Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 181 Beishang’s Farewell

"It seems we are very lucky." Mingyao looked at Xia Ye and said.

At this time, Beila La also noticed Xia Ye and Mingyao. She walked quickly, opened her hands and asked loudly:

"Mingyao, how are you? Have you solved the problem of pure white frozen soil? Do you feel that you have become stronger? Do you want to take a test now?"

"Beila, the solution is solved, but now there is a more important matter. This person's name is Xia Ye. He wants to meet Mr. Beishang." Mingyao extended his hand and introduced.

"Yes, I understand." Then, Belila turned around and shouted: "Hey, Beishang, there is a guest looking for you, come here quickly!"

Bei Shang straightened the hat on his head, then bowed and walked slowly with his hands behind his back. His eyes hidden in the shadows carefully looked at Xia Ye next to Mingyao, showing an interested expression.

"Who is this?" Beishang asked.

"My name is Xia Ye, Mr. Beishang."

"I see, Xia Ye, it seems that you are a very powerful trainer, well. The so-called trainer is someone who subdues, trains, takes care of Pokémon, and lives with them." Beishang said After realizing something was wrong, he opened his mouth to explain.

"Yes, I understand." Xia Ye responded.

"Really, then you have something to do with me?" Beishang raised his head while holding on to the brim of his hat.

Xia Ye glanced at Mingyao beside him, and then Mingyao said: "Mr. Beishang, it's about yourself."

"Well, you guys go and talk inside the house. Hey, it just so happens that I have something to do with the boss." Belila laughed and quickly left the training ground.

"My own affairs...?" Bei Shang had some doubts. "Anyway, let's go to the house and talk. We don't want to waste Belila's kindness."

In the house, Beishang entertained Xia Ye and Mingyao as the host. He placed three cups of strong tea on the table, sat on a chair, held it with both hands, put it to his mouth, blew on it, and then sipped it. A mouthful.

"Tea is really a strange drink that can calm people down. It's completely different from the drink I liked before, which was a mellow, bitter drink that could make people excited."

"Is it coffee?" Xia Ye continued.

"伱" Bei Shang's eyes widened, "Xia Ye, aren't you from this era?! No, maybe you are from other regions." Bei Shang was surprised at first, and then denied himself.

The reason is that he doesn't want to admit that Xia Ye is someone who has the same experience as him. He is so young and should not endure the torture of being separated from his relatives and not being able to see each other again.

"I do not belong to this era, Mr. Beishang," Xia Ye said with a serious expression, "But I may be able to help you return to your original era."

"What...!" Beishang's eyes widened and he couldn't help but get excited. He clenched the teacup tightly, feeling the heat coming from him, recalling the relatives and hometown he thought about day and night.


Then, Beishang lowered his head and looked at the tea leaves floating in the tea cup, but if he really went back, the bond established here would dissipate and never be seen again.

The kindness of taking in, the king’s care, and the promotion of the war

Beishang closed his eyes silently, recalling everything about living in the Celebration Village, the time spent with the Pearl team members, the joy of people gradually accepting Pokémon, and the joy of fighting Pokémon together.

Build friendships with the unique Pokémon of Cecil and develop trainers with potential.

"Mr. Beishang, you have already paid a lot for Xicui. This era is on the right track. With such a precious opportunity, you shouldn't hesitate. You should be like a light, right?"

"Although she has disappeared, the traces she left have not dissipated at all. She remains in our hearts. We will remember her efforts, and so will you!" Mingyao clenched his fists and said.

"Well, that's it. Yes, the bond will not change due to changes in time and space, and the traces left behind will be subtly integrated into the land."

Beishang put down the tea cup, opened his eyes and looked at Xia Ye, saying: "Xia Ye, please forgive me for my willful request. I hope you can let me say goodbye to the green land before you can use your ability."

"Ahem, Mr. Beishang, although you have made up your mind, I still want to remind you." Xia Ye said with a slight embarrassment.

Then he explained his abilities and the second plan, which was to let Celebi take Beishang back.

"Celebi's blessing? It's really a miraculous ability, and the experience of traveling through time and space. No wonder you have eyes that are different from ordinary people. But don't worry, even if I can't return, you don't have to blame yourself. You can bring me this I am very satisfied with the hope." Beishang said.

"After all, I made the decision long ago to live here forever."

"I understand, Mr. Beishang. In fact, I am planning to go to the residence of Team King Kong. Because of my ability, please come with me." Xia Ye said.

"Of course it's no problem. I just have to say goodbye to the king I've been taking care of. I'm on my way to the Red Lotus Wetland." Bei Shang stood up, grabbed the brim of his hat, and pointed forward.

"Let us set off and move forward~!!"

After making the decision to leave, Beishang first came to the headquarters of Team Galaxy and reported to Team Galaxy leader Magamu that he might go on a trip from which he would not be able to come back. If he could not come back, he would ask him to send someone to host the bachelor party. road.

When Magamu heard Beishang's words, he realized what was about to happen. He bowed deeply and thanked Beishang for everything he had given to Zhuqing Village.

Then Beishang went to the grocery store and bought some specialties from Washui. He also went to the craft store and bought a few newly made Poké Balls.

He also went to a photo studio he had never visited before and took photos of himself and Pokémon. However, he did not let his boss save them, but kept them quietly himself.

Beishang also silently remembered the trainers in Zhuqing Village, regardless of gender or age. They had all been trained by him more or less, and some of them had grown a lot without knowing it.

While Beishang was saying goodbye, Xia Ye and Mingyao went to the Taro Man Pavilion and ate the Galaxy Team's special taro pancakes, as well as many special dishes, such as celebratory muffins, deep forest yokan, and glutinous mushroom rice bowl.

From what Mingyao said, there used to be only taro pancakes here, but because they were enjoyed with friends, they never got tired of eating them every day.

It is said that the previous boss here was a secretive ninja. He seemed to have gone to a warm place to retire in a few years ago. He said that Sinnoh was too cold, waved his hand and left by boat alone.

Boss Magamu was lonely for several days.

At this moment, Bei Shang, who had taken the photo, came to the two of them and said, "I'm ready, Xia Ye, you can go with me."

"Well, I understand, Mingyao looks like we have to say goodbye here." Xia Ye stood up and said.

"Huh?" Mingyao looked puzzled, "Who said I won't go? It just so happens that I haven't been to the Red Lotus Wetland for a long time. How can I say, let's set off~!!"

"That's right, let's go forward~!!"

Beishang showed his standard movements. He didn't mind the increase in the number of passengers. The so-called train conductor meant that the more passengers he wanted to board, the better.

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