Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 42 Trial of two strong men in Shazhou

"Xia Ye, we are now located in the west of the trial sandbank. After crossing the river, we will officially enter the trial sandbank."

Huo Xia pointed at the map with a branch, and then her tone became more serious: "The sandbank is divided into territories by three powerful Pokémon, the Poison Skeleton Frog in the north, the Turtle in the middle, and the Slimy Dragon in the south. The silver flower we are looking for is in the territory of Nian Meilong."

The Trial Sandbar is a stacked sandbar located in the river at the edge of Honglian Wetland. Because of its fertile soil and lush vegetation, it attracted a group of powerful Pokémon to settle there. In ancient times, one of the trials of Xicui was to come back alive from here, so he got the name of the Trial Sandbar. name.

"We are going to follow the river to bypass the territory of the first two Pokémon, and then get the Silver Flower in the territory of Slimy Dragon." Huo Xia said about his plan.

"It's too time-consuming. Starting from our position, it's more time-saving to take a straight path to the territory of Nianmeilong."

"But, wouldn't it be dangerous to go directly through the territory of Poison Skull Baby and Tutai Turtle?"

"What, where is the brave Huo Xia who risked his life to save the lily root doll?" Xia Ye asked.

The Lily Root doll in her arms was saved by Huo Xia from the mouth of the fang cage, so she was chased by the fang cage. Now it has recognized Huo Xia as its partner.

"Don't worry, I am confident in making this suggestion. You can rest assured on this." He had already thought of countermeasures for the three powerful Pokémon.

"Well, I understand." Since Xia Ye's tone was so confident, Huo Xia decided to believe him.

In the northern part of the Trial Sandbank, the leader, the Poison Skeleton Frog, was wandering around the quagmire aimlessly. It was very bored today. Bullying the weak could no longer satisfy its desire to fight. It wanted to challenge the strong.

But it stopped and thought about the strong men nearby, and then gave up the idea. The big turtle can control the ground, and it really hurts when it is hit. Moreover, its shell is extremely hard, so only fools would provoke it.

Not to mention Purple Snail, the poison he was so proud of turned out to be useless. At that time, he was hit half to death by a meteor falling from the sky. Now he is still trembling when he thinks about it.

At this time, its yellow eyes captured Xia Ye and Huo Xia in the distance, with a yellow-green monkey following behind them.

Oh, it looks a little stronger than the Kodak. Isn’t this my best fighting partner?

The Poison Skeleton Frog made a croaking sound and ran towards the two of them. The noisy sound immediately attracted their attention.

"It's the Poison Skeleton Frog!"

"Well, I saw it, Pa Dong Monkey, let's use the grass field first."

"Hey, Xia Ye, your method is to confront him?!" Huo Xia looked at the Pa Dong Monkey beside her. She couldn't imagine how such a little monkey could deal with the terrifying-looking Poison Skeleton Frog.

The grass was green under the feet of Pa Dong Monkey. Xia Ye comforted the panicked Huo Xia: "If the opponent is of this level, Pa Dong Monkey can completely handle it."

"Pa dong monkey, be careful with each other's paws, use the grass slide first, then use acrobatics."

Pa Dong Monkey nodded, and kicked the Poison Skull Frog's knee like a streak of emerald lightning. The Poison Skull Frog let out a surprised croak, leaned forward, and stretched out its claws. Just a little scratch on them could defeat the opponent. Paralyzing poison.

But the monkey was already prepared. The two wooden sticks in its hand hit the Poison Skull Frog's shoulders hard. Due to the increased gravity, the soft soil under the Poison Skull Frog's feet sank instantly, causing the sneak attack to miss.

The Poison Skull Frog quickly adjusted its stance and hugged it up with both hands. What it didn't expect was that the monkey would give up the stick in his hand, and its entire body was shining with light the color of the blue sky as it descended.

The Pa Dong Monkey used acrobatics to avoid the second sneak attack and at the same time punched and kicked the Poison Skull Frog all over the body. As the leader, the Poison Skull Frog has never suffered such injustice. It has never been in front of a weak enemy. So embarrassed.


The Poison Skull Frog screamed and closed its eyes, waving its claws randomly. This attack had an effect. On the way to perform acrobatics for the second time, the monkey was scratched by its poisonous claws.

"Quack!" The Poison Skeleton Frog cried out in joy, its attack hit!

Then the Poison Skull Frog lay back with its whole body, covered in bruises and bruises from two consecutive acrobatics, but it was still very happy, because its poison can paralyze its prey for a whole day, and it will definitely be the first to stand up in this battle. It won!

The poisoned Pa Dong Monkey was a little unstable. At this time, Xia Ye came over and fed the antidote that had been prepared to the Pa Dong Monkey. The toxin was quickly cured and the Pa Dong Monkey recovered as before.

The poison skull frog lying on the ground widened his eyes. How is it possible that my poison has been cured? !

Seeing the poison skull frog's shock, Xia Ye showed the antidote bottle and said to the poison skull frog:

"Human technology, boy."

you! The Poison Skull Frog felt a rush of blood rush to his head, his vision went dark, and he instantly lost consciousness.

"Padong Monkey is really powerful, and you are also very powerful, Xia Ye. I always feel that the last words you said caused more damage than Pa Dong Monkey." Looking at the Poison Skeleton Frog with white eyes, Huo Xia sighed.

When the Poison Skeleton Frog woke up again, it was already approaching dusk. It sat up in a daze and made croaking sounds from time to time, feeling a little lonely.

Human technology, boy!

To be honest, the Poison Skeleton Frog doesn't understand what technology is, but it knows that the poison it is proud of has been easily negated. So what's the use of the moves I practiced to poison my opponent?

The move Poison Skull Frog recalls the snapping monkey's agile skills, ah, that's why it can defeat me. If I also have this skill, can I defeat the big turtle and purple snail?

Suddenly, the Poison Skull Frog seemed to realize it. It stood up and kept jumping. Its own conditions were not bad, and it had a jumping ability that it was proud of!

From that day on, there was no longer a bully Poison Skeleton Frog in Trial Sand Island, but there was one more Poison Skull Frog who pursued martial arts and constantly sharpened himself. Its strength was even later recognized by the Platform King Yueyue Xiong.

"Is it really okay?" Huo Xia asked Xia Ye while looking at the huge earth turtle occupying the entire quagmire.

"No problem, as long as we don't show hostility."

Because of the experience just now, Huo Xia trusted Xia Ye even more. She overcame the fear in her heart and followed Xia Ye to move forward.

Suddenly, the sleeping turtle woke up from its sleep. It took a step forward, and the ground nearby trembled.

Is your sense of territoriality greater than your natural liking for me? Xia Ye took out a Luozi fruit and signaled Huo Xia to go first with her eyes, and then walked to Tutaigui alone, hoping that this fruit could increase its favorability.

The Turtle slowly looked at Xia Ye, who was approaching, and then its eyes suddenly widened.

hostility! Because of getting along with Pa Dong Monkey, Xia Ye is now very sensitive to the emotions of Grass Pokémon. Then he realized the difference. It wasn't for me. Could it be for Huo Xia?

Xia Ye glanced behind him with his peripheral vision. Huo Xia was hiding in the grass and watching him. That position was very safe. In this case, who was the hostility aimed at?

"Gah, roar!"

The Turtle stepped hard on the ground, and a stone blade emerged from the grass beside Xia Ye. The three bad frogs were instantly pushed away.

"That's it. Thank you very much, Tutaigui." Xia Ye understood the target of hostility. This group of bad frogs may have secretly followed them just now.

"Gah~" Tutaigui stared at the tree fruit in Xia Ye's hand, as if saying why not let it eat?

Xia Ye nodded and placed the Luo Ziguo in the Tutaigui's mouth. Then he put a few pomelo fruits as a thank you gift.

"Xia Ye, he is really awesome. He actually feeds the turtle himself."

Huo Xia, who was hiding in the grass, sighed, unconsciously admiring him even more.

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