Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 336 Visitors from another world but different from the past

"See you again, the ghost from Kitakami Township, and you, Xia Ye!"

In the sky, a blond man holding a flying machine fell from the sky, stepped on the sand with his feet, and showed an arrogant smile. His three men followed closely and landed on the ground.

"Xia Ye, who are they?"

Mari looked at Xia Ye and asked vigilantly. She and Xia Ye had just tied up the group of skeletons and were ready to send them to the police station to be brought to justice.


Ergui Yan made a low roar. It recognized this bad guy at a glance, the golden-haired bastard who instigated the three treasures to bully Yan Yan!


Xia Ye certainly didn't forget Albert like Ergui Yan. He would remember this guy who hurt his Pokémon for the rest of his life.

But he clearly sent this guy to prison. How did he escape? Or Xia Ye frowned. It seems that there is still darkness in some places that he doesn't know about.

"Oh, it's really sad that I was remembered by the evil ghost, but was forgotten. We were so happy chatting at that time, or were you surprised that I appeared here?" Albert laughed up to the sky. This time, there was finally no strange masked man to hinder him!

"I don't care, Al Pineapple, for a guy like you, you just need to defeat him once more!" Xia Ye's expression immediately became cold. His appearance here was definitely not as simple as saying hello.

Hearing Xia Ye's speech, Mary showed a clear expression. In short, it was right that they were enemies. Then there was only one thing I needed to do, to help Xia Ye defeat them.

"Al Pineapple, if you want to laugh, do it now. Be careful not to be beaten to the ground later." Mary taunted.

"It's Albert! Haha, you can show off your ability to talk now!" His expression was full of mania, and he trampled on the sand angrily.

Albert's subordinate Knight was very confused. He always felt that the leader's rationality was greatly reduced when facing Xia Ye. This was not a good sign, and he had to remind him.

"That's right, boss, they are just using words to cover up their fear!"

"That's right, they are just two little ghosts. Oh, do you think that giant weakling fish just now can threaten us? This kind of thing that will fall apart at the touch can only scare these tied-up trash. The power we have is beyond your imagination. It is a real monster!"

Keng! Vera! Knight shouted the names of the two in his heart. Two idiots, even if we have the power to decide the outcome, you will only aggravate the leader's misjudgment!

No, I can't be affected. I have to be calm. Knight took a deep breath and said, "Albert, it's not like you to waste your breath."

"Ah, you are right, Knight, the faster you solve them, the more you can torture them. Haha, see the real power!"

Albert took out a unique Poké Ball, and Xia Ye recognized the type of ball at a glance. It was the Ultimate Ball!

The ball was specially developed to subdue the Ultimate Beast. Is this matter related to the Aether Foundation?

"Come on, monsters that can match my desires!"

Albert threw the Poké Ball, and a huge black dragon trampled on the sand. The mouth that seemed to be able to swallow everything revealed its identity, the most dangerous Ultimate Beast, the Evil Eater!

The three men also threw the Ultimate Ball at the same time, and a group of old acquaintances appeared in front of Xia Ye again, the Explosive Mosquito with swollen liquid muscles, the Pheromone that seemed to be able to charm all creatures, and the Electric Beam that flashed dangerous electric light.

Three of these terrifying alien visitors Xia Ye had encountered on Akala Island in the past. At that time, he relied on instigating the internal fighting of these Ultimate Beasts, and with the help of Tapu. Finfin, he sent them back to the Ultimate Cave.

And the Pheromone, also made a careful plan, and was defeated in the tropical rainforest area with the efforts of a group of Pokémon.

However, the tentacles of the Evil Eater, the chest of the Explosive Mosquito, the neck of the Pheromone, and the cable ankles of the Electric Beam were all equipped with some kind of device, as if it was a shackle to control these dangerous guys.

"Mienshao, isolate the nearby air!"

Before Xia Ye made his analysis, he had already issued a command to Mienshao. If the most dangerous type of Ultra Beast is to be ranked, the Pheromoneus can definitely be ranked first. Its chemical attack can make people lose their combat effectiveness invisibly.

Accompanied by Mienshao's soft hum, a water curtain rose up and wrapped everyone in it. At the same time, the originally cloudless sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds and heavy rain fell.

"Hey! My makeup is going to be ruined, bastard kid, how did you know this information!" Vera protected her face and muttered with a ferocious face.

"Xia Ye, what's the situation now?"

Mary asked anxiously. She didn't care about the rain, after all, she was wearing a swimsuit now.

But the state of the turban gangster, the two-headed Tyrannosaurus and the cool leopard was not right. This look of love in the eyes, is this the reason why Xia Ye ordered Mienshao to create a water curtain?

"This white, slender Pokémon named Pheromone can create chemical components with enchanting effects in the air. Combined with its appearance, it can make Pokémon fall into an indiscriminate enchantment state."

Mari's three Pokémon were all hit because they were too close to each other. Her own Scaled Dragon and Bear Apprentice were in a similar situation. However, because they have a strong will to practice martial arts, they are now resisting with all their strength.

"It does look beautiful. Let's take a break for a while, everyone."

Mari had no choice but to deny it. She raised the Poké Ball and put the Pokémon in the charmed state into it.

Xia Ye also made the same move. Facing such a dangerous existence, it was responsible to temporarily put them into the ball.

"Hmph, only reduced the threat so much? But it's not bad. That's right, this is our home court now, Electric Beam!"

Knight waved his hand, and the Electric Beam twisted unnaturally. It raised the black cable, and the star-like object on its head shone with light. The strong electric light attacked Xia Ye and his group.

"Don't think about competing for the limelight, Explosive Mosquito!"

"In terms of merit, we have the most now. Come on, Ferome Mantis!"

Seeing Knight launched an attack, the two rushed to command. The Explosive Mosquito rushed forward like a cannonball, and Ferome Mantis disappeared in an instant. Only raindrops missing for a moment could be seen in the air.

"Mari, the first Pokémon to attack is an electric type, and the remaining two are bug and fighting types. In addition, aim at the metal devices on their bodies, which may be the devices that control them." Xia Ye quickly shared the information.

It seems that Xia Ye knows this group of Pokémon very well. Mari nodded, and then took out a Poké Ball. In this case, it is time to send it out.

At the same time, she was not idle with her mouth, and raised her hand to command: "Morbeko, it's time to eat!"

Morbeko rushed up first, and the shining electric wheel appeared under her feet. With a sudden jump, her whole body was immersed in the lightning.

Strangely, Morbeko was not hurt at all, and all the lightning around her was immersed in her body along the aura wheel.

This is exactly the result of its special training in the Sunset Forest. It does not need a mouth, but relies on the unique structure of the aura wheel to directly absorb electrical energy.

And the surge in power storage after training can also allow it to easily absorb these lightning.

"What a joke, Moltres's characteristics are not lightning rods!" Knight yelled.

"For Moltres, this is just an appetizer!" Marie proudly retorted, and then threw the Poké Ball.

A sharp and terrifying cry sounded on the beach, and Galar Moltres, wrapped in a dark aura, appeared beside Marie, exuding a terrifying sense of oppression.

It raised its proud head and stared at the Ultra Beast in front of it. It was a strange existence, but its strength was not bad. It was barely qualified as my opponent.

Albert's men all showed surprised expressions, not only because Galar Moltres's appearance was too shocking, but also because the Ultra Beast's attacks were all blocked.

Facing the rampaging Explosive Mosquito, Booming Vortex chose to use tree roots to restrain the opponent's actions.

But it is worthy of being an Ultra Beast known for its strength. It swelled its muscles and almost broke free, but other Pokémon were not idle either.

The sharp blade of the Servant Sword General and the fist of the Longhaired Troll worked together to interrupt its power accumulation.

The other Ferome Mantis obviously did not expect that Milotic had mastered everything in the fog. With the prediction of Steel Armor Crow, a storm swept away the Ferome Mantis that was still moving at high speed.

Eruption did not attack directly as usual. It stayed beside Xia Ye obediently and changed into the Phantom Moon Mask according to the command.

The Evil King in the distance immediately felt a great threat, let out a dull roar, and waved his thick tentacles to attack.

"How could it be, it shouldn't be like this." Albert widened his eyes, and his messy hair wet by the rain made him look even more embarrassed.

What a joke, they are Ultra Beasts, I have investigated them, and it is clearly recorded in the Alola Ruins that they are monsters that only need one to destroy the entire island!

How can a group of ordinary Pokémon be easily clamped!

Xia Ye reacted calmly to Albert's surprise, because the current situation was inevitable.

If it was the previous me, I might have fallen into trouble, but now I am different from the past. The improvement of my partners' strength and the increase of reliable partners are all my chips for confidence.

And my partner Marie, who fights side by side with me, is also a fully trustworthy existence, a powerful trainer.

Just as Xia Ye was thinking about what to do next, he suddenly felt a Poké Ball on his body shaking. It was not a Scaled Dragon, nor a Bear Apprentice, but a Pheromone!

The Pheromone, which was carried around in order not to threaten the safety of others, seemed to become a variable in this battle.

What was even more beyond Xia Ye's expectation was that the variables did not only appear on his side, but also on Albert's side. For some reason, he took the initiative to release the control of several Ultimate Beasts and let them act at will.

"Albert, what are you doing!"


"You're crazy, they are monsters who don't distinguish between friend and foe!"

Faced with his subordinates' questioning, Albert just smiled and took out a strange statue wrapped in cloth from his arms, with strange light flashing in its cracks.

"I've never been a fool. Only by returning to the most primitive instinct can these monsters exert their true power, and I, who hold this statue, will not be attacked by them!"

"What about us?" Knight asked in disbelief, and the expressions of the other two seemed to be asking this question.

"Knight, you should have known who I am a long time ago. I don't trust anyone. I only trust money. That's right, in my team, I am the only one who never changes, and you are just partners."

He laughed without restraint, and then raised a finger: "By the way, the ball in your hands is useless now. You want to take back these guys? What a joke, good luck to you!"

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