Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 34 Snapping Monkey VS Domineering Panda

The battle took place in the open space in front of the wooden house. The monkey stood in front of Xia Ye and was full of fighting spirit. It did not want to lose this battle.

Warren took off his black coat, leaving only a white shirt. He held the elf ball in his hand, then threw it violently and shouted:

"Go, Domineering Panda!"

A domineering black and white panda appeared in the open space, holding a bamboo branch in its mouth, with a ferocious expression and a muscular body full of power.

It had not been released by Warren for a long time, so it seemed very excited, but when it saw that its opponent was a snapping monkey, it immediately turned its head towards its trainer, with questions in its eyes. You called me out just to deal with such a little monkey. Guy?

Domineering pandas are irritable and impulsive, but they are a bold Pokémon that never bullies the weak. Warren is challenging its principles.

"Domineering Panda! Give me strength, you must not lose this battle!" The battle is Warren's last barrier. If it is also broken by Xia Ye, then he has really lost completely. He will never approve of this. result.

Warren's attitude made the domineering panda helpless. It had not seen him like this for a long time. The last time he faced the trainer's father, he had only one Pokémon left. Naturally, he lost.

The trainer's attitude is tough, but it still can't get excited. It is ready to take a few moves from the opponent before attacking, otherwise it won't bully others enough.

"Pa dong monkey, green grass field."


Pa Dong Monkey is surrounded by green grass. The prerequisite for a surprise attack is that the opponent should attack and reveal flaws. Pa Dong Monkey's move will naturally fail if he uses a grassy field.

Phew, what am I nervous about? Why don’t I just use attack moves? Then, Warren stretched out his arms and shouted:

"The domineering panda uses its arm hammer!"

After hearing Warren's instructions, the domineering panda yawned, raised his sandbag-sized fists and moved forward slowly.

Come on, little guy, let me take your blow and then move on. Thinking of this, it suddenly felt unstable on the soles of its feet, and its whole body fell forward. What, something is wrapped around my feet?

"Now, stab with a wooden branch."

The snap-dong monkey ran wildly on the ground. The overbearing panda that had fallen earlier wanted to reach out and grab it, but the snap-dong monkey's sensitivity was beyond its imagination. It jumped on top of its head in two steps with ghostly footwork and pulled out two wooden sticks. .

The light of the wooden stick was even more dazzling on the grass field. The monkey used gravity to stab the overbearing panda, further accelerating the speed of the overbearing panda's fall. The impact from the upper and lower sides made it grit its teeth and double images appeared in its eyes. .

"Don't underestimate your opponent, domineering panda, give me your full strength!"

Warren's roar made the domineering panda wake up a little, and it understood that Pa Dong Monkey was much more powerful than it thought. Humph, this is interesting!

It instantly stretched out two huge palms to grab the snap-dong monkey's body, and used its waist to throw the snap-dong monkey violently backwards with its entire body.

The monkey slid on its back for a distance before stopping. The domineering panda took this opportunity to stand up, and it was about to get serious.


"Grass slide!"

In a duel of preemptive moves, speed determines the order, and the domineering panda has consumed his energy due to the use of the arm hammer, so now it is the snapping monkey who moves faster.

The monkey turned into a green flash and kicked the domineering panda in the knees, making it lose its balance again.

The domineering panda didn't panic at all. As long as it had the bamboo branch in its mouth, it could sense the next move of the monkey.

"Use the flying leaf sharp knife to cut off the bamboo branches in its mouth!"

What! Warren was very surprised that he actually knew the weakness of the Overbearing Panda. Many people thought that this was a way for the Overbearing Panda to show off its coolness. Only those who became its trainer would understand that the bamboo branches were the external sensing organs of the Overbearing Panda.

The reason why Xia Ye knows it is because the Domineering Panda is also a Pokémon that lives in the forest, and the bamboo forest is also a type of forest.

The sharp leaves cut off the bamboo branch in the domineering panda's mouth. Without the bamboo branch, it was extremely panicked, as if it had returned to the battle where it was crushed by the power of the blocking bear.

"Domineering Panda, don't forget you still have eyes!"

Warren's words calmed down the domineering panda. It stabilized its body and observed the other party's actions. The monkey took a few steps back and turned into a green flash again.

The domineering panda didn't care and took the move directly. It waved its huge arm and hit it fiercely, but the next action of the monkey was beyond its expectation. It threw the wooden stick in its hand and spun it. Fly towards your own eyes.

The domineering panda had to use his other hand to block, and the remaining power of the arm hammer he swung was less than half. However, even such an arm hammer still caused heavy damage to Pa Dong Monkey. It relied on the recovery of the grass field to survive. Lasted.

"Hmph, how can your weak body contend with the domineering panda without weapons? Give it the final blow!"

"I didn't expect it to be the same strategy, Pa Dong Monkey, give it the final blow!"


The domineering panda, which had used the arm hammer twice, had no time to defend itself. The snap-dong monkey fired four punches instantly. Even if it lost its props, it would still face a fighting-type Pokémon. Naturally, its punches would be fatal.

The domineering panda's muscular body fell backwards, losing to the hugely different size of the Pa Dong monkey.

"Did I lose?" Warren looked in disbelief. He looked at the remaining Poke Balls in his waist, his heart filled with unwillingness. "It's not over yet. One-on-one is too unsatisfying. You can't only have one." Pokémon, isn’t it over yet?”

"Huh, come back, Pa Dong Monkey," Xia Ye called back Pa Dong Monkey. It was covered in injuries but had a smile on its face. "I have two Pokémon, but the other one is not here right now. If you want to continue the battle, wait until I finish curing Pokmon."


"The next step is a one-on-one showdown, okay?"

"I know, I will wait for you." Warren understood what Xia Ye meant.

After waiting for Xia Ye to treat Pa Dong Monkey, he followed Xia Ye and set off towards Mist Lake.

After arriving at his destination, he stared at the clear lake in a daze. There was no lake in Sunset Forest in his memory.

"Warren, you are a person who refuses to admit defeat. I understand the pain of failure, but for the sake of Spike Town, just accept this defeat today." Xia Ye said standing in front of the lake.

"I won't lose, come on, Wei Li!"

Warren's next Pokémon is the muscular, four-armed Pokémon Monster, which is also a fighting Pokémon. It seems that he has a deep obsession with his father, who uses evil Pokémon, and is training Pokémon. It is full of targets.


Xia Ye called, and then, a noble Pokémon jumped out of the water. Its beautiful but terrifying momentum made Warren unable to breathe. Is this his trump card?

But he still didn't want to admit defeat and shouted:

"Explosive punch!"

"Meenas, water cannon!"

It seems that Xia Ye woke up because of the guy in front of her. Damn it, feel the Queen of the Lake's anger.

Menas's water cannon surged like a furious wave, and all four of Wei Li's arms struggled to support it for a moment before it was broken. He fell to the ground and lost his fighting ability.

"One move?" Warren looked at the sky and sighed helplessly. He remembered the feeling of powerlessness in the battle against his father.

"Ah, I lost. I won't interfere anymore. No, I will come back. As expected, fighting is the happiest thing. I will be strong enough to defeat you and come back." Warren said harsh words, He took back his strange power and left in despair, not even taking away the things left in the wooden house.

In desperation, Xia Ye had to hand the things to Mr. Gaide. Who knew that after hearing Xia Ye's description, he almost knelt down and apologized to Xia Ye. What did the boy go to find Xia Ye instead of him? If he wanted to Prove that you are looking for him, are you still afraid of this old guy who is half dead?

Xia Ye's description simplified Warren's methods, but Gade knew that his son must be useful in everything, and would bring out money when he had nothing to do. Did Xia Ye actually refuse the temptation? Moreover, he had no strength even if he hadn't fought for a long time. Even though he was weak, Xia Ye defeated him.

Gade's impression of Xia Ye improved a lot. He was a promising young man. Then he patted Xia Ye on the shoulder and said:

"Xia Ye, all future visits to the old man's restaurant are free, as my apology, um, but not in the past few days."

"What happened to you recently?" Xia Ye asked.

Mr. Gaede smiled and picked up his briefcase:

"Of course I'm giving something to that bastard, huh, it's the child's fault, it's my fault. I haven't played in a long time, and I just need someone to practice with, haha."

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