Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 218 The Return of Ma Li (2-in-1)

In Spike Town, Nie Zi holds the microphone. Now he only has one Pokémon left in his hand. There is no doubt that he is in a very critical situation.

"Come on, Nie Zi, don't lose!" Ah Ye raised his hands and shouted.

On the other side, Tim was pushing his new prescription glasses, grinning and analyzing:

"Oh, whether it's Hepu's combination of cotton defense and attack, or Mr. Nie Zi's reversal of the situation by relying on the Squid King, they are all very exciting operations. Alas, it's a pity that Mr. Nie Zi couldn't win in the gym challenge. Try your best."

"Now, now, Xia Ye, who do you think will win?" Nayu turned around and asked. In her opinion, Xia Ye knows how to fight best here.

"In a rational analysis, Mr. Nie Zi is probably going to lose." Xia Ye nodded in response.

After all, Hepp had also received special training in Sunset Forest, and he had taught him tactics such as attacking.

In addition, Hepu's own strength is not bad, and Nie Zi has not shown his true ability. If he loses again, Xia Ye will really doubt his teaching level.

As for why Xia Ye is safe to watch the battle in Spike Town, the reason is very simple. Sunset Forest recently added protection to the psychedelic forest, and everyone's strength has also been improved. There is no need to guard them with a nanny mentality.

Celebi also mentioned that the immediate future of Sunset Forest is bright and there is no need to worry too much.

But this time it was very upset by Team Rocket's invasion. During that time, it hid alone and let the Sunset Forest bear all the pain. It could feel the mournful cry of the forest.

Xia Ye comforted Celebi and made him feel better. The bad guys were judged and no Pokémon lost their lives. This can be said to be the best result. Besides, we have protected the world, so be happy. No one will blame you.

At this time, hearing Xia Ye's answer, Ah Ye showed an expression of disbelief: "Oh, Xia Ye, you actually think Nie Zi will lose?!"

"Unfortunately, Xia Ye is right. Don't forget that Hep also has two Pokémon in good condition." Tim agreed.

"Why is this happening? Doesn't Ma Li-chan have another opponent?" Aye said dejectedly.

"Aye, show more confidence in Ma Li. The idol of Spike Town doesn't care how many more opponents there are." Xia Ye said with a smile.

Nayu nodded fiercely: "That's right, that's right. Didn't Ma Li easily pass the Zhan Jing Town Gym yesterday? Her strength has improved by leaps and bounds during this period!"

Nie Zi looked at the lively viewing platform with a melancholy expression. These guys finally brought the topic to Ma Li. Forget it, let's finish this gym challenge as soon as possible.

I saw Nie Zi holding the microphone tightly, standing on tiptoes, throwing a Poké Ball, and singing at the same time: "Although the smell is a bit strong, I think the 'audience' should be fine, go ahead, tank skunk, raid And poison, which move is it!"

"Kabimon and I will not be afraid of surprises or poisons. Let's show the results of our special training!" Hep pumped his fists continuously with an excited look on his face.

Xia Ye only has one word to comment on Hepu's fighting style: reckless. Fighting relies entirely on momentum. His reckless personality makes him informal. To put it bluntly, he doesn't pay attention to any details and basically doesn't consider his opponent's moves.

"Full power! Kirbymon! One hundred thousand horsepower!"

"Tsk, tank skunk, attack!" Nie Zi realized something was wrong when he heard this move. Hupp's Pokémon mastered a lot of moves. What kind of bloodline did this family have? (It was actually taught by Xia Ye.)

The tank skunk turned into a dark shadow and launched an attack during the gap between Kirbymon's moves. However, for the thick-skinned Kirbymon, this move was not enough to cause fatal damage to it.

Its huge body stomped on the ground, exuding the aura of the earth, and pushed its belly out violently, slamming into the tank skunk with an unstoppable momentum.

"Now, add another arm hammer!" (This trick was also taught by Xia Ye.)

"Another surprise attack!"

The tank skunk bared its fangs and launched another attack. Unfortunately, it was still unable to break through the Kirby beast's fat belly. It was hit in the back by a heavy fist and lost its ability to fight.

However, Tank Skunk left a parting gift for Kirby. Its special detonation will explode when its stamina is exhausted due to contact moves.

With a loud bang, Kirby, who was about to celebrate the victory, was knocked to the ground by the violent explosion, and both Tank and Skunk fell to the ground. However, because Hupp still had Pokémon that could fight, he successfully passed. Gym Challenge.

"Hmph, my Pokémon and I tried our best in this battle. It's so awesome, Dan Emperor's younger brother."

Nie Zi suddenly thought of his sister, Ma Li definitely didn't want to be called Nie Zi's sister, and then changed his words: "Challenger Hep, it's amazing, it can teach Pokémon like Kirby a variety of moves. "

"Haha, this is all thanks to the teacher's good teaching." Hepu showed an embarrassed smile.


"That's right, Mr. Xia Ye, the ranger of Sunset Forest!" Hepu turned to wave to Xia Ye, "Teacher, I succeeded in the challenge!"

"Ha, why do I feel familiar? It turns out to be Xia Ye." Nie Zi sighed and covered his forehead. When did this Xia Ye teach a student and go to Spike Town to strengthen himself?

"Forget it, this is the Badge of Evil, put it away."

Nie Zi took out the badge and threw it to Hepu. Hepu caught the badge in a panic, then showed a smile on his face and whispered: "Very good, now I only have the last badge to be qualified to challenge big brother!"

"Now that you have successfully completed the challenge, what you do next is up to you. I'm going to talk to a guy who likes to teach others." Nie Zi put his hands in his pockets and prepared to walk to the viewing platform.

"elder brother!"

Suddenly hearing a familiar voice, Nie Zi immediately took his hands out of his trouser pockets, straightened his back, and pulled on his collar to make himself look as serious as possible.

Ma Li walked towards Mo Lubeike angrily, but when she saw the unfamiliar challenger, she immediately returned to her original expressionless face.

"Ahem, it's Ma Li. Well, welcome back. Congratulations on successfully challenging the gym." Nie Zi's expression was very unnatural.

"Yeah" Ma Li responded in a low voice, then looked at Xia Ye who was intact on the viewing platform and snorted softly.

"Sister Ma Li, could it be that you are the challenger supported by the teacher, Ma Li who works very hard, loves to fight, and has a ferocious attack?" Hepp on the side suddenly interrupted.

"Uh, teacher, who is it?" Ma Li asked slowly. Molubeke in her arms suddenly felt that the pressure was suddenly reduced, and she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Xia Ye, the ranger of Sunset Forest, hey, I thought you knew better?" Hepu showed a puzzled expression.

"Oh hey, that's it." The corners of Ma Li's mouth raised slightly, and Morubeke also felt the familiar strength again. It was obvious that you were very angry just now.

Nie Zi reached out and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. It's great. Ma Li seems to have calmed down. But, sister, you are too coaxing. Your elder brother is very worried about you.

"Well, Ma Li, do you want to have a battle with me? I really want to see the teacher's ability to support the challenger!" With the passion of victory just now, Hepu launched the challenge.

Mali replied very calmly: "If we want to fight, Mali, I will accept anyone who comes. However, you have just battled with my brother, right? Why don't you go to the Pokémon Center to heal your hard-working partner?"

"Ah!" Hepu showed a startled expression and replied awkwardly: "That's right, I'm sorry, I forgot about it when I got excited, so I'll take my leave now and see you later!"

Looking at Hepu's hurried away figure, Ma Li turned her head and looked at her brother: "Okay, now we are the only ones left. Brother, why has such a big thing happened and you haven't been there yet?" Tell me any news?"

At this time, Xia Ye and the others also came closer, with embarrassed expressions on their faces. They probably understood the reason for Ma Li's anger, because she was the only one who didn't know about Team Rocket's invasion of Sunset Forest.

There was also a trace of apology in Nayu's expression, because she was the one who let it slip. She didn't expect Ma Li to come back so soon and be so angry. In the past, she would have yelled at them angrily.

"Well, Ma Li, isn't this just the time for you to challenge the gym? I didn't say anything in case it affected your condition." Nie Zi responded in a low voice.

Ma Li stretched out her hand to fiddle with her hair and stared at Nie Zi: "Is your sister so fragile? I am also a member of Spike Town. Don't let me worry, stupid brother."

"Team Rocket is the real bad guys compared to everyone in Spike Town. No matter who is injured, I feel very heartbroken when I think about it. You still kept it from me for so long, and there was no news from the outside, which made me think someone had a problem. !" Ma Li's eyes moved slightly, and she glanced at Xia Ye from the corner of her eye.

"Ma Li, I'm sorry. I thought everyone had no problem, so I didn't mention it to you." Xia Ye also apologized at this time.

"It's fine if there's no problem. Really, it doesn't matter if you rely on me more. However, you and the Pokémon in the Sunset Forest resisted the bad guys and protected Celebi. Well, you have changed unknowingly. You are so strong, Your Excellency Hero~"

There was a trace of complaint in Ma Li's words, but later it turned into a half-joking tone.

"Ma Li." Nie Zi slowly said her sister's name.

Ma Li snorted: "Brother, do you think I will be disappointed because of this? How is that possible? Ma Li, I will work harder and find a way to catch up with Xia Ye! Giving up is not in Ma Li's dictionary~"

"No, actually what I want to ask is, Ma Li, do you also know about Celebi? This matter cannot be spread to outsiders. It will be bad if it attracts bastards like Team Rocket again."

Nie Zi said in a low voice, "Really, even if Mr. Gede loves Ma Li, he wouldn't tell her everything. It's fine now. Ah Ye and the other three also know Celebi's name. The key is that Nayu is not tight-lipped."

The trio looked at each other and silently silenced each other. Regarding the issue of the rights and wrongs of Spike Town, their attitudes were quite serious.

Because she said a lot of encouraging words to herself, Ma Li blushed shyly: "Brother idiot, can't you finish it in one breath?"

"But don't you all know Celebi?" Ma Li looked at the trio in confusion. They shook their heads violently to express their ignorance. Then she looked at Nie Zi: "Brother, what about you?"

"I only found out after that happened." Nie Zi responded honestly.

"Hey, I see, then I am still number one." Ma Li, who was murmuring, had a hint of joy in her tone.

Then Nie Zi covered his head and solemnly told the trio: "Aye, Tim, Nayu, you three, remember it, and be sure not to spread it outside!"

"Of course, we will bet on the glory of the shouting team!" the three replied in a firm tone.

"Oh! I'm back. What's wrong? What happened? Why has the atmosphere become so solemn?" Hepp, who ran back, showed a puzzled expression.

"It's nothing. Speaking of which, Hep, don't you want to fight me? Brother, let me borrow the battlefield." Ma Li walked to the side of the battlefield with brisk steps.

"Um, oh, of course no problem." Nie Zi stepped aside consciously.

The trio immediately took out their mobile phones and started shaking people. Mali was about to start a battle in Spike Town. The cheering team gathered and came to cheer for Mali-chan!

"Xia Ye!" Ma Li lifted up one side of her bangs, completely revealing her blue pupils, "Ma Li has fully received your support, so don't look away and take a good look at Ma Li's growth. oh!"

"Yes, I will." Xia Ye nodded in response.

Nie Zi on the side showed a helpless expression, forget it, if it is Xia Ye, he can at least accept it. If it is another brat, I will definitely let him understand what regret means.

"Haha, it's ignited. My respect for teachers is no worse than yours! Let's compete!" Hepu was now full of fighting spirit.

Ma Li took out a dark ball of the same style as Nie Zi and showed a determined look: "Ma Li's friends are very strong. Be prepared and don't fall easily under my ferocious offensive!"

"Ma Li! Ma Li! Ma Li!"

The trio let out passionate shouts at the same time. At the same time, more and more cheering teams poured into the battlefield, and some even held up support towels with Mary painted on them.

"Oh, Ma Li, you are so popular." Hep looked at the densely surrounded battlefield, listened to the passionate shouts, put his hands behind his head and sighed.

Listening to everyone's encouragement, as well as the mixed cheers from her brother and Xia Ye, Ma Li responded with a smile: "Ah, you are the motivation for my hard work, so Ma Li will not lose this battle!"

Seeing that Ma Li could smile without the help of fingers, the cheering team froze in place. Some were even moved to tears and burst into tears. Ma Li finally did it!

"Hey, I won't be at a disadvantage in an away game!" Hepp raised the elf ball. If he could really challenge his eldest brother, I'm afraid the scene would be like this, because his popularity is really high.

"Ahem, anyway, let the battle begin."

Nie Zi clapped his hands lightly and took the initiative to act as the referee. There was a trace of tears in the corner of his eyes, because this was also the first time he saw Ma Li smile actively. His proud sister has really grown up well. How could he Not impressive.

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