Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 18 Grass-type Move Instruction Manual Screaming Team Threesome

[Complete the first time and space distortion and obtain props Longjiang Tea Tree Seedlings, Longjiang Tea, precious tea leaves from the East. 】

[Completing the first time and space distortion will expand the forest area. 】

[Complete the first time-space distortion and obtain the prop Knotting move learner (once)]

[Grass Knot, a grass-based move, the higher the target weight, the more powerful the move. 】

Xia Ye, who was still immersed in the experience of time and space distortion, suddenly heard the voice of the forest ranger assistant in his heart.

There is indeed a reward for completing the time and space distortion. Isn't Longjiang tea the tea tree carefully cared for by Master Fu?

The reward is related to the experience of time and space distortion. Speaking of grass knotting, isn't it the move learner he gave after defeating Master Fu?

Xia Ye confirmed his conjecture, and then he called up the elevation of Sunset Forest. He wanted to see where the increased area was.

"Huh? It's still the same place. The area around Yanghua Lawn has now increased."

Wait, Yanghuacao was so rare in Fu Ye's time, wouldn't it be the same now?

[Yanghua grass, a once very rare grass species, has been promoted to all parts of the world through the efforts of Carlos Gym Leader Fu Ye, and now it can be planted in civilian pastures. 】

The words of the forest ranger assistant dispelled Xia Ye's worries. If rare grass species appeared in the forest, it might attract lawless people like Blanc, or even more dangerous beings.

"It's better to study the book that Mr. Fu gave you first. There may be some tricks you can learn, Sound-Tapping Monkey."

"Ho ho ho!"

The knocking monkey had obviously just recovered from the distortion of time and space, and he immediately became interested when he heard that he could learn new moves.

"Well, let's go back to the house and study it slowly."

After saying that, Xia Ye returned to the wooden house with the knocking monkey, sat on a chair and read the contents of the grass-type move instruction manual.

Then, his expression gradually changed from excitement to melancholy. Fuye's grandfather was undoubtedly a high-power enthusiast, and the recorded moves were very violent.

Crazy Plant, Flying Leaf Storm, Solar Beam, Solar Blade, Petal Dance, Powerful Whip and Wooden Mallet.

Excluding special attack moves, these moves can only be learned by the Hammer Knocker Monkey. Fuye's grandfather also specifically mentioned that if you are not strong enough, don't try to learn them, as it will leave scars that cannot be healed.

In other words, now the Knocking Monkey can't even learn the only move it can learn.

"This is already the penultimate page. Well, maybe there's something good on the last page."

With expectations in mind, Xia Ye turned to the last page. Four words came into his eyes. Xia Ye's brows relaxed and he regained the excitement just now.

"Grass slide, I didn't expect this trick on the last page. It's really good!"

The final evolved form of the Knocker Monkey, the Boomerang, has powerful attack power and a tough body. The only thing it lacks is speed.

The grass slide can perfectly make up for this flaw. On the grass field, the grass slide will become a pre-emptive move. Imagine how terrifying it would be for a grass-type Pokémon with full muscles to appear in front of a water-type Pokémon as fast as lightning. scene.

Moreover, the hidden characteristic of the Bang Bang Kongang is that it is a grass maker. As long as it appears, it can sow grass on the ground. Although the sound monkey's characteristic is lush, it has the potential of being a grass maker. Obtaining this characteristic is not a daydream.

"Roar? Roar~" The knocking monkey didn't know why Xia Ye was so happy, but if Xia Ye was happy, it would be happy too.

"Well, let me read the rest of it."

Boom, boom, boom, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the house, and before Xia Ye could respond, the door was slammed open.

"Xia Ye!"

"Please come to Spike Town quickly!"

"A hundred thousand urgent matters, a hundred thousand urgent matters!"

The trio of shouting team members outside the door gasped and shouted, their expressions extremely panicked.

"What, is there any problem in Spike Town?" Xia Ye stood up, but there shouldn't be any big problems in Spike Town and Nie Zi.


"Gym Challenge Opening Ceremony!"

"Surprisingly, it started right away!"

Xia Ye's expression froze. The opening ceremony of the gym challenge that Ma Li participated in was indeed a big event for the shouting team, but the fact that they came to call me specifically meant that they already regarded me as a partner.

"Well, let's go quickly."

Xia Ye put down the book in his hand and ran out of the wooden house quickly, following the trio of shouting team towards Spike Town.

On the way, Xia Ye understood the reason why the cheering team came to call him. It turned out that they were entrusted by Ma Li. Ma Li knew that there was no TV in the forest, and even Xia Ye's mobile phone was a treasure from ancient times. In order for him to watch her opening ceremony She specially prepared two guarantees.

The first was to send a text message to Xia Ye, but because he was too focused on the moves in the book, he didn't notice the text message on his phone at all.

The second is the trio of shouting teams.

"I didn't expect you, Xia Ye, to be so close to Ma Li-chan. You're so secretive!" Aye teased.

"But it's rare for Ma Li to show such an expression, isn't it nice?" Tim asked.

"Well, well, as expected, that expression is the best of Ma Li!" Nayu showed a silly smile.

The four of them stepped into the gate of Spike Town and started chatting.

"But Mali really wants a rival, why don't you join?" Xia Ye asked puzzledly.

"Damn it, don't underestimate Mali-chan just because you beat her. She is the second strongest trainer in Spike Town." Aye's implication was that they couldn't beat Mali either.

"Well, not everyone can have the talent of a trainer."

"So, that's why we turned to support Ma Li from behind."

"Sorry, I took it for granted." Xia Ye showed an apologetic expression.

"It's okay, we have accepted it a long time ago, hehe." Ah Ye waved his hand nonchalantly.

Tim on the side showed a dark expression, "Maybe we have other methods, such as interfering with other trainers."

"But, but..." Nayu showed a worried expression after hearing his words.

"Tim, I advise you not to do this. You are denying Ma Li's efforts." Xia Ye, who has always been gentle, said seriously.

"I" Tim sighed, "Yes, you're right, I won't have such thoughts anymore."

Ma Li was once furious because the Screaming Team interfered with other trainers for a long time. Xia Ye suddenly became serious just to kill this trend. The Screaming Team is not bad in nature. They are also a group of people who want to revive their hometown.

"Ahem, it's getting late, let's go quickly." Ah Ye tried to smooth things over to ease the awkward atmosphere.

At this time, Xia Ye suddenly thought of a question, when will the opening ceremony start, and then he blurted out and asked:

"How long until the opening ceremony starts?"

"Time, um, um, about three hours." Nayu held out three fingers.

This... well, this is also the style of the shouting team. Xia Ye looked at the crowd in front of him. Among the many shouting teams were two people he was familiar with, Nie Zi and the old man of the restaurant, Gaide.

Yes, Ma Li is the trainer who carries the hope of all Spike Town, so residents of the whole town came to watch her opening ceremony.

"Well, let's find a good seat and cheer for Ma Li." Xia Ye said.

"Of course!" the three of them said in unison. "Even if we are far away in Jiqing City, we must let Ma Li hear our cheers!"

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