Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 326 Thorny Vine Stick? Thorny Vine Holy Sword!

"It's gone. Where did it go?!"

In the auditorium, Ah Xian held onto the railing and raised his head to shout loudly, his eyes constantly scanning the battlefield, but Biligion completely disappeared from the field and disappeared without a trace.

On the other side, his friend Ge Wen crossed his arms and frowned. If it was normal, he would definitely complain about Ah Xian for making such a fuss, but today, the situation was a bit too special.

Looking back, this exchange meeting started to develop in the wrong direction since Xia Ye appeared.

First, his Hammer King Kong defeated Aoyagi-senpai's Super Lizard King with an ice hammer, eliminating the need to participate in the exhibition match.

Then came the exhibition match, where the dark horse Rhine was revealed. I thought he was powerful enough, but Xia Ye once again broke his imagination.

Ge Wen sighed and stared at the center of the arena. Such intense flames made him instinctively fearful as a grass-type trainer.

I remember the name is Ergui. This kind of performance is completely legendary, right?

Speaking of legends, the Rhine guy is not bad either. If he had sent out this Pokémon from the beginning, he would probably have been banned.


Ge Wen reluctantly uttered two words from his mouth. At this time, he remembered that he had not answered his friend's question, and then calmed down.

"It has always been on the field, but its speed is too fast. Pay attention to the state of the Ergui Flame."

"Urgui? Ah" A-Xian still had some doubts at first, but after following Ge Wen's finger, he remembered that this was the name of the Pokémon in the center of the arena.

After receiving the guidance, even Ah Xian discovered the clues. The burning flames around the Ergui Pulse were constantly swaying, and it seemed that a high-speed existence was moving rapidly around it.

"I understand! Yeah. But going so fast is no different from disappearing, right?"

"Yeah, this is no longer a battle we can be involved in, so..."


Looking at his questioning friend, Ge Wen smiled helplessly, patted his shoulder and said:

"So just enjoy it. This is a battle that you can't see even if you spend a lot of money. It's the so-called duel between legends!"

"Legend! Battle!" The corners of Ah Xian's mouth also raised, and his emotions became high.

"That's right."

Ge Wen nodded, and his originally depressed mood was suddenly relieved. The reason was probably because he recognized the gap between himself, Xia Ye, and Lai Yin.

This gap cannot be narrowed by a short period of effort.

On the battlefield, compared to Rhine who was confused about the situation, Xia Ye seemed to be much more at ease here.

Although Biligion is fast, Xia Ye can roughly capture its moving route. It seems that it is thanks to Reggie Ellechi?

The location of its landing point is different every time, as if it is deliberately avoiding something.

"No matter, Biligion, Blade of Air!"

Rhine gave up thinking. He couldn't capture Biligion's position. He only knew that his Pokémon was very fast.

In this case, it is better to adopt a roundabout and remote harassment tactic first.

Judging from previous experience, it is a very stupid thing to approach Ergui rashly, even Biligion.

A moment after Rhine yelled the order, a green phantom appeared behind Erguichun. It twisted its neck, and the rotating air flow wrapped around the corner, ready to go.

"It's appeared!" The moment Biligion showed his figure, Xia Ye reacted immediately, "Ergui Pun, spike defense."

Xia Ye did not intend to attack rashly before figuring out Biligion's movement trajectory. If a flaw was revealed in front of such a skilled swordsman, it would be very fatal.


Ergui was shocked because he could not find his opponent at all.

However, the trust in Xia Ye caused the body to move first. The petite body hiding behind the huge mask shrank into a ball, and countless emerald green spikes appeared around it.

The sharp air blades were scattered by the shield formed by the spikes, leaving several slash marks on the ground.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Biligion disappeared without hesitation again.

"I see."

Seeing this scene, Xia Ye whispered that he had a guess about Biligion's trajectory.

Ergui's dynamic vision should be no worse than his own, but it acted as if he didn't expect Biligion to appear there at all.

That's right, if you put the perspective on Ergui's body, the position just now happens to be its blind spot.

It seems that Biligion relied on his strong skills to constantly analyze the blind spots of Ergui, and used them as a foothold to create the illusion of disappearing.

"It's this expression again. Has he analyzed the information about Biligion? Tsk, let's verify it."

Rhine bit his fingers in distress and gave the same command as before.

Biligion appeared again, but this time Ergui Pun had received Xia Ye's prompt. It clenched the wooden stick in its hand and waited for Xia Ye's instructions.

The holy swordsman swung his sharp horn, and the sound of tearing the air came from behind. Xia Ye also shouted at the same time:

"It's now, Ergui Pun, Thorny Vine Stick!"


Erguichen slammed one foot onto the ground, exerted force with the other foot at the same time, turned his body, and threw the thorn stick toward the blind spot of the perspective.

The thorn stick was burning with flames and spinning rapidly in the air, crashing head-on into Biligion's air blade like a wheel of fire.

The air blade did not play its original role in cutting off the stick. Instead, it was absorbed by it and made the fire burn even more fiercely.

"I see!"

Lain's eyes widened, and he came to the same conclusion as Xia Ye just now.

"No, what am I sighing for? Biligion, get out of there quickly!"

He threw his arms and shouted loudly, the Pokémon's speed will change during a battle, and will be affected by energy, physical strength, abnormal conditions, injuries, venue, weather and other aspects.

If Biligion forced himself to take Ergui Pulse's move, he knew very well that his original speed advantage would be gone.

However, Rhine was not very nervous, because with Biligion's speed, it was easy to dodge this move.

But to his surprise, Biligion did not dodge, but stopped in place, with a strong light erupting from the horns on his head.

"What, in this posture, are you planning to use the Holy Sword?! That's so stupid!"

A drop of cold sweat oozed from Rhine's forehead. It was over, it was over, Biligion didn't listen to his command at all.

His whole body couldn't stop shaking. In the end, he didn't get the other person's approval at all.

"It seems that in terms of experience, Pokémon has more experience."

Xia Ye narrowed his eyes, and he probably guessed what Biligion was thinking.

Ergui is now in a state of losing its weapons. If it can destroy the thorn stick in the air, it will definitely be confident of easily winning with Biligion's speed.

However, Rhine acted as if he was completely unaware of Biligion's thoughts, and even forgot to tell him the information that Ergui could regenerate thorn sticks.

Their cooperation was cautious, well, it would be more appropriate to describe it as unfamiliar, as if they were working together for the first time, and they didn't even trust each other.

While the trainers on both sides were thinking, Biligion had already taken a stance, and it was going to use the Holy Swordsman's strongest move, the Holy Sword.

Regardless of any changes in the opponent, the Holy Sword's slashing will be ignored and it will hit the source directly, which is the top slashing move.

Although the three holy swordsmen can all use the holy sword, their cutting methods are completely different and have their own unique styles.

Biligion's holy sword can be said to be the most elegant. It is both swift and difficult to deal with, like an infinitely growing vegetation.

The breeze surrounded Biligion, and its long horns turned into dazzling sharp blades, like a strong and towering tree, exuding endless vitality.

Immediately afterwards, Biligion shook his head, and the shining light blade slashed towards the rotating thorn stick. A crisp sound sounded, and the thorn stick broke.

The light blade did not continue to deal with the burning flames in the air. It actually split apart and turned into three smaller light blades, slashing at Ergui.

Eguifen also reacted quickly and hurriedly put the mask in front of him. With a click, three cracks appeared on the crystal covering the mask.


Rhine's attitude changed very quickly. He knew that this was a rare opportunity and he must seize it firmly.

Of course, Biligion also planned this. The light on its horns exploded instantly, without accumulating energy like last time.

This is the most difficult thing about its holy sword. Although it is not as good as Terrakion in terms of attack and not as hard as Copalion, it is good at endurance and change.

"Ergui, sharp thorns."


Before Xia Ye could finish his words, Eguifen interrupted him with a confident cry.

Originally, Xia Ye planned to avoid its sharp edge first and wait for Ergui to regenerate the wooden stick to fight back, but now Ergui obviously has his own ideas.

"Well, I understand, then go for it with all your strength, Eguifen!"

Xia Ye responded to the cry of encouragement and gave it the greatest trust.

Ergui's eyes became serious, and it began to run wildly in the direction of Biligion, and at the same time it began to regenerate thorn sticks in its hands.

Just now, Biligion's holy sword aroused Ergui's interest, and he even wanted to imitate it.

It had seen this move from Cang Xiang's eldest sister, and the handsome and sharp slash made Ergui's heart flutter, and she wanted to be able to use it one day.

However, no matter how hard he practiced in private, he could not reproduce it and could only leave a deep pit on the ground.

But now, after seeing Biligion's holy sword, Ergui suddenly grasped the trick. No matter who he is, he has his own way of fighting, and no matter who he is, he has his own way of cutting.

The same goes for himself, Ergui absorbed the vitality displayed by the Holy Sword of Biligion and turned it into experience, while recalling his own fighting style.

That's right, didn't Tsubaki's fighting style change with the mask? So what he has to do now is to cut out a sword as angry as burning flames.

What, is there a stick in his hand instead of a sword?

It doesn't matter, because Sister Cangxiang has already said that to a swordsman, everything is a sword, and doesn't this deer use horns?

Biligion looked at the huge mask that was approaching him so fast, and couldn't help but be a little surprised. Did the fighting style of this Pokémon turn out to be that of Daelakion?

But it just so happens that since you dare to approach me, it proves that you have enough courage to hold up my holy sword.

The light on the horns of Biligion shined fiercely. It looked at the fire stove mask and showed an expectant smile. Let me see it, little guy!

Clang! The edge of the holy sword struck the mask, and the shining crystals began to shatter from the cracks to all sides. A burst of surprised shouts erupted from the audience.

They lamented that Biligion's blade was so sharp that it could easily shatter even hard crystals, but this was only some people.

The other half of the audience sighed because Ergui actually carried the recycled wooden stick, put one foot on the mask, and jumped into the air in a few steps as if running on the wall.

It clenched the stick with both hands and raised it above its head, the raging and burning fire of anger as dazzling as the sun.

"Gah! Ouch!" (Thorn Vine! Holy Sword!)

This is sword energy!

Biligion quickly came to this conclusion and even saw his own shadow in Ergui.

It smiled knowingly, and the sharp horn on its head burst out with light again. As a holy swordsman, he would not dodge any slashes, let alone his own students!

Pyrrhizion, unlike the calm and serious Copalion and the rough and majestic Terrakion, has a kind and loving personality and is willing to guide anyone and Pokémon who have the courage to be righteous.

This is also the reason why it took the initiative to be subdued by Rhine. In its view, Rhine's courage to challenge it is commendable, but this child has obviously gone astray, and it is its own responsibility to correct it.

However, Biligion underestimated the power of human technology and did not anticipate Rhine's fragile self-esteem. He was kept in the ball until today.

It responded to Ergui's slashing attack with a sense of gratitude, because only such a powerful opponent could arouse Rhine's competitive spirit.

"That's it again. But, Xia Ye can... And I, ah, yes, if I waver as a trainer, I lose. A trainer who can't trust his own Pokémon is the same as a loser!"

Rhine took a deep breath, and then shouted with all his strength: "You will not lose, Biligion, because your sword is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!"

"We won't lose, because my Egui family can be super strong and cute!" Xia Ye shouted unyieldingly.

The shouts of the trainers on both sides truly reached the ears of the two Pokémon and penetrated deeply into their hearts.

In an instant, Biligion's shining blade turned into a bright crescent moon, and the flames in Ergui's hand soared into the sky, illuminating the trainers in the auditorium who could not open their eyes.

The two "Holy Swords" collided together, and light and fire mixed together. The most dazzling flame did not slow down the slashing trend at all. It slashed brutally, and the surrounding area was instantly swallowed up by the flames.

The trainers rubbed their eyes anxiously and kept opening them, trying to see the result of the battle clearly with blurry vision.

At this time, Deng Pei, who was riding the Strong Shield Sword Monster, silently took off his sunglasses. As a referee, he should be prepared to deal with all changes and announce the results as soon as possible.

The Shield Sword Monster under his feet also raised his hand and took off the black lens covering the hilt of the sword. As a referee, the Pokémon also had to adapt to all changes.

The smoke gradually dispersed, and Deng Pei's eyes were looking like a warrior's eagle to identify the final winner. A vague shadow slowly appeared. He nodded, raised his arms, and faced the audience:

"The winner of this battle is"

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