Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 261 Going to Hualang Town Dr. Mulan

Mugan Town is a border town located in the southern part of Galar. Tranquility and leisure are the main theme of this town.

Fresh air, beautiful environment, mild climate, sparsely populated areas, friendly people and many other advantages have made many retired people choose this place as one of the places to spend their old age.

And because of the station, transportation here is also very convenient. Whether children come to visit their parents or parents go to see their children, they can just take the train.

Xia Ye, who walked out of the station, stretched and breathed in the fresh air that he had not seen for a long time. He glanced around. The loose low-rise houses and the connected farmland looked like a rural town.

His goal was Hualang Town near Weimei Forest, which required walking through a country road to reach it. However, the two towns were so close that walking alone was enough. Xia Ye also wanted to experience the feeling of walking in the countryside occasionally.

Speaking of Hualang Town, the first thing that people think of must be the undefeated legend of Galar, the current champion Dan Emperor.

Hualang Town could be said to be an unknown town before Dandi became the champion. Because it is located near inaccessible forests and mountains, dangerous Pokémon occasionally appear, so there are not as many people settled here as there are in Mugan Town. .

But after Dandi became the champion, everything changed. People were very curious about this town that raised champions, and tourists visited here almost every day.

It is precisely because of the excessive number of tourists that for safety reasons, the alliance specially dispatched a group of trainers to drive the dangerous Pokémon living nearby deeper into the area.

But there is one place where trainers have failed, and that is the Weimei Forest.

Everyone's reaction was unexpectedly unanimous. The sudden appearance of the thick fog made them disoriented at first, and then their consciousness disappeared. When they woke up, they found themselves at the entrance of the forest.

It is worth mentioning that Dandi also explored this forest, and then he got lost. He lost his way without even encountering the fog. When people found him, he was still spinning near the entrance.

Seeing that even the champions were unable to explore this mysterious forest, the alliance had no choice but to put up warning signs and seal the entrance to the forest to ensure the safety of tourists.

But Xia Ye himself didn't care. The small mist didn't affect him at all. He was assisted by Menas. It would be more appropriate to say that there was mist. Menas could easily perceive everything in the mist.

Xia Ye left the station and walked leisurely on the path leading to Hualang Town. In the sky, several chickadees flew by in groups. The greedy chinchillas on the roadside picked up the fruits on the ground and stuffed them into their mouths. Climb the tree.

In the stream, the spiny barracuda sprinted in a straight line and bumped into the hard turtle shell of the biting turtle, turning its belly over. The big butterfly waved its wings and danced to court another of its own species.

Groups of braided sheep on the lawn ate grass leisurely, bleating at the passing summer leaves and blinking their little eyes full of interest.

At this time, a cunning little fox suddenly jumped out of the grass on the roadside, holding a fruit in its mouth. A Galar snake bear chased it angrily, causing quite a stir. .

Seeing this, the group of braided sheep rolled their bodies like balls and fled into the distance quickly.

"It's so peaceful. I hope Galar can be like this in the future." Xia Ye sighed sincerely. In such a leisurely environment, his original nervousness was relieved.

Before he knew it, he had arrived at the entrance of Hualang Town. What was different from what he remembered was that there was a double-story building with a courtyard. The sign at the door clearly read a few big words, Hualang Town Trainer School.

There is also a line of small words on the bottom of the board, investor: Dan Emperor.

"Alchemy Emperor? This guy is really promoting the battle in Galar."

Xia Ye looked at the children who were having a Pokémon battle in the yard. Under the command of Hat Boy, Yantuer kicked out sparks with its little feet. The short-haired girl opposite immediately commanded the tear-eyed lizard to spit out a water gun to fight back.

It seems that the students have a good grasp of the most basic combat knowledge.

A similar battle was going on in the courtyard. Xia Ye watched the battle with interest. Although everyone's command was green, it was full of enthusiasm. Well, the education policy of this school is also very good.

"The kids are very energetic."

An old but knowledgeable voice sounded behind Xia Ye. He turned around and saw an old lady on crutches. She was wearing a pair of chain glasses, a white coat, and a smile.

Xia Ye knew each other, the first person to study Dynamax, the most famous Pokémon doctor Mulan in Galar, and also Sonia's grandmother.

"Well, speaking of which, you are Dr. Mulan, right?" Xia Ye directly identified the other party's identity. It would be better to say that the other party's appearance also saved him some effort.

The entrance to Weimei Forest has been sealed by the Alliance. Anyone who enters rashly may be regarded as a suspicious person, but with Dr. Mulan's consent, there is no need to worry about this.

The reason why Xia Ye didn't go directly to the north of Mugan Town to look for Dr. Mulan was also very simple. He was just regarded as a suspicious person, and it was no big deal.

"Well, it seems you know me. I haven't been on TV for many years, but I occasionally give lectures to future trainers in this school." Dr. Mulan admitted frankly.

Then she discovered Xia Ye's giant wristband and asked, "What is your name? Are you here to visit Hualang Town?"

"My name is Xia Ye, and I'm planning a trip to Weimei Forest."

"Weimei Forest?" Dr. Mulan raised an eyebrow, thought for a moment and asked, "Are you from Malokomon?"

There are not many trainers who have extremely large wristbands. Apart from themselves, the only ways to obtain them are the Alliance and the Malocomon Group. This trainer named Xia Ye may be related to the Malocomon Group.

The birth of the Extremely Giant Wristband is inseparable from Dr. Mulan. It was the result of her cooperation with the Marrocomon Group. However, during the cooperation process, she saw clearly that Roz was unscrupulous for the purpose and stopped further cooperation. .

Roz looked disappointed when he heard the news and bluntly said that Dr. Mulan missed a great plan related to the future of Galar.

However, in the following days, Roz would always send employees to talk to Dr. Mulan. He still did not want to lose the assistance of the most authoritative doctor in the field of Dynamax.

"No, how should I put it? I think the Malokomon Group is very dangerous, especially under the leadership of Rozi." Xia Ye responded, and he knew very well what Dr. Mulan thought of Rozi.

"Oh, it's really rare. This is the first time I've seen someone criticize him." Dr. Mulan nodded, and then looked squarely into Xia Ye's eyes, "I know, can you tell me the reason why you went to Weimei Forest? It's very crowded there. dangerous."

"The reason is this." Xia Ye was about to answer when suddenly the voice of the forest ranger assistant came to his mind.

[The distortion of time and space will begin in ten minutes, please be prepared. 】

Time and space have been distorted for a long time, but at this time, Xia Ye was stunned. It seemed that the reason was turning into an excuse. The most important thing now was to escape from Dr. Mulan.

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