Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 21 Improving Life

At the entrance of Sunset Forest, a small truck stopped here. Xia Ye jumped out of the passenger seat and landed on the ground.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Gaede. It's really helpful." Xia Ye said to the car.

"I'm kidding, that old antique of yours should have been replaced a long time ago. I really don't understand what you think when such a young guy still uses this kind of phone." Gad responded while sitting in the driver's seat.

"Speaking of which, do you really not need the help of my Pokémon? That thing is quite heavy."

"It's okay. I'm quite confident in my own strength."

"Hey, it's better to be young." Gad sighed, "Then I'll wait until you finish moving."

Xia Ye nodded, walked to the cargo box and opened the door. In addition to the ingredients and seasonings, there was also a black box-shaped device. This was a mobile power supply he purchased that also had the function of solar power generation.

It is very expensive to connect to the power supply in the Sunset Forest, and the internal area of ​​the forest may expand. When the time comes, it will be troublesome to disconnect the lines due to the expansion of the area.

The reason why Xia Ye bought a mobile power supply was because he bought a smartphone. As a ranger, he has to keep abreast of the news from the outside world. At the same time, it will be more convenient to contact the residents of Spike Town.

Xia Ye spent a month's salary, which was 50,000 alliance points, for these two appliances.

Because mobile power supplies are quite expensive, he did not choose a Rotom phone. Instead, he chose a cheap smartphone that can make calls and surf the Internet.

Of course, the purchase of summer leaves in Quanguan City with Mr. Gaide this time was not empty-handed. He brought a whole box of mixed tree fruits. The output of the optimized fruit trees increased sharply, so much that even the residents of the forest could not eat it. Come on, it would be a pity to leave them alone, so I picked the summer leaves and sold them.

The owner of the tree fruit shop nodded repeatedly when he saw the box of tree fruits, and then his expression quickly returned to calmness. He finally bought it for 12,000 yuan. Xia Ye actually found that the boss was sweating on his forehead and looked panicked when paying. The actual price must be higher than The purchase price is higher.

However, Xia Ye didn't pursue it. There was no shortage of fruits in Sunset Forest, and there would be more and more fruits in the future.

He plans to check the sales situation of tree fruits in a day or two. If the sales are very good, Xia Ye wants to use this as one of the methods to revitalize Spike Town. Sunset Forest specializes in high-quality tree fruits, and Spike Town is unique. Produced and sold exclusively.

Xia Ye easily put the mobile power supply on his shoulders and walked towards the front of the car.

"Mr. Gaede, the power supply has been moved down."

"Oh, then I'll go back first and come to the shop often," Gade closed the car door and said, "It would be better if I could bring the tea from last time."

"Of course, your curry is the best curry I have ever tasted."

"Roar!" The tone-tapping monkey also waved goodbye.

Gad laughed, then he started the truck and left the entrance of Sunset Forest.

After watching him leave, Xia Ye turned around and entered the Sunset Forest with the mobile power supply on his back. Returning to the familiar cabin, he placed the power supply on the floor and looked at the three bored shouting team members.

"I'm back, thank you for letting you look after my house."

"Oh, welcome back, but Xia Ye, your family is really boring. I don't know how you tolerate it." Aye complained while lying on the bed.

"There is obviously a bookcase but there are no books at all. But there is nothing else hidden in the house. Could it be hidden in the forest?" Tim, who was leaning against the wall, began to analyze the past.

"Let's not talk about it for now. Xia Ye, didn't you go buy a smartphone? Take it out quickly, Jia Qiuqiu, Jia Qiuqiu." Nayu, who was sitting on a chair, was shaking her mobile phone.

Chuchu, a popular social app in the world, is named after the popular Pokémon Pikachu, and the software icon is Pikachu's tail.

"Let me see."

Xia Ye took out his mobile phone and opened the screen. Qiuqiu is the software that comes with the phone. In addition, there is Alliance Assistant, Pokémon Guide and Map Guide software that also come with the phone.

"Well, register, oh, you can register with an alliance account, complete, set avatar?" Xia Ye thought for a moment, pointed the camera at the knocking monkey on his shoulder and took a photo as the avatar of Qiuqiu's account.

Seeing that Xia Ye completed the registration, the three of them told Xia Ye their account numbers.

"Mali-chan is the cutest, Mali-chan is the most handsome, and Lady Mali is the strongest. Your online names, well, have the style of a shouting team." Xia Ye looked at the friends list, and the avatars of the three of them, without exception, were all Ma. Li.

"Hey, of course, we are the cheering team." Ah Ye said proudly.

"Let Xia Ye recommend people you know well. Let me take a look, Mr. Nie Zi, Boss Gaide, and Ma Li." Tim swiped the screen and sent the three people's accounts to Xia Ye.

Nie Zi's profile picture is a photo of him and his band members, and his online name is Melancholy Nie Zi.

Mr. Gad's profile picture is the signboard of his restaurant, and his online name is Gad's Restaurant in Spike Town.

Ma Li's avatar is like Morubeko eating something, and her online name is Ma Li~Gym Challenge (_).

Except for Ma Li’s online name Xia Ye, there aren’t many surprises. Ma Li, who looks aloof, unexpectedly likes emojis?

Because they noted their names, the friend application of the three people was approved quickly.

The first person to send the message was Mr. Gade.

"The three guys told you to use it so quickly, right?"

"I don't use Qiuqiu very often. If you have anything, please call me."

Then Gade left his phone number, and the trio gathered next to Xia Ye and looked at the chat history.

"Uh, isn't this Boss Gade's trumpet?"

Before Ah Ye could finish speaking, his mouth was covered by Tim.

"Hey, Ah Ye, do you want to be silenced by the boss? Don't you understand my good intentions?"

Then Nie Zi also sent a message. The content was probably to ask for advice. He looked very reserved and not at all as talkative as when they met.

"Nie Zi is indeed like this." Ah Ye showed an expression that I understand.

Suddenly, the three people's eyes were fixed on the red dot that appeared next to Ma Li's profile picture. Ma Li had sent a message.

"Now, it's almost time, let's go back," Nayu pushed the two of them out of the cabin quickly, "Next time if you have something to do, please ask us!"

"Don't you peek into your idol's privacy? The shouting team is very principled." Looking at the three people leaving, Xia Ye said silently.

Anyway, let’s see what message Ma Li sent.

"\\( @^0^ @)/"

Sure enough, it was a kaomoji. In this case, what should I reply to? After thinking for a while, Xia Ye typed and asked:

"How's the gym challenge going?"

"Now we're going to go through the mine, it's going well (ω)y"

Then Ma Li typed and sent:

"Xia Ye, you should know the grass type very well. The first gym I challenged was the grass type. How about sharing your experience (^人^)"

Seeing Ma Li's request, Xia Ye told Ma Li his previous experience plus the experience of this world.

"As expected, your understanding of Pokémon is extraordinary, Xia Ye."

"Thank you for your experience, I will win beautifully~"

Then, Ma Li sent a picture. Behind her was the entrance of a mine, and Ma Li was gesturing with a deadpan expression on her face. Her cold eyes were completely different from her active appearance on the Internet. Well, this is also the case. That's the charm of Mary.

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