Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 334 The Moving Shadow Mary's Swimsuit

Po Town is a town surrounded by high walls. It is covered by clouds all year round and was abandoned for unknown reasons. It is now occupied by the Skeleton Team and serves as its headquarters.

On the top floor of the most luxurious villa in this town, a tall man with white hair spread his legs and leaned on a throne made of furniture. He put his head on one hand and closed his eyes slightly.

In front of him, a man dressed as a skeleton team looked anxious, with a trace of fear in his eyes, and reported tremblingly:

"Boss Guzma, they were killed in Nepei, it seems they were tourists from out of town."

"I understand, where are the other teams?"

"Uh, why don't you ask Nepei how they are doing?" the subordinate asked softly.

The team on Ula'ula Island is making slow progress in Maliejing City because annoying policemen are dispatched, and the team on Poni Island is completely wiped out. It seems to be the Queen of the Island."

Such beautiful scenery has naturally become the most popular beach in Alola. Countless tourists visit this beach every day, and today, Xia Ye and Ma Li have become guests here.

"Hey, go back, Fist Sea Cucumber~"

"Huh?" His subordinates' expressions were full of astonishment. The boss seemed to have a grudge against Xia Ye, but he recalled the gloomy and terrifying expression just now and did not dare to ask.

And once they find a place they like, they will stay motionless for months, starving if there is no food nearby. This cleaning work actually protects the sea cucumber.

They look cute on the outside, but they are actually strong men. The fist-shaped guts spit out from their mouths can hit concave steel plates with one blow.

After a while, the man uttered a sentence. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, clicked on someone in the address book, and then put the screen to his ear.

Two drop-shaped pendants hung from her ears, the color of which was exactly the same as her clear water-blue pupils.

A tree-shaded jungle where you collect ingredients by yourself and cook together, a babbling hill where fish are always taking the bait for some reason, and Mount Vera where you can see the Alola Gala Gala dancing in a circle.

Royal battle, Pikachu Valley, Gopher Tunnel, well, they are all very pleasant experiences. Alola is really a good place.

No, maybe it was because of being with Xia Ye that I felt so happy along the way.

Ma Li put her hands behind her back, then leaned down and said with a smile: "That's what you are doing now, Xia Ye. Thank you for always staying with Ma Li~"

"Well~ let's report to the staff, what exactly does it smell like~"

Ma Li took up her hands and threw them hard, and the black fist sea cucumber in her hand was thrown into the sea water, making a splash.

"You feel like you talk a little too much today?" The man opened his other eye.

The man who was kneeling on one knee immediately closed his mouth, and then hurriedly explained: "No, boss, I'm just a little curious."

Try Alola's unique coffee at the Pokémon Center in Kandai City. I didn't expect that the Pokémon Center here also has a coffee shop like Galar, and the taste is mellow and unique.

"Yeah, ah, that's exactly what I wanted to say." Xia Ye smiled back, yes, this time was really fun.

"Give me more detailed information! Haha, if we use that guy, we will definitely be able to avenge our shame this time!"

"No, there is a person coming to Alola. Yes, he is the one you talk about the most."

“So tired”

The man chuckled lightly. It might not be enough for the Skeleton Team to create chaos, but with Albert's words, the King of the Island may also be unable to sit still. This is what I want to see!

At the same time, on the other side, Ergui's star pupils were shining brightly. It and a group of Pokémon were hiding behind the piled sand castle, peeking out with excitement on their faces. Now the atmosphere is great, hurry up and continue talking. !

But contrary to expectations, the originally lively beach suddenly became noisy. A group of guys wearing black clothes and skull headdresses appeared on the beach and began to cause havoc.

"Yes! He should be a forest ranger. His name, I remember, uh, Xia Ye, seems to be this one. He has a particularly powerful Bang Bang Kongangang!"

He waved his arm and knocked the cup off the armrest. It hit the wall with a click and turned into a pile of fragments.

"Yes! Melemele Island's team is still wreaking havoc in Hauale City. Although they have lost some members, it is not a big problem.

Xia Ye, wearing swimming trunks and a jacket, looked at the blue sea level with one hand on his waist and said that he and Ma Li cleaned and punched sea cucumbers not for wages, but for a special beach drink.

The sea cucumber is a Pokémon that likes to live in warm, shallow seas. The environment in Alola is a unique living environment for them.

"Albert, things are going well on my end. Also, there is one more thing I thought you would like to know."

The voice on the phone was full of resentment, as if you could see the person on the other end gnashing his teeth.

Well, there are two teams left on Akala Island. Because Nepei entered, they are currently scattered everywhere waiting for opportunities.

It is said to be a concoction of a variety of sour tropical tree fruits and is available only to those who have done the job.

"Xia Ye, thank you~"

At such a critical time, if you ruin my plan, let me taste the price of being nosy! "

"Of course, no problem. I can also call the Skeleton Team to help you. After all, those guys are very useful~"

She wore a pink and white tube top swimsuit on her upper body. The flower decoration on it added a touch of cuteness. The white suspenders were connected with the lace collar around her neck. The skirt of her lower body was in the same style as her upper body. She A slender satin bow was tied around her waist, dancing gently with the sea breeze.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of tourists, cleaning up sea cucumbers on the beach has become a long-term job on Haonuo Haonuo Beach.

After getting this information, Xia Ye immediately thought that the prickly fruit that evil Pokémon loved was famous for its sour taste. He didn't expect that Mali's preferences were similar to those of evil Pokémon.

Haonuo Haonuo Beach is a natural beach located in the east of Haonuo Haonuo Resort. The azure ocean and golden sandy beach complement each other, creating a wonderful beauty.

But don’t worry, fist sea cucumbers have a gentle personality and will not attack easily as long as you don’t actively step on them.

Like Xia Ye, Ma Li also changed into a swimsuit.

"Ah, it's okay. I just think Ma Li's swimsuit is really cute. Well, whether you are handsome or cute, you can easily do it." Xia Ye chose to express her feelings directly.

Ma Li wore her twin ponytails and deliberately chose the same hairstyle as usual, but the headband holding her black hair was replaced with a cuter style.

"Xia Ye, what's wrong?" Ma Li waved her hand and asked when she saw Xia Ye was stunned.

"Okay, go and give the orders. By the way, bring the Pokémon provided by the old guy. Of course, you must make good use of the free power." The man waved his hand and sat down on the chair.

"Never again, I don't mind destroying you. By the way, you seem to know who killed Uchiyama, right?" the man asked casually.

Also, the restaurant in Kaniko City tastes really good, and Ma Li reached out and touched the pendant on her ear. This was the gift Xia Ye gave to herself in the gem shop.

Seeing this, his subordinates nodded quickly, took a few steps back and gently opened the door, then gently closed it and left.

"Hey, have I done anything worthy of gratitude?" Xia Ye had some questions.

In the past few days, Ma Li and Xia Ye visited the entire Akala Island.

"Yes! But boss, why don't we continue to destroy those bastards' island tour, you are not."

"Are you curious, want to know the reason?" The man stood up suddenly, and the metal skull pendant on his chest swayed, "Humph, there is no need for a reason. I am the emperor of destruction. Destroy, destroy, I don't want anything. This is the fate of everything that pleases the eye!”

After experiencing the ranch style in Ohana Town, Xia Ye looked at the contemplative expressions of the big milk can and the Meili Sheep, and wondered if he also wanted to open a ranch in Sunset Forest.

Ma Li crossed her hands and stretched toward the sky. Then she turned her head and looked at Xia Ye with a smile on her face, full of expectation.

"Really, didn't you say the same thing just now? Ma Li already knows it~"

"." The man raised his eyebrows, leaned forward, and clapped his hands together, "I have changed my mind. All the members who stayed in Po Town will go to Akala Island for me. The bigger the trouble, the better."

However, these troublemakers were all arrested, so they deserved their punishment, and Ma Li didn't care.

"What, don't tell me that a gold mine was discovered in Po Town?"

The man's expression did not change at all. He moved his head slightly, then opened half of his eyes: "Answer my question first."

His subordinates kept their mouths tightly shut. He knew that when the boss was making a long speech, it was best not to speak, otherwise he would end badly.

"Could it be that this is really, haha, Xia Ye!"

Ma Li is very concerned about the taste of this drink. Apart from the bitter coffee, her favorite taste is the sour taste.

"That's right, I'm just unhappy. This stupid place doing a boring island tour should be thrown into chaos. You also know that you are happiest when you are doing evil!

Ma Li was preaching, but her face was full of smiles, and she was secretly happy in her heart. Sure enough, it was right to choose a different style than usual. It's great that Xia Ye likes it~

And so far everything has been going well, except for the initial episode. I didn't expect that Xia Ye would see her angry look. It was a miscalculation. Ma Li was obviously very gentle.

In her words, it is rare to come to a warm beach, so she must change into suitable clothes. The beaches in her impression are all cold and empty, and there is no chance to change into a swimsuit.

"Phew, this is the last one, and the work is done."

"Humph, Queen of the Island, it's okay, just let them continue to follow my instructions."

"Hey, what's the matter? I'm very busy here. I'm looking for Pokémon from another world. Humph, those blue-skinned bastards are as good at summoning people as the old professor~" The male voice on the phone sounded frivolous, as if No one looks down on it.

That's right, it's Team Skeleton again.


In response to this, Ergui took out the thorn stick silently, and then said that he would come back as soon as he went. Guys who don't understand the situation should smash it!

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