Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 238: Trouble and trouble, send out a thorn stick


In the open space in front of the wooden house, Erguiquan violently waved the thorn stick. Since eating Mr. Gad's special sour food yesterday, its fatigue has been swept away, and its whole body is full of energy.

In order to release this excess physical strength, Ergui has been practicing the method of wielding the thorn stick since early on. Before, it only had one attack method, and that was smashing.

Although this move is very destructive, one drawback is that it is too easy to predict. If you can familiarize yourself with more attack methods, you will be more skillful in battle.

The Banglui Diamond Ape is quite skilled at thrusting out sticks, so now it serves as Ergui Pun's teacher, teaching him how to attack with stick weapons.

Swinging, splitting, picking, and poking, these are the four main attack methods summarized by the Banglei King Kong Ape. Among them, splitting is the smashing that Ergui is most familiar with. It thinks it is no longer necessary to teach it.

The remaining three attack methods are swing, swinging the stick forward, pick, swinging the stick from bottom to top, poking, and thrusting forward with the top. These three attack methods are quite simple to practice.

The important thing is to combine, continuously launch attacks, and launch the most appropriate attack at the moment when the opponent reveals a flaw. This is the key to Ergui's practice.

It is now at the stage of becoming familiar with various attack methods, but it is indeed an Ecuador. With its talent, it has now performed well.

"The Banglui King Kong Ape, speaking of which, don't you need to release your excess physical strength like Ergui Chu?" Xia Ye asked from the side.


The Banglei Diamond Ape pointed around. It is now continuously activating the characteristics of the grass maker, releasing life energy and consuming physical strength at the same time.

"I see, but the attack methods of Bang Bang King Kong Ape and Ergui Pun may continue to increase." Xia Ye said slowly.

Continue to increase? The Banglei King Kong Ape showed a puzzled expression. How could this increase? Could it be that the stick of Ergui Pun can still deform?

"You still remember that the most essential ability of Ergui is the Source Green Grass Mask, which can revive dead plants. Yes, Ergui's thorn stick can be made."

"If it counts as a throwing attack, isn't this another increase?" Xia Ye said with a smile.

Indeed, the Banglui King Kong Ape nodded, and its mind was opened. In this way, couldn't Ergui Chu be able to dual-wield the thorn sticks like himself?

Well, just thinking about it makes me feel terrible. The destructive power of that stick is very great. No, it should be because of Ergui's strength, but being hit by the barbed stick will definitely be very painful.

At this time, the Banglei King Kong Ape suddenly noticed that Xia Ye was scanning him, and then cast a questioning look at him.

"Hey, Thunder King Kong Ape, have you ever thought about using the thorn stick of Ergui Pun?"

Xia Ye's question stopped the Thunder King Kong Ape. Since its evolution, its strength has increased exponentially. Coupled with the unique environment of the Sunset Forest and its continuous training, it is still very confident in its own strength.

The drum stick that it had taken advantage of was indeed weak as an offensive weapon for it. If the thorn stick of Ergui was used to stab the wooden branches, the power would be at least doubled.

"Well, it seems that you also think this proposal is feasible, but the key still depends on the thorn stick. After being separated from it, the thorn stick will not emit the same green light as before."

The thorn stick of Ergui Pun is currently placed on the bookshelf of the wooden house. Compared with the one it is wielding now, the material is much weaker.

Ergui, who was training, heard Xia Ye talking about himself, and immediately put away the thorn stick and trotted over. It wiped the sweat on the top of its head, its small eyes were full of curiosity, and it exuded a unique smell after exercising. of fragrance.

"Boni?" (What, are you talking about Pon-Pun?)

"Ah, that's right, Ergui, I have a question for you. Will making the thorn stick consume a lot of your energy?"

"Boom? Wow!"

Hearing Xia Ye's question, Eguifen answered the question with practical actions. In less than a moment, four or five thorn sticks were scattered on the ground at Eguifen's feet. Well, it didn't take any effort~

"I understand," Xia Ye squatted down and reached out to touch Erguichu's head, "Then can you tell me why the green light surrounding the thorn stick disappeared soon after leaving you?"


Erguifen held up the stick in his hand. The reason was very simple. Without the nourishment of life energy, he would naturally become fragile without life energy.

This is also the reason why it does not change weapons frequently. The constant nourishment can increase the energy the thorn stick can withstand, thereby increasing the hardness of the stick.

Although the properties of the thorn stick will change every time the mask is replaced, and energy needs to be poured into the mask, the supply of life energy cannot be reduced.

"The key lies in life energy. In this case, let's try using the thorn stick, because you are very good at controlling life energy." Xia Ye looked at the Bangle King Kong Ape and said.

The Thunder King Kong nodded, picked up two suitable thorn sticks, and injected life energy into Ergui's surprised eyes. The thorns wrapped around the sticks began to emit emerald green light.

Feeling the weight of the thorn stick, the Banglei King Kong Ape jumped back, stabbed forward sharply with his left hand, setting off a wave of air, then clenched the stick with his right hand and swept it violently in front of him.

Unconsciously, the Banglui King Kong smiled, as if it had returned to the time when it was still a knocking monkey, that afternoon when it trained with Xia Ye to thrust out sticks.

Immediately, the Banglui King Kong happily waved the thorn stick continuously, showing off various attack combinations. Ergui Pun on the side memorized these moves firmly. Dual-wielding wooden sticks is so cool. He will also dual-wield thorns in the future. Great!

However, just as the Banglei King Kong was working hard to perform its moves, the two thorn sticks suddenly broke with a click, making its expression look a little lonely.

Ergui Pun also showed a strange expression. It shouldn't be. It has life energy to maintain the thorn stick and it won't be broken casually. Uncle Bang Bang King Kong didn't even use his full strength.

With this thought in mind, Ekuei Chu waved the thorn stick with all his strength. It was really strange, it was obviously very strong in his hand.

"Well, the difference between you two is, I think, the crystal energy." Xia Ye expressed his speculation. You must know that Ergui can transform into crystals on its own, and perhaps it will also unconsciously when it injects life energy. Inject Tai Jing energy.

"In that case, wait for me for a moment." Xia Ye approached the wooden house, took out a black sphere, returned to the original place and said, "In that case, let's try the crystallization and beat the King Kong Ape."

The Banglei Diamond Ape nodded silently, and Xia Ye activated the Taijing Bead in his hand. The rich Taijing energy gathered toward the center like a storm, and the shining crystals enveloped the sphere.

Xia Ye threw it fiercely, and the shining crystals wrapped the whole body of Banglai King Kong Ape. The green flower crown appeared on its head. Feeling this new power, it picked up the thorn stick again.

The thorn stick was swung freely in the hands of the super-crystalized Banglai King Kong Ape. As Xia Ye had guessed, the thorn stick was intact this time and was even more shining than before!

This made Ergui's eyes sparkle. From now on, it and the Thunder King Kong will be Bangbang brothers and sisters. Whoever dares to hurt Xia Ye, destroy the forest, or harm Pokémon in front of them should be prepared to accept the punishment of Thorn Stick, or Four thorn sticks!

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