Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 234 The new ability of the mask Student Sweeper Xia Ye (two-in-one)

"Come on, Ergui, use the power of Tai Jinghua!"


Ergui put on a mask of fear of poison, with dark purple and pale intertwined on its cloak. A deadly poisonous chain emerged behind the mask, just like the pigtails of Moo Jilang's body.

In order to activate the power of this mask, Ergui must understand the emotion of fear. After a brief separation from Xia Ye, it finally understood the real fear in its heart, which is the separation from the person it loves.

To stop this from happening, it has to get stronger, so shine, mask!

The poison mask became huge under the power of Tai Jinghua, shining with deadly purple light, a roaring pale skeleton, sharp poisonous horns, and frightened eyes and roars hidden under the death.

Countless dark purple chains spread around the mask, scattering highly toxic fragments around, spreading corrosive poisonous disasters.

"Is this the power of Ergui?! It's really amazing. I didn't expect that the mask I designed could turn out to be so terrifying. No, it looks so powerful. Wow, ancestors, have you seen it?" Grandpa Xuezhong was moved. To the point of crying, this is without a doubt one of the best works he has ever been involved in.

[Ergui (Fear of Poison Mask), grass/poison type Pokémon, characteristic: poison chain. 】

[Facial Reflection (Fear of Poison Mask): Poison caltrop will be released once every time it appears. 】

Is this the new power of Ergui? With the combination of these two characteristics, it will be difficult for its opponents to avoid being poisoned.

In the future, when facing physically strong but bulky enemies, Ergui Pun doesn't even need to attack. He can defeat his opponents by relying only on his dexterity and poisonous state.

"Very good, Ergui, you can release the crystallization. Let's try another mask next!" Xia Ye called.


The shining crystal covered by the huge mask shattered, quickly shrunk and fell into Ergui's hands. It carefully put it away, took out the Huanyue Mask, and put it on its head.

Light pink and silver gray are scattered on Ergui's cloak, and the combination with the mask makes it look more playful and cute, exuding a dreamy atmosphere.


Love, love for family, now Ergui can completely understand this feeling, thanks to every bit of his life in the Sunset Forest.

The bright moonlight and dreamy colored light converge on the Huanyue Mask. The appearance of the Tai Jing crystal makes the mask huge, covered with shining pink crystals.

The silver-gray crescent moon shines, and the star pupils embedded with pink crystals shine together, and the cute face like a ghost reveals a happy smile, enjoying the fantasy of dreams under the night sky.

Countless pink dream butterflies cluster around the huge mask, emitting dazzling light to protect the dreams of the one you love.

"Oh oh oh, it's so beautiful. If it were my wife when she was young, she would be blushing now, admiring the dream-like scenery with glowing eyes!" Grandpa Xuezhong wiped his tears, as if he was fifty years younger, and his thoughts returned It’s time to spend the night chasing electric fireflies with that shy girl.

[Ergui (Fantasy Moon Mask), grass/fairy type Pokémon, characteristic: magic defense. 】

[Facial Reflection (Fantasy Moon Mask): Each time you appear on the stage, you will release a magic reflection. 】

Just hearing these two characteristics, Xia Ye felt the strong desire for protection from the man. I really felt this fatherly love.

The magic defense feature can be immune to all damage except attack moves, including damage from abnormal conditions, weather, props, status changes, etc.

The magic reflection state can reflect back the changing moves that target itself.

Well, it seems that the Huanyue Mask is a defensive mask, but the offense that Ergui is good at will become even more powerful under the protection of this power!

And the mask adds more than just these improvements. Ergui's exclusive move, the Thorn Rod, will change according to the attributes of the mask.

The poison and fairy moves are powerful, full of hits and easy to hit vital points, which are enough to make poison-based attackers who are hesitating between garbage shooting and poison attacks, and fairy-type attackers who are hugging and playing around drool with envy!

The addition of two attribute moves has also increased the strike surface of Ergui's four attributes. In the future, fairy, dragon, evil, and fighting Pokémon will tremble when they see Er's stick!

Xia Ye didn't expect that the second trip to Beishang Township would actually improve Ergui's strength so much, and also untie the knot that had been entangled in it. Coupled with the powerful effect of King Wing's Feather, this operation can be said to be rewarding. Full.

Speaking of which, the work entrusted by the administrator has not been completed. Well, it has been decided that the students do not need to search anymore. This time it is us who take the initiative. Xia Ye also wants to feel the true strength of the students of Lanmei Academy.

Apple Hill has the largest apple plantation in Kitakami Township. Honey apples are the most planted variety here and are also a specialty of Kitakami Township.

Akamatsu looked at the basket of honey apples in front of him and pondered, how should sweet food be made to taste delicious?

He is very good at spicy food, and the hot feeling can instantly ignite people's enthusiasm and enjoy the fiery battle.

However, just by looking at Senior Ziyu's appearance, you can guess that she likes sweets, if she can make delicious desserts herself.

Chisong's face suddenly turned red and he shook his head violently, "No, what am I thinking!"

At this moment, he saw a man wearing a mask standing on the hillside in the distance. It was the Ghost Mask Group!

After he came to Kitakami Township, he indulged in cooking and picnics. So far, he has only completed the challenge of four ghost noodle groups. After all, he is also the Four Heavenly Kings of Blueberry Academy. He should challenge more ghost noodle groups. Then he might be able to win the title of Senior Purple Yu. Praise!

Thinking of this, Akamatsu ignited his enthusiasm for fighting, picked up the iron pot and ran towards the hillside, waving his hands and shouting: "Big brother of the Ghost Noodle Group, I am a student of Blueberry Academy, let's fight in order to complete the summer camp activities! "

"Oh, you are the first student to find the ninth member of the Ghost Face Group. Very good, I will accept your challenge." Xia Ye said in a low voice.

"The ninth person!"

Akamatsu's mouth opened wide, and his expression couldn't help but get excited. He had heard from the administrator that there was a hidden challenge target in this cross-country challenge. He was the trainer of Kitakami Township's mascot, Eguifen, and he would wander around, waiting for students to challenge him. .

If you can find him, you will have the opportunity to meet with Eguifen in advance. Senior Sister Ziyu likes Eguifen very much. She showed great interest in it as soon as they met. If she can share this experience with Her words!

"Yes, but this is close to an apple orchard. The battle may cause damage to the nearby area, so let's change the location."

"Oh, indeed!" Chisong nodded, "Then please lead the way, Brother Ninth Man!"

Fujihuahara, before Xia Ye could speak, Akamatsu expressed his thoughts: "Brother Ninth Man! Can you have a doubles match with me! I want to win this match beautifully no matter what!"

"Oh, so you are very good at doubles?"

"Because what we at Blueberry Academy respect is doubles play!" Akamatsu replied straightforwardly.

"Okay, then let's have a two-on-two battle."

"Oh! I won't lose, go ahead, Platypus and Flame Monkey!"

Akamatsu threw two initiative balls, which bounced around in the iron pot like stir-fry, then returned to his hand and threw them out.

The platypus with flaming hair and arms like cannon barrels and the flaming monkey with both fists on the ground appeared on the lawn, making the already hot air continue to heat up.

"Go ahead, Ergui Chu, and blast the King Kong Ape."

Xia Ye sent out the Ergui Pong and the Thunder King Kong. As soon as they appeared on the scene, they added more vitality to the lush grassland, and the appearance of the Thunder King Kong made the Flame Monkey tremble unconsciously, and even it itself Can't figure out why.

"Two Grass-type Pokémon! It seems that I have the advantage, Brother Ninth!"

"You are right, we are indeed at a disadvantage in terms of attributes, so let's change the well mask, Ergui!"


Ergui put the well mask on his face, and its breath changed instantly. A coolness surrounded it, becoming as gentle as a trickling stream.

"The attributes have been changed. It's really amazing! It's really even more powerful when you see it with your own eyes!" Chisong excitedly waved the iron pot, then put it on his shoulders and commanded with a smile:

"The duck-billed Salamander, on a sunny day, the Blazing Monkey used a huge indignation attack to beat the King Kong Ape!"

"It's such a hot day, don't add any heat, let's blast the King Kong with a surprise attack with high fives."

"Brother Ninth Man! In this case, I will take over your Boomerang!" Chisong showed a smile of success. Even if there was no sunny day, he still had the advantage. He could directly restrict the movement of a Pokémon. It was simply too awesome. made money.

"Eguifen, just look at me."


The Banglei King Kong gorilla clapped his hands fiercely. The duck-billed Salamander, which was originally going to use Sunny Day, froze in place. The Banglei King Kong gorilla took the opportunity to move forward and attack.

The flaming monkey, whose whole body was wrapped in flames, broke away from its original target and was attracted by Ergui Pun. After a crazy beating, Ergui Pun didn't receive much damage at all. Without Qingtian's assistance, the flaming monkey's damage was insufficient. fear.

Chisong felt something was wrong. The Flame Monkey fell into a state of great anger and could not listen to the command. He had to help it get rid of the evil spirits first. In this case!

"Platymon, use hot air!"

"Blast the King Kong Ape, with 100,000 horsepower, treacherous enemies, and spiked defense. We won't lose if we fight for speed!"

The platypus raised its arms, preparing to stir up the scalding hot wind.

But it was obvious that the Banglui Kongangang was one step ahead of it. The Banglui Kongangang, which exuded the aura of the earth, kicked it in the stomach with a roundhouse kick. The duck-billed Salamander opened its mouth in pain and originally wanted to attack. Also interrupted.

On the other side, Ergui Pun deployed its spikes to defend, causing the Flame Monkey to hit its fists on the spikes. The pain relieved it from its state of great indignation, but at the same time, it also fell into a state of confusion due to the side effects of its skills.

"We are suddenly at a disadvantage, and the flames are about to go out!" Chisong's palms holding the iron pot were sweating. The duck-billed Salamander, who was exhausted, and the Flame Monkey, who was in chaos, were going to make a comeback!

"It's over. Use the thorn stick and 100,000 horsepower to kill your opponent!"

The thorn stick filled with water energy smashed into the Flame Monkey in Ergui's hand. The Flame Monkey, who raised his arms to defend, was unable to withstand the violent attack and fell to the ground.

On the other side, the unstoppable Banglai King Kong gorilla punched the duck-billed Salamander who struggled to lift the barrel. The air wave stirred up the grass behind it and raised the fiery red bangs of Akamatsu. In this battle, he was undoubtedly the Lost.

"It's so awesome to lose. Brother Ninth Man, you are indeed the target of a hidden challenge! Ah, through this battle, I am fired up. I am going to challenge the remaining Ghost Mask Team, because I am not enough yet!" After Chisong praised him, he patted his head in embarrassment.

Then he took back his Pokémon, said goodbye to Xia Ye, and quickly ran to Green Town without looking back. He wanted to reply to the Pokémon he had worked so hard for, and he quickly exercised his strength. With his cooking skills gaining a lot, Don’t let the battle fall behind.

"I remember that his name seems to be Akamatsu. The Pokémon's strength is not bad, but the battle is too straightforward. It seems that the four kings of the academy are not yet at the level of the master." Xia Ye nodded.

"Thank you for your hard work. Banglai King Kong Ape, Ergui Pun, this is the first one. There are many classmates waiting for us, let's go."


Boomstick nodded. Fighting with different trainers means that it can learn more about the characteristics of Pokémon, so that it can better protect the Sunset Forest.


Ergui was very excited because he could swing the stick at will during the battle!

On the last night of the summer camp, when the administrator stood on the center stage of Kitakami and asked for the appearance of the Ecuadorians, the expressions of the Blueberry Academy students in the audience were not too excited, but rather weird.

The reason is simple, because Xia Ye took the Egui Pulse and beat them all up, and they have met each other a long time ago.

A kind of doubt arose in their hearts. Although he looked very cute, he was wielding such a dangerous stick. Is Kitakami Township's mascot really okay?

However, its trainer is really very powerful. Although Ergui is very powerful, the tactics shown by Xia Ye made these students have no choice but to give in.

These students from big cities never expected that a remote Beishang Township would hide such a powerful trainer. Even the second-ranked Four Heavenly King Zi Yu lost to him.

And Zi Yu showed a look of pity when she mentioned Ergui Pulong, not because she lost the battle, but because Ergui Pulmonary wearing the fear mask was not cute at all.

She thinks this is not good, why not use the cute Moon Mask to fight with her? It is such a petite and cute Pokémon, so it should be cute on top of cuteness!

"Ahem, let's invite Lord Ergui." The administrator applauded and stepped back from the stage, giving the stage to Ergui.


Er Kuai nimbly jumped from behind the scenes to the front of the stage with a backflip, put his hands on his hips, and looked at the audience with a smile.

Well, with this endearing smile, it’s hard to be hostile to it even if it loses the battle. Almost all the students came up with this idea and applauded enthusiastically.

At this time, Xia Ye also walked out from behind the scenes, and said in a low voice: "Good evening, classmates. I know that Blueberry Academy will use the crystallization system in the battle. The Ergui can also be crystallized, but it is different from ordinary The Tai Jinghua is a little different."

This sentence was different from ordinary Tai Jinghua. This sentence aroused everyone's interest. They all looked at Ergui with expectant faces. Only Wuli showed a proud expression. He had seen that huge shining mask before. .

"Ergui has the power to control masks in battle. Each mask looks different after being crystallized, so students who want to see that mask should shout out!"

Xia Ye's words immediately heated up the atmosphere. Everyone shouted the name of the mask. Basically, it was the mask that defeated her. Except for Zi Yu, she really wanted to see the special crystal transformation of Huanyue Mask. It must be very cute. .

"I believe you have also felt everyone's enthusiasm. Ergui, which mask do you want to show everyone?"

Ergui Peng showed a thoughtful expression, and the students in the audience calmed down in response, silently waiting for Er Guipun's answer.


It has an answer.

The Green Grass Mask, the Foundation Stone Mask, and the Fantasy Moon Mask were taken out by Ergui. They represent ecstasy, happiness and love respectively. Yes, since it is a festival, everyone should be happy and enjoy a happy time.

The laughing green grass mask is full of greenery, allowing joy to grow wildly without restraint.

The foundation stone mask of smile is as solid as a rock, firmly protecting pure happiness.

The fantasy moon mask of happiness is like a dream, protecting the people you value with love and indulging in the dream of happiness.

The students of Blueberry Academy felt the biggest shock since coming into contact with Tai Jinghua. The huge shining mask seemed to come out of legend.

At the same time, they also realized that Ergui did not show his true ability in the battle with them.

In Beishang Township, what they originally thought was a remote town actually hid such magical Pokémon. They silently made a note of this town in their hearts. Next time, they would come again, and they would invite their relatives and friends to come with them!

At the same time, Teacher Bai Leiya, who didn't know when she would return, stopped behind the students, showed a fanatical smile, clasped her hands together, and swayed left and right.

A Pokémon born from Tai Crystal energy actually possesses such beautiful power. Haha, I am really looking forward to the truth about the Secret Treasure Zero!

Xia Ye and Eguifen have decided that once the investigation application for the Padia Crater is approved, I will definitely invite them to go together! Haha, by then, the world will definitely recognize the content of Zhu Zhishu!

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