regigicas.

".Ah. Uh. Chirp. Hiss."

Regichkas let out an unwilling roar. It shed its white body and turned into a giant clay-like statue that could no longer move.

"It's finally over," Zhubei collapsed on the ground and kept fanning herself with her palms. "Really, I feel so hot as soon as I relax. Peace is so good~"

"Isn't it over yet?" Wasabi bent over and stretched her head in front of Jubei, "You can't just leave that Pokémon where it is. There's still the rebuilding of the temple, and"

"Stop! Now, let me be happy for a while, okay, Miss Wasabi?" Zhubei looked depressed and reached out to interrupt her.

"Oh ~ Ms. Wasabi, well, I like this kind of mature title," Wasabi smiled with a blush on her cheeks, "Obviously I am no longer the youngest director, but everyone always likes to treat me as a child. Woolen cloth."

"You, you, you~"

"Ai oh ai~"


The three Lake Pokémon solved the problem of Regichkas and returned to the crowd again. Emrido waved his arms with a smile on his face, as if waiting for praise, while the other two Pokémon behaved very calmly.

"Thank you, the legendary Lake Pokémon, Uxie, Emrido, and Aknom." Zhubei stood up and solemnly thanked her. If it weren't for their help, she really didn't know what she would have done.

They nodded in response. Amrido looked at Xia Ye and opened his mouth as if he wanted to convey some message, but was stopped by Uxie. It shook its head and then disappeared.

Emrido showed an aggrieved expression and reluctantly disappeared in place. Seeing the two companions disappearing, Akonom no longer stayed, leaving everyone with approving eyes and disappeared in place. With this will, I Approved.

"Huh." Zhubei breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the three people beside him. "Thank you too, Xia Ye, Mingyao, and Wasabi. Thank you for preventing this crisis. Team Pearl will always remember you."

"As for Master Bin Lian, I'll go to him later to say thank you. I hope he won't go to the icicles to exercise again."

"It doesn't matter, but Zhubei, the guy who ordered Darkrai hasn't been found yet," Xia Ye reminded.

Zhubei's smile froze, yes, if the guy who created this guy doesn't solve it, he might cause some kind of crisis in the future.

"Yes, there is still the rebuilding of the temple~" Wasabi continued to hit the target.

"Ah, it's true," Zhubei's expression was helpless at first and then revealed a relieved smile, "However, everyone is fine, and we have defended this place where we coexist with everyone. There is no better result than this, so isn't it just reconstruction? a piece of cake!"

"Hey, Jubei, you are full of energy, so let me help too. The Warrior Eagle can easily carry small stones~" Wasabi said with a smile.


"No, it's Ms. Wasabi!" Wasabi immediately retorted.

"Okay, okay, Miss Wasabi. Ah, it would be even better if I could find the guy who has done all the bad things. Then I will definitely throw him into the volcano of Fukihu Island! However, that island is getting very hot. Sure enough, it’s better to freeze it into an ice sculpture.”

After the matter was successfully resolved, Zhubei relaxed and started talking to herself. It was obvious that she was really happy.

"It's interesting. Regichicas actually has this strength. However, you can't be a partner without reason. Are you right, Darkrai?"

On the snowy peak in the distance, Wangluo smiled, put down the telescope in his hand, and looked at the black shadow beside him.

This kind of product from other regions is really useful. I can appreciate the battle just now from such a distance. If it is treated as a commodity... No, Xiaosheng is no longer a member of the chamber of commerce. I am afraid Xiaosheng has been blacklisted. .

Darkrai, who was floating next to Wangluo, had a look of disdain on his face. The burns left by Ergui Pulun were still clearly visible, and he looked quite embarrassed.

"Haha, are you dissatisfied? Indeed, even I was amazed by the power of that move. The shining crystals are so gorgeous!"

Wang Luo opened his arms, and then showed a thinking expression. Let's investigate this power later, and there is another unique move that we also need to investigate. Yes, these are all necessary preparations to make Arceus succumb to Xiaosheng!

"By the way, Xiaosheng needs to leave the Xicui area for a while and tell your master that Xiaosheng is very satisfied with this cooperation. After all, Xiaosheng's purpose can also achieve his goals. I look forward to the next cooperation, haha!"

However, Darkrai showed a look of hatred. Wangluo was not nervous at all and said in a frivolous tone: "Haha, the master and the trainer are the same."

"Hmph, but Xiaosheng will never agree with this concept in any case. So, goodbye, I look forward to the day when he achieves his goal!" Wangluo turned around and waved his hand with disdain, threw the elf ball, and rode Pokki Si left the top of the mountain.

Darkrai silently watched him leave, dived into the shadows, and disappeared, and Xuefeng returned to peace again.

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