Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 188 Celebi Appears in the Flower Field of Gratitude (Try the Illustration Function)

Under the dim night sky, thick fog, and covered with ice crystals, Darkrai fell to the ground, using up his last bit of strength.

When the Dark Hole fails, it can only rely on the ability to travel through the shadows to carry out guerrilla tactics, but Menas, who has the potential of the Lord of the Mist, has insight into every existence in the thick fog.

This left Darkrai with nowhere to hide, and he eventually lost the battle unwillingly under Menas' firepower.

"Darkrai, phew, lost combat effectiveness. The winner of this battle is Xia Ye." Bei Shang waved his hand and announced the result.

"Thank you, Darkrai. Although I have expected this outcome, I still want to have a battle with you, Xia Ye." Mingyao lowered his head and silently took back Darkrai.

"Light's Pokémon, I will find a way to send it back to her time." Xia Ye said. Mingyao's mistakes should be handed over to the Pearl Team, but for Guang's Pokémon, he decided to help.

Xia Ye didn't want to see this bond cut off due to time and space. He knew how painful it felt to be separated from a Pokémon.

".I can't thank you enough." Mingyao no longer had any worries and looked relieved.

At this moment, a shining green light appeared in the middle of the three people. The light green elf opened his blue eyes and looked at the person in front of him with a surprised expression.

Summer leaves? Why do I still meet you at work?

Here Xia Ye also discovered that the Celebi in front of him was the one he was familiar with. Now it was better, and he didn't even have to go back to Sunset Forest to explain the situation.

"Could this Pokémon be Celebi?" Beishang showed a thoughtful expression. As the manager of the battle subway, he knew many rare Pokémon.

For example, his hometown has two equally rare Pokémon, Victini, which brings infinite victory, and the legendary singer Meloetta. Although he has not seen them in person, he has seen pictures of them.

That's how he recognized Celebi.

"That's right, it's still the one I know, right, Celebi?" Xia Ye gave an affirmative answer.

Celebi nodded. It seemed that Xia Ye came to this era before him. It remembered that its job this time was to send people who had lost time and space back to their original era. It seemed that it was the uncle wearing the hat.

"Celebi, there is actually something I want to discuss with you, which is about people and Pokémon."

Now that Celebi has arrived at the scene, Xia Ye directly tells it about the Light Pokémon to see if there is any way it can help.

After listening to Xia Ye's words, Celebi showed a thoughtful expression. Since they were Pokémon tamed by a human named Light, then they are bound to Light. Although it is a time-consuming task, it can still be completed. of.


Celebi accepted the commission. As a kind-hearted Pokémon, it did not want to see the Pokémon part with important people.

"Thank you, Celebi." Xia Ye thanked her solemnly.

Looking at the magical existence in front of him, Mingyao hesitated. He slowly opened his mouth, remained silent for a long time, closed his eyes and said, "Thank you so much, Celebi."

Now he has completely given up this obsession and plans to spend the rest of his life to atone for his sins.

Celebi responded politely, although he didn't know the reason why the human in front of him thanked him.

Then it patted Bei Shang's shoulder gently, indicating that he was ready. Bei Shang held the brim of his hat and silently remembered Xia Ye's appearance in his heart.

"I think we will meet again, Xia Ye Mingyao, please fulfill your promise. I hope you will not make such a mistake again."

The dazzling green light flashed again, and Celebi disappeared from the place with Beishang and the six pokeballs, traveling through time and space, sending them back to where they were supposed to be.

Looking at Bei Shang disappearing, Mingyao said: "Xia Ye, I plan to go to Xuefeng Village and reveal myself to Zhu Bei in person. Are you willing to believe me?"

"No, I plan to escort you there." Xia Ye refused.

"Ah, I understand, please." Mingyao half-crouched and placed four elf balls safely on the ground in response to Xia Ye's decision.

Regarding Mingyao's treatment, Zhubei actually kicked him into the cold wisdom river as she said. At that time, her expression was colder than pure white frozen soil.

But he didn't really freeze into an ice sculpture. When Mingyao was about to lose consciousness, Zhubei sent someone to pull him out.

After Mingyao woke up, Zhu pulled him to apologize to everyone affected by the nightmare, and issued a ban on him entering Xuefeng Village. The subsequent processing was handed over to Team Galaxy.

If it weren't for the previous friendship, Zhubei would probably have killed her. After all, the person she valued was really hurt.

The Galaxy team also did not punish Mingyao for his previous achievements, but instead assigned him a job.

The land of Xicui is very vast, and there are still many places that have not been explored, but most of these places are very dangerous. His job is to explore these places and then report back.

Mingyao had no complaints about this treatment. Before leaving, he handed Xia Ye an unfinished investigation called Flower Field of Gratitude, hoping that Xia Ye could complete the only remaining investigation.

Xia Ye did not refuse and agreed to the commission. Mingyao showed a grateful expression, turned around and left Zhuqing Village resolutely, embarking on his journey of atonement.

In Obsidian Field, it is said that there is a flower field of gratitude here. As long as you express your sincere gratitude here, a magical Pokémon will appear, and it will fly into the sky with this feeling.

After hearing the news, Huo Xia said that she would investigate with Xia Ye no matter what. She said that her gratitude was definitely sincere enough, and she could call out the Pokémon if she was there.

Xia Ye thought for a while but did not refuse, and then Gang Shi also expressed his intention to join the investigation. Since it was an investigation, he must take pictures, so he was included.

Xia Ye also did not refuse. After all, he knew very well who the target of the investigation was, the legendary fantasy Pokémon, Xie Mi.

He also knew the location of the flower field very well. It was located deep in the reclaimed land of the wasteland and hidden in the woods, so the three of them easily found the location of the thank you flower field.

Looking at the flower field in front of him, Gangshi said: "It is indeed a flower field, but why are they all withered?"

"Because I want to be full of gratitude, huh." Huo Xia took a deep breath, "Grandma Xipu, Grandma Suixi, whether it is the king or the barber shop, I have done a good job. Did you see it in the sky!"

"Thank you~!"

Then she looked at Xia Ye and smiled: "Xia Ye, it's great to meet you, thank you!"

"This is it!" Gang Shi showed a surprised expression.

The withered flower field suddenly burst into life, and countless pink Graxitia flowers bloomed one after another. In the new flower field, a petite green Pokémon came out, with a joyful expression on its face, enjoying the strange fragrance.

"Chirp woo woo~"

It was Xie Mi. Xia Ye quickly recognized him. Immediately afterwards, a strange light surrounded its body, and a pair of white wings emerged from its head. Xie Mi, who was in the form of the sky, raised his head proudly, his neck A bright red scarf flutters in the wind.

The green little feet stepped into the air. Gang Shi quickly raised the camera, took a picture of its white body, and recorded this flower of gratitude blooming in the sky.

"Ah, so cute." Huo Xia sighed.

"Yes, it's a good time to end the journey with a Pokémon expressing gratitude." Xia Ye looked at Xie Mi, who was flying freely in the sky, and countless light spots appeared on his body.

Gangshi showed a generous smile: "Bon voyage, Xia Ye!"

"Xia Ye, have I conveyed my gratitude well?" Huo Xia asked softly.

"Of course, isn't this Pokémon flying in the air the best proof?"

Xia Ye nodded and disappeared. Graxitia flowers were still in full bloom, exuding a rich fragrance. As long as people are grateful, this fragrance will not disappear.

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