Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 2 Cabin in the Woods

Following the directions on the map, Xia Ye and the knocking monkey quickly found the cabin in the forest.

The wooden house looks quite old, making people question whether it is stable. There is an open space near it. Strangely, there are no weeds growing, but the nearby vegetable garden is completely deserted.

The entire house is mostly made of wood. It has not been painted to maintain the original wood color. It has been raised to a certain height to prevent moisture.

Xia Ye stepped on the wooden ladder and made a creaking sound. He walked to the nearest window to observe the scene inside. The glass was unexpectedly clean. The furnishings in the house were very simple, including a bed, a chair, a table and Stove for the fire.

"Nothing seems out of the ordinary."

"Roar" the knocking monkey showed a timid expression.

"It doesn't matter, it's daytime now, there won't be anything scary."

After comforting the knocking monkey, Xia Ye easily pushed open the wooden door. Although he didn't have the key, the door was not locked.

"Since I am the ranger of Sunset Forest, it doesn't count as breaking into a private house, right? Surprisingly, there is no smell of dust."

He approached the table and lightly traced it with his fingers. Only a light layer of dust fell on it.

"Is there someone who lived in this cabin and not too long ago, a former ranger?"

Xia Ye put his backpack on the bed and continued to observe the furnishings in the house. What was strange was that only the stove with a fire was covered with heavy dust. It was impossible for this ranger not to eat, right?


"Huh? What's wrong, tone-tapping monkey?"

The knocking monkey now let go a little. It grabbed Xia Ye's collar, and then pointed to the bookcase at the door. It was in the blind spot of the window just now, and Xia Ye didn't notice it.

"Oh, bookcase, there is no entertainment in the forest. Reading is indeed a good choice."

There were only three books on the bookcase. Xia Ye walked over in a few steps and took out a book at random. The title of the cover was "Evil-type Pokémon Illustrated Book."

"Evil type? Shouldn't it be grass type or insect type?"

His eyes turned to the second book. This book was lying down. On the cover were written 101 things to pay attention to when communicating with others.

“Do rangers need to interact with people often?”

In order to solve his doubts, he opened a few pages at random. Each page had more or less traces of markings. Just looking at the wear and tear, you could tell that it had been read several times.

"This... let's read the next one."

He took out the third book. The cover said the only path a trainer must take. This book was also read several times.

"I understand, ranger is life, trainer is ideal, this must be the case."

Xia Ye quickly imagined a ranger living in the forest, saving travel funds for his ideals, and using his free time to continuously improve his strength as a trainer.

Ding ding ding ding~~ A simple cell phone ringtone suddenly rang in the backpack. Could it be that someone called. This is a good opportunity to understand the current situation.

Xia Ye hurriedly ran to the bed, took out her mobile phone from her backpack, and pressed the call button.

"Oh, we got through, Xia Ye, how is the air in the forest?" A gentle male voice came from the mobile phone.

"you are?"

"I'm Yaluo, don't you remember? Have you found a place to live?"

Yaluo, Xia Ye fell into memories. He remembered that this was the owner of the Galar Grass Arena, who was good at using grass-type Pokémon. Unexpectedly, he became my boss now.

"Is it a cabin?"

"That's right, have you arrived already? No one has lived there for a long time, so it needs to be cleaned up, haha~"

"Hasn't anyone stayed here for a while?"

Suddenly, Xia Ye felt a chill, it was obvious that he had just left.

"What's wrong? I feel like your tone is a little strange. Don't worry. The forest is a great place. You should adapt to the environment this week and then start working. If you have anything, please call me. Come on!"


Before Xia Ye could say anything, his phone suddenly turned off. In desperation, he had to put down the phone and think about what to do next.

"Tone Monkey, what do you think we should do next?"

"Roar" the knocking monkey made a low cry. Because of its cowardly character, it has never had any opinion.

Seeing the tone-tapping monkey's hesitation, Xia Ye suddenly had an idea, by the way, how could he forget this.

"Well, let's go find something important." Xia Ye said with a smile, and the voice in his heart had already given him the answer.

After making a decision, Xia Ye opened the door and walked into the forest with the knocking monkey. Since he became a forest ranger, he must first become familiar with the forest environment.

"It's strange, after walking for so long I didn't even see a bird Pokémon."

Xia Ye looked around. There were insect Pokémon on almost every tree. There were four types of larvae he observed, including green caterpillars, spiny tail worms, cord bugs, and white butterfly bugs. This forest was simply... It's a paradise for insects.

Thanks to them, many of the leaves on each tree were missing, which was not a good sign, and he saw almost no tree fruits along the way.

He could easily identify fruit trees based on the knowledge in his memory, but every fruit tree he saw was bare without a single fruit.

"Sorry, knocker monkey, we might be hungry tonight."

"Roar!" The tone-tapping monkey shook its head and patted its belly to show that it was full.

"Really? Well, as the saying goes, every loss must be rewarded. We found something good, the sound monkey."

Xia Ye knelt down, picked up a wooden stick, waved it a few times and said to the sound-tapping monkey with a smile:

"Look, Knocker Monkey, what a nice wooden stick. It's the right size, has no forks, has a round feel, and is made of green oak."

"Roar?" The tone-tapping monkey showed a questioning expression.

Then Xia Ye put the wooden stick into the hands of the tone-tapping monkey and patted its head.

"Since he is a percussion monkey, how can he not have a wooden stick? Hey, green oak wood is very tough and does not shake the hand. It is just suitable for making drumsticks for playing."

This stick is the important thing Xia Ye said. Just now he specifically asked the voice in his heart, and the answer it gave was that the most suitable wood in this forest is green oak, so he said it was a good thing.

The knocking monkey's eyes were blurred and tears welled up. It had been a long time since anyone had been so kind to it. It was determined to cherish this stick.

The wooden stick in its hand radiates light and becomes more suitable for its size. This is the special ability of their species, and now the wooden stick has become part of the knocking monkey.


After taking back the wooden stick, light appeared in the eyes of the knocking monkey again. It carefully jumped off Xia Ye, and then looked at the wooden stick intently.

"Can you perform for me?" Xia Ye lowered his body and asked.


The knocking monkey solemnly waved the wooden stick, and a melodious sound sounded the moment it hit the ground. The sound of the drum was pleasant and refreshing.

The sound of the drum was a good one. Xia Ye sat on the grass. Along with the music, he sighed that the forest is indeed a good place.

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