Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 216 Brimwen and the Giant Soup

As soon as Xia Ye stepped into the dream forest, he found that Brimwen had been waiting for a long time and was looking at him with expectant eyes. Xia Ye, what gift are you going to give me?

"Brimwen, did you sense this in advance?" Xia Ye showed a helpless smile and stretched out a finger, "Well, anyway, let me make you a pot of soup first. It's a giant soup. .”

Soup? Brimwen squinted her eyes to sense Xia Ye's emotions. There was no doubt that they were full of good intentions, so the giant soup was something good for her.


Immediately, Blimwen nodded, leaned over and smiled, so I'll look forward to it!

Xia Ye checked on the Internet and found out that the method of making giant soup is very simple. Prepare three giant mushrooms, cut them into pieces, pour them into boiling water, cover the lid and cook until red clouds float on the pot, then you're done.

Although in theory, the Giganta soup without any seasoning ingredients has the ability to give Pokémon a Gigantamax form, the bitter taste may be disliked by some Pokémon.

The way to deal with it is also very simple. Just adding the food that corresponds to the Pokémon's favorite will increase its desire to eat, so Xia Ye chose to add phlox fruit and rose fruit, both of which are Blimwen's favorite tree fruits.

Watching Xia Ye add two kinds of tree fruits to the pot, Brimwen nodded silently. Phlox and rose fruit would definitely be delicious even if cooked with leather shoes.

After about fifteen minutes of boiling, clouds of red steam emerged from the gap under the pot lid and gathered above the iron pot to form a red cloud.

"Well, Brímwen, it looks like you can drink it, but the hot soup has just come out of the pot, so be careful to burn your mouth." Xia Ye looked at Brímwen beside him and warned.


Brimwen puffed up her chest, showed a confident expression, stretched out her paws and waved, Xia Ye, now let you see the results of my special training in Misty Lake.

It stretched out its claws, and the iron pot containing the huge soup was wrapped in telekinesis and floated into the air. Then, a ball of water containing healing energy appeared around it.

Brímwen snapped her fingers, and the droplets of life immediately swirled around the pot. Due to the high temperature, white steam emitted at the moment of contact.

"Brimwen, are you using a healing move to cool down the iron pot?" Xia Ye asked word for word.


Brímwen was smug, "How about it, I'm smart. The so-called moves can't just stick to their original functions. The magic flame can be used to cook soup, and the mental power can also help me learn to fly. My speed is not inferior to that of the steel-armored crow." ~

"Well, that's a very good idea. You are also growing, Blimwen." Xia Ye praised sincerely.

After being praised, Blimwen's eyes moved slightly, and he hummed softly. He seemed to have made up his mind, and slowly floated towards Xia Ye. Then he stretched out his claws to wrap his arms around Xia Ye's waist, and put his face against Xia Ye's with a snap. The cheeks started to rub against each other.

Well, well, I have always worked very hard, no worse than Nana, so Xia Ye lets me be as coquettish as I want.


Er Kui Chu showed an anxious expression. Watching him twice in a row gave him the desire to act coquettishly, but he was only tall enough to rub against Xia Ye's thighs!

It looked around, and suddenly found the Bang Bang King Kong Ape with its arms folded and silently watching. Ah, it found a good target!

"Hang Lei?"

The Banglui King Kong Ape looked behind him and found that Ergui was poking him continuously. It stretched out its little finger and pointed at Xia Ye, who was being rubbed wildly by Brimwen, showing an expectant expression.

As the big brother of Sunset Forest, it easily understood the meaning of Ergui Pun. It just wanted to suck the summer leaves. It was simple.

The Banglei King Kong gorilla squatted down and picked up Ergui Pul with one hand, then quickly walked towards Xia Ye, pulled his arm away, and stuffed Er Gui Pulong into his arms.

Xia Ye was still wondering why the Banglui King Kong let him hug Ergui, but Ergui followed Brímwin and slapped his face close to him, and there was a fragrance of citrus.

The Banglui King Kong looked at Xia Ye and slowly backed away. Brímwen and Ergui Pun beside him were inexplicably ignited with a desire to win, and they began to compete with each other to see who could move faster.

The elegant and fresh fragrance poured into Xia Ye's nostrils. Just as he was silently enduring it, an electric shock suddenly came to his cheek, and a numbing feeling spread throughout his body.

[Brimwen has learned the move and rubs her cheek. 】


The unconscious move made Blimwen startled. It quickly pulled away its claws and showed an apologetic expression. Are you okay, Xia Ye?

"I'm fine," Xia Ye shook her head and relied on her own will to get rid of the paralysis. "Huh, just now, Brimwen, you seemed to have unconsciously learned to rub your cheek, a very low-power physical move."

"Look, that's why I'm fine, don't worry," Xia Ye comforted, "This move requires you to rub your opponent with your cheek. Although the power is low, it will definitely lead to paralysis."

Blimwen shook his head and showed a reluctant expression. He would not touch anyone other than you!

Then it took a breath and said, "Well, Xia Ye, just be okay. You really scared me just now. I'm sorry."

"Didn't I say it's okay? My body is stronger than you think." Xia Ye responded to Blimwen's apology.

After hearing Xia Ye's answer, Blimwen's expression relaxed and returned to its normal appearance.

"Ahem, Hong Lei."

The Banglui King Kong Orangutan coughed slightly and turned everyone's attention to the iron pot in its hand. Because Brimwen was panicking just now, the pot suddenly lost control and almost nourished the earth. Fortunately, he had good eyesight and quick hands.

"I almost forgot about the business, Brimwen, you haven't drank the giant soup yet." Xia Ye squatted down and put the Egui Pulse on the ground, and touched its head: "Ere Gui Pulmon, let's start today. Come here, okay?”

Eguifen nodded seriously. It would be bad if he rubbed it too hard and shocked Xia Ye.

On the other side, Blimwen opened the lid of the pot and looked at the bright red soup with a hint of pink, purple and brown in the pot, showing a surprised expression, because there was actually a swirling pattern in the center of the pot of soup, as well as the patterns on the mushroom caps. The pattern is exactly the same.

"After all, it is a strange food that can stimulate the Gigantamax form. It is normal to be different." Xia Ye walked towards Brimwen and said.


Blimwen nodded, opened his small mouth, and used his mind power to control the giant soup to slowly flow into his mouth. Soon, he drank the entire pot of soup in one go.

"How's it going? Do you feel any changes?" Xia Ye asked.


Brimwen felt a restless energy surging in her body, which seemed to be stimulated under certain conditions. At that time, she would transform into a huge violent goddess, sensing everything around her, waving three tentacles, and issuing judgments. The thunder beam brought chaos sweeping the earth.

"Well, it seems that you have already felt a new power. Not bad, not bad. By the way, I still have something to give you. This is the Moon Stone and the Awakening Stone. Let's see if your friend has a suitable partner. It can help them evolve."

Brimwen senses the energy contained in the two stones, and it really has two friends who can resonate with it! Then he nodded and accepted the commission.

Before leaving, Xia Ye told Brimwen to adapt to the electric energy, which would help it become stronger in the future. After all, to activate the potential of the Thunder Tribulation, you need to learn how to make thunder.

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