Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 308 Sha Li’s Plan The Ending of the Cleansing Kings

"Hey, long time no see, Xia Ye."

At the entrance of Sunset Forest, Shali held up the camera with one hand and waved the other hand widely, saying hello with a hearty smile.

Shali's dress is still as fashionable as ever, but the Xicui Kati dog that has always been with her has evolved into the Xicui Fengsu dog.

It sat next to Shali like a majestic stone lion. Its hair was different from that of ordinary wind speed dogs. It was gray-black and orange-red, making it more exotic.

"Long time no see, Shali, um, long time no see, Kati Dog, you have evolved into Wind Speed ​​Dog." Xia Ye greeted.

Shali had greeted her in advance for this meeting, and she didn't know what she was doing in Sunset Forest.

Xia Ye thought she was just here to take pictures, so she readily agreed.


The Xicui Wind Speed ​​Dog opened its mouth and barked. Its voice was much richer than the ordinary Wind Speed ​​Dog, giving people a full sense of security.

"Yes, my Kati dog has evolved. This can be regarded as fate. At that time, I went to Shixiang Town in the Carlos region to take pictures of the remains of the 'ruin', and happened to run into a stone selling convention.

It was very lively at that time. Kati Dog discovered the Fire Stone at a glance. I thought it should really evolve, so I bought it. I also took a lot of good photos. Do you want to take a look? "

Sha Li raised the camera and manipulated it skillfully. Then she came to Xia Ye's side, shared the precious photos she had taken, and told what happened at that time with excitement on her face.

Among them, Xia Ye was most interested in the remains of the 'relic'. The photos taken by Sha Li were quite clear. Xia Ye recognized it at a glance as the ultimate weapon of destruction.

Unexpectedly, the Carlos Alliance would display this dangerous wreckage generously and use it as a selling point for tourism. Is this confirmation that it can no longer operate?

But this is definitely good news. No one wants to live in a world with such dangerous weapons.

"Not bad, I like this kind of lively scene very much. It's perfect to record this kind of moment with photos." After seeing all the photos, Sha Li put down the camera and sighed sincerely.

"Indeed, so you came to Sunset Forest this time to take photos?" Xia Ye asked.

"Well~" Sha Li showed an indescribable smile and patted Xia Ye's back, "Let's go to the cabin and talk about it. This is exclusive news~"

"Yeah, then I'll look forward to it." Xia Ye didn't refuse. His experience in Beishang Township convinced him that Sha Li was a good person, and she was also a descendant of Gang Shi, which made people want to take more care of her unconsciously.

In the wooden house, Ergui was sitting on the edge of the bed, swaying on its little feet and sucking juice. It had been spanked severely when it met Shali, and it was currently repairing its injured spirit.

Xia Ye is waiting for the water to boil to make coffee. This is a place where he prepares simple meals and brews drinks. It was recently added.

Thanks to Reggie Ellechi’s research, wooden houses can now enjoy the convenience of electrical appliances without relying on batteries.

There are refrigerators for storing food, safe and convenient induction cookers, bright lights at night, and TVs hung on the walls for entertainment.

Erguifen has recently become obsessed with the animated program played on it. It seems to be some kind of Dolphin Man series. I always feel like I have heard of it somewhere.

In short, Xia Ye's living conditions have suddenly moved from ancient times to modern times, all thanks to the abundant electrical energy, and Reggie Elleq is like a beacon that lights up the electrical age, and he is definitely a great contributor.

However, the additional electrical appliances also have a disadvantage, which is that the wooden house that already has a bed becomes a little crowded.

That's why Banglui King Kong and Xicui Wind Speed ​​Dog didn't enter the house. One was okay, but two big guys couldn't hold it.

They were having a good time outside the house. The Banglui Kongangang was enthusiastically serving as a sparring partner for the Wind Speed ​​Dog. Of course, fire-type moves were prohibited, and only rock-type moves could be trained.

At this time, Sha Li was standing in front of the bookcase where collectibles were placed. Her back was to Xia Ye, and her expression could not be discerned at all.

"Oh, I found it, yes, yes, it's them~"

Sha Li turned around with excitement on her face, holding something similar to a badge in each hand. Xia Ye took a closer look, wasn't this the King Kong team's emblem and the Pearl team's emblem?

"These are the team emblem of King Kong and the team emblem of Pearl. I'm right, right. Last time there were only team emblems from King Kong, but this time there are also team emblems from Pearl. I'm really envious."

Shali closed her eyes and nodded forgetfully, as if she was imagining a certain scene.

Xia Ye was very calm. He knew that Shali was a descendant of Gang Shi, and knew that Team King Kong and Team Pearl were entirely possible, but she said she was really envious. Sure enough, she found out about that.

"You're surprisingly calm. I thought Xia Ye would show a good expression and add some material to me, but it's a pity~" Sha Li sighed, showing great regret, and solemnly put the badge back to its place.

Then Sha Li took out an old and yellowed photo from the backpack she carried with her, strode forward, put the photo on the table, and pushed it to Xia Ye.

"I'm not someone who likes to show off, Xia Ye, you must be impressed by this photo."

Xia Ye picked up the kettle, brewed coffee calmly, and asked: "Why don't you say that Sha Li, you came to me because you have conclusive evidence?"

"You're too calm, Xia Ye, aren't you afraid that I will make a big statement and tell the public that I have been a reporter. This kind of news can occupy the headlines for at least a week." Sha Li reached out and flicked her bangs back, feeling a little angry. said.

"That's true, but I don't think you are that kind of person," Xia Ye walked over slowly and pushed the brewed coffee towards Sha Li, "In terms of Team King Kong's style, don't waste useless time. Come out with your true purpose, Shali."

"Pfft, hehe. Sorry, hehehe." Sha Li didn't hold back for a moment, covering her mouth and laughing for a long time before she stopped, "Xia Ye, your serious look just now looked like my grandfather, and I think you captured it. Your surprised expression is not a waste of time."


Xia Ye was silent. Do you look that old? Is it just a look-alike?

He held his forehead and looked at the photos on the table. After years of wear and tear and the original immature photography skills, the yellowed photos were almost unrecognizable.

The faces of Gang Shi and Huo Xia were blurred, while Xia Ye's face was partially mutilated, as if they were deliberately concealing their existence.

There are a few Pokémon among them that can be distinguished clearly, namely Cryptonite, Miss Cryptonite, Moon Bear, and Ecuador.

"I see, is this the reason for your judgment, Shali?"

"Yes, I was an eyewitness to the Beishang Township incident. I know that you are the trainer of Erguifen, and you also have the team badges of Team King Kong and Team Pearl, which further confirms my guess about you." Sha Li's The tone was very determined.

"Having said that, Erguifen was not alone before. Maybe the two times coincided. Is the person in the photo actually him?"

Sha Li suddenly fell into self-doubt. She took a sip of coffee and said slowly: "It seems so. Could it be that I guessed wrong? Xia Ye, you didn't actually travel through time and space?"


Hearing the words "travel through time and space", the Ergui on the side instantly became alert. It silently reached into its cloak and touched the thorn stick, thinking about whether to use physical amnesia.

Seeing this, Xia Ye quickly put his hand on Ergui's forehead to comfort it, dispelling its dangerous thoughts.

"It's okay, Ergui, Sha Li can believe it," Xia Ye coughed lightly, "This can be regarded as a counterattack just now. I admit that I have traveled through time and space. Sha Li, can you also admit your purpose frankly?"

"Forget it, did I lose?" Sha Li's attitude changed very quickly, and she found a photo from her backpack and pushed it to Xia Ye, "Anyway, let's take a look at this first."

The photo is all white, and it seems that a huge figure is moving in a snowfield somewhere. It is composed of huge rocks and glaciers. The glaciers seem to be its body, and the rocks seem to be its limbs.

The most important thing is those yellow eyes. Xia Ye will not admit it wrong. This is the king who once fought alongside them, the Snowfield King Xicui Ice Rock Monster. It is actually still alive!

"Well, judging by your eyes, I do know the identity of the guy in the photo," Sha Li smiled, "This photo was taken in the northern snowfield of the Sinnoh region. The following is my inside information, cough cough.

According to the judgment of Dr. Yamanashi, the most authoritative person in Sinnoh, the Pokémon in the picture is an ice rock monster, or a special form that existed during the Washui Period. You should also know this, Xia Ye, right? "

At this time, Xia Ye suddenly remembered the description of a prop he had obtained. The green leaves, the token of the Queen of the Mountain Road, and the ten kings on the green earth have not disappeared. They live in this world in their own way.

Hiding in the snowfields in the northern part of the Sinnoh region may be the Snow King's way of survival.

"That's right, this Pokémon is an ice rock monster in the green form. If possible, I hope no one will disturb its quiet life."

This king once stopped the out-of-control Regichicas. Xia Ye thought it was kind to him, so he made such a request.

What's more, it is probably the apex and the most powerful existence among the ten kings. If humans wantonly provoke it, it will probably lead to a terrifying counterattack.

"Hey, it looks like you know Xia Ye. Your experience of traveling through time and space is really exciting. I really want to take photos of the Xicui era. It will definitely be a pleasant experience!"

The corner of Xia Ye's mouth twitched. He finally knew what Sha Li was envious of just now. She was really a photography fanatic.

Then Shali patted his chest and assured confidently: "Don't worry, only the top leaders of the Sinnoh Alliance know about this matter. Dr. Yamanashi also warned that such a huge Pokémon can cause horrific disasters just by moving. Besides, it didn’t have any serious impact in the first place, so there’s no need to provoke it.”

The top brass of the Sinnoh Alliance, huh? Doesn’t this represent Shali and you too?

"The next thing is the key point. I was assigned to investigate this matter. Based on my family's records, the records of a Pearl Team descendant, and the help of the former champion, I roughly figured out the past of the Ice Rock Monster. ." Sha Li took out a small notebook.

The former champion of the Sinnoh region, isn't that Zhulan? You don't want to be the champion because you want to investigate the history of the Cleansing Period. Xia Ye doesn't want to complain anymore. Sha Li's connections are really wide.

"Ahem, in ancient Sinnoh, that is, the era of Xicui, it is said that there were ten powerful Pokémon on this land. It was said that they were the descendants of Pokémon blessed by gods. The humans at that time respected them very much and called them king."

"Then Xia Ye, can you tell me the honorific name of this ice rock monster?" Sha Li suddenly asked.

"It's called Snowfield King."

Sha Li nodded and said: "It really suits its temperament. Well, why don't you, Xia Ye, tell me the names and types of the remaining nine kings."

"Well, I want to know the reason why you are so motivated. Do you just want to photograph powerful Pokémon from ancient times?" Xia Ye asked, he wanted to know Sha Li's true purpose.

Sha Li's face darkened, she covered her other arm with her hand, turned her head and smiled bitterly: "In order to atone for sins and repay the mistakes of our ancestors."

She began to talk about a hidden past. According to the description, it was speculated that it was the time after Xia Ye traveled through time.

At that time, Team King Kong and Team Pearl had long since disappeared. Because the conflicts between the two teams disappeared, they gradually merged into one.

Due to the rapid development, Pokémon, which originally coexisted harmoniously with humans, began to compete for survival territories. Coupled with the popularity of Poké Balls, a kind of paranoid thought emerged.

They hold high the slogan that humans are the masters of Pokémon, and call on people to capture Pokémon and use them as tools to develop human civilization.

At this time, Wang, who was originally highly respected in the Xicui area, immediately became their number one target. They believed that as long as they could conquer Wang, they would be able to prove their ideals.

Then they began to persecute the king with great fanfare. Of course, there were voices of resistance during this period, and there were also people who spontaneously protected the king. However, this group of people seemed to have received guidance from someone, and the strength of their Pokémon was far beyond that of ordinary people.

According to records, they succeeded once and drove a king out of the Xicui Land. This experience made them inflated and intensified their harassment of the king.

However, after a certain experience, this group of people suddenly evaporated from history and disappeared. The destination of their operation was then called the Ultramarine Coast.

Although they disappeared, the damage to the king was indelible.

Wang probably felt that it would be bad for both of them to continue to maintain this relationship, so they disappeared from people's sight in their own ways, and there is no historical record.

"This is everything I know. Our ancestors once hurt the king, so I want to find them and apologize to them, even if they don't accept it.

You see, isn’t the Snowfield King still alive? Perhaps the other kings are also alive. I don’t think this is a meaningless search.

And Xia Ye, you have met Wang before. It would be great if you could provide information. Of course, I can feel your deep feelings for Wang. You must be very angry after knowing this history. "Sha Li lowered her eyelids unconsciously, feeling very guilty.

Xia Ye is indeed very angry now. In his opinion, this group of people is simply unreasonable and ungrateful. It would be best if they disappeared.

"I understand what you mean, Sha Li. I can provide you with intelligence assistance." Xia Ye agreed to Sha Li's request because he knew that the ten kings were still alive and the descendants of Shenao owed them an apology.

"Great," Sha Li turned from sadness to joy and clapped her hands, "With Xia Ye's help, I will definitely be able to make progress more smoothly. By the way, do you still remember the reason why I went to Beishang Township?"

"Looking for a unique Pokémon?"

"Yes, that is a special Yueyue Bear named He Yue. According to the speculation of the former champion, it is very likely to be one of the ten kings. Unfortunately, I did not see it last time. I want to see it again. Go to Beishang Township once.

So Ergui, have you ever seen it? It's in that permanent forest. "Sha Li looked straight at Ergui, knowing that he could get the answer from it.

Eguifen was at a loss, but Xia Ye had an idea. Could it be that the king Sha Li mentioned was the Yueyue Bear? It was indeed different from the ordinary Yueyue Bear.

In other words, should its real name be Heyue Bear? !

At this time, Xia Ye couldn't help but clenched his fists. If Sha Li was right, Yueyue Xiong was the king who was driven out of the green land. There is a wide strait between Beishang Township and the Shenao region.

Forced to be separated from his family, to leave his homeland, to endure torture, to endure loneliness, in the end he had no complaints against human beings, but still had that honest expression and treated people with enthusiasm. Yueyue Xiong, there is no doubt that you are a real king!

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