Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 297 The Knight of the King of Plenty

In the early morning of Dong Ning Village, the village chief opened the door and prepared to breathe in the fresh air. On the snowy plains, good weather for many days in a row was rare. If you miss it, there will be no next time.

He walked outside the house, closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a while, and exhaled comfortably.

When the village chief opened his eyes again, he found that white mist had covered his lenses.

He skillfully took off his glasses and took out his handkerchief to wipe them clean, when he suddenly heard other villagers exclaiming.

The blurred vision made him completely unaware of the reason for the villagers' exclamation. The village chief wiped the lenses casually and quickly put on his glasses.

The villagers' gazes were unexpectedly the same, and the village chief also pushed up his glasses along with their gazes, and then he saw a scene that would be unforgettable in his life.

The giant tree that had existed since he was a young boy actually came back to life, glowing with green, and the entire crown of the tree was covered with green leaves.

The village chief rubbed his eyes in disbelief. In just a moment, the canopy of the tree was filled with beautiful blue flowers. He opened his mouth wide, but no sound came out of his throat.

There was no way he was too surprised.

Miracle, it is undoubtedly a miracle, but is it true?

The village chief slapped his thigh hard and felt a burst of pain. It was real, not a dream!

The corners of his mouth raised unconsciously. If there was such a scenic spot on the snowfield, it would surely attract a large number of tourists, right?

No, that's not the point. Who caused the miracle? This giant tree couldn't have changed for no reason, could it?

The village chief's heart was pounding and he began to pant violently. He even felt the heat in such a cold morning, yes!

There is only one possibility he can think of, the King of Plenty. This must be something only the King of Plenty can do. The legend is true!

The village elder burst into tears and sobbed, as if his favorite hero on a TV show was actually real.


The villagers spoke at the same time. The village chief ignored the wet corners of his eyes and looked up in the direction of the giant tree again. The crown of the tree, which was green just now, became bare again.


The village chief's head couldn't process the situation for a moment, and he suddenly felt dizzy. He stepped back and sat on the ground.

"Is it real or a dream? No, old man, I really can't tell."

In the Crown Temple, Snowstorm Horse certainly noticed the change just now. It had seen this familiar scene before. Yes, it was exactly the same as the scene where the king conferred the title of knight.

The king is a kind monarch who will give power to humans who pass the test, so that they also have the ability to harvest crops.

In addition to giving power, in order to convince the humans who have passed the test to win the trust of their fellow humans, the king will also give the humans a strange fruit. After eating it, they will be full of leadership qualities.

Only the king's power can drive this giant tree, because this tree is a tree of friendship planted by the king and us. It has been nourished by the king's spiritual power for a long time before it can grow into this majestic appearance.

Then a question emerged in Snowstorm Horse's mind, why did this giant tree bear fruit because of summer leaves? Isn't it only the power of the king that can do it?

Power, yes, it can be triggered as long as it is the power of the king. Human beings who become knights share part of the king's power. Their power is the same!

Snowstorm Ma nodded repeatedly. Speaking of which, Xia Ye has the power to make plants grow instantly. Isn't this the same power as Wang?

It makes sense, everything makes sense, Xia Ye, is the king's knight, well, I am really a genius, so many ice radishes are not for nothing~

Just when the snowstorm horse was feeling proud, it felt violated again. It was wrong. If you want to become the king's knight, you will definitely meet the king, but Xia Ye has never seen the king before.

After thinking for a moment, Xue Baima decided not to think about it. Mental work is not suitable for me at all. I could just ask Xia Ye directly. Wang Ye once praised my straightforward personality as an advantage.

On the other side, Xia Ye was still holding the Crown Snow Fruit. He was also thinking about why this giant tree suddenly bore fruit, but the forest ranger assistant could not give any answer.

"Snow hiss!"

Hearing the sound of the snowstorm horse, Xia Ye looked to the right. Its eyes hidden under the ice were obviously full of questions.

By the way, since this tree was planted by King Lei Guan, Snowstorm Horse might know something, and then he asked:

"Snowstorm Horse, do you know the reason why the giant tree changed just now?"

Snowstorm Horse nodded: "Snow Neigh~"

"Well, it's a bit difficult to communicate directly about such a detailed issue. As expected, we still need to ask Brímwen." Xia Ye took out an elf ball and threw it, and then Brímwen appeared in front of them.

As soon as Blimwen came out, he felt the powerful spiritual power contained in the giant tree. To be able to leave such a deep imprint, it must be an extremely powerful super-type Pokémon.

"Brimwen, please be the translator for me and Snowstorm Horse."

Hearing Xia Ye's voice, Blimwen smiled slightly and agreed readily. Of course there is no problem. Good friends should help each other~

"Well, thank you," Xia Ye turned to look at Snowstorm Horse, "Okay, Snowstorm Horse, it seems that we all have questions between each other, let's have a good chat."

"Snow hiss!"

Xue Baima's eyes were serious, oh, we must have a good conversation, because it is something related to the king, it is of great importance!

With the help of Brimwen, Xia Ye roughly figured out what Snowstorm Horse knew. Only the power of King Lei Guan can make the giant tree bear fruit. In other words, the power in me actually belongs to King Lei Guan. strength?

I can make plants grow because I have become a knight in the mouth of a snowstorm horse?

From this point of view, my power is indeed very similar to King Lei Guan's, but who does the power to distort time and space and obtain items come from?

And according to the current information, King Lei Guan was probably awakened by the Dragon Emperor. How did I become its knight?

At this time, Xia Ye suddenly made a bold guess. Could it be that I am actually related to the Howard family?

This ‘I’ refers to Xia Ye before he became a forest ranger. Now Xia Ye has completely lost his previous memories and has no idea what he did in the past.

The Dragon Emperor seemed to know himself when he appeared in the crystal light pool. Now it seems that the person he knows is the 'Xia Ye' from before?

After going around and around, he finally returned to the Dragon Emperor. Xia Ye sighed and answered Xue Baima's question:

"Actually, I have no memory of before I became a ranger. Maybe I actually met King Lei Guan."


This was the first time for Brimwen to learn this shocking news. Indeed, Xia Ye had never talked about his experience before becoming a ranger. He originally thought he had something to hide in the past.

No, losing memory or something is already considered a big deal, right?

At this time, Blimwen was a little happy. She seemed to be the first to know about this matter. This was considered to be one step ahead of everyone~

"However, I already have a direction for the clues from the past. I assure you that you will definitely meet King Lei Guan in the future, and it must think so."

When Xue Baima heard Xia Ye's answer, he exhaled a puff of cold air from his nostrils. Hey, it would be better to have a conversation. If he were that gloomy guy, he would definitely be like a dull gourd, making random guesses on his own.

In this case, I will believe Xia Ye, because the person who gave me the ice radish is definitely not a bad person.

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