Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 255 New member Disciple Xiong’s night conversation with Ma Li (two-in-one)

"Hahaha, it seems that I lost the battle, old man, but I really saw a lot of interesting things~" Although Master Ma lost the battle, his expression was cheerful.

"Well, since you won the battle, Xiao Xiaxia, according to the agreement, the secret armor from Master Ma's martial arts school will be handed over to you! Come here quickly!"

Master Ma shouted as he looked towards the direction of the martial arts hall with his hands behind his back, and saw a beige bear nimbly falling from the roof to the ground, running quickly towards the battlefield.

In less than half a minute, the bear apprentice arrived on the battlefield. He was striding forward, his energy was sinking in his Dantian, and he punched continuously. His excited little face seemed to be still immersed in the passionate battle just now.

Suddenly, it found a group of people staring closely at it. It quickly trotted and shrank behind Master Ma, shyly showing its little face.

"Its name is Apprentice Bear. It is a Pokémon with unlimited potential. It is the secret armor of Master Ma's martial arts school!" Master Ma explained, patting its head.

"Oh, it turns out that the secret armor of the martial arts school is a Pokémon." The tone of the disciples was a bit dull. Maybe it was because the battle just now was too shocking, so the news was not that surprising.

"Man, old man, I brought you a battle. You just watched it. It's not like a warrior to hide! Haven't you been looking forward to it for a long time?" Master Ma scolded with a smile.


The bear apprentice nodded silently, took a deep breath and jumped into the battlefield again, clasping his hands into fists, lowering his head and saluting Xia Ye. This was their way of greeting the respected strong men.


Before Xia Ye could reply, Ekui Chun replied for him with excitement, are you going to be Chun Chun's new brother? !

younger brother? The apprentice bear showed a puzzled expression, and he began to speculate with the thinking of a warrior, could this be a nickname for the newcomer? In this case, according to my seniority, I should answer this way!

"Oh!" (Yes, Senior Sister!)


Senior sister? Anyway, it doesn't matter if you use the word "sister", but there is a problem that I have to correct this younger brother!

I saw Er Gui Chu folding his hands on his chest and looking serious. Then he shook his head and replied very seriously, He is not the senior sister, he should be your fifth senior sister!

After Disciple Xiong heard this, he was stunned for a moment, scratched his head and apologized in embarrassment, because the Fifth Senior Sister was too strong, so he subconsciously thought she was the Senior Sister.

Erkuei made a pleasant hum, who doesn't like to be praised? It showed a vigorous smile and patted the bear apprentice on the head, "I forgive you, let us get along well with each other from now on!"

"It seems that your relationship has improved," Xia Ye looked at Apprentice Bear, nodded, and asked seriously: "Apprentice Bear, are you willing to be my Pokémon?"


Of course, Apprentice Xiong stretched out his hands and tightened his head, and the white hair floated behind him. The so-called warrior means following your heart and not regretting any decision you make!

The hard-working figure of a young dragon appeared in front of Xia Ye. Heart Scale Treasure, it seems that you will soon gain a suitable training partner.

"Well, I feel your thoughts. Please give me more advice, Apprentice Xiong!"

Xia Ye squatted down and stretched out his fist with a smile. Disciple Xiong understood and reached out his small hand to fist bump with him and smiled in return.

Master Ma on the side had already put on his usual clothes, walked to Xia Ye and handed Disciple Xiong's elf ball to him.

"Xiao Xiaxia, this is Apprentice Bear's elf ball. Now that you have obtained the secret armor of the martial arts school, I should tell you about its next trial, old man."

"The Twin Fist Tower located on the Isle of Armor was built for the evolution of the Bear Apprentice. If you want it to evolve, you must only carry the Bear Apprentice and rely on it to get a Pokémon to the top of the tower."

"The Water Tower located on Challenge Beach allows it to evolve into a combo-style martial arts bear master. Its attributes are fighting and water." Master Ma looked to the west, then turned back and raised his head to look at the mountain top in the distance. .

"And the Tower of Evil located on the Challenge Road allows it to evolve into a one-hit martial arts bear master. Its attributes are fighting and evil."

"Which school you choose depends on you and Disciple Xiong, Xiao Xiaxia," Master Ma said with expectant eyes, "When you become strong enough and confident enough to pass the test, you will return to the martial arts hall and inform your decision. Leave it to me, old man~"

"Haha, originally there was a link to build a good relationship with Disciple Xiong, but it is definitely no longer useful for you now!"

Master Ma left the battlefield with satisfaction, turned around and waved his hand. The long-awaited warm-up was really enjoyable. If Xiao Xiaxia chooses to challenge for the championship in the future, Xiao Dandan, will you be as excited as me, the old man!

Xia Ye watched Master Ma leave, then looked at the bear apprentice beside him, checking its potential.

[Bear apprentice, fighting Pokémon. Characteristics: Mental power. Potential: Evil removal, warrior, angry fist/washing]

[Eliminate evil, and the evil spirit disappears. Conditions: After evolving the martial arts bear master, activate the Gigantamax potential, and be proficient in at least two moves to restrain the evil and ghost systems. Effect: Increases damage to ghosts and evil Pokémon, making them fearful. 】

[Warrior, the way of martial arts is in the heart. Conditions: Understand one's own martial arts. Effect: Different effects will be improved according to the meaning of understanding the martial arts. 】

[Rage Fist/Wash (not unlocked). Unlocking conditions: Evolve into a one-hit or combo-style martial arts bear master. 】

Xia Ye was still thinking about the unique potential of Apprentice Xiong. A group of disciples immediately surrounded him, Ergui Chun and Apprentice Xiong. Praise and countless questions followed, making Xia Ye experience the famous feeling for the first time. Feel.

Ergui really enjoys this feeling, because everyone seems to be good people. If Uncle Crow in Steel Armor is still here, he must be in high spirits now~

"Ahem, Xia Ye just finished his battle with Master Ma. Shouldn't everyone let him rest~?" Ma Li's voice sounded from behind the crowd, sounding very proud, even happier than she had won the battle.

"Ma Li is right, everyone, the training tonight is not completed yet?" Mistress Mi Ye reminded gently.

Everyone trembled unconsciously. In fact, Master Miye was no weaker than the master, and it was said that she had the strength to move boulders. That gentle voice was not so much a reminder as a final announcement!

"Yes, yes!"

"That's right, let Xia Ye have a good rest!"

"Hahaha, we have to work hard, let's go to training, everyone!"

The disciples who surrounded Xia Ye immediately ran back to the martial arts hall, not daring to waste a moment.

"Everyone is very motivated~" Mrs. Miye crossed her chest with one hand, covered her mouth and said with a smile.

Then she looked at Xia Ye and Ma Li and asked kindly: "It's getting late, why don't you two stay at the martial arts hall for one night?"

Seeing the hesitant expressions on the two people's faces, Mistress Miye quickly added:

"The beds in our martial arts studio are very soft and comfortable. Don't be polite to me. Besides, it's been a long time since I saw my dear so happy, so take it as my thank you gift, okay?"

"We understand. Thank you for your kindness, Mrs. Miye." Xia Ye replied after exchanging opinions with Ma Li.

"That's right~" Mistress Miye clapped her hands with a smile on her face, "Then I'll go prepare the bed and quilt~"

In the martial arts dormitory, Xia Ye sat beside the bed, looking at the bright moon through the window, and the unique smiling face of Master Miye appeared in his mind.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I was really careless. I forgot that Clara and Sebaoli occupied the spare single room. I can only wrong Xia Ye and Ma Li to live in this double room. I'm really sorry~ !”

It's true that Ma Li agreed so readily. Thinking of this, Xia Ye sighed, if Nie Zi were here, he would definitely fight me to the death!

"Really, Xia Ye, why are you sighing alone? Ma Li, it's not like I haven't seen you sleeping before." Ma Li walked to Xia Ye, and now she changed into a dress with a Molubeko pattern printed on it. Of course, her pajamas were borrowed from another girl's room.

"One code equals the other, we are of the opposite sex after all." Xia Ye shook his head and replied.

"Then" Ma Li leaned over and brought her fair face close to her. Her long black hair exuded a faint fragrance, and asked with a playful expression: "Can you do it?"

"." Xia Ye looked into Ma Li's slightly moving blue eyes and showed a serious expression: "No."

"Isn't it okay~ Ma Li believes in your character~" Ma Li straightened her back and spoke very calmly. If it weren't for the moonlight, Xia Ye would have noticed her red cheeks.

As if to relieve her shyness, Ma Li continued: "But, Xia Ye, you won that battle so beautifully, and your opponent was Master Ma!"

"Thank you, Mali, but Master Ma didn't send his strongest Pokémon."

The Pokémon that appeared in the previous battle were not the lineup in Master Ma's game. His three strongest Pokémon should be Master Itachi, Staff Tail Scale Armor, and Martial Bear Master.

"Idiot~" Ma Li snorted softly, "So what? I don't think Master Ma has let his guard down at all. Since he won the battle, he should enjoy the joy of victory!"

"Besides, Xia Ye, didn't you also send Menas and Brímwen? I was even shocked by their powerful strength, Ma Li~"

"Well, I was too pushy. Sorry, Ma Li." Xia Ye chuckled. That's right. Master Ma, as the most powerful trainer in Galar, how could he be so serious about himself as a junior?

If this is the case, it would be too un-masterly, but I still want to experience the true strength of Master Ma, to test my current strength and whether I have the ability to prevent the disaster caused by Wuji Tai in the future.

"Hmph, I understand, Xia Ye, you just didn't have enough fun. With this belief in pursuing strength, you will definitely be very good as a trainer~"

Well, it must be like this, because Ma Li and I are very accurate in judging people. However, I am really glad that Xia Ye became a ranger, became a ranger of Sunset Forest, and then met me.

"Ma Li, what's your reason for becoming stronger? I don't think it's just to become a champion and revitalize Spire Town?" Xia Ye suddenly asked.

".At first I thought so, but in the gym challenge, Ma Li understood that in response to everyone's expectations, in response to my own will not to lose, and in response to my hard-working partners, Ma Li is very greedy, no matter who I want to respond well."

"That's why I need to keep getting stronger and show everyone the results of victory perfectly!" Ma Li's eyes were shining. Everyone's expectations have shaped who I am now. I can never live up to everyone's expectations!

"I see. The reason why I want to become stronger is very simple. I want to protect everyone I care about from harm and be able to enjoy every day happily." Xia Ye said slowly.

"Ma Li has known about it for a long time. Pokémon Hunter, Team Rocket, Momo, and maybe there are other experiences that I don't know about. But no matter what, didn't you always protect everyone?"

The corners of Ma Li's mouth raised slightly, and me, this smile is all thanks to you, Xia Ye. Well, I still have to ask one more question!

"Xia Ye, do all the people you value have a place for Ma Li?"

"Of course," Xia Ye answered decisively, "As well as everyone in Sunset Forest and everyone in Spire Town, no matter who they are, they are all existences that I value."

"Well, I understand~ By the way, Xia Ye, have you decided which style of martial arts bear master you want the apprentice bear to evolve into?" Ma Li received a satisfactory answer, and then showed full interest.

"Well, Disciple Xiong and I have already discussed it." Xia Ye nodded, and then deliberately let it slip.

"Hey, when has it been decided? Which genre is it?"

Xia Ye stretched out a finger: "It is a martial arts bear master of the one-hit style. It will never forget the moment when Ergui used the Z move to repel the flame bird, so he wants to evolve into a martial arts bear master of the one-hit style."

"Hmm, um, um, that's great. As expected, the one-hit-style martial arts bear master is more handsome. One-hit sounds like a very domineering word. It really looks like a bad Pokémon!" Ma Li looked at it. I got even more excited when I went up.

The reason is probably that Xia Ye will finally have a evil Pokémon of his own, and she will finally be able to guide him as a senior. Thinking of this, Ma Li's heart continued to well up with joy.

"Ahem, since it was Xia Ye and apprentice Xiong who made the decision, there is really nothing we can do about it. Ma Li, let me give you some guidance on the dominance of evil Pokémon!" Ma Li put on a arrogant look. The posture of a senior.

"Well, then I'm all ears, Teacher Ma Li." Xia Ye seemed like a humble junior.

I saw Ma Li turning around and taking out an old notebook from her bag, and started to preach seriously: "Ahem, so-called domineering."

"Huh? Xiao Xiaxia, Xiao Lili, why do you feel so low in energy? Did you have a good rest yesterday?" Master Ma, who was drinking morning tea, looked at the two yawning people and asked.

The disciples, including Mrs. Miye, immediately pricked up their ears and listened to the two answers with great interest. Then, they fell silent, because Xia Ye's answer was:

"It's okay, I just talked about Pokémon all night last night. Haha~"

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