Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 324 It doesn’t matter if you target me. I have troubles.

"Now, Gavin, who do you think will win this battle?"

In the audience, a young trainer crossed his arms and turned to his friend beside him to ask.

Youth and Ge Wen are both trainers from the Kanto region. They have lived together since childhood and are considered childhood sweethearts.

In terms of strength, Ge Wen was far superior to him. He had once challenged the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance.

In terms of understanding, I am afraid that the trainers present are not as good as him, because Ga Wen is the trainer who just decided the championship with Rhine.

The trainer named Ge Wen looked heavy, obviously still feeling depressed after losing the battle just now.

He sighed. He had no choice. He only used three Pokémon to defeat his proud companion. It was natural to admire the opponent's strength.

The young man here noticed something was wrong with his friend, scratched his head, bowed and said with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, you must be in a bad mood after losing the battle. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's just watch the battle honestly."

"Hmph, the A-yin I know is the one who speaks his mind. He lost the battle just because his skills were inferior. There is no need to apologize. As for my opinion, Rhine has a better chance of winning." Ge Wen's expression softened a little.

"Hey, why, that trainer named Xia Ye was the Super Lizard King who defeated Senior Qingliu. His strength is absolutely true!" A-Xian spread his hands and expressed his views frankly.

Ge Wen nodded with an expression that said, "I understand." Although he unfortunately didn't enjoy the battle, he still heard about the process.

With its unpredictable drum beats and hidden ice-type killing moves, Xia Ye's Boomerang is simply an extraordinary Pokémon.

However, Gervin still believes that Rhine has a better chance of winning.

Xia Ye's deeds are not difficult to attract people's attention. Ge Wen observed his Pokémon in the audience. Except for the King Kong, the other Pokémon may not be of much use.

The unknown Little Bear Pokémon and Scaled Dragon can be ruled out first, as they are definitely not strong.

Then came the two skirt ladies. The normal skirt skirt lady was not good at fighting, while the other skirt skirt lady seemed to be quite capable.

As for that petite Pokémon, although I don’t know it, it’s probably a cute one. If I were to find a similar Pokémon, would it be Sunflower?

Judging from Xia Ye's profession, he probably only has two Pokémon that are good at fighting. After all, ranger is not a fighting and killing profession, so training two combat Pokémon is enough.

Having said that, Ge Wen is still very sure of Xia Ye's cultivation level. This Bang Bang King Kong must have consumed a lot of his time and energy to have such a strong strength.

After confirming his judgment in his mind, Ge Wen responded to his friend's confusion: "Of course I know, you told me this, but"

Ge Wen frowned and asked, "Do you still remember the three Pokémon sent by Rhine?"

"Uh, Nanny Bug, Rose Leiduo, and Miji Orochi?" Ah Xian said while thinking back and twirling his fingers.

"Yes, although they are all grass-type Pokémon, their attributes undoubtedly have an advantage when facing other grass-type Pokémon. I'm afraid the rest of Rhine are about the same."

"It makes sense, but Ge Wen, why are you so sure? What if it's not like that later?"

"I feel it, because this guy gives me the feeling that he never fights a battle without a 100% chance of winning. His eyes are full of confidence, even arrogance."

"Oh, the battle has begun. Hey, Gwen, look, I have never seen the Pokémon sent by Xia Ye. Is it also a fantasy Pokémon?"

While the two were talking, the battle on the field had already begun. Looking at the Pokémon sent by Xia Ye, Axian hurriedly called out to his friends.

"How is it possible that Xia Ye actually sent it?" Ge Wen frowned again, with a look of disbelief on his face. Isn't this guy responsible for being cute? !


On the battlefield, Ergui, who had just come out of the elf ball, stepped on the ground with one foot, its star pupils radiating light, waving its little hands, and its whole body was full of energy.

This time, it took the initiative to ask Xia Ye to start the game, in order to show off her sister's power in front of her brothers.

"Ekuei, let's put on a wonderful show for everyone." Xia Ye put one hand on his hip and looked quite relaxed.

On the other side, Rhine was lost in thought. He was holding the elf ball in his hand but had not thrown it out.

Ergui? A Pokémon I have never heard of, but according to my judgment, this guy most likely only has grass-type or fairy-type.

Well, in short, the battle plan was not affected. Rhine raised his eyelids, threw the elf ball in his hand, and his expression returned to his previous confidence: "Come on, nanny bug."

The nanny bug appears from the light, wielding a sickle-like blade. It is like a loving mother to weak Pokémon, but when it faces the enemy, it will turn into the most ferocious hunter.

"Nanny bug, sticky web!"

Rhine waved his arms and shouted, preparing to strike first.

Upon hearing the trainer's command, the nanny bug spit out white silk threads from its mouth, dexterously weaved several insect nets in its hands, and then spread them out in all directions.

Looking at the big net falling from the sky, Ergui jumped away like a playful child, as if he was enjoying it.

This Pokémon reacted unexpectedly quickly, but a smile appeared on Rhine's lips, because the sticky webs scattered on the field can restrict the opponent and subsequent Pokémon.

In other words, the balance of victory was tilted towards me from the very beginning, not to mention that we were still the ones possessing the attributes!

"Don't stop, nanny bug, cross scissors!"

Without waiting for Ergui to stand firm, Rhine started to command again. He spotted the opportunity when Ergui was surrounded by sticky nets and his dodge was limited.

Come on, if you try to run, you will only get entangled in the silk net, and you will die slowly. If you don't run, it will be a dead end!

But Erguifen's reaction was beyond his expectation, or rather beyond the expectations of all the viewers.

It saw it unhurriedly taking out a wooden stick covered with thorns. Even the moving nanny bug was stunned for a moment. How could such a cute child use such a violent weapon?

"What, why is it a wooden stick?!"

Gavin exclaimed, with questions all over his face. He looked petite, but turned out to be a powerful Pokémon. It turned out to be a Pokémon like the Great Blacksmith.

"Come on, Tonglu, and give it a good thump!"

Annie cheered loudly towards the field. It was obvious that her ability to accept was beyond ordinary people.

".Xia Ye, you."

Yaluo sighed. This guy has been giving himself new tricks since the exchange meeting. He always felt that it would not be surprising if he later confessed that he actually had super powers.

"You've come just in time, Ergui Clan and Thorny Vine Club!"


While taking out the thorn stick, Ergui put a laughing black rock mask on its face, and its cloak was dyed with the color of the rock. Then, it held the stick with both hands and put it on its shoulders to make a charging movement.

At this time, the nanny bug came to the front of Ergui. It suddenly sensed danger. The wooden stick that was full of life became as sharp as a sharp stone, and it seemed that it could easily pierce its body.

But it didn't intend to stop attacking, because the sickle blade was already flashing yellow-green light and slashing towards Ergui. In terms of attack speed, he was the fastest!



The nanny bug's bright iridescent pupils widened. It hadn't yet come to a conclusion as to why it was making such a sound, and then there was a bone-chilling pain in its chest.


There was another loud noise, and the nanny bug felt the strong impact from its back, and closed its eyes. Before its consciousness fell into darkness, it came to the conclusion, that's it, it had just been knocked away by a stick.

Seeing the Nanny Bug lying on the ground with its head tilted to the side, Deng Pei, who was riding the Strong Shield Sword Monster, was stunned for a moment. Killed instantly with one blow? !

However, as a referee, he had seen similar situations before. He immediately checked the nanny bug's condition, raised his hand and announced that it had lost its ability to fight.

Erguifen's amazing performance caused a group of trainers to start talking about it. The noisy voices reached Rhine's ears, and he could feel the cold sweat on his forehead.

Rhine, who lowered his head and said nothing, looked at the elf ball in his hand, and countless guesses surged in his mind.

Property changes? Is it because of characteristics? Or is it because of the props?

The most important thing is to kill the nanny bug instantly with one blow. Did it just use a move to restrain the nanny bug in terms of attributes?

No, even if it’s attribute restraint, shouldn’t the strength gap be instantly killed with one move?

"Huh, if I as a trainer waver, I will lose."

Rhine held his forehead and widened his eyes in an attempt to calm himself down. He raised his hand to retrieve the fallen nanny bug and prepared to send out the next Pokémon.

"Go, Roseredo!"

The masked Rose Leiduo appeared in front of Rhine. Looking at the cloak on its back, Rhine's originally panicked heart felt a little calmer.

Although the nanny bug fell, it left behind a sticky web that could restrict the opponent's movements, which gave Roseredo a huge advantage.

The opponent is a physical Pokémon that is good at close combat. As long as Roseredo distances itself from it and consumes it with poison, victory will still belong to us!

"Oh, Rose Redo"

Xia Ye is very familiar with this Pokémon. After all, it exists in Sunset Forest. It seems that Rhine is going to change his tactics to target Ergui.

"Roselaido, use poison!"

"The erratic hammer is the hammer of the mind."

The two of them started commanding at the same time. Roseredo raised the dark blue rose in her right hand, like an elegant Phantom Thief throwing out a dark purple poisonous needle.

In addition to the difference in color, the flowers on its arms also contain different toxins. The right hand contains quick-acting toxins, while the left hand contains chronic and severe poisons.

Faced with the menacing attack of Ergui, Roseredo chose quick-acting poison. It judged that the opponent was a quick-attack type and did not need to deal with the poison of enemies with strong physical strength.

As long as he falls into a poisoned state, Roseredo is confident that he can use his best venom shock to control his opponent.

The corners of its mouth under the mask were slightly raised, and the running Ergui changed his mask in an instant when faced with the flying poisonous needles, just like a master of face-changing.

Eguifen knew very well that changing attributes was his biggest advantage, so he fiddled with the mask in his hands when he had nothing to do in private, and it finally came in handy today.

The dark purple mask had a frightened expression on it. Roseredo was very familiar with this expression. Every opponent who was poisoned showed a similar expression without exception.

But then, it felt something was wrong. This aura full of danger and death was poisonous. In this case

This time, Roseredo showed a horrified expression. It knew that if Ergui was now a poison-type Pokémon, its poison would have no effect at all!

The poisonous needle accurately pierced Ergui's body but nothing happened. The shining spiritual energy gathered on the top of its head and flew past Rose Leiduo.

Rose Leiduo flew high in the sky with its mouth wide open. As a dancer who uses poison, its defense is extremely fragile, let alone the opponent is a strange power that can penetrate the defense of the steel armored crow.

"It has changed again. Could it be the ability to change freely? But no, it should be a super power attribute. It was undoubtedly immune to the poisoning effect just now!"

Rhine gritted his teeth. He experienced the feeling of cheating for the second time. Unlike the green-haired young man who understood his own Pokémon dream, this kind of power that played with attributes was too difficult to deal with.

"Roseledo, uh...has lost the ability to fight!"

Deng Pei announced the result with some embarrassment. Even the referee who had participated in the competition as Dandi had never defeated the opponent's Pokémon so quickly.

The trainers on the viewing platform did not discuss the game with each other, nor did they cheer enthusiastically. Everyone fell into a mysterious silence.

They had watched the battle just now. Rhine had crushed his opponents all the way up, and this Xia Ye seemed to have crushed Rhine even more.

Regarding the unique ability to change attributes, everyone's thoughts are surprisingly similar to Rhine's. It's cheating!

The performance of Xia Ye and Eguifen naturally attracted the attention of several instructors. It would be better to say that they paid close attention to Xia Ye at the beginning of the battle. The result was even more surprising than imagined.

Li Jia, Cai Zhong, and Ma Ao all had the same idea, and they were all interested in Ergui.

One person fell in love because he looked cute.

One person was curious because a Grass-type Pokémon had the ability to change its attributes.

One person was inspired by the idea of ​​a new dish. This unique citrus fragrance can be smelled even from such a distance.

Qingliu and Fuye had plain expressions. One of them leaned on the back of the chair with grass in his mouth, and the other held his beard and smiled silently.

The reason why the two of them were so calm was probably because they were Xia Ye's opponents and knew his unique experience.

Kou Sha was opposite to the performance of the two of them. He fell into an extremely fanatical state, not because of Xia Ye, nor because of Ergui Pun, but because of the mask.

The two masks not only showed the characteristics of attributes excellently, but also showed strong emotions, happiness, and fear. Kosha felt it clearly. At this time, he really wanted to shout, avant-garde art!

Kosha made a decision. No matter what, after the battle, he would ask the producer of Xia Ye's mask. He is definitely an outstanding artist and he would like to worship him.

Tiantong lamented the cooperation between Xia Ye and Eguifen. Although his command only had a few short sentences, there was a lot of confidence in his tone and actions. Only people with a deep bond can understand each other's thoughts.

Yaluo was completely desensitized, but he began to doubt whether he was competent as a boss because he couldn't even figure out the basic situation of his subordinates.

Returning to the battlefield, Rhine felt his heart beat faster, his mouth was dry, and endless pressure surged from the bottom of his heart, making him unable to breathe.

But he still didn't stop sending out Pokémon, constantly looking for opportunities to counterattack.

He resolutely sent out the Blizzard King, but faced the steel-masked Ergui Pulun with the result that he could only be crushed.

Reluctantly, he sent out the high-fire Chili Pepper, but was forced to calm down by Eguifen using a well mask.

The one who didn't believe in evil sent out the Miji Orochi, and then met Ergui Pun in the Huanyue Mask. While the attack was ineffective, he also asked Er Gui Pun to play whack-a-mole, and no one among the four heads was spared.

At this time, a group of trainers also thought about it. Although Xia Ye's Erotic ability is very abnormal, this Rhine lineup is too targeted. They are all Pokémon that are dominant against grass Pokémon. .

"Obviously I was so confident before," Rhine laughed self-deprecatingly as he looked at the last elf ball. "But, I still don't want to lose. Even if it's just this time, please lend me your power!"

Rhine suddenly threw the Pokémon ball, and a green Pokémon appeared in front of him. It had a strong body, raised its head proudly, glanced at Ergui with its sharp eyes, and showed a playful smile.

“I didn’t expect to see it here!”

Xia Ye looked at the Pokémon in front of him and said with a slightly surprised tone. It was none other than the legendary holy swordsman in the Hezhong region, Biligion!

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