Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 226 Return to Beishang Township Students of Blueberry College (2-in-1)

In Beishang Township, the slightly old asphalt road reflects the dazzling sunlight, and the air is hot and humid. From time to time, there is the sound of dragonflies buzzing and flapping their wings, or the feeble cry of black waves in the paddy fields, which makes people feel irritated and tired.

In this hot summer weather, coyote dogs all know how to hide under the shade of trees to enjoy the coolness. In order to express their sincerity, the administrator of the public center chose to stand in front of the bus stop and wait for Xia Ye under the scorching sun. 's arrival

His smooth bald head was shining brightly. He held up a handkerchief and kept wiping away the sweat. Suddenly, the administrator heard the whistle of a car and a bus came swaying.

The bus stopped slowly in front of the platform, the door creaked open, the administrator put away the handkerchief, and saw several tourists in cool clothes getting out of the bus talking and laughing. The first thing they did was to take selfies and upload them to on social platforms.

Looking at the tourists who were not Xia Ye, the administrator was a little anxious. Could it be that he had remembered the time wrong? Wouldn't it be a waste of time?

At this time, the last passenger walked out of the car carrying a big bag. Wearing a mask, he looked at the sweating administrator and asked with some confusion: "Mr. administrator, why are you here?"

Hearing the familiar voice, the administrator was delighted and explained: "Mr. Xia Ye, isn't this to better welcome you?"

"It's not my first time here. Judging from your appearance, you must have been waiting for a long time, right?"

"No, no, I just arrived, but the weather is too hot," the administrator quickly waved his hand in denial, and then muttered in a low voice, "Well, we also need to prepare some drinks and food for the students to cool down."

"Ahem, Mr. Xia Ye, please come back to the public hall with me first. The room has been prepared for you, and there is air conditioning there. It will be very uncomfortable to stand in this hot weather."

"And you often feel unappetizing in this kind of weather. We have also prepared appetizing food."

The administrator's words were full of enthusiasm and concern, fearing that Xia Ye would be a little dissatisfied and leave directly.

"The room is enough. I'm not very hungry now, so I don't need to bother preparing food." Xia Ye declined the administrator's kindness.

Because he knew Momojiro's ability in advance, Xia Ye was not going to eat all the food provided by Beishang Township. Who knew whether Momojilang's toxins would be mixed in it.

The backpack on his back is full of food and water, which is enough for him and his Pokémon to live for the past few days. If that doesn't work, he can also ripen fruit trees on the spot and pick the fruits from them to eat.

"That's it, I understand. Then Mr. Xia Ye, come with me." The administrator's expression was a bit awkward. The food in Beishang Township is not terrible. It should be because Xia Ye is really not hungry.

Xia Ye nodded, and at the same time thought about whether he should ask the administrator about Moo Jilang's information. Well, forget it, it's better not to ask. It's better to be careful when facing an enemy who has troublesome abilities in the dark.

Maybe there is an eyeliner somewhere, so just pretend you don't know anything for now. This is one of the reasons why Xia Ye wears a mask. Maybe it will get angry after seeing the ghost mask.


Located on a tree not far from the bus stop, a Gugu looked at its companions in confusion. What on earth made it so angry? Wait, does Gugu make such a sound?

The sound of cooing, shouldn’t it be cooing?

Blueberry Academy, a new school located in the sea of ​​​​the United States, was filled with students in a certain classroom at this time. A blond woman stood on the podium with her hands clasped together, her body swaying from side to side, and her expression was very happy.

She was wearing a dark purple shirt and red trousers, and her top was embroidered with unique patterns, giving people a mysterious feeling.

"Students, welcome to this summer camp in Beishang Township. As the top 30 students in the college, I believe that this journey will help you make more progress~"


"Classmate Danyu, what's the matter?"

"Wait a minute, Teacher Bai Leiya, where do you want to go?"

Dan Yu, who was lying on the table, stood up with a surprised expression. She didn't expect that the principal called them to attend a summer camp, let alone her hometown.

"It's Beishang Township. Besides, didn't Principal Xi Lan inform you before? Ah, maybe he forgot again?" The blond woman sighed helplessly, her unique emerald green hexagonal earrings shaking with her head.

"Speaking of which, Beishang Township is Dan Yu's hometown, right?!"

A woman with short hair shouted with a smile, and the girl with twin tails beside her also cheered:

"It just so happens that we are going there, Dan Yu, why don't you give us an introduction in advance? Ah, but what a pity, your brother finally reached thirty-one with great difficulty. I didn't expect that he would go to his hometown this time~"

"Yes, if he had worked harder, he might have been able to go with us. Don't you think it's a pity, Dan Yu?"


Dan Yu glared at the other party fiercely. She knew very well how hard Wu Li had worked during this period. These guys were really infuriating!

"Because I don't know, I have to witness it with my own eyes. This is the fun of summer camp." The dark-skinned girl next to Dan Yu pushed up her glasses. There were four unique screw hair accessories on her head.

"Haha, that's right, classmate Nali, how exciting it is to explore the unknown truth!" Bai Leiya's expression was full of enthusiasm.


Dan Yu cast a grateful look at the woman next to him. She was his best friend. Although she was usually taciturn, she actually cared about her friends.

"It doesn't matter, Dan Yu. They are wasting time and should be stopped." Nali had no expression on her face and pushed up her glasses with a hint of pride. Only Dan Yu could probably see this pride.

At this moment, the white-haired young man who was also lying on the table raised his arms. His expression was listless and he said in a frivolous tone:

"Yes, I also think it's a pity. That guy Ali has obviously worked so hard~ So Teacher Bai Leiya, please let me quit, just to give up my position to him~"

"Classmate Du Ruo, I think this is not good. This is the arrangement of the school, and I think you are just troublesome." The girl with pink and purple hair had a serious expression and crossed her hands to express her dissatisfaction.

"Haha, you are misunderstanding me, Ziyu, the top thirty students are basically from the Alliance Club. If we all leave, who will manage it? Therefore, this responsibility can only be borne by my club. You have taken the responsibility." Du Ruo waved his hand and said.

"Hmph, I obviously work as the boss of Sashang, and the position of president is also taken in turns. The current president is Chisong." Ziyu still wanted to refute this dishonest guy.

"Huh? But I want to go to summer camp. I'm very curious about the cuisine in other regions!" The fiery red-haired boy didn't know how to involve him, so he quickly denied it.

"I didn't stop Chisong from going. Oh, Teacher Bai Leiya, you might as well say something." Zi Yu looked helpless.

"Haha, I think it's better for you to make your own decision. I will agree to it when you come to the conclusion of your discussion."

Du Ruo chuckled and raised his hand again: "Then let's use the old method. The Four Heavenly Kings vote, I agree~"

"I think this is really not good, and I object to it." Zi Yu had a tough attitude.

"Well, since it's Senior Du Ruo's decision, well, forget it, I can do it!" Chisong winced and glanced at Ziyu.

Everyone's eyes fell on the last king. She pushed up her glasses and said, "I agree."

"I knew you would do it, Nali. Oh, why would you, ah!" Ziyu suddenly realized something, because this new quota belongs to younger brother Danyu. Well, Nali, as the student council president, you are fair What about selflessness?

Du Ruo showed a successful expression: "I won, so I wish you all a happy summer camp. Yeah, the weather in Beishang Township must be very hot now. It's really more comfortable to stay in the academy~"

He stood up and pushed open the classroom door, waved his hand, and left the classroom with a leisurely expression. Bai Leiya then said to Dan Yu, "Then please, Dan Yu, please notify Wu Li."

"I understand, Teacher Bai Leiya." Dan Yu nodded.

The two students who just shouted were as uncomfortable as two Pokémon that had been frozen by a snowstorm. They didn't expect that they actually took advantage of that little boy.

"Next, I will talk about some precautions. Please listen carefully. The first thing is that students should get along well with each other."

In Beishang Township, Xia Ye was not going to rest in the room for too long. His goal of returning to Beishang Township this time was to deal with Taobao Lang.

At this time, the administrator who brought an iced drink opened the door with a smile and conveyed the work content to Xia Ye.

The task he entrusted to Xia Ye was very simple. Xia Ye only needed to bring the evil spirit to the campfire mask festival on the last day of the summer camp. If possible, it would be best to demonstrate the magical effect of the mask.

As for the summer camp activity that the administrator prepared for the students of Blueberry Academy, it was called the Orienteering Challenge. Because he heard that the teaching at Blueberry Academy attached great importance to combat, he specially arranged for the guys from the Ghost Mask Group to be the challenge targets.

Anyway, they always fight with all their strength against children without showing any mercy. This time, they were left free to face the students of Blueberry Academy.

The eight members of the Ghost Noodle Group were arranged by the administrator at a famous scenic spot in Beishang Township. Instead of taking the same challenge as before, the puzzles were obscure and the location was too remote.

In this way, you can promote the scenery of Kitakami Township while fighting, which is simply killing two birds with one stone!

When the administrator mentioned this plan, he was very proud, but he still specifically asked the members of the Ghost Noodle Team to definitely, definitely, must find a way for the students of Blueberry Academy to win, at least the first seven Ghost Noodle Team must Gonna lose!

He was afraid that those students would be dissatisfied, which would lead to negative publicity instead of positive publicity, and all previous efforts would be in vain.

However, when he saw Xia Ye wearing a mask, he had another thought. He might as well let Xia Ye become the hidden leader who commands the evil spirits. Don't young people nowadays like such mysterious things?

But the administrator is afraid that Xia Ye will not agree, or if he agrees, he is afraid that he will command Ergui to beat up the students of Blueberry Academy. However, if it is Ergui, it is normal that he will lose. That is a The Pokémon defeated the three Pokémon companions!

Therefore, the administrator still tried to ask: "Mr. Xia Ye, actually I have another idea. Can you take Master Ergui to wander around Beishang Township occasionally? I would like to ask you to be the hidden leader of the challenge. "

"Of course, you only need to choose a place to stay for a while every day, and we will arrange a flying taxi to pick you up. Mr. Xia Ye will not be left in the hot weather for too long!"

"Let me wander around?"

Xia Ye didn't expect that the administrator's proposal was just in line with his purpose. Beishang Township was not a small town, and it would take a lot of time to search everywhere to find the sleeping Tao Jilang.

According to him, being a hidden leader can justifiably roam around. Thinking of this, Xia Ye nodded and responded: "Of course it's no problem. In fact, I like outdoor activities, and there are scenery in Beishang Township that I haven't seen last time. ah."

"Really, that would be great. Ahem, if Mr. Xia Ye feels tired by then, please call this number and we will send a flying taxi to pick you up at your destination."

The administrator handed over a business card with the phone number of the Green Town Civic Center written on it.

Seeing Xia Ye accept the business card, the administrator smiled and told Xia Ye to have a good rest, then opened the door and left. Xia Ye looked at the cold drink and shook his head. Although he had good intentions, he still couldn't take it lightly. .

Three days later, a brand new bus drove into the Beishang Township bus station. As the wealthy Blueberry Academy, it would definitely not let students take an old bus to Beishang Township.

Compared with the group of excited students, the first person to rush out of the car was the leader of this event, Teacher Bai Leiya.

As soon as she got out of the car, she took out her Rotom phone and couldn't wait to check the data of the special detection device installed in the phone.

Looking at the rapidly changing screen, Bai Leiya's expression became fanatical: "Haha, Beishang Township is indeed filled with rich Taijing energy. No wonder the Taijing phenomenon occurs here."

"It's so hot. I hope the place where I live at least has air conditioning~" The girl with twin ponytails felt the heat wave and showed an embarrassed expression.

"Hey, can this kind of remote countryside really have air conditioning? Wow, it's such a period house. Dan Yu, are you living in the old times?" The short-haired woman showed a mocking expression.

"Ah, do you want to fight, you guys! Don't forget, you lost to me who was born in Kitakami Township. What's wrong? Did your proud hometown produce trainers of this kind?" Dan Yu instead retorted with a mocking expression.

"Teacher! Danyu!"

Seeing that they couldn't talk to Dan Yu, they turned to teacher Bai Leiya for help. As a result, Bai Leiya ignored their words and was immersed in her own research.

"Did you quarrel? Quarrels are not good!"

Chisong, who was carrying the wok, interjected. When they saw this fiery cooking idiot joining in, they immediately lost the desire to entangle and walked aside to whisper.

"Sister, you're so handsome," Wuli clenched his fists and praised in a low voice.

"Hmph, you dare to belittle our hometown. It's better if you don't give these annoying guys a beating. Tsk, how about you implement it when no one is around." Dan Yu began to think about his revenge plan.

"Sister? This is a bit too much," Wuli advised.

"Ali, you don't understand. These guys have to suffer a little to be honest, right?" Dan Yu felt her phone vibrating, took it out and saw that someone had sent her a message.

"This is Ali, look!"

Wu Li curiously moved his head towards the phone that Dan Yu stretched out. After reading the information on the screen, he showed a surprised expression with a hint of joy in his tone:

"Xia Ye actually came to Beishang Township! In other words, will Egui Chu also come to Beishang Township?!"

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