Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 193 The Pokémon Gang is disbanded

"I agree."

The Chihuahua orangutan took out a jet-black feather from the fan and wrote on the ground with the pointed end.

"As expected, you are a Pokémon with outstanding intelligence. It seems that you understand human writing." Xia Ye imitated the other person's appearance and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Xia Ye's words made Steel Armored Crow and Yuan Zengyuan a little unconvinced. Obviously I am the intellectual director of Sunset Forest. How can you, Xia Ye, boost other people's ambitions?

Then, two Pokémon with the same idea looked at each other. They understood each other's thoughts, but instead of shaking hands and uniting, they secretly competed.

Cunning ape!

The steel-armored crow spread its wings and landed on one foot, showing the independent posture of a golden rooster.

Stupid big bird!

Wish Zeng Yuan stepped forward, stretched out his arms, and looked menacing.

Menas on the side covered his face helplessly with his tail and sighed, why are you acting like children? Can you please stop embarrassing Sunset Forest? There are so many Pokémon staring at you.

Brimwen waved her hand to comfort her friend. What's wrong? A bustling atmosphere is what the Sunset Forest should have~

"The relationship is really good."

The chimpanzee silently wrote that now its partners are all controlled by the humans on the opposite side. Now it is time to praise the other side and reduce the hostility. Humans are the worst at this.

That's what reason told it, but emotionally the Zhihuang was very unhappy. Its previous trainer also used this sentence to praise him, but he didn't abandon him in the end.

The well-meaning designation of tactics was directly rejected. I wanted to learn human writing and communicate with him, but I was told that it was disgusting. It was obviously you who said you wanted me to assist you, but now it is me who is wrong.

"In my opinion, your relationship is also very good. You should be smart and know that they may not be able to come back after entering the forest, but you did not abandon them. Even if you had no chance of winning, you sacrificed yourself to give your companions a chance to escape. No. "?" Xia Ye asked.

"Of course, we are not like you humans!"

Zhi Huisuan quickly wrote a line of words, and the originally gentle handwriting became extremely sharp, revealing a sense of anger and resentment.

"Really?" Xia Ye was not in a hurry to deny the other party. It seemed that this was a Pokémon that had been hurt by humans.

He chose to look directly into the eyes of the Zhihuang Ape and asked: "Then you can tell me, what is your purpose in sending these dark crows?"

Of course, he wants to occupy this forest. This is what the Orangutan originally wanted to write, but he is not a Pokémon now. It has been hesitant for a long time. No, I have to find an excuse!

"I don't want to say, well, let me infer, you want to occupy this forest, right?"

"So what about the original Pokémon in this forest? Keep them, or drive them away? If it's the latter, what's the difference between you and the humans who have hurt you?" Xia Ye asked calmly.

"It sounds so nice, don't you also occupy this forest? It's because of this group of powerful Pokémon!" The only thing that Zhibo doesn't want to be regarded as is the trainer it used to be.

"Instead of admitting your own mistakes, you want to deny others first. Look at this, it's human writing you know."

Xia Ye pushed his forest ranger card to the Zhihui Orang, and he scanned it, name, Xia Ye, position, ranger, work area, Sunset Forest

"A forest ranger, as the name implies, is a person who protects the forest. Is my move correct or wrong for you Pokémon who may threaten the forest?"

Zhi Hua orangutan narrowed his eyes and his face was twisted. It was not a mistake. If he were him, he would do the same thing. It's disgusting!

"I don't want to answer. I just want to tell you that human beings are creatures full of contradictions. There are people who abandon their partners. Cherish the existence of your partners and look at the world with stereotypes. You cannot be called a wise man." Xia Ye stood up.

"I'd rather not be a wise man."

Zombie slowly wrote that if it was a simple-minded Pokémon, maybe it wouldn't be abandoned by its trainer.

"Gah!" The crow leader suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

If it weren't for your wisdom, I might no longer be in this world. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to evolve into the crow leader.

"Meow" the meow leader also said with difficulty through gritted teeth.

Yes, this is your power, don't deny it. It's the ignorant guy who is wrong, not you, Zhihuang.

At this time, other Pokémon also echoed, "Boss, you are right!"

"Wai" Zhi Hui orangutan clenched his feathers tightly, everyone

"As expected, we have a good relationship, right? The leader of the Pokémon gang." Xia Ye glanced around and said.

Zhi Hua's eyes widened. He knows our identities. Has this guy been treating us as a joke?

"Don't be so hostile. You are too famous in Galar. I wasn't sure yet when I saw the Dark Crows, but when I saw such a large number of Meows, I was immediately sure."

Then Xia Ye stretched out a finger: "I have a suggestion, Zhi Hua Orang, it's almost time to end this organization."

"Don't be ridiculous, our revenge has not been completed yet, those guys who have hurt us are still alive with innocent faces!" The words written by Zhihuizhuang were filled with anger.

"You still haven't answered me a question. What's the difference between you who want to drive away other Pokémon from occupying the forest and destroying towns and the people who hurt you before?" Xia Ye asked in return.

"Having been hurt is not an excuse for you to hurt others. Bremwen, release them from their control." Xia Ye waved his hand.

The group of Pokémon instantly felt much more relaxed and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Although I don't know why you want to occupy this forest, if you want to settle here, I welcome it. Of course, the premise is that you give up causing damage."

"A place where I won't betray you, this is the promise I can give." Xia Ye looked serious.


The crow leader was very angry and turned around and shouted, are you kidding? How could everyone betray you? Why do you all have such hesitant expressions?

Because this group of Pokémon was persuaded by Xia Ye, most of these Pokémon were originally abandoned and hated existences. Faced with people who expressed good intentions, their empty hearts were shaken.

Moreover, he is right, what is the difference between us who keep doing bad things and those who abandon us.

The Zhihua orangutan sighed helplessly. It knew very well that sincerity was the greatest skill of human beings. It was because of the trainer's sincerity that he chose to be subdued by him.


Zhihuang looked at the two Pokémon beside him. This time, let's trust humans again.


I will never trust humans again! The crow leader still didn't want to give up.


Haven't you noticed, Chief Crow, our hearts are already broken. This situation cannot allow everyone to complete the plan safely. After all, our strength is not enough.

Therefore, I want to stay in this forest first to see why this group of Pokémon is so powerful, and also to see if he can keep his promise.

The crow leader and the cat leader rarely showed negative expressions. Zhihuang, you have become weak, let's disband. After today, there will be no more Pokémon gangs.

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