Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 263 The so-called knights of ancient Galar

Xia Ye looked at the steel-armored crow who was knocked unconscious by the Bangchai King Kong, and then at the black-haired boy. He was mature beyond his age. He was wearing linen clothes and had a pair of resolute eyes under his thick eyebrows.

Before raising your own questions, let’s confirm the other party’s identity first. With this in mind, Xia Ye asked:

"What's your name?"

"Sir Knight, my name is Hilde Hualang, and I live near this forest." The young man's tone was full of admiration.

"Speaking of which, why do you think I am a knight?" Xia Ye asked slowly.

"Huh?" The black-haired boy looked puzzled, "Because you can command Pokémon, and your clothes look very unusual."

"In this case, doesn't the Pokémon next to you also have Pokémon?" Xia Ye asked back. He could clearly see the Galar Green Onion Duck next to Hilde. The scars on its body were probably for Protect what this boy left behind.

"My Lord Knight, please don't take away Scallion Duck. Your Pokémon is so strong, you don't need it. Please, it is my most important partner!"

Hilde's body trembled unconsciously, her eyes were full of fear, and her tone was extremely low.

"...I can tell you very accurately that I will not do this." Xia Ye's tone was full of helplessness. Really, how could he be regarded as a bad guy who stole other people's Pokémon for no reason.

Well, judging from his performance, the knight always seems to do this kind of thing. Sure enough, it's better to clarify his identity with him. I always feel that he is afraid of something.

"Besides, I am not what you call a knight, so I am curious about what a knight is."

"Not a knight? Then, what are you?"

He looked confused and raised his head to look at Xia Ye. It was obvious that the young man's knowledge could not analyze Xia Ye's identity.

"If you can become a partner with Pokémon, why do you have to be a knight?" Xia Ye asked.

"Partner? Ah, I understand, you are definitely not a knight. Knights would never say they treat Pokémon as partners, huh!" The boy's tone became relaxed.

"So what exactly is a knight? Forget it, my name is Xia Ye. Can you tell me why this steel-armored crow attacks you?" Xia Ye gave up thinking.

However, Hilde got excited and complained: "Anyone who can tame Pokémon can be called a knight. It is an honorary title, but basically only those nobles can do it."

"The family's accumulation, money, means, and connections make it easy for the nobles to obtain Pokémon eggs and cultivate them from an early age, and they will also plunder ready-made Pokémon."

"Pokémon on the scene? Is that why you were so scared just now?"

"Well, even if we, a group of civilians, get to live together with Pokémon by some chance, they will be treated as good seedlings and forcibly tamed because they lose their wild temperament."

Hilde clenched his fists, so he and his father left the village and settled near such dangerous mountains.


Xia Ye did not interrupt the black-haired boy. It seems that the Poke Ball has not been invented in this era. The so-called knights are very similar to Pokémon trainers. Pokémon is regarded as a symbol of force in Galar today. .

It is true that Pokémon possess more power than humans, and the folk customs of Galar have been very martial since ancient times.

So the attitude towards Pokémon here, compared to the fear and confusion of Xi Cui and the peaceful coexistence of Alola, is this side more inclined to conquer?

"Hilde, do you think all knights are bad people?" Xia Ye suddenly asked.

"Of course not. I just regarded you as a good knight, Xia Ye, although they basically don't regard Pokémon as partners." Hilde nodded and changed the subject.

"However, they will not take away other people's Pokémon. Taming Pokémon also relies on their own strength and charm!"

Uh, force? Super Galarian? It seems that there is a reason why the modern Galar people love fighting. This wariness engraved in their bones has not changed.

"Yes, I understand." Xia Ye nodded. He understood the young man named Hilde's views on the knight. He should only use it as a reference. After all, it was his own words.

"By the way, it must be because the steel-armored crow attacked me. Well, speaking of it, I am quite strange. I didn't do anything to provoke it, right?" Hilde showed a thoughtful expression.

Xia Ye glanced at the ground, picked up the dark metal block, looked at the young man and asked, "What is this?"

"Ah, this is the metal I found in the forest. My father is a blacksmith. Adding this metal to the molten iron can improve the quality of the iron!" Hilde said proudly.

"Hey, this kind of metal is usually scattered throughout the forest, but this time it's actually gathered together!"

"Is it possible that the Steel Armored Crow collected this?" Xia Ye expressed his guess. According to his own experience, the Steel Armored Crow can eat metal minerals. This kind of metal that can improve the quality of ironware may be It might also have a favorite food.

"Eh?! It seems like, ah, then I'm just a thief who steals the fruits of other people's labor! No wonder it is so angry!" Hilde covered her head and let out a regretful cry.

"Forget it, you don't know that it collected it. Just keep these metals here, and your partner should be treated as well." Xia Ye said.

"No, I have to wait for it to wake up and apologize to it," Hilde shook his head and looked at his partner, "Is that okay, Green Onion Duck?"


The Galar Green Onion Duck turned its head aside while holding the green onion, and responded coldly. Speaking of which, it had been silent since just now, and it felt like it was sulking.

"Um, did I do something wrong?" Hilde asked, scratching his head.

"Gah!" (Think about it yourself!)

"Perhaps what you just said hurt it. Green Onion Duck is a brave warrior, and he doesn't want his partners to say that he is weaker than others." Xia Ye reminded.

"Ah, could it be that I was begging for mercy just now? Sorry, I was too anxious at the time, but Xia Ye's Pokémon are indeed much stronger than you!" Hilde apologized with his own straightforward thoughts.


A green onion suddenly slapped Hilde on the head, and the Galar Green Onion Duck sighed. It had to admit this, but at least you have to quibble, at least say something about the future. if.

"It hurts, Green Onion Duck, what are you doing! Did I say something wrong?!" Hilde covered his head, tears welling up from the corners of his eyes. He clenched his fists, as if he was going to fight with Galar Green Onion Duck. Posture.

"It seems like they have a good relationship."

Xia Ye nodded and patted the Thunder King Kong Ape beside him.

Banglui King Kong smiled, yes, it witnessed the scene of two people protecting each other in the face of danger.

On the other side, the steel-armored crow leaning against the tree trunk was squinting its eyes. It had just woken up and had not heard the previous conversation between Xia Ye and the others.

Then, when it saw the figure of the Banglui King Kong, it hurriedly closed its eyes, remained motionless and pretended to be dead, asking for help, how should I deal with the strangely powerful orangutan who knocked me unconscious with one punch!

Outside the Weimei Forest, a stone hut stood alone. Black smoke billowed from the chimney. It could be seen that the outside of the hut was piled with wood and various ores.

"Is this right here?"

A blond boy asked with his hands behind his back. He was wearing brand new armor and a cloak that was smooth and delicate. The material should be very expensive. The most eye-catching thing was the sharp sword floating beside him.

There is a blue ribbon floating on the hilt of the sword, and there seems to be a ghost face on the sword body.

"Yes, Lord Sode."

The old man following the young man leaned forward and said, with a bronze mirror monster floating next to him.

The young man named Suo De shook his head and said in a haughty tone:

"Hmph, I didn't expect the best blacksmith in Galar to be in such a remote place, but it doesn't matter, as long as he can make a sword and shield worthy of his status, don't let me down!"

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