Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 221: The long-haired troll who is absolutely fragrant, the shivering servant sword general,

Seeing that the hairy troll had a firm attitude, Xia Ye tried another way of persuading him: "As the saying goes, having more skills doesn't weigh you down. If you have the protection of a light wall or a reflective wall in battle, wouldn't you be able to last longer on the battlefield? "

The hairy troll fell into thinking. If he could take three moves without the light wall, he would be able to take six moves with the light wall. Even if he threw away the turn to release the moves, he would still make money.

Not to mention the wall of light he releases, which can always block the opponent's attacks.


The Hairy Troll found it incredible. Now it actually thought that what Xia Ye said was very reasonable. It would be good to learn a light wall and a reflective wall.

"Xia Ye, you can actually persuade the hairy troll, it has a very stubborn character." Ma Li couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Xia Ye shook his head and said that it was nothing serious: "Just follow its liking. In its case, it can easily succeed based on its preferences."

"Hairy troll, how are you thinking? If you agree with my statement, then I will arrange a teacher for you."

"Ho ho ho!"

In the end, the long-haired troll made a compromise. All this was for his warrior dream, and it was by no means a real fragrance!

"Well, in that case."

Xia Ye snapped his fingers, and a long-nosed leaf jumped down from the tree crown and came to Xia Ye, kneeling on one knee and waiting for instructions.

"Hey, Long Nose Leaf, didn't I say you don't need to put on this posture?" Xia Ye showed a helpless expression. Just a few days ago, the Long Nose Leaf suddenly changed their waiting posture to deliver news.

According to Xia Ye's speculation, this change was probably requested by Yunzeng Yuan, and it was 100% heard about it from Brimwen.

Because of the ability of psychic perception, Brimwen is inexplicably familiar with various human cultures.

"So handsome, I feel like Xia Ye is like the leader of a mysterious organization~" Ma Li teased with a hint of envy. A young girl would occasionally have her own fantasies.

"Actually, I'm just a ranger. Forget it, Noseleaf, please take the hairy troll to the Chihuahua orangutan, and tell the Chihuahua gorilla that I want to ask it to teach the hairy troll about the light wall and the reflective wall. Kind of moves."

"Oh, it's scary!"

Long Nose Leaf nodded in agreement and waved to the long-haired troll to follow its pace. The long-haired troll took long steps and swayed forward, looking quite arrogant.

However, this is not its original intention, because all the hairy trolls walk in exactly the same way, in order to make themselves look majestic and cover up their slender bodies.

"Okay, Mali, which Pokémon is next?"

"You know it too, come out, General Sword."

The servant sword general's golden hands were placed on his thighs, and his whole body was covered with hard crimson armor. The two jet black sharp blades like beards and the giant blade above his head exuded a dangerous aura.

It sits upright on a base made of hair. Compared with the previous Kotaku soldier, it is now majestic and majestic, like a real evil general.

However, even after the battle, General Sword stood at the top due to his strength. After returning to the Sunset Forest, there was still a trace of fear in his sharp eyes and his whole body trembled unconsciously.

The psychological shadow left by Brimwen on it is really too great!

"You are actually trembling. This is not what a general should be like, General Sword."

There was helplessness in Ma Li's words. It was obvious that she and Ma Li had swept through many groups of slicing commanders in the wilderness and had put in a lot of effort to evolve. Show some dignity.


The scolded General Sword lowered his head obediently, with an aggrieved look on his face. He spread his hands and was chased by such a big fireball. No other Steel-type Pokémon could stand it.

"Is this still the servant general who refuses to admit defeat? Ma Li has decided for you. In this special training, you can continue to fight against Blimwen and let them see your growth!" Ma Li transformed into a stern man at this time. Parents.

The servant sword general was inspired by Ma Li and showed his energy. Yes, it has evolved twice in a row now. It is different from the past. It is still unclear who is stronger and who is weaker now!

"That's right. Ahem, Xia Ye, do you agree with Mali's decision?" Mali's tone suddenly changed from harsh to gentle when asking.

"This is it"

Although Sword General has evolved and grown, Brímwen has not been idle. The key is that it has become a lord, so it will bully Pokémon.

"Is there something wrong? Or Xia Ye, do you think there is a better teacher?" Ma Li asked tentatively.

"A better teacher."

For the evil element, you don’t have to worry about it. Mali is definitely enough. As for the steel element, why don’t you ask the Steel Armored Crow to lead the Sword General into the ditch?

It is much better to be abused than to go down the wrong path. After thinking about it again and again, Xia Ye nodded and said:

"Blimwen is very good, and Sword General will be at a disadvantage when facing fire, ground, and fighting Pokémon. It just so happens that Sunset Forest has these Pokémon with these attributes, so I found them. Let’s also treat him as a sparring partner.”

"Hey, isn't this a great proposal? Cherish this opportunity, General Pu Dao, Ma Li will look forward to your growth!" Ma Li fully agreed.

General Pu Dao suddenly lost his composure. Is this ranger a devil?

Is this really training and not torture?

No wonder his Pokémon are so loyal. It turns out that they rely on their ruthless tactics. They are simply forest tyrants. You are more suitable to be a general than me!

The same goes for Ma Li, don't agree casually, how could you fall in love with such a man? Wait, speaking of which, Ma Li is originally an evil trainer, so it's quite reasonable to have such a preference?

Xia Ye looked at the servant general who was sweating coldly, and said in his heart, "Don't blame me."

Ma Li wanted you to challenge Menas before, but I saved you once, and it's the same this time. Brimwen, who became the lord, is by no means inferior to Menas at that time.

If Brimwen is allowed to train you alone, well, don't train him. Go directly to the Deadwood Demon to report. There happens to be a gate to the spirit world in the Sunset Forest, and you can avoid physical pain if you go in.

But when it faces Brimwen head-on, it will probably understand my good intentions.

"Because there are a lot of Pokémon to ask for this time, I won't bother Noseleaf and the others. Who is your last Pokémon, Mali?" Xia Ye asked.

"It's my newly captured Pokémon. Hey, come out, one-headed dragon."

The blue-skinned baby dragon shook its head and stretched its neck to smell the surrounding scent.

Its eyes were covered by black hair, and it showed no intention of taking care of it, because it couldn't see at all and could only rely on its sense of smell and hearing to perceive things around it.

Their greedy habits have led them to develop the habit of opening their mouths and taking a bite of anything they touch. It is very dangerous to approach them rashly.

"Oh, it's a single-headed dragon. This is a very rare Pokémon."

"Humph, Xia Ye, don't you also have a rare Pokémon? Now Mali is not inferior to you. Speaking of which, I met an uncle wearing a cloak before. He seemed to know dragon Pokémon very well. There are a lot of training methods." Ma Li smiled and told the interesting things that happened during the trip.

Wearing a cloak and understanding dragons, eh... this is almost definitely A'Du. So this is the reason why he is late?

"But the single-headed dragon has a big appetite. Can you handle it during the trip, Ma Li?"

Ma Li showed a proud expression and patted Molubek who was still spinning the fruit: "Don't forget that Mali is very good at finding fruit. She can feed Molubek, and it is very easy to feed a single-headed dragon. It’s easy~”

Then she squatted down, took out a tree fruit from somewhere, and placed it on the ground. Smelling a familiar smell, the single-headed dragon approached Ma Li with staggering steps.

It stretched out its head, opened its big mouth, and gently bit the fruit. After confirming that it was the fruit it bit, the single-headed dragon let out a grunting sound of comfort and began to enjoy it alone.

"At that time, General Servant Sword and I were in the wilderness and needed to kill the commander's group, and we came to a cave. Perhaps the single-headed dragon smelled the smell of the tree fruits it had eaten, and this guy ran out unprepared."

Hearing Ma Li's memories, the Sword General raised one hand and fell into memories. This guy was chewing directly on the blade of his own sword and refused to let go. He was really a naive Pokémon.

"In the end, Ma Li relied on a whole bag of tree fruits to subdue this guy. Morubeko was in trouble all day because of this matter, haha, because the bag of tree fruits can be regarded as its food reserve~" Ma Li Smiling and recounting past events from the trip.

"But Ma Li, please note that it is easy to get along with when it is a single-headed dragon. After it evolves into a two-headed tyrannosaurus, it will become difficult to get along with it." Xia Ye reminded.

After the single-headed dragon evolved into the double-headed tyrannosaurus, the first challenge was to double its food intake, and then its two heads had their own ideas. Because they had different preferences and both wanted to compete for sovereignty, there would always be competition.

The advantage is that in this kind of fight, they can become stronger without the help of external force. The disadvantage is that they are always bruised and bruised, and the two heads are extremely jealous. As a trainer, it is difficult to deal with the details of getting along with it.

"Don't worry, Ma Li is already prepared to take good care of it when she conquers it."

Ma Li stroked Molubek. This guy, because of his unpredictable personality, always created problems for her, but every time he lost a game, he would comfort himself with his furry face.

"Xia Ye, you should know that most evil-type Pokémon are considered difficult to get along with, but Ma Li believes that once you gain their approval, your chest will be filled with a warm feeling~ This is an evil-type Pokémon. So cute~"

Ma Li put one hand on her chest and smiled knowingly.

Xia Ye also smiled and scratched his head in embarrassment: "It's too much to worry about you getting along with evil Pokémon, because Mali, you are a true trainer who loves evil Pokémon."

"Of course~ If everyone could understand the charm of evil Pokémon, they would be less prejudiced against them. By the way, Xia Ye, has your Pokémon egg hatched? Which Pokémon is it?"

"It's the Heart Scale Treasure." Xia Ye said.

"Heartscale Pokémon? It's a very rare Pokémon in Galar. Well, how about we let them meet each other? They happen to be dragon-type Pokémon."

Ma Li made a suggestion. She actually wanted to see what the dragon Pokémon trained by Xia Ye looked like.

"What about training?"

"Then Xia Ye, what do you think is the best training for a single-headed dragon?"

"Well, I want to eat?"

"Yes, this kind of Pokémon needs to accumulate enough nutrients to evolve. The uncle in the cloak said that if you want a single-headed dragon to evolve, you need to feed it carefully for at least three years."

"Of course, this is an example of a single-headed dragon that has just hatched from an egg. A wild single-headed dragon should take less time."

"Since we mentioned eating, by the way, Ma Li, there are fruits suitable for it in the Sunset Forest."

Xia Ye made a suggestion. The improved varieties of piercing fruit can definitely meet the needs of single-headed dragons.

"Yes, that kind of tree fruit may satisfy Morubeko, and it will definitely satisfy the single-headed dragon. Well, let this little guy eat as much as he can while he is still in Spike Town." Ma Li showed her affection. expression.

"After all, eating is its training."

The Sword Generals on the side were all shocked. They were all Pokémon. Why were they so different? Could it be because the single-headed dragon was a baby? But my treatment was not like this when I was a baby.

"Then let's go find the Heart Scale Treasure. It should be training somewhere in the forest now. We just take this opportunity to arrange for Molubeke and the servant general." Xia Ye said.

"It's actually training alone. It turns out that it's a Pokémon that only works hard. Then ask Xia Ye to lead the way. Let's go, General Pu Dao." Ma Li waved and called.

General Pu Dao, through inner encouragement, once again ignited his unwillingness to admit defeat. Even if there are many people, he restrains me, so what, let you see my steel will to reach the top!

When she saw Morubeko lying around the lightning-struck tree, absorbing electricity, Ma Li did not pay attention to this strange plant for the first time. Instead, she took out her mobile phone and started taking pictures from various angles.

Well, don’t forget, Mali is an out-and-out Morubaco lover.

This move made Molu Beke in her arms puff up his cheeks and show a jealous expression. He immediately turned into an empty stomach state. He jumped out of Ma Li's arms, rolled up his invisible sleeves, and wanted to find these Molu Beke. Roubaix can give it a go.

However, after it felt the electric shock of the lightning striking the wood, it directly assimilated with the group of Morubeks, lying on the ground with a comfortable face, belly up, completely forgetting the anger just now.

Ma Li found a suitable angle and took a picture of Molubeke's current appearance. In an instant, Ma Li was sure that this was her most satisfying photo.

"Hey, I haven't seen its cute expression for a long time. Isn't it very cute? The settings are completed. Hehe, the new standby interface is really a good thing. Thank you, Xia Ye~" Ma Li's words were filled with emotion. Cheerful.

"Then let Morubek stay here first. The Morubek in Sunset Forest can only communicate smoothly when eating. Then we can entrust them to help recharge Morubek."

"Well, then I'll take a few more photos. It's perfect. I've added a supplement to the collection. Xia Ye, it's time to serve as the sword general next." Ma Li put away her phone and asked.

"That's right, but everyone lives in a somewhat scattered location. I just take this opportunity to take you to see the current Sunset Forest."

"Well, Mali, I have to look forward to it~"

On the Yanghua Lawn, Ma Li saw the blooming flower fields and was surprised that there was such a beautiful place in the Sunset Forest, the permanent forest. Ma Li said that she could not resist the Yueyue Xiong who looked ferocious but had a simple and honest personality.

In the ice and snow forest, Ma Li, who suddenly had a childlike innocence, suddenly proposed to have a snowball fight with Xia Ye, but when she actually tested the temperature of the snowball, she immediately calmed down and gave up.

In Misty Lake, Ma Li was stunned by the appearance of Menus. Well, Xia Ye's Pokémon are all very charming, but her partners are not bad either!

In the dreamy forest, Ma Li felt that this area was even more dreamy, and there was a sweet aroma filling the air, just like a world in a fairy tale.

While Ma Li was enjoying the unique scenery of the Sunset Forest, General Pu Dao's psychological pressure was increasing.

The kick of this lady in the green skirt is really hard. It's such a big bear, and it's ground-type. Wow, there are actually two fire-type Pokémon. Uh, why is this crab's fist bigger than a sandbag?

Fortunately, it's not this Minas, but this big muscular dog is not easy to mess with. Why am I so excited to hear about fighting it, as if I haven't fought in a long time.

ah? Is this the Brimwen? Really or not, why does he have the same aura as Menus? Suddenly, I feel that the other training subjects are not so scary.

Many years later, General Sword, who had long possessed a true iron will, recalled that day. In a daze, he saw the light flickering in the void. It was sublime, simple and mysterious, as if it had been there since the beginning of the world's existence.

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