Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 300 Go to the Ruins of Decision

"What are you talking about, the giants created by our family's ancestors are Pokémon?"

Ruiko showed an expression of astonishment. She had always believed in and been proud of the history passed down by her family.

Now telling her that the legend about giants is wrong, doesn't that mean there may be problems with other legends as well?

She frowned and quickly gave up her unnecessary thoughts. By the way, there was no evidence for Xia Ye's statement. Why should she waver?

Ruiko coughed slightly and regained his composure: "Xia Ye, everything must be based on evidence. What reasons do you have to prove that the giant is actually a Pokémon?"

Xia Ye also wanted to ask why the Howard family used the legendary giant as a prop. Judging from the information he learned, the accuracy of the legend recorded by the Howard family was comparable to that recorded by the descendants of the Galar royal family. It was simply They are a pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks.

"The reason is very simple. You said before that in addition to the ruins that sealed the thunder and the dragon's jaw, there are three ruins. I remember the names of the sealed giants are Rock, Steel, and Frost, right?"

"That's right." Ruiko nodded.

"But according to the information I know, their real names should be Regirock, Regis Chiru and Regice." Xia Ye spread his hands and showed a helpless smile.

"Since Ms. Riko is from the Howard family, the Pokémon Pokédex should be very high. You can check the Pokédex for the four regions of Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos."

"Let's see if their names exist and if they appear in these four areas."

Although the Pokédex is a software for mass trainers, information on some powerful Pokémon requires permission to search, and at least elite-level trainers are required to access these existences.

There are many legendary Pokémon and fantasy Pokémon among them. In a sense, this is actually to protect other trainers. After all, they are extremely powerful, and rash challenges can easily cost their lives.

Xia Ye is not worried that these three sacred pillar Pokémon are not recorded in the illustrated book. Because of Dan Emperor, he actually once knew about the battle in the open area.

Among them, as the pioneering leader of Battle Pyramid, Pyramid Pharaoh God Generation appears in the data, and his three ace Pokémon are also generously displayed.

It was Regirock, Regis Chiru and Regice.

Therefore, it is certain that these three Pokémon are definitely recorded in the Pokédex. At the same time, they are also multiple legendary Pokémon, so Xia Ye proposed four regions in one breath.

In his impression, these three Pokémon can be found in these four areas in the game.

After listening to Xia Ye's request, Ruikou took out his mobile phone expressionlessly, opened the Pokédex software, and started searching according to what he said.

As a result, an inaccessible interface popped up. Ruiko frowned, changed his account, and started searching again.

Then Ruikou successfully accessed the information of three Pokémon. Their names were the same as what Xia Ye said, but they only appeared in Hoenn and Sinnoh, not Hezhong and Kalos.

"Regirock's whole body is made of rocks. Even if his body is damaged in battle, it can be healed by attaching it to rocks."

"Regischiru's body is said to be harder than any metal. Investigation results show that the inside of the body is hollow."

"Regiace's body is made of ice formed during the Ice Age. It cannot be melted even with fire. It can control the cold air at minus two hundred degrees."

Ruikou silently read the information in the illustrated book, looked at the giants composed of rock, steel, and ice, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence:

"So what, even if they are not items, but they are Pokémon, aren't they also made of other materials? Why can't they be made by the ancestors of the Howard family!"

"Well, that is to say, will the Howard family, which existed on this land at the beginning of Galar, go to an area far away from the other side of the world to create Pokémon?" Xia Ye asked.

"This is me." Ruiko looked embarrassed. She also understood that she was arrogating just now. She understood that the five legendary giants were not created by her ancestors.

"I think part of the legend is true. Your ancestors should have discovered the five giants and used their powerful power.

However, in the end, it was probably discovered that their power was too powerful and might get out of control and cause unimaginable consequences, so they were sealed in the ruins. "

Xia Ye put forward his own guess. He now had new ideas about why the people in Dongning Village did not settle outside the snowfield.

Perhaps it is because of the sealing of the legendary giant that people settle in areas far away from the ruins.

"Haha, I was mocking the descendants of the Galar royal family just now. From this point of view, there is no difference between us." Ruikou smiled bitterly.

The descendants of the Galar royal family deny the legendary heroes and stubbornly believe that it was the heroic twins who defeated the dark night. However, we regard this fabricated legend as a treasure. It is really ironic.

She suddenly lost motivation and felt that her two months of trying to find the key had been stupid. She even had the idea of ​​returning home.

However, Ruikou's strong character immediately dismissed this cowardly idea. So what if the legend was false? In this case, he should bring the legendary giant back to his family.

Tell them with facts that the legends recorded in the family are wrong and stop blindly believing in these stories.

Moreover, as a trainer, especially a trainer who specializes in dragon-type, how could he let go of such a powerful dragon-type Pokémon!

Thunder Giant and Dragon Giant are very likely to be very similar to the Pokémon in the illustration just now, and their strength must be as powerful as described in the illustration!

Ruiko drank the black tea in front of her and showed a grateful smile: "Thank you, Xia Ye, it was you who prevented me from being blinded by my mistakes."

"However, my determination to seek the key has not changed at all, and has even become stronger. Because I want my tribe to realize their mistake, I want to take the giant away even more!"

Xia Ye was stunned, why was the direction of development of things different from what he imagined.

But this Miss Ruiko is probably too confident. Even the legendary giant that has just unlocked the seal is not something that ordinary trainers can handle.

"Miss Ruikou, I appreciate your determination, okay, I'll give you the key." Xia Ye took out the key of decision and put it on the table.

Looking at the strange disc, Ruiko couldn't help but feel her heart beat faster. This was the key she had been looking for. Well, true feelings can move people more.

Xia Ye's side is not because of Ruiko's true feelings. What he values ​​​​is that Ruiko is a trainer from the Howard family.

He was not in a hurry to figure out things about the Dragon Emperor at once. After all, everything had to be done step by step, and becoming friends with Ruiko was the first step. In this case, the key to choice was the best gift.

"But I have a condition. Please let me go to the ruins together. I am also very curious about the legendary giant."

Xia Ye held out a finger. He followed just in case. If something unexpected happened while Ruiko was choosing the ruins, it would be bad.

"Oh, that's natural!" Ruikou readily agreed, "After all, it's the key provided by Xia Yeqian. Of course, he has the right to go together, and powerful Pokémon are the existence that all trainers long for!"

"Well, let's do this. I'll leave the key with you first. It's getting late today, so we can set off early tomorrow morning.

I have already discovered the location of the ruins. As long as we use this key, we can enter the ruins and see the legendary giant. "

Ruikou's target is the legendary Dragon Giant. The ruins not only seal it, but also the Thunder Giant. It doesn't matter if he leaves it to Xia Ye. With his strength, there is no need to worry.

"No problem, let's meet again tomorrow morning." Xia Ye drank the black tea in one gulp and stood up to leave.

"Wait, Xia Ye, the key." Ruiko stood up at the same time, stretched out his hand and called.

Xia Ye did not turn around, but waved his hand and responded: "It doesn't matter, just leave it here with you. Trust is the basis of cooperation, isn't it?"

Ruiko's arms stopped in mid-air, watching Xia Ye open the door and leave, and slowly sat back on the chair.

She looked at the keys on the table, recalling Xia Ye's words, "Trust, hum, he's quite good at talking, he's such an interesting trainer."

Early the next morning, Xia Ye just got up and prepared to eat something when she heard a knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw that it was Ruiko, and he looked ready to go.

"Good morning, Xia Ye, I'm glad you didn't stay in bed. This cold environment can indeed make people feel lazy, but trainers like us should be stricter with ourselves."

Xia Ye was ashamed, originally thinking that becoming a forest ranger had already led her to an early enough schedule, but she didn't expect that someone else would do it earlier than herself.

"Ahem, can you let me and the Pokémon eat something before we set off?"

"Oh, of course it's no problem. A normal diet of three meals a day is also very important. If you don't eat enough, you won't have the strength to fight. What's more, the Pokémon we face this time are extremely powerful beings."

Ruikou crossed his arms and nodded, then said: "Okay, Xia Ye, just enjoy the morning in peace. I will take the Pokémon nearby to warm up. Come to me when you are ready, dragon Pokémon." The majesty of dreams should be easily felt~"

About fifteen minutes later, Xia Ye followed the direction pointed by the villagers and found Ruikou who was warming up. She was directing Sonic Dragon to fight. As a sparring partner was a Tanabata Bluebird, which seemed to be her Pokémon.

Speaking of Riko's preferences, you can really tell at a glance. Both of these Pokémon are fluffy. She prefers fluff to smooth or rough scales.

"Miss Riko."

"Oh, Xia Ye, here we come," Ruikou turned to look in the direction of Xia Ye and took out the elf ball, "Okay, let's warm up here first. Thank you, Qixi Blue Bird."

The Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird folds its fluffy wings, looks like it is wrapped in a ball of cotton, and makes a beautiful cry.

Then Tanabata Bluebird was put into the ball by Riko, leaving only Sonic Dragon beside her.

"Xia Ye, let me tell you about our next trip. This time we are going to the ruins located on the easternmost side of the Crown Snowfield and on the southern edge of the snowfield."

"I checked today's weather in advance and there won't be any bad weather like a blizzard, so we can go there with Pokémon."

"You just need to follow Sonic Dragon and I closely. We have been to that ruins no less than five times, so we don't have to worry about getting lost."

At this time, she thought of something and asked: "By the way, Xia Ye, do you have a Pokémon that can fly? Although your Blimwen can fly, the distance is not short and will consume a lot of its physical strength. As an ace, you have to be in good condition at all times.

Therefore, I can lend you Pokémon to ride on, of course, if there is any, just treat it as if I didn’t say anything. "

Xia Ye doesn't think that this journey will consume a lot of Brimwen's physical strength. It is full of energy. Speaking of which, Riko seems to regard Brimwen as my trump card.

Well, killing a Gigantamax Pokémon in one hit is indeed shocking enough, and it’s not difficult to have similar ideas.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have Pokémon that can fly." Xia Ye took out a Poké Ball and released the Steel Armor Crow.

As soon as he saw it, Ruikou's eyes lit up. Xia Ye's steel-armored crow was much larger than the average steel-armored crow. How was it cultivated, or was it natural?

Moreover, the strength of this steel-armored crow is definitely not bad. Could it be said that it is Xia Ye's trump card?

No, no, no matter what you think, it’s Brimwen, right? I’ve seen its outrageous behavior with my own eyes.

"Ahem, in that case let's set off."

Ruikou said no more and waved her hand to summon the Sonic Dragon. The Sonic Dragon came to her side and leaned down. Ruiko grabbed the Sonic Dragon's shoulders and flipped it up skillfully.

She grabbed the fur on the Sonic Dragon's neck and patted its cheek gently to signal for departure.

On the other side, Xia Ye also got on the Steel Armor Crow. When he saw the Sonic Dragon taking off and rising into the sky, he also signaled the Steel Armor Crow to take off, and the two of them immediately embarked on the journey to the ruins of the decision.

The ruins of choice are located at the end of a narrow valley. Perhaps due to the influence of Reggie Ellechi and Regidrago sealed here, many electric and dragon-type Pokémon can be seen nearby.

The gate of the ruins is embedded in the center of the rock wall. Even though it has been eroded by the years and covered with moss, the yellow and red paint painted on the door has not faded.

There is a circular gap on the door, which is the same size as the key of choice in Ruiko's hand.

Ruiko took a step forward, took a deep breath, and put the key into the door under Xia Ye's gaze. Then, the door of the ruins began to shake violently, and the entire door slowly rose up.

Then, two entrances were exposed in front of Xia Ye and Ruikou. These were different from the relics in his memory. Did they actually make a choice from the beginning?

Looking at the deep passage, Ruiko was in trouble. She didn't know which entrance led to the room where the giant sealed dragon was, and her face was full of hesitation.

Suddenly, a deafening roar came from the passage in front of her. Ruiko felt as if she had been guided by fate, and walked in confidently.

When Xia Ye saw the other party walking in, he was about to follow Ruikou. Then a scene that surprised him happened. The original two entrances turned into one without any warning, and the other entrance leading to the inside became one. wall.

"Hey, no way, the so-called ruins of choice only allow one person to make a choice? Can the rest of the people be forced to choose?"

Xia Ye held his forehead in distress. He could only wish Ruikou good luck now. Looking at the only remaining entrance, he also took a step. Anyway, let's go in first, so that there is a possibility of meeting.

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