Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 40 Distortion of Time and Space Red Lotus Wetland

[The distortion of time and space will begin in one minute, please be prepared. 】

Xia Ye, who was still sleeping, suddenly woke up. He looked out the window in confusion, seeing darkness.

Before he had time to complain, he woke up the monkey, got dressed, picked up a backpack of props he had prepared before and ran outside the house.

"Phew, it's so cold." The cold wind at night made him energetic.

Xia Ye began to think about her previous doubts, why did time and space begin to distort at this time?

[The reason is that it takes one month to become a ranger. 】

Well, it turns out that I have been a ranger for a month, and Sunset Forest has also undergone great changes... No, what am I feeling? The point is why time and space started to distort in the middle of the night!

Before the forest ranger assistant could answer, the scenery in front of Xia Ye changed rapidly. For a moment, the smell of weeds mixed with soil poured into his nostrils.

The surrounding moisture was heavy and the soil under her feet was very soft. Then Xia Ye opened her eyes and found that she was sinking slowly.

He quickly picked up the monkey and left the spot to find a piece of drier land as a foothold.

The monkey rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked around. The reeds beside the river were swaying in the wind. Low-lying puddles could be seen everywhere, where ducks were sleeping soundly. The ground was covered with weeds and shrubs, growing lushly. Full of life.

Isn't this a wooden house? Well, it seems that I am still dreaming. Thinking of this, Pa Dong Monkey slowly closed his eyes.

"This is not a dream but reality, Pa Dong Monkey, the third time and space distortion happened just now." Xia Ye reminded.

Yes, how could there be such a clear feeling in the dream? Pa Dong Monkey hurriedly patted his cheek to wake himself up. He came to an unknown environment and had to protect Xia Ye.

"Well, this seems to be a certain wetland. Let's find a safer place to rest for a while. After all, we can't explore when we are tired."

There are no traces of humans in the environment where Xia Ye and Pa Dong Monkey are now, and it is a very dangerous decision to drag their sleepy bodies to explore.


Suddenly, a plant Pokémon with a big mouth appeared in the grass next to Xia Ye. It exuded a dangerous aura and stared at Xia Ye with its big round eyes.


Xia Ye backed away slowly, while Pa Dong Monkey took off the wooden stick and assumed an attack posture.

It's strange. According to his knowledge, fang cages will not take the initiative to capture prey. Although they can float in the air, they move slowly.

They hunt by attracting insect Pokémon with their sweet saliva, imitating plants to make them relax their vigilance, and then open their mouths to eat them in one bite.

After looking at Xia Ye for a while, the fang cage lost interest and turned around to leave. It seemed that Xia Ye's friendly aura made the fang cage lose its hostility.

"The Pokémon here seem to be wild and more dangerous." Xia Ye recalled the experience just now and had new ideas. He knew where was the safest place.

Under the rock wall, Xia Ye rubbed the flint, and sparks fell on the dry reeds, emitting a thin smoke. He blew gently, and the flames immediately rose. Then he stuffed a handful of burning reeds under the dry branches. Repeat the action just now.

After Xia Ye's efforts, the flame rose smoothly. This was the first guarantee Xia Ye made, the burning bonfire.

There are many grass-type Pokémon living in this wetland. Their nature makes them afraid of fire and do not dare to approach.

So when Xia Ye was looking for a safe spot, he picked up a lot of dry wood branches and reeds on the road as materials for making fire.

At the same time, the warm flame can also prevent Xia Ye and Pa Dong Monkey from hypothermia while sleeping. The temperature in this wetland is not very high, so it is very dangerous to fall asleep hastily.

The second guarantee is the grassland in front of him. This is where grass-type Pokémon live. The rough-tempered Fangcage will not have the desire to attack Xia Ye, let alone the Pokémon here. .

Xia Ye took out a blanket from his backpack and covered him and Pa Dong Monkey. He sat on the ground and looked at the burning flames, adding firewood to them from time to time.

With a safe resting spot, Xia Ye began to think about their current situation. According to the position of the sun, the time should be in the afternoon, but the temperature was not high. The location of this wetland should be close to the cold zone.

The scene in front of him felt inexplicably familiar to Xia Ye, and a bold guess appeared in his mind.

Dangerous wild Pokémon, inaccessible wetlands, and a cold climate. This could not be the ancient Sinnoh, that is, the Washui region.

"It seems that this is probably the Red Lotus Wetland. I don't know if the King Kong team has settled here."

Although the King Kong team is very exclusive, the settlement they settled in should be the safest place in the Red Lotus Wetland.

Then follow the river upstream, because the settlement of the King Kong Team is near Lizhi Lake, the source of the river.

After deciding what to do, Xia Ye felt sleepy. She lowered her head and looked at Pa Dong Monkey in her arms, who had already fallen asleep. Xia Ye gave Pa Dong Monkey a complete sense of security.

Well, I'll take a nap then. After stuffing the remaining branches into the fire, Xia Ye took a deep breath, slowly closed her eyes, and fell asleep with the monkey.

"Haha. Haha, there is someone, please. Help us!"

A vague cry for help reached Xia Ye's ears, and Xia Ye, who was not sleeping very peacefully, suddenly opened her eyes.

"Someone is asking for help?!"

"Dong Monkey?" The Pa Dong Monkey also woke up. It is very sensitive to sounds and can hear the helplessness of the other party.

"Hurry up and have a look, Pa Dong Monkey."


Pa Dong Monkey nodded, Xia Ye followed the direction of the sound and soon found the rescuer nearby.

The girl with fiery red hair collapsed on the ground, wearing a retro-style dark blue top, holding a lily root doll tightly in her hands. She bit her lips and closed her eyes, looking very helpless.

In front of the girl, a fang cage opened its mouth wide and drooled greedily. Suddenly, the fang cage turned its head and looked at Xia Ye, who was coming.

The two pairs of eyes looked at each other, and Xia Ye felt inexplicably familiar. Isn't this the same fang cage just now?

Fangcage had exactly the same idea as Xia Ye, its round eyes rolled, and then it silently closed its mouth, turned around in disappointment and disappeared from the grass again.

The girl opened her eyes and found that the fang cage chasing her had disappeared, replaced by a strange black-haired young man. Next to him stood an unseen Pokémon. It was he who saved Lilygen and me. Doll?

He is not from the King Kong team, nor is he from the Pearl team based on his clothing. Is he a traveler from other regions?

Since it's an outsider, no, he saved me, he probably didn't mean any harm, and he seemed very kind, so I have to thank him.

The girl slowly stood up, her body a little unsteady due to the fright just now, and then she bowed down with a solemn expression and thanked:

"Thank you for risking your life to save me. I am Huo Xia from Team Kong."

It is indeed Huo Xia, but she looks younger than in memory, Xia Ye whispered in her heart, so my guess is not wrong, this is the Red Lotus Wetland.

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