Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 316 Grass Pokémon Experts (Part 1)

Although Yaluo's eyes were so intense, Xia Ye didn't pay attention immediately. He was now more curious about the identities of several mentors, that is, grass-type Pokémon experts from other regions.

If you want to say who is the most popular instructor in the venue, it must be the seat on the far left.

A large number of trainers gathered nearby, huddled together, making it impossible for Xia Ye to know the appearance of this instructor.

Driven by strong curiosity, Xia Ye kept moving, and finally saw the true face of her mentor through the gaps in the crowd.

This is a dark-haired woman wearing a gorgeous kimono. She has a dignified appearance and exudes the aura of Yamato Nadeshiko.

The handwriting on the banner next to her was very graceful, with the characters Li Jia, the leader of Yuhong Gym, and a cute little flower outlined at the bottom. It seemed that each instructor had prepared it himself.

Xia Ye nodded, so it turns out that she is Li Jia, the owner of the museum from the Kanto region. Based on her appearance and temperament, she will definitely be popular.

Besides, despite her appearance as a young lady and a weak woman, her strength should not be underestimated. The gym leaders in the Kanto region are the strongest in overall strength.

In other words, appearance and strength coexist, no wonder

At this time, Li Jia was hiding her face and smiling softly, chatting happily with the trainer in front of her. When the trainer gave up her position, she put her slender palms back on her knees, half-squinting her eyes and waiting for the arrival of the next one.

Then, Li Jia actually fell asleep with her head tilted to the side. The bustling trainers beside her immediately fell into silence, silently watching Li Jia's sweet sleeping posture, and could not bear to disturb them.

After about a while, Li Jia opened her eyes, covered her mouth with a shy expression, and realized that she had just fallen asleep.

She immediately clasped her hands together and apologized to the trainers around her. The trainers didn't blame her, they all smiled silly, didn't mind at all, and even enjoyed it.

The corner of Xia Ye's mouth twitched, and she almost forgot that Li Jia had the habit of dozing off and would fall asleep unconsciously.

And looking at the looks of this group of trainers, the situation just happened more than once, right?

I always feel that being in the company of them will awaken strange sexual fetishes. Moreover, Li Jia is so popular that the quota has probably been filled up long ago, so she is still not considered.

"Hehehe, it seems that I came down late and missed the opportunity to meet Sleeping Beauty. However, Miss Rika's flower arrangement skills are amazing and can make people feel what true beauty is."

At some point, a tall man wearing black sunglasses suddenly appeared next to Xia Ye. He held his chin and talked, the corners of his mouth raised, showing a proud smile.

Xia Ye silently looked at the man beside him. He exuded an aura similar to that of the hedgehog-headed senior with squinting eyes.

"The same goes for you, friend. You also want to join Li Jia's army. I can feel the fiery emotion in your eyes!" The man was very enthusiastic.

".No, I'm just looking."

"Huh? Did I understand it wrong? Interesting, interesting. My name is Yassen Cape. He comes from the Kalos region. His hobby is to follow various famous trainers."

The man smiled slightly and stretched out his palm: "So come and make friends. Maybe one day you will become the object of my attention."

Facing the man's invitation, Xia Ye did not refuse, stretched out his hand to hold it, and said, "My name is Xia Ye, from the Galar region."

"I see, Xia Ye, you are a native of Galar. By the way, you said you didn't plan to choose Li Jia, is it because you have other candidates?" Yasen asked.

Xia Ye shook his head and replied: "No, I plan to read all the mentors before making a choice. Now I have only read Li Jia."

Yassen couldn't help but nodded: "Yes, every trainer present is full of charm. It is simply the cruelest punishment to let people make choices."

Xia Ye sighed lightly. It seemed that Yasen's range of interests was not all about women, but his enthusiasm was enough to match it.

"In that case, Xia Ye, let the famous trainer Bai Shitong introduce it to you. Don't be polite, hahaha~"

"Well, I'll leave it to you then." Xia Ye did not refuse. After all, he did not know all the instructors present.

"Oh! Although I still want to tell you about Miss Lijia's deeds, but I have to fulfill my promise well. Ahem, let's start with the person next to Miss Lijia~"

Xia Ye looked in the direction pointed by Yasen. A middle-aged man wearing a beret and a camouflage vest was talking to the trainer in front of him. He had a piece of grass in his mouth and looked relaxed.

"This is the legendary ranger Aoyagi-senpai from the Hoenn region. He is also an expert in grass-type Pokémon. It is said that his ace Lizard King has the strength to rival the champion Pokémon."

The handwriting on the banner next to Aoliu is relaxed and comfortable, with the words "Forest Ranger Aoliu" written in large characters.

Xia Ye was a little surprised that he was actually a senior who was also a forest ranger. From Yasen's description, he should have the strength of a king.

"Haha, even though Senior Qingliu looks relaxed and content, when he is serious, he is as sharp as the Lizard King.

Because of the suitable climate in the Fengyuan region, the vegetation is lush and full of forests. Senior Qingliu does not have a fixed guardianship of the forest. He travels throughout the Fengyuan region to fight against the group of lawless elements who destroy the forest!

It is said that Aoyagi-senpai also knows the bosses of Team Lava and Team Ocean, which were once notorious in the Hoenn region. They worked together when they were young, but they separated due to different ideas."

Shui Wutong, the boss of the Ocean Team, Chiyansong, the boss of the Lava Team, and Qingliu, the legendary ranger. At this time, Xia Ye really wanted to complain, are you three members of the Yu Family? The three attributes of water, fire and grass are just right!

"How about it, Xia Ye, if you still want to hear about Senior Qingliu's deeds, I can tell you about it for three days and three nights~!"

Xia Ye waved his hand and said no. Looking at Yasen's expression, it seemed that he could really do it.

"That's still a pity." Yasen spread his hands with a regretful expression, "If you follow Senior Aoyagi, you might be able to see his Lizard King Mega Evolution. You must know about Mega Evolution. The miracles brought about by relying on the power of bonds. !”

"Of course I know, so I don't need to tell you. By the way, Yasen, isn't there a grass-type Pokémon expert coming to the Johto area?" Xia Ye asked. After all, the Kanto and Johto areas are close to each other, so the arrangement should be there. Just nearby.

"Oh, well, because the Kanto region and the Johto region share an alliance, only Miss Rika is sent, and the number of places should naturally increase." Yassen explained.

Xia Ye nodded. He now understood another reason for Li Jia's popularity. She was considered the most famous gym owner in these two regions, so she would naturally attract more trainers.

"Ahem, Senior Qingliu is a very good choice. Well, why are you still looking expressionless? Then let's go to the next one!"

Yasori waved his hand and continued to introduce: "This is Miss Nazane, the gym leader from the Emoji Gym in the Sinnoh region. She inherited the position of gym leader from her father."

Caizhong's hair color is very unique, with yellow on the outside and black on the inside. Xia Ye has really seen this hair color before, and the same is true for Wuli sister and brother's hair color.

She was wearing a black tights and a dark green cloak with her belly exposed, giving her the feeling of a forest ranger.

Now Caizhong's eyes were shining, and she was caressing the fruit worm in her hand with a look of obsession. The content on the banner beside her was a little different from the others. It said that Caizhong loved grass-type Pokémon the most.

"Haha, you are very energetic, Ms. Nana. If there is a trainer who loves Grass Pokémon the most in the field, I am afraid it must be her.

After all, Ms. Caizhong's famous saying is that there are no bad guys in grass-type Pokémon. The God of Creation is also a grass-type Pokémon. It likes rainy weather and fertile soil." Yassen nodded frequently, praising Caizhong for treating grass-type Pokémon. The love of dreams.

Caizhong's famous words made Xia Ye couldn't help but complain in her heart. It is true that there are myths circulating in the Sinnoh region, but Miss Caizhong, you can't talk nonsense, because this God of Creation does exist.

To put it bluntly, Arceus can indeed transform into a grass-type Pokémon, making it one-eighteenth of a grass-type Pokémon?

"Well, although Ms. Nainae said that there are no bad guys in grass-type Pokémon, she is actually very afraid of ghosts and ghost Pokémon. I really want to know what the expression of a Pokémon with a combination of the two attributes will look like when it appears in front of her. !" Yasen clenched his hands tightly, his eyes full of desire.

"Well, I think you can see this scene now." Xia Ye reminded.

Yasen immediately came back to her senses and took a closer look. A trainer placed his own pumpkin essence in front of the vegetable. She hummed softly and shrank back.

Caizhong's face was pale, and a drop of cold sweat oozed from her forehead. The Pokémon in front of her was undoubtedly a grass-type Pokémon. She could smell the unique fragrance of grass-type Pokémon.

However, Caizhong couldn't stand those eyes that flickered on and off, exuding a cold light.

The time she spent in EMI Forest when she was a child left a strong psychological shadow. As a result, Nazuna now feels empty-headed and unable to move when she sees ghost-type Pokémon. This can be said to be her biggest weakness.

"Oh, oh, I didn't expect to see Miss Naizhong's fearful expression. This information turns out to be true. It's great!" Yassen shook his fist violently.

Xia Ye held her forehead and sighed helplessly. Sooner or later, this guy Yasen will be arrested as a idiot, right?

Her eyes returned to Caizhong, and now she was putting her hands on her chest, taking deep breaths to relieve her fear. The trainers around her closed their mouths and silently encouraged her.

The trainer who placed the pumpkin essence in front of Caizhong also learned from the people around him that Caizhong was very afraid of the weakness of ghost-type Pokémon, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

He is not a local trainer in the Sinnoh region, so he does not know the story of Caizhong. Now he is panicking, not only because he has put Caizhong in a state of embarrassment, but also because he is afraid of being educated by the trainers who are already gearing up around him. A meal.

So he is the most energetic among this group of trainers. Please, Miss Caizhong, you must overcome the fear in your heart, not only for my safety, but also to get rid of your weaknesses!

With everyone's encouragement, Caizhong's expression gradually became calmer. She stretched out her hand tremblingly, and kept saying silently that there are no bad guys in grass-type Pokémon. She suppressed the fear in her heart and gently placed her hand on the handle of Pumpkin Spirit. superior.

Then, after about a second, Nazhong withdrew his hand, and Pumpkin's trainer quickly picked up his Pokémon and kept bowing his head to apologize.

Seeing this, Nazhong quickly showed an okay expression, telling the trainer in front of her not to blame herself, but the beads of sweat on her forehead and her trembling hands had already given her away.

"Oh, oh, Miss Naizhong is so gentle and brave. It is very difficult to overcome fear!" Yasen raised his sunglasses, wiped his tears and cried in emotion.

"Indeed, but she has already taken the first step. I think she will be able to overcome her weakness of being afraid of ghost Pokémon soon."

"Uh, then, isn't Miss Caizhong less cute?" Yasen took out a handkerchief and wiped his nose and said, his tone was serious.

Xia Ye only has one thought in her mind right now, this person is hopeless.

"Ahem, let's talk about the next one, the leader of the Sanyao Gym from the Hezhong area, Brother Tiantong, the A-level Pokémon wine waiter!"

Xia Ye knew this acquaintance. He had green hair, was wearing a waiter's uniform, and had a green bow on his collar.

Just now, he was observing the embarrassment Cai Zhong was in. Seeing that Cai Zhong had successfully overcome his fear, Tiantong returned his gaze to his desk and continued to provide advice.

The banner next to him was very neatly written, and it said that the Pokémon Bartender is also the Sanyao Gym Leader Tiantong.

"Yeah, Sanyao Gym is a very unique gym. There are three gym leaders in total, and the gym leaders will change according to the attributes that the challenger is good at.

Brother Tiantong is of course good at grass-type Pokémon. The other two gym owners, Burt and Coen, are good at fire-type and water-type Pokémon respectively. Moreover, although Sanyao Gym is a gym, it is actually also a restaurant.

Every restaurant owner is a master of cooking, and the food tastes great! Yasen gave a thumbs up.

Then he crossed his arms and continued: "The Pokémon Bartender actually has nothing to do with wine. He is an expert who specializes in analyzing the bond between trainers and Pokémon and giving professional advice.

They will provide advice on making the bond stronger, and will also help novice trainers choose a starting Pokémon that is suitable for them.

As for Tiantong, he is an A-level Pokémon bartender, the top being after S-level. If you can get his advice, you will definitely get a big improvement.

It's a pity that the Pokémon Bartender is not very famous outside the Unova region, but there is no doubt about Tiantong's skill! " Yasen's words were full of respect.

"Well, haha, Xia Ye, you should pay attention to the next one. This grandpa is the Bizhi Gym Leader Fu Ye from the Carlos area!" Yasen's interest suddenly reached its peak.

Xia Ye followed his line of sight and saw a familiar face appearing in the form of the kind old grandfather. It was the diligent and studious Ah Fu.

He shook his head with emotion, this day has finally arrived, this reunion that transcends time and space.

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