Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 311 Peat Wetland Ecological Survey

“I didn’t expect to be able to witness regional expansion with my own eyes.”

Just the moment he closed his eyes, the area expansion was completed. To achieve this level of miracle, I am afraid only Palkia, the God of Space, can do it.

Xia Ye held his forehead and through the overhead view called up by the forest ranger assistant, he determined that the location of this wetland was in the center of the permanent forest.

Imagine what it would be like if someone walked through a deep primeval forest and suddenly found that there was a large wetland in front of them, or it was hidden in the center of the forest.


At this moment, He Yuexiong, who woke up from the memories of homesickness, also realized that something was wrong. Could the sudden appearance of the wetland be due to Xia Ye's power?

That really amazed the bear. It was like a great master of Sinnoh who bestowed blessings on his ancestors.

"I know you are surprised, He Yue Xiong, well, but this wetland and the permanent forest area are all under your protection. I think your experience is fully qualified to serve as a lord in two completely different environments." Xia Ye said.

He Yue Xiong used to be the king of the Red Lotus Wetland and lived in the permanent forest of Beishang Township for a long time. This is why Xia Ye trusts it.

"You can now try to feel the surrounding environment. This is also your ability as a lord."

He Yue Bear closed his eyes after hearing this. He could feel the sound of the wetland, the sound of the swaying reeds, and the slow flow of the creek. He concentrated again and felt the farther area, which was the permanent forest.

He Yue Bear saw three bees going in and out non-stop, sending the collected nectar into the nest.

Accompanied by the sound of the baby bear eating, the Queen Bee made a buzzing and unhappy sound, as if she was planning to settle a score with Xia Ye.

Kyuubi buried its head in its furry tail and let out a sweet cry. The crystal lantern hung on the canopy of the tree. It stared at the late Pokémon with great patience.

The chirping of birds, the scoffing of the naughty little demon, and the scream of Mibulim, everything is so familiar.


Heyue Bear opened its eyes and let out a cry of surprise. Now it knew everything about the permanent forest and wetlands.

And not only that, it can feel its strength rapidly increasing in the territory. Is this the power of a lord?

"Yes, this is the power of the lord. This wetland full of life will definitely become lively in the future. How about we give it a name?" Xia Ye looked at He Yue Xiong and suggested with a smile.

Then he stretched out a finger and pointed at He Yue Xiong: "Since He Yue Xiong is the lord of the wetland, let's call it He Yue Wetland, right?"


He Yue Xiong was stunned, and stretched out two claws at the same time, shaking his head violently, showing strong resistance. It was too embarrassing to use his own name.

Xia Ye thought for a moment, then stamped his foot and pointed at the ground and said, "Well, in that case, how about the peat wetland?

The area below us is the peat platform and the center of the wetland, so it is a suitable name. "

He Yue Xiong did not refuse this time and nodded happily. He liked the smell of peat very much. To him, it was like the smell of his hometown and family.

Of course it's okay to use something you like as a name. In fact, He Yue Xiong himself had thought about it just now and came up with names like Honey Wetland, Baby Bear Wetland, and Summer Leaf Wetland.

The name Xia Ye proposed was exactly what he liked, so he immediately agreed.

"Well, then the name of this wetland will be peat wetland from now on."


The Heyue Bear raised its arms and roared to the sky, seeming to be shouting the name of the peat wetland. It squinted its eyes and grinned, looking high-spirited.

"As long as you like it. By the way, I plan to give you something later, He Yue Xiong. It will definitely be of great help to you." Xia Ye gave up.

He Yuexiong patted his belly and expressed that he was looking forward to it.

"Don't you want to ask what it is?"

Hearing Xia Ye's question, He Yue Xiong thought for a moment, then shook his head. Waiting was nothing to him. Originally, he was planning to end his life in the deep permanent forest without anyone knowing.

Unexpectedly, there was such an astonishing change. When I thought about it carefully, since I came to Sunset Forest, my originally peaceful daily life suddenly became lively.

Goodbye Xia Ye and Egui Chu, we have a destination.

Following Xia Ye through time and space, he came to the snow-capped mountains that he had never seen before, and fought against the symbol of disaster.

Catching ghosts, admiring flowers, stealing honey, taking care of bear cubs, and having someone to take care of. Although it is hard work, it is very happy.

Fight strange and beautiful Pokémon, resist the invasion of bad guys, and feel the pride of protecting your homeland.

Now that I have become a lord again, well, compared to the peaceful daily life, I still like the excitement.

Just like when I was still a baby bear, I improved my strength by playing with my brothers and sisters on a flat field, just like when I became a ring bear, I decided to win or lose with my brothers and sisters, and headed towards the goal of becoming king.

Just like the day he became a king, with the blessings of his tribe, he took on the responsibility of protecting the Red Lotus Wetland.

Family is what He Yue Xiong values ​​the most. Whether it is Xia Ye, Er Kui Chun, Xiong Baobao, or everyone in the Sunset Forest, in its eyes, they are already equivalent to family members.

Now that I am so happy, I can afford to wait no matter how long it takes.

"You, this makes me feel embarrassed," Xia Ye looked at the smiling He Yue Xiong with a helpless expression, "Well, I won't be too dismissive, it's a stone slab of the earth."

This slate is a prop obtained by Xia Ye when he sealed the ruins of Reggie Elleq's decision. Another thunder slate has been given to Reggie Elleq, and the remaining earth slate is just right for He Yue Xiong.

The earth stone slab is very suitable for Heyue Bear's ground attributes and can help it quickly improve its strength.


Heyue Xiong was very excited when he heard about the Earth Slate. He knew that the treasure guarded by the previous Platform King was the Earth Slate, but when it was his turn, the Slate seemed to have been handed over to a brave human being.

Originally, He Yuexiong always felt very sorry when he recalled this incident.

Now that I think that I will be able to hold the Earth Slate soon, I always feel that the responsibility of the king has returned to me again, and I am full of motivation.

"I knew you would show this expression. It's just right. Let's go back to the cabin now and get the earth slate." Xia Ye suggested.


He Yue Xiong suddenly lay down on the ground, stretched out a paw and pointed at his back, inviting Xia Ye to ride up.

It had grown up in wetlands, and knew very well that it was not easy for humans to travel through wetlands. Not to mention getting their clothes dirty, it would be bad if they got stuck in a muddy swamp or even fell into it.

And he was good at walking through wetlands, so it was perfect for him to take Xia Ye away.

Seeing the other party's enthusiasm, Xia Ye couldn't refuse, so he rode up generously.

"Thank you. Then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful."


He Yue Xiong yelled and signaled Xia Ye to sit down. It stood up slowly. Its tall body made Xia Ye's field of vision instantly broaden. It walked through the wetland as if it were walking on flat ground, which made people feel at ease.

It has been two weeks since Heyue Bear became the lord. Now, in addition to taking care of the baby bears, it also has the responsibilities of a lord and manages the permanent forest in an orderly manner.

As Xia Ye expected, the peat wetland attracted many Pokémon to settle here. After all, the environment of the wetland was indeed superior.

The arrival of these Pokémon and the subsequent arrangements did not worry Xia Ye much, because they were all properly handled by He Yue Xiong.

With this kind of strong management ability, becoming a king is not just as simple as being strong, but also having excellent work ability.

The Pokémon ecology in the peat swamp should also stabilize in two weeks. Xia Ye thinks it's time to check out the new Pokémon types.

However, if you go to the wetland, you will definitely see the queen bee and the others. Xia Ye did not expect that Xiong Baobao and Eguifen could actually eat one-tenth of the honey stock.

When I retrieved the earth slate and saw the two of them, their bellies were bulging, and the queen bee's face turned black. If she ate any more, she would turn into a killer bee.

Fortunately, the compensation plan it proposed was to increase the number and types of flowers planted, which was originally part of Xia Ye's plan.

"I plan to go to the peat wetlands, do you want to go with me?"

Xia Ye asked the Banglei King Kong who was maintaining his drumsticks and Ergui who was watching TV.


Boomstick carefully placed the drum sticks and sat up from the bed. It also wanted to see what kind of Pokémon had been added to the peat swamp.


Eguifen raised the remote control and immediately turned off the TV. He didn't care that the animation had not finished playing, and came to Xia Ye excitedly.

"Are you okay, Ergui? It's obvious that you haven't finished watching the animation?"


Egui Pun stretched out her small waist and showed a proud expression, because with the sister wearing glasses as a negative example, she cannot be like her, and E Gui Pun's self-control is very strong~

At the same time, in the dim room, the girl with blue and red hair was wearing headphones and watching the animation playing on the screen with interest. Suddenly, she sneezed violently, waking up the sleeping Eevees lying around.

"Cough, hoo, sorry, Bubu, I woke you up. Oh, do you have a cold? You obviously just turned on the air conditioner to the lowest temperature."

The peat wetland was much more lively than before. Xia Ye looked around and discovered many different types of Pokémon that he had never seen before.

In the turbid water pool nearest to them, many loaches could be seen vaguely swimming in the water.

They are gray all over, with jagged black patterns on their sides. Their eyes are almost degenerated, and they rely on their well-developed whiskers to sense everything around them.

Coupled with the mucus that isolates bacteria, they can thrive in turbid water and safely avoid the sight of natural enemies.

Of course, Loach is not the only Pokémon that can adapt to turbid water.

This kind of Ubo, which is aqua blue all over and has small horns on both sides of its head, can also be used. They also have the ability to secrete mucus and can resist bacterial invasion.

Ubo usually breathes in the cold water, and buries half of his body in the mud at the bottom of the water when sleeping.

Because of this habit, they generally live in wetlands with ample water and soft soil.

When night falls, Ubo will leave the water and come to the shore to look for food. At this time, the mucus will maintain moisture and prevent the skin from drying out.

Wubo's character is generally timid. The Wubos Xia Ye met along the way would jump into the water as soon as they met, only showing their mini eyes to secretly observe.

Compared to Ubo, their evolved Swamp King's character has become more leisurely and contented. They are chubby, their bodies are still aqua blue, and their skin is still smooth.

They will open their mouths wide and wait for food to come to them. Because they hardly move, they are not very hungry.

On Xia Ye Road, I also saw a Swamp King who took his leisurely life to the extreme. He grabbed the shore with both hands, his whole body tilted up, and his eyes half-squinted, like an old man taking a bath.

There is another kind of resident in the turbid pond, and that is the lobster minions. Their excellent adaptability allows them to completely ignore the quality of the water. It is said that they are the most widely distributed water Pokémon besides Magikarp.

The wetland is also a paradise for insect-type Pokémon. Yo-yo balls slide freely on the water, and dragonflies shuttle between bushes and reeds, making a buzzing sound.

There are also pincer-tailed scorpions, which bury their entire bodies in the soil, leaving only the hooks on their tails outside, waiting quietly for their prey to come.

Previous studies have suggested that scorpions only like dry soil and generally live in deserts.

But recent ecological surveys show that it doesn't matter whether the soil is dry or wet, they just can't tolerate cold conditions.

Speaking of which, a group of Sticky Pokémon have mixed in. Although their strength is similar to that of insect Pokémon, as long as they evolve, they will be completely different.

And now that the Sunset Forest has the effect of the Washing Wind, and there is a chance of Pokémon in the form of Washing Emerald being born, it is entirely possible for the appearance of Washing Green Sticky Dragon.

There are also many plant Pokémon in the wetland, such as the floating Fangcage. Compared with the Fangcage in the tropical rainforest, they are smaller in size, but more aggressive.

There is also the vine monster running around. Its true identity under the vines has always been an unsolved mystery in the research community. It is said that researchers, like those who saw the true identity of Mimikyu Q, were frightened to death.

He also saw a bird Pokémon that he had only recently learned about, a group of flamingoes that were independent on one foot in the water. Their slender feet seemed to be the key to their living in the wetlands.

Flamingos are considered the top Pokémon species in the wetland environment. They have synchronized habits and will attack at the same time. Xia Ye was lucky enough to see them eating in the same posture.

In addition, Xia Ye also witnessed a singing competition between the dark blue bad frog and the aqua blue toad.

The cry of the bad frog has a strange gurgling sound, and the sound is very sharp.

The cry of the blue toad was wider, louder, and more powerful, and the ground nearby seemed to be shaking.

However, in fact, they are not competing for whose voice is better, but probably competing for territory, as can be seen from the battle between their leader, the Poison Skeleton Frog, and the Toad King.

The cry of the bad frog is actually to intimidate the opponent, and the sound of the blue toad is to weaken the opponent. It is a headache-inducing sound wave.

The contest between the Poison Skeleton Frog and the Toad King is very interesting. One side is jumping around and constantly harassing them with their flexible skills, while the other side is staying stable in place and constantly raising their arms to fight back.

The tumors on its arms not only vibrate to increase the power of its fists, but can also spray out paralyzing liquid. It can be said that it is a rival to the Poison Skeleton Frog, both of whom are masters of poison.

However, the battle did not last long, because the Heyue Bear came, and it solved the dispute between the two groups of forces as soon as it appeared, and it was extremely majestic.

Just as Xia Ye was about to say hello to it, he suddenly discovered that Heyue Bear's potential bar began to change. This was a sign of awakening new potential!

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