Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 209 Fanatic Followers

"Target confirmed, Celebi is indeed here. It was really hard for me to find him!"

Zuo Long looked at the markings on the screen. Celebi was less than fifty meters away from him, and he couldn't help but feel enthusiastic.

"Sakaki-sama, I will soon understand the reason for your departure. They said that you left because you failed in the battle. It is really ridiculous. You must have something to hide."

"You are not only a great leader who controls the overall situation of Team Rocket, but also a legend who is undefeated in the battle. How could such a being lose to a young boy?!"

Zuo Long pushed the lever forward, started the chariot, ignored the trees blocking the road, and chose to directly smash through it. Just destroy the target that dared to stand in front of him. This was the truth taught to him by Lord Sakaki.

But then, the chariot stopped in place, unable to move, no matter how loud the roar of the engine was.

Through the screen, Zuo Long saw four thick tree roots emerging from the ground, tightly tying the chariot to the ground, making it unable to move.

"Tree roots? Crazy plants? Tsk, it seems that there are still people in this forest who are stubbornly resisting. That's good." Zuo Long slammed the launch button, and the turret on the top of the tank moved slowly and began to accumulate energy.

"First clear away the obstructive trees nearby. What!"

The entire tank trembled violently, as if it had suffered some kind of strong impact. The screen flashed red, and a loud siren echoed in the cab. Zuo Long covered his ears and looked at the screen in disgust:

"The turret was attacked and seriously damaged. It was actually a sneak attack. Asshole, then launch a heat-seeking missile. What? The relevant parts are damaged and cannot be launched. It's useless!"

Zuo Long shouldered the capture gun and opened the car door. Fortunately, this time it was not damaged and could not be started.

He rolled away from the original position of the tank, then crouched down and looked up at the top of the tank. A petite Pokémon wearing a mask wielded a flaming stick and smashed randomly on the roof of the tank, which caused the weapon to become ineffective. .

After Zuo Long found the target, he didn't hesitate and immediately pressed the button. A charged capture net quickly shot towards the Pokémon on the roof of the car, covering the entire roof of the car and firmly controlling it in place.

"Target No. 1 is done, let's find out the Pokémon that uses Crazy Plant." Zuo Long reached his hand to his waist and decided to send out the Pokémon. Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out from the roof of the car.

"This phenomenon is too crystalline! What, the huge mask, is Celebi's ability?!"

Hot and shining flames burned around the furious stove mask, and the capture net that originally bound Ergui was instantly burned to ashes.


Now Ergui is very angry. The other party is not only a bad guy who wants to capture Celebi, but also an even worse guy who destroys the forest and breaks trees!

Moreover, he also used a hemp net to tie him up, but it would be too naive to try to trap him with this kind of thing. If it were uncle Banglui King Kong, he would be able to pull him away with just brute force. Cut it off.

"This power has been decided. I will also list you as a capture target and dedicate your power to Lord Sakaki!"

Erguifen stared at Zuo Long below with an idiotic expression on his face. This guy had a dog-like feeling, he was a muscled fool, and he was inexplicably loyal.

"Come on, my Sandstorm Legion!"

Zuo Long threw out four Poke Balls, and four fierce-looking Pokémon appeared beside him. At the same time, there was a sandstorm in the sky.

The crimson crocodile roared intimidatingly. Its body was covered with black patterns, and its head looked like it was wearing a pair of dark sunglasses. It had the title of the Bully of the Sand.

Its unique eyes allow it to see the enemy clearly in a sandstorm, and its jaws that can penetrate steel plates are even more dangerous weapons. The rogue crocodile in the desert is the most deadly because it can move in the desert like swimming.

The dark blue Fiery Bite Land Shark looms in the sandstorm. Its nature is equally ferocious. Its wings and legs have sharp spikes. Its wings are as sharp as a sickle, and it can cut through any obstacle when flying in the air.

As an apex predator, it has unique dragon scales that can easily fly in sandstorms, and it is even more deadly to bird Pokémon.

The third Pokémon is covered in hard orange-red protective gear, with a rock-colored body. Its hardness is said to be invulnerable and can even block high-temperature lava.

This Pokémon called Super Armor Rhino therefore possesses impressive defense power, and its destructive power cannot be ignored.

The hollow in the palm can be filled with manufactured rocks, and then the muscles can be forcibly contracted to form a terrifyingly powerful rock cannon and fired out. According to records, in ancient times, siege armies often used super-armored rhinoceros to destroy city walls and break through difficult-to-break cities.

The last Pokémon is the source of the sandstorm, a hippopotamus with red eyes. It has a big mouth and the power of its bite can easily crush a car. Its irritable and irritable character has earned it the name "Sand Demon" The Dragon King Scorpion didn't dare to provoke him either.

The four holes located behind the hippo beast are constantly spraying yellow sand, maintaining the raging sandstorm.

Zuo Long also wore a gas mask-like helmet, which could help him breathe fresh air in the sandstorm and see the target in front of him clearly.

Not only that, the gray-yellow suit he wore was specially made to adapt to the sandstorm environment, so he didn't have to worry about the sand hitting his body.

The sandstorm tactic is Zuo Long's most proud and most commonly used tactic. In the previous Rockets, he was a non-staff killer who dealt with difficult targets for Sakaki.

He was nicknamed the Sand Executioner for his cruel methods and the sand that covered the scene.

The sudden sandstorm caused Ergui to stick out his tongue and remove the crystallization. He quickly put on the foundation stone mask, bah bah bah, and ate a mouthful of sand.

"Bite Land Shark to kill the Pokémon on the roof of the car, Crocodile Crocodile to search for traces of other Pokémon, Super Armored Rhino to prepare the rock cannon, and Hippopotamus to continue to maintain the sandstorm."

Zuo Long concentrated on dealing with the current situation and was not worried that Celebi would escape.

You must know that the current Sunset Forest has been set up by the Rockets. The interference devices everywhere give Celebi no chance to use time ripples!

Just as Liejie Land Shark was about to take off and attack Ergui Pulse, a violent sound suddenly came from somewhere. The four Pokémon covered their ears in pain, followed by a violent air wave.

The powerful impact caused the four Pokémon to retreat uncontrollably. The tall and strong Zuo Long flew directly out and hit the chest of Super Armored Rhinoceros.

A buzzing sound echoed in his ears. If it weren't for the protection of his helmet, Zuo Long might have had a brief tinnitus due to the impact of the sonic wave.

The sandstorm that was raging in the forest suddenly stopped. Standing on the roof of the car, Ergui Pulsa stretched out his hands and made a gesture of praising the sun. It used the sunny weather that Xia Ye had just taught it to change the weather.

If Apollo watched this scene, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood. Can't Sunset Forest let us have a good weather control?

Xia Ye, who was wearing a ranger uniform, slowly walked out from behind the tree, his calm expression revealing anger, and the Bang Bang Kongangang followed closely behind him. Its anger was even more obvious, otherwise it would not have used such a powerful explosion. Sound waves.

"Who! How dare you stop Team Rocket's plan!?" Zuo Long asked, covering his ears.

Xia Ye pointed to the ranger uniform on his body: "You can tell by looking at it. I am a ranger. I have the responsibility to stop those who destroy the forest environment, harm and try to capture Pokémon in the forest."

"By the way, most of Team Rocket in Sunset Forest has fallen, and those devices have also been destroyed."

Zuo Long looked at the display screen in his hand with wide eyes. It was true as he said, most of it had disappeared. Thinking that the plan that was finally realized would fail, he roared:

"Ranger? Are you kidding, ranger? How could there be a ranger like you, a super-armored rhinoceros, and a rock cannon fired at me!"

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