Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 340 The Ultimate Hole That Tears the Sky Apart

On the basement floor of the Ether Foundation branch on Poni Island, an old man in a white suit sat in front of a huge screen, clasping his hands together and calmly watching the changes in the data.

The old man had white hair, a pale face full of wrinkles, and his green eyes were slightly turbid, but exuded a profound aura.

An emerald green star pendant hangs on his chest, the style is very similar to the jewelry worn by Lusamine.

"There is no problem with the data. I hope that the energy collected from the Z Pure Crystal and Overlord Pokémon can make the plan go smoothly. Humans should broaden their horizons to a wider world."

The old man whispered silently that he was Lusamine's father. He controlled the largest investment company in his hometown and had strong assets. The Aether Foundation was established by his investment.

At this moment, the door behind him opened, and the two of them stepped in one after the other.

"Mr. Dolan, everything has been completed according to your instructions, and the target has been brought here."

The man walking in front said in a flattering tone. He was holding a cage made of special material in his hand, which could suppress the energy fluctuations generated by the "aura".

"Well done, Zaob, I discovered you in the academy in vain. Besides, you didn't hurt my lovely Lillie, right?" Doron turned the seat around, glanced at the cage and then asked.

"Of course not, Mr. Doron, I let the eldest lady fall asleep peacefully." Zaobo quickly responded in a low voice.

"Okay then, leave it to me."

Dolan stood up slowly, and Zaobo approached respectfully, raising the cage in his hand.

The old man picked up the cage, looked at the other person who had just walked into the room, and ordered: "Guzma, my daughter is quite capable. She should have noticed something wrong at this time. Please lead the remaining skeleton team to stop them. "

The tall white-haired man chuckled and nodded to express his understanding.

Zaobo glanced at the "competitor" beside him. He didn't know how Guzma, the boss of the Skeleton Team, knew Mr. Dowlon.

Could it be that he had the idea of ​​revenge because he was dumped by the chairman?

But now, he must not let the limelight be stolen by him alone. Thinking like this, Zaobao quickly added: "Mr. Dolan, I have also brought some members of the Ether Foundation who are willing to follow you, and they can also help you." Give me your little effort."

"Oh, I know, then I'll leave it to you, Zaobo, after all, the more the merrier." Daolun showed approval in his eyes.

"Yes, please leave it to me. I, Zaobo, am duty-bound and will definitely help your plan to be completed smoothly!" Zaobo's voice was trembling, and he was very excited now.

"By the way, Mr. Dolan, Albert has been confirmed to be dead, and there is now a vacancy on Team Dawn's board of directors. Are you interested in joining?"

The Dawn Team, isn't that a criminal organization that has been in the spotlight recently? When did Guzma join the Dawn Team?

Zaobo frowned slightly. Although Guzma is indeed not a good person, he also hates everything outside Alola. He has clearly investigated it!

"When desire does not match ability, you will naturally fall into the endless abyss. Albert is an arrogant wretch, and you are much smarter than him. Otherwise, why can you keep moving between multiple organizations?" The corner of Dolan's mouth Upward, like a smile but not a smile.

"Thanks for the compliment."

"In my opinion, the leader of the Dawn Team is no different from Albert. His biggest reliance is only on the huge family left behind by his grandfather, and his abilities are also not matched."

Dolan turned around and raised the cage in his hand and said, staring at the shivering little guy in the cage, whose body was as gorgeous as the vast starry sky.

"Can I interpret this as poaching?"

"That's right, because the scope of the future world will be far greater than it is now, and the more talents, the better."

Zaobo's eyes widened at the side. A mere local ruffian could actually be recruited by Mr. Daolun himself. His strength is at the captain level at most, right?

The tall man put one hand in his pocket and chuckled: "It doesn't matter that I have betrayed you once?"

"That's right, and you just don't want to be treated like this, right?"

".I will consider it after your plan succeeds."

He was silent for a moment, did not give a reply, turned around and left the room waving his hand.

"You ungrateful guy," Zaobo cursed secretly, lowered his head and asked for instructions, then turned and left.

After seeing the two people leaving, Dolan snorted in displeasure. He quickly walked to the square depression under the screen, put the cage up, and pressed the button on the side.

"Son of the Star, become the key to another world. You will become the half of the Ultimate Lord and bring a new future to this world!" Dolan's tone was filled with inexplicable fanaticism.

The Star Child that Doran talks about is the most critical link in his plan, a legendary Pokémon called Cosmog.

According to his investigation, Cosmog is the key to opening the Ultimate Cave, and is also the legendary existence, the larvae of Solgaleo and Lunala.

The most powerful being in the legend of Alola, the God of Light, will be attracted by the light of Solgaleo and Lunala, and descend to Alola from the boundless ultimate space.

Daolun's purpose is to control the Great God of Glory, thereby mastering other worlds connected to the Ultimate Cave and obtaining resources far beyond the current world.

The cage followed the conveyor belt into the huge device on the second underground floor. The eyes of Cosmogu in the cage reflected the flickering mechanical lights in the dim world.

It looked around uneasily. In addition to the devices inlaid with shining crystals, the space was also filled with petri dishes of various sizes. Different Pokémon were sleeping in them, allowing them to absorb the light emitted from their bodies.

"Activation device activated, countdown, three, two, one"

Mechanical sounds rang out all around, and before Cosmogu could react, a powerful current came from the device, causing it to scream in pain.

It instinctively wanted to escape from here, and its whole body burst into shining light.

Dolan, who was sitting in front of the screen, watched the rapid changes in the data on the screen, and he couldn't help but feel happy. The door to another world was about to open.

At the same time, the originally clear sky of Poni Island suddenly fell into darkness, and a huge hole was torn open directly above the Aether Foundation branch.

The Skeleton Team and Aether Foundation members outside the branch all looked at the sky. The center of the Ultimate Cave shone with dazzling white light, surrounded by countless cracks and colorful lights.

"Is this the end of the world? The boss clearly said it was just a simple job!"

A skeleton team member yelled that they knew a thing or two about Akala Island. The appearance of the Ultimate Cave made his already uneasy mentality collapse.

"What do you know? This is a sign of our bright future!"

An Ether Foundation subordinate loudly retorted, and began to imagine in his mind that he was following one of the earliest members of Mr. Dolan. When his plan succeeds, he will definitely be rewarded.

Maybe even become the master of a certain world!

His idea was very beautiful, but what he didn't know was that other worlds were not as beautiful as Alola, and what was waiting for him might be a purgatory-like world.

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