Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 295 The Missing King of Plenty

"This young guest, I am the mayor of this village. Welcome to Dong Ning Village. Do you need accommodation services? With your expression, old man, I don't think there is anything surprising here?"

The old man hunched over his back with his hands behind his back and looked in the direction of Xia Ye's line of sight. It was just ordinary farmland there. Even the young man had always seen farmland, right?

He pushed up his thick glasses in confusion, rubbed his shriveled chin, and thought about Xia Ye's surprise. Maybe this could be used as a new publicity method. After all, he didn't know what young people like these days.

"Ahem, sorry, it's the village chief, right? My name is Xia Ye. Actually, I have something to ask you?" Xia Ye asked, suppressing the surprise in her heart.

The village chief immediately waved his hands and showed a warm expression: "Hey, you are so polite. I haven't chatted with young people for a long time. Feel free to ask anything!"

Xia Ye nodded and pointed in the direction of the farmland: "I heard that there was a statue here originally. Why is it missing now?"

"Statue?" The village chief took off his felt hat and scratched his sparse hair. He suddenly remembered something and smiled: "Oh, you mean the statue of the Lord of Plenty, ah, I didn't expect you to know this, hehehe~ "

He put on his felt hat and said in a recalling tone: "When I was a young boy, old man, I always liked to play games around it. Hey, the snowfield is actually quite boring, and the interesting places are quite dangerous. , that sculpture is my only pleasure

Perhaps because I went too far, the adults scolded me at that time, saying that this was the King of Plenty and that I should not make faces in front of it, but when I asked them why, they couldn't tell me anything.

At that time, I became interested in the King of Plenty, and it took a lot of effort to find books about the King of Plenty from several elders. After reading them, I was shocked. After all, it is such a powerful existence. .

Because I was talking about the story of the King of Plenty, the old woman quickly fell in love with me, and I confessed to her near the sculpture."

Things in the past kept coming out of the village chief's mouth. Xia Ye listened quietly to everything. It seemed that the village chief still cared about this sculpture, so why did it disappear?

At this time, the village chief coughed suddenly. He remembered that he shouldn't say anything else. His grandson didn't want to live here because he thought his grandfather talked too much.

But the young man next to me didn’t show any disgust. Well, he’s a nice guy!

"Ahem, sorry, I said too much. Let's go back to this statue. It was about ten years ago. Well, it was a rare heavy snowstorm at that time, and the weather is completely different from the current weather.

At that time, I had been the village chief for more than 30 years, and for the first time I felt distressed. Almost all the houses were crushed. Even the cold-resistant crops froze to death in that weather, and the harvest was almost impossible.

The villagers didn’t have much savings, so I was stamping my feet in the snow anxiously, and then an old man came to our Dongning Village.”


Xia Ye made a questioning sound, does this old man have anything to do with the disappearance of the statue?

"Yes, old man, he should be about the same age as me. He was wearing a robe with strange patterns. At that time, I was still thinking about whether he was cold or not. What kind of ivory pig was he pretending to be? But looking at his red face and energetic appearance, I gave up the idea. Oh, it’s really annoying to compare people to each other!”

The village chief pouted and frowned, looking a little angry. He then sighed and said, "You shouldn't think like this. He is our benefactor, but the old woman's behavior at that time was really unpleasant."

He is tall and majestic, but the old man's intelligence should be good enough.

"Weird patterns, robes? Village chief, can you describe it more clearly?"

Xia Ye seemed to have thought of something and shook his head slowly, probably not.

"Oh, the most intuitive thing is his beard, which is like a waterfall~" the village chief gestured with his hand, stroking his beard.

"Besides, his eyes are extremely sharp. Well, by the way, it's like the dragon-like eyes I met when I met the two-axe fighting dragon in the cave!"

The waterfall-like beard, the dragon-like eyes, hey, how could it be him, the Dragon Emperor!

The appearance described by the village chief was almost certainly that of the Dragon Emperor, but how could he appear here? In order to confirm, Xia Ye asked further: "Do you know his name?"

"Uh, I can't remember, ah, by the way, but I remember one thing very clearly. The sculpture of the Lord of Plenty was sold to him at that time." The village chief stretched out a finger with an extremely confident expression.

"Isn't this statue very important to you?" Xia Ye was very puzzled. The village chief obviously had deep feelings for the statue, otherwise how could he tell so many stories.

The village chief was silent for a while, looked at the sky, and said helplessly: "Remember the big snow disaster I said, Dongning Village was in urgent need of money at that time, and the guy said that the sculpture was of great historical value, and he was going to pay a high price to buy it. "

He held out five fingers: "He asked for 50 million, 50 million alliance coins. He can easily repair all the damaged houses and help tide over the difficulties. There is still money left!"

"How could I refuse? The villagers' ideas were surprisingly unanimous. No one objected, and the sculpture was taken away by the old man."

The village chief looked lonely, but there was no trace of regret in his eyes. If he were given the chance to make a new decision again, he would make this choice because he was the chief of Dong Ning Village first.

The Howard family is really generous, Xia Ye couldn't help but sigh.

What the village chief did was a helpless move. As for the Dragon Emperor, the reason why he bought the sculpture was definitely not an excuse for historical value. Judging from his tone in the Crystal Light Pool, the Dragon Emperor probably knew many secrets.

Even about King Lei Guan, he may know that King Lei Guan's power is related to faith.

Xia Ye's eyes widened. In this way, King Lei Guan might have recovered ten years ago!

"Understand, your king lived for faith and died for faith. It did not abandon you, it was just murdered by humans."

The young man's words echoed in the empty room. Linyouma closed its eyes tightly. Its expression was unexpectedly calm, but the sudden drop in temperature revealed its nameless anger.

But what exactly is the guidance I heard? Is it just my auditory hallucination?

No, the king must still be alive. I won’t believe it. But the humans who betrayed the king deserve to die. How could humans forget such a grand favor?

Dark and terrifying spiritual pressure appeared all over the ghost horse. The young man in front of it laughed, and then made an invitation:

"Revenge against humanity, the world, and the black disaster. As long as you help me, the power of miracles is waiting for you, because I am the witness of miracles, the chosen one!"

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