Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 332: The Skeleton Team Attacks, the Shout Team Assembles

Kangdai City, adhering to the consistent hospitality of the Alola region, this tourist city always maintains its enthusiasm for tourists.

As soon as Xia Ye and his party got off the passenger ship and stepped onto the port ground, a group of staff members dressed in tropical costumes came up to greet them and put a collar made of flowers on everyone.

Looking at the bright and colorful flowers on his chest, a strong fragrance permeated his nose. Xia Ye thought for a moment and then asked:

"Alola, is this a hibiscus flower?"


The staff smiled and waved his hands across his chest, first responding to Xia Ye's greeting. This is a unique way of greeting in the Alola region.

"Yes, it's the hibiscus flower, the flower that best symbolizes the enthusiasm of our Alola. Haha, you know a lot, guest. It's not your first time in Alola, right?"

"Well, it counts?" Xia Ye's answer was a bit ambiguous. Does it count if you came here hundreds of years ago?

"Haha, that's right. It seems that you have deeply experienced the charm of Alola. I wish you a pleasant experience and may the light be with you."

The staff put his hands on his abdomen, smiled and bowed his head slightly, then turned and left.

"The light" Xia Ye repeated the staff's blessing with emotion.

"Xia Ye, when have you been to Alola, right?"

Mary leaned her head over, her pupils flashing, and her slender fingers kept stirring the bouquet on her neck. She looked really curious.

"Well, maybe it's the same as you imagined?"

"Mmmm, hum, after all, it's a secret between the two of us. It's not convenient to talk about it here. Wait for a good time to satisfy my curiosity, Xia Ye~"

Mary put her hands behind her back and left Xia Ye with a meaningful smile. It seems that Xia Ye has really been to Alola, but through time travel.

She hummed a happy sound, and only Mary knew this secret~

"Well, of course no problem," Xia Ye nodded, then took out her phone, "I'll contact the person in charge first, and he needs to arrange the accommodation."

While waiting for the other party to connect, listening to the lively chat of the Shouting Team, Xia Ye scanned the tropical town in front of him.

The port was full of small stalls selling refreshing drinks, special snacks, local accessories and clothing, etc. The stall owners were enthusiastically selling, attracting many tourists to stop in front of the stalls.

The sweet big malasada attracted many cute horseflies to hover around, and it was obvious that they regarded this snack as a blooming flower.

A sweet dance girl smiled and handed drinks to the guests, acting as a waiter. In the background, Alola Vulpix worked hard to spit out cold air, and the ice cubes in the cups were all its work.

There are many merchants who run stalls together with Pokémon, but there is a stall that seems to rely too much on Pokémon, and it is completely run by Zhihuixing alone.

But the well-organized appearance, coupled with the high IQ of the Chihuixing, also gave rise to another guess. Could it be that it is actually the owner of this stall?

In the distance, there is a clean and tidy wide road with tall trees planted on both sides. Several little doodles stand on the branches and make chirping sounds, which do not affect the sleeping teddy bear in the shadow under the tree.

A couple wearing Pikachu headdresses walk together, and it seems that they are going to the famous Pikachu Valley nearby.

Three young trainers are sitting in front of the Pokémon Center and chatting lively. They have all received their own Pokémon and are ready to set off to start their own island tour.

Owlmoth stands on the trainer's hat with his head tilted, Litten lies in front of the trainer's feet and shakes his tail, and Puffball is spitting bubbles in the trainer's arms, a scene of harmonious coexistence.

"Oh, Mr. Xia Ye, have you arrived yet? Sorry, I'll be right over."

A man's voice came from the phone, and then a man in a white coat and yellow-green sunglasses shaped like Pokémon beans stood up from the seat in front of the beverage booth.

He put the phone to his ear with one hand and walked towards Xia Ye with a frivolous expression.

Looking at this man whose head also looked like a Pokémon bean, Xia Ye quickly recognized him as Zaobo, the branch director of the Aether Foundation.

A utilitarian, clever, and comedic man who has done a lot of things for his career in private, and even chose to betray in the Rainbow Rocket Team incident.

"Ah, what a bad taste"

Mary muttered softly on the side. To the extent that Mary couldn't help but complain, it was also a kind of recognition.

"Mr. Xia Ye, welcome to the Alola region. I am Zaobo, the director of the Ether Foundation who is responsible for meeting you. Humph, I didn't expect you to be more ordinary than I thought. As the saying goes, you can't judge a person by his appearance, right?"

Zaobo thought he was polite in greeting, but his tone revealed arrogance all the time.

"Then Mr. Zaobo is much more novel than I thought."

Seeing that Xia Ye just smiled faintly and didn't refute, Mary planned to help him get back on his feet, but she obviously underestimated Zaobo's thick skin.

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, Miss. This outfit has consumed a lot of my brain cells. It's more tiring than inventing something." Zaobo smiled crookedly, spread his hands, and looked proud.

This man is invincible. Mary made this judgment speechlessly in her heart.

That's why I don't want to pay more attention to him. Xia Ye coughed lightly and asked, "Mr. Zaobo, may I ask what the next arrangement is?"

"Of course no problem, here are a few things to give to you first." Zaobo took out a stack of white cards and a golden star badge from his bag.

"Ahem, if you and your friends want to spend money, please use this card, and the cost will be fully borne by the Ether Foundation.

Then there is this badge, which is the pass to the Ether Paradise. There are staff from the Ether Foundation at the ports of each island. Show this to them and you can go to the Ether Paradise. The chairman looks forward to seeing you again."

Zaobo stretched out a finger and pushed his glasses, saying, "However, if you want to go to the Ether Paradise, I hope you can notify us in advance so that we can prepare to welcome you in advance."

Although his appearance and tone were not pleasing, his attitude towards Xia Ye was quite correct, which made Mary more curious about the reason.

Xia Ye could probably figure out the reason. Zaobo was arrogant and looked down on everyone, but even he had someone he respected, that was Dr. Moon.

It seemed that it was because of his kindness in finding Dr. Moon that Zaobo adjusted his attitude.

Xia Ye took the card from Zaobo, put his hand back in his pocket, and then turned around and said:

"Then let me take you to the resting place. Of course, you are free to do whatever you want in Alola. Please enjoy it."

"Then let's follow him. Wait, where are the others?"

Xia Ye suddenly found that everyone in the Shouting Team had disappeared. Behind him were only Aye and Tim who were carrying Nie Zi, and old man Gad who was walking down slowly. They were still arguing just now.

"Ah, I have already told everyone, why is it like this again."

Mari helplessly held her forehead. Xia Ye followed her gaze and saw a member of the Shouting Team holding a photo and fanatically promoting something, as if he was preaching.

"I can probably guess what everyone is doing."

Xia Ye also showed a helpless expression. What is the belief of the Shouting Team? It is Mary. Now this posture is 1000% to promote Mary's cuteness. What can't help but complain is that the real owner is still here.

"No, we can't let everyone go any longer. Mary just wants to have a relaxing trip!"

Her cheeks were slightly red. She knew that everyone's behavior was not malicious, but it was really embarrassing. At least don't do it in front of Mary.

Suddenly, a noisy sound came from the crowd. Xia Ye looked closely and saw that familiar people really kept popping up.

The group of strange guys wearing black shirts and skull turbans suddenly approached, half of their faces covered with black cloth, revealing a pair of ferocious eyes.

The leading guy kicked over the seat in front of the stall next to him, and its Alola Rada made a squeaking sound, which was very arrogant.

The tourists and stall owners around were obviously frightened by them and dared not move. The shouting team scattered in the crowd looked at each other and took out the Poké Balls tacitly.

"What bad luck, it's Team Skull. How come this troublesome bunch of social rubbish is here? A bunch of cowards who don't even dare to complete the island tour!"

Zaobo smacked his lips and waved his fist unhappily. He introduced the other party's identity and showed great disgust.

Xia Ye did not act immediately, but quickly analyzed the current situation. Team Skull is a bad group composed of trainers who have not completed the island tour. They will snatch other people's Pokémon and interfere with the normal trainers' island tour.

Their leader is called Guzma, who is good at bug-type Pokémon and has not completed the island tour.

However, he actually likes Lusamine, the chairman of the Aether Foundation, because she is the only adult who recognizes his talent.

In the game, he even chased her into the Ultimate Cave together. As a result, he naturally did not achieve the other party's goal. After all, they were facing the Ultimate Beast, even more powerful Necrozma.

Before, he had been following Lusamine's orders, but everything would be different if Moon came back. Could it be that this guy was dumped and then let his men wreak havoc? To be honest, it was a bit embarrassing.

"Let them be quiet for a while, Mary." Xia Ye took out the Poké Ball, and it was time to let the companions who were temporarily resting move around.

"That's what Mary meant." Mary held the Poké Ball in her hand, and she was just holding back a lot of anger, and how could she let the atmosphere be ruined by these guys.

"Let's follow them too, humph, this way of doing evil is really too low-end."

Old man Gad strode forward with his hands behind his back, his eyes full of contempt.

Aye and Tim hurriedly carried Nie Zi to keep up with old man Gad's pace, and now there was a good show to watch.

Seeing Xia Ye and his group who wanted to take the initiative to solve the problem, Zaobo slowly put down the phone that was pressed against his ear. He originally wanted to ask the employees of the Ether Foundation to deal with these guys who brought bad influence to Alola.

He was the branch director of the Ether Foundation, how could he deal with these inferior guys by himself.

But now, he changed his mind. It was just right to see how strong Xia Ye was. If his strength was actually very strong, then he had to change his strategy. A strong trainer who was on good terms with Moon was definitely worth investing in.

On the other side, the leading Skeleton Team noticed Xia Ye and his group. Only a few of them dared to continue to act nearby. They had to rub their spirits and let them know who was the boss here.

Looking at the guys who were not threatening, the little girl, the old man, the thin guy, the fat guy and the sick guy, they were all trash. How dare such guys come out to show off?

He used his eyes to signal his men to give the other party a warning, and the men immediately understood and waved their hands and taunted:

"Hey, I advise you to get out of here, don't show off if you don't have the strength~!"

Another female member of the Skeleton Team also pointed at Mary and taunted: "Yes, yes, I hate you who are self-righteous and only have a cute vase~!"

Mary didn't know whether the other party was humiliating her or praising her, but this direct verbal attack on Mary undoubtedly touched the reverse scale of the Shouting Team.

A loud horn sounded like a roar, and Ah Ye didn't know when a horn appeared in his hand. He stretched out his arm and shouted loudly: "Shouting Team, assemble!"

Other members of the Shouting Team immediately responded, and their thoughts were surprisingly consistent. What is only a cute vase left? Mary is a perfect existence composed of strength, cuteness, handsomeness and countless other beautiful things!

One person took out a bottle of hairspray from his backpack and applied it on his hand, pulled his hair up, and approached aggressively with a Mohawk head.

One of them waved a pink and a black spray paint in his hand, and in an instant, a unique makeup of the Shouting Team appeared on his face, and he ran over with his hands raised high.

One of them tore off his coat, revealing the Shouting Team uniform he had prepared long ago, and quickly put on the spiked iron rings, knocking against each other with a clang.

More Shouting Team members took out things to prove their identities, and they surrounded the Skeleton Team who were making trouble, and the situation was reversed instantly.

"Boss, what's going on!"

"Not good, not good, boss!"

The Skeleton Team's men were in a mess, and they began to whisper. They were in a panic because of the sudden appearance of the Shouting Team. The other side looked worse than us.

However, the most confused were the other tourists and stall owners. What was going on now? First it was the Skeleton Team, and then a group of inexplicable guys appeared. Could it be that the gang war in the movie was going on now?

"Why are you still standing there? Send out the Pokémon. They are just tourists. Don't be scared. Do you still want to be ridiculed?!" The leader of the Skeleton Team shouted and tried to boost the morale that had fallen to the bottom.

His provocation worked. The Skeleton Team members took out their Poké Balls one after another. They didn't want to be ridiculed like before.

Okay, the leader said in his heart, then I, the boss, will take the lead. As for the target, his eyes swayed left and right, and finally stopped at Xia Ye.

This guy looks harmless, so he must be easy to deal with!

"Rada, kill him!"

The leader showed an extremely confident smile. If this operation is successful, he will definitely get the boss's reward.

Seeing the boss start to act, the two men beside him also sent out Pokémon, and their targets were Nie Zi and Grandpa Gad.

The reason is very simple. One old man and the other half-dead are definitely soft persimmons.

Faced with this situation, the members of the Shouting Team silently put up portraits of them in their hearts and gave them a thumbs up. They picked out the top three terrifying existences in one go. In a sense, you are also geniuses.

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