Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 283 Ice Carrot and Snowstorm Horse (two in one)

In the Bailu Snowfield, Xia Ye accepted the commission from Emperor Dan and came to this white snowfield to search for unknown and dangerous Pokémon.

Although it was said to be unknown, Xia Ye was actually pretty sure that this Pokémon was a Snowstorm, so he needed carrot seeds.

Whether it is a snowstorm horse or a ghost horse, their favorite food is radish, but there are differences in taste.

The ice radish grown in the snowy fields is the favorite of the Snowstorm Horse, and the black radish grown in the dimly lit fields is the favorite of the Ghost Horse.

With this kind of food, I can surely summon them quickly, thus saving a lot of time.

Ice radish needs to be planted in snowy soil, and the Egret Snow Field can be said to perfectly meet the conditions. It is an endless snowfield.

On the snow, Xia Ye chose to experiment next to a relatively flat piece of land. The steel-armored crow waved its wings to sweep away the covered snow, and the banging diamond ape broke through the rock-hard frozen soil.

With Er Kui Peng cheering on the side, Xia Ye threw a radish seed into the pit and buried it carefully.

He exhaled a burst of white mist, took off his gloves, pointed at the location where the seeds were buried, and whispered:

"Hands of plenty."

Vibrant green light shines on the ground, and for a moment, delicate green leaves emerge from the soil, making people marvel at the power of life.

Everyone looked at the emerging radish leaves with curiosity. Xia Ye put on his gloves and put one hand on his hip to observe.

"It's been planted, let's take a look at the results. You can't tell the difference just by looking at the leaves."

Xia Ye squatted down and pulled the radish out of the ground. A white radish stained with soil was displayed in front of everyone.

"White radish? No, I remember that ice radish can be completely translucent and look like an ice sculpture. Is this just an ordinary radish? It is obviously a specially selected seed produced in Wangguan Xueyuan. Is there something wrong with the product?"

He half-squinted his eyes. Perhaps the soil contained insufficient ice energy, which prevented the radish from growing into ice radish.

The reason why black radish is planted next to the cemetery is to absorb the ghost energy in the soil. The same is true for ice radish. Do we need to go back to the ice and snow forest of Sunset Forest to plant it?

If it doesn't work there, why don't we go to Wangguan Xueyuan to grow radishes?

"The key lies in the energy of ice. Let me think about objects containing ice energy."

Xia Ye tapped her fingers and began to recall. Ice stones don't melt ice, and frozen bird feathers don't. Let's do something cruel and use icicle slates. I don't believe it can grow ice radishes.

Ignoring a vague complaint, Xia Ye took out the icicle slate and inserted it into the soil with a click.

After waiting for a while, Xia Ye repeated the action just now, and the radish leaves emerged from the ground again, but this time the leaves were covered with white frost-like spots.

"Oh, I feel like there's something going on this time."

Xia Ye raised the corner of his mouth slightly and pulled out the radish from the ground. Its stem was crystal clear like an icicle, exuding a slight chill.

"That's it, Ice Carrot, it's not in vain that I spent so much money."

The Banglei King Kong gorilla crossed his arms and showed a surprised expression. He was really a carrot as ice-like.

It seemed to be inspired and began to think, since the radish was affected by the energy of ice to grow like this, are there seventeen kinds of radish? It would be a radish for a meeting, no, it would be fine if all the heroes gathered together. ah.

Erguifen's eyes were shining, showing great interest. What a beautiful radish, and it feels very cool. I wonder what it tastes like. Is it the same as a popsicle?

As for the steel-armored crow, it is eating the white radish grown by Xia Ye just now. It cannot be wasted, and the taste is quite refreshing.

At the same time, on a high slope covered with ice and snow, the snow-white horse raised its head and looked into the distance. The nostrils covered under the ice mask expanded slightly, and it smelled a familiar scent.

As the king of ancient Pokémon, Snowstorm has a natural attraction to Pokémon, let alone a snowfield full of ice Pokémon.

In just a few days, a large number of ice-type Pokémon have spontaneously gathered under its command. These Pokémon are looking up at the king on the high slope and sighing, oh, did those far-sighted eyes capture something else?

Suddenly, the snowstorm horse's solid and heavy ice-armored hooves stamped on the ground violently. The freezing cold air expanded forward, and a thousand-mile ice road quickly formed in front of it.

The snowstorm horse neighed wildly, jumped onto the ice and began to slide, drooling uncontrollably.

The king's sudden action shocked all the Pokémon, and it disappeared in just a moment. The snowstorm horse's sliding speed was too fast.

He is truly worthy of being a king. He usually moves forward calmly, but once he makes up his mind, he can show such decisive and quick action.

Well, there must be a deep meaning behind why Wang is so anxious!

This group of Pokémon all nodded proudly, and after some brainstorming, they seemed to understand the reason for Snowstorm's actions.

I just don’t know how they looked when they learned that the respected king was in such a hurry because he was looking for radishes to eat.

Although Snowstorm Horse didn't take them seriously at all, this guy was quite arrogant, in other words, he was arrogant.

I'm afraid it didn't even notice the Pokémon gathered around it, because in Snowstorm's mind, there is only one true king worthy of respect.

"This is already the third Galarian Red Tumbler. Do all ice-type Pokémon like to eat ice radishes?"

Xia Ye hid behind the rock and stared at the bait he had set, the ice radish hanging on the branch. Just now, the third Galar red roly-poly was trying to pick off the ice radish and was blown away by the steel-armored crow's wings.

They are not the only ones. Little boars, snow boys, and even monsters that hunt other Pokémon are coveting the delicacy of ice radish, trying to take it for themselves and enjoy it alone.

"It should be coming soon. Its sense of smell should be very keen."

Xia Ye shook his head and whispered, if he didn't come, he would almost complete the snowfield ecological illustrated book.

In the game, Snowstorm Horse usually lives in a temple deep in the snowy mountains. You can smell the smell of ice radish even in such a remote location, let alone a flat snowfield.

Hearing Xia Ye's words, everyone was attentive, because Xia Ye had just mentioned that the Pokémon they were going to face was strong, rough and aggressive, and they must be prepared for battle.

Suddenly, a path of ice spread around the trees where the ice radish was hanging, and the snow-white figure rushed over like a runaway train, with an extremely fierce momentum.

The moment it approached the ice carrot, the snowstorm horse swung its body and stepped hard on the ice with its front feet. While shattering the ice, it braked suddenly.

The reason why it does this is simple. If it rushes too hard, its beloved ice radish will suffer.

Faced with the delicious food so close at hand, Snowstorm Horse did not enjoy it immediately. The dormant fighting blood in its bones suddenly began to stir, and there seemed to be powerful Pokémon around it!

The snowstorm horse scratched the snow with its hooves, shook its head and neighed wildly. The sound was as harsh as a raging snowstorm, making people's hearts fall into an ice cellar instantly.

The Snowstorm Horse showed no mercy to the guy hiding behind the rock. It exhaled extremely cold air, and several sharp and strong icicles quickly solidified around it, and were thrown in the direction of the rock.

"I knew it, blast the King Kong Ape!"

Fierce drumming sounded, and a wooden wall made of tree roots rose up. Several icicles penetrated most of it, but did not completely penetrate it.

But then, the frost began to spread rapidly around with the icicle as the center. Seeing that something was not going well, the Bang Bang King Kong Ape quickly changed the tune of the drum and retracted the tree roots to prevent it from spreading to the wooden stake drum.

"Quack!" (Show me this way!)

The steel-armored crow made a mocking declaration and climbed into the sky. The snowstorm horse neighed impatiently, and thick white mist spewed out from its nostrils. As expected, it was provoked by the steel-armored crow.

It raised its head, and an extremely cold beam of light shot out from its mouth, following the flight path of the steel-armored crow.


Wearing a fire stove mask, Erkui slid quickly with the help of the ice road created by the Snowstorm Horse. The thorn stick in its hand was shining with fire. Hum, the expression behind the mask was full of confidence. Let you see our justice. Group fight, ahem, teamwork!

The Snowstorm Horse had no intention of stopping its attack on the Steel-Armored Crow, and at the same time, it did not give up its defense either.

The strong front legs trampled heavily on the ice, and the violent shock wave shattered the ice. Countless ice blades rose from the ground and stabbed at Ergui.

At this time, fierce drumming sounded again, and several tree roots emerged from the ground, crossing like stairs and appearing in front of Ergui.

It nimbly jumped up the tree root, jumped continuously, jumped in front of the snowstorm horse, twirled and waved the wooden stick, let you experience Cang Xiang's sword skills!

The fiercely burning thorn stick hit the snowstorm horse's ice mask heavily, sending out thick billowing white mist, interrupting its pursuit of the steel-armored crow.

The thorn stick held tightly by Ergui stopped in mid-air, and the entire stick was embedded in the mask. The strong neck of the snowstorm horse did not move at all, and the eyes behind the mask stared at Ergui fiercely.

Feeling the sudden drop in temperature around him, Erguiqi let go of the stick in his hand and jumped backwards onto the icicle before him. Then he flipped back and nimbly avoided the freezing beam shot by the snowstorm horse again.

"Now, let's beat the King Kong Ape and the Steel-Armored Crow!"

Following Xia Ye's instructions, the Bang Bang Kongangang changed the drum tune again, and the four tough tree roots firmly controlled the four legs of the Snowstorm Horse.

The steel-armored crow in the sky erupted with metallic light all over its body, shooting out iron hoof rays like satellite light, responding to the Snowstorm Horse's hot pursuit of itself just now.

The light from the iron hooves completely poured into the back of the snowstorm horse. During this period, it made an angry neigh, constantly creating ice walls to block the pouring metal.

At the same time, the frost spread from its hooves to the roots of the tree. The Snowstorm Horse suddenly exerted force and broke free. The originally tough tree roots turned into ice shards and fell to the ground.

"What a difficult guy. In this case, it's time for me to show my real skills."

Xia Ye showed the red crystal on his wrist. Ergui understood it and took the initiative to activate the crystallization. The fire stove mask became huge and shining, and the blazing flames quickly melted the surrounding ice and snow.

"Melting the ice with blazing flames, roaring and burning, the super-powerful ultimate explosive bomb!"

The strong bond turned into firewood of fire energy, the hot fireball burned like the red sun, and a brand new thorn stick in Ergui's hand shone with fire.

It held the thorn stick tightly with both hands and held it behind its back. It suddenly widened its eyes and used all its strength to swing out the huge fireball.

Facing the flames that were like natural enemies, Snowstorm Horse felt the long-lost enthusiasm. It recalled the time when it and Wang were galloping happily on the snowy field, and the day when the two of them worked together to extinguish the fire burning the forest with extreme cold.

The corners of its mouth couldn't help but rise, its breathing became heavier and heavier, and its excitement was revealed indifferently.

The snowstorm horse suddenly stepped forward, and countless icicles appeared all around. It roared wildly, threw a large number of icicles at the fireball, and continued to create icicles around it.

"Blast the diamond ape, the steel-armored crow, add another fire!"

Xia Ye clenched his fists and shouted, the Bang Bang King Kong Ape waved his arms, the green leaves all over the sky flew towards the huge burning fireball, the steel-armored crows in the air screamed, and the violent whirlwind roared down, wrapping the green leaves into it, instantly making it The fireball doubled in size.

Seeing that he could no longer resist, the Snowstorm Horse controlled the floating icicles in front of him, spewing out extremely cold air and creating a hard ice wall.

I saw the huge scorching fireball melting through the ice wall, opening its big mouth and swallowing the Snowstorm Horse in an instant. Like the blazing sun, it evaporated everything nearby, spinning and burning to emit dazzling firelight.

The figure of the Snowstorm Horse was vaguely visible in the fireball. It was breathing heavily, and the ice that never melted on its body began to melt, leaving countless burn marks on its white body.

Even at an overwhelming disadvantage, the Snowstorm Horse still did not give up its resistance. It continued to generate air conditioning to resist the invasion of high temperatures.

The flames dissipated, and all the surrounding snow evaporated, leaving only the charred ground. Most of the ice armor covering the head and feet of the snowstorm horse melted, and the ice crystal-like pupil hidden behind the mask was finally revealed.

But then, the snowstorm horse exhaled cold air to cover its face, and the ice mask once again covered its cheeks. It shook its head and carefully recalled the outstanding attack just now.

".Haven't you fallen yet?"

Xia Ye didn't dare to make a judgment. As a close friend of King Lei Guan, Snowstorm Horse's strength was definitely not bad and he was a legendary existence.

As if in response to Xia Ye's words, the Snowstorm Horse shook its head. Its physical strength had been exhausted. Creating a solid ice surface was very energy-consuming, and it was basically unable to move.

The momentum of that move is really strong. Let me admit you. You are about to catch up with one percent of the king. Really, when will you return to this land? Even that gloomy guy has been waiting for you. ah

On the other side, Xia Ye decided to believe its response and slowly approached. The Snowstorm Horse is arrogant and rough, but has a straight temper and probably won't cheat. Well, even if it cheats, there is a way to deal with it.

Um? ! The satisfied Snowstorm Horse suddenly widened its eyes. It actually felt a familiar aura on the human being in front of it. The aura of greenery and life that revived all things was simply the same as the aura of the king!

The snowstorm horse rekindled hope in its heart. Maybe this human knew the whereabouts of the king. It looked around with an extremely comfortable attitude, and then its mood fell to the bottom again.

Carrot, the carrot is gone. Was it affected in the battle just now?

Woo hoo, radish, my radish, Snowstorm Horse shed tears of regret. You must know that eating radish is the third most important thing in its heart!

If given another chance to start over, Snowstorm Horse would rather get beaten first than eat the carrot, since it has rough skin and thick flesh anyway.

Its performance made Xia Ye very helpless. He had known that he had prepared more ice radishes, but why did he feel that as long as the radishes were enough, this guy would surrender immediately.

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