Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 49 The performance of the Snapping Monkey

"This is bad."

Nie Zi looked sad on the stage. His band member Honglei King Kong Ape actually had a fever, and he was still rehearsing for tomorrow's concert.

There is no way he would allow King Kong to appear on stage. This would be irresponsible to him and to the audience.

"It seems we can only postpone it. Sorry, just take a good rest first and blast the King Kong Ape."


The Banglei King Kong gorilla lying on the wooden drum said weakly, with a stubborn attitude.

"What, Bang Bang King Kong, you guys still want to continue performing?" Nie Zi frowned, "How can you perform in this state? We can't give the audience a bad performance, so just take a rest."

The other Pokémon in Nie Zi's band also began to advise King Kong to take a good rest. If it doesn't work tomorrow, just postpone it later.

Who would have known that the attitude of Bang Lei Kong Apes is still stubborn. They clearly agreed to have a new song last week, and they must not break their promise. That's right, if it doesn't work, just let someone else do it. If it does, it will definitely work.

"You mean to find a replacement? But who can take your place?"

The Banglei Diamond Ape nodded silently. Nie Zi was silent for a moment and then said:

"I know, I will ask it for help, but if it is not up to the task, tomorrow's concert will be postponed. Do you understand, right? Bang Bang King Kong?"

This time, the Banglei King Kong Ape finally relented. It knew the strength of that little guy. If it said it was a hard-working guy, then that guy was a genius plus a hard-working guy!

Nie Zi's band members are quite free-spirited and rarely stay in the Poké Ball. However, the Banglui King Kong likes to stay near the Sunset Forest. Occasionally, he heard the melodious drum beats that hit his heart. His words must be okay!

"So Mr. Nie Zi, you have found Pa Dong Monkey?" Xia Ye asked in the wooden house after listening to Nie Zi's request.

"Yes, that stubborn guy, I really don't know who he learned it from." Nie Zi's expression was very helpless.

"Well" Xia Ye looked at the Snapping Monkey beside him. It was excited and uneasy and seemed unable to make a decision. "I know. As long as the Snapping Monkey agrees, I agree and I will support it."

"It's really your style of answer, so Pa Dong Monkey, what do you think? Let me tell you first. I'm very strict."

"Boom!" The monkey raised the wooden stick. It wanted to try, and it also wanted to stand on the shining stage.

"Humph, then come with me, there is no time to waste." Nie Zi urged. He also wanted to see the reason why the King Kong Ape was so confident.

"That guy left a wooden drum for you. You probably can't understand the music score, but I have a recording here. Let's listen to it first." Nie Zi pressed the play button, and then a burst of jumping drum sounds sounded. , like the rhythm of life.

The Pa Dong Monkey standing on the high chair closed his eyes and listened carefully. He kept shaking his body according to the rhythm. He could feel the vivid life. Then the tune became low, as if everything fell into silence and the rhythm was gentle.

Suddenly, a burst of continuous high-speed drumming leads the rhythm to a climax, full of vitality, and everything is competing. This is a hymn to life. After the climax, the tune becomes low again, but mixed with the other two tunes, constantly changing, which is the meaning of life.

When the drumming ended, the monkey opened its eyes. It took off the two wooden sticks on its head and tried the sound on the wooden drum left by the Banglui King Kong. It liked this piece of music very much because it was like returning to the sunset. Forest-like.

So it has to play seriously. The monkey takes a deep breath and starts playing!

Under the stage, Xia Ye, Nie Zi and his band members listened to Pa Dong Monkey's performance. Xia Ye looked natural and believed in Pa Dong Monkey, while Nie Zi and his Pokémon remained skeptical, but this was Pa Dong. It would be amazing to be able to reproduce even half of Donghou’s first attempt.


Pa Dong Monkey only played a part, but Nie Zi's face suddenly changed. This was a perfect reproduction, even incorporating emotions! No, the rhythm of the first section is very simple. The key is the climax and closing stage. You have to listen to it again.

Nie Zi listened to Pa Dong Monkey's performance with a trying attitude. His expression was shocked with a hint of joy and confusion.

"How about Pa Dong Monkey's performance?" Xia Ye asked with a smile.

"Perfect, even better. Is this really the first time it has played? Wait, why did you ask me how to train the Bang Bang King Kong to play drums when we first met?" Nie Zi meant that his talent is so So high, there is no need to ask others about their experiences!

"Because what it lacked in the first place was confidence."

"Well, that's it." Nie Zi thought of Ma Li for some reason. The child was also a crybaby at first. After giving her Morubek, she gradually changed and revealed her amazing talent.

"What's your evaluation?" Nie Zi asked his members.

The high-pitched trilling salamander suddenly gave a thumbs up, the low-pitched trilling salamander slowly raised its thumbs, and the dam bear crossed its arms in front of its chest and gave two thumbs up.

"Huh, I get it." Nie Zi stepped forward and climbed onto the stage, his Pokémon following closely behind, "It's good, Pa Dong Monkey, but the band performance is a whole, let us adapt to each other's rhythm, and then Let’s give the audience a perfect show!”

"Boom!" The monkey raised the stick and expressed his enthusiasm. Let's start training!

Thursday, the day of the performance, as Spike Town’s reputation gradually increased, there were many new faces in the audience.

"Today, we welcome a brand new drummer, Pa Dong Monkey from Sunset Forest!" Nie Zi, holding the microphone in his hand, pointed at Pa Dong Monkey, and then Pa Dong Monkey performed an impromptu performance, immediately welcoming the audience. cheers.

"It seems that everyone is in high spirits, so let's start the performance. The first song today is a new song called The Scream of Life!"

There was a carnival crowd in the audience, and Xia Ye stood out among the crowd because he was accompanied by a group of relatives and friends from Sunset Forest, holding a lily root doll in his hand, a blue jay standing on his shoulder, and a Menas guarding him. beside.

There was a Pokémon standing next to him, the original drummer of the band, King Kong. Although it was very uncomfortable now, it still insisted on coming to the concert.


A smart drum beat directly touched the hearts of the audience, and the King Kong ape's eyes flashed with light. Its choice was indeed right.

The cooperation between Pa Dong Monkey and the band members was so perfect that the audience was shocked speechless. Suddenly Xia Ye and the Pokémon cheered, and people woke up and started to revel and shout for their lives!

The Banglui King Kong showed a satisfied smile. He was not jealous of the Snapping Monkey, but was happy for it. It was a perfect performance, really different from the past.

The expression at the concert was perfect, and the audience in the audience shouted enthusiastically for the encore, but Nie Zi still shouted the familiar words coolly:

"I'm sorry, Nie Zi never feels uncomfortable!"


Returning to the quiet stage, the Bang Bang King Kong looked into the eyes of the Pa Dong Monkey and asked. It was asking if the Pa Dong Monkey was interested in joining the band.


The monkey ran back to Xia Ye and gave its answer. This performance was enough, and its real destination was only beside Xia Ye.

"Well, let's go back first. This concert was really good." Xia Ye waved goodbye to Nie Zi.

"Of course." Nie Zi watched Xia Ye and the Pokémon leave. The Thunder King Kong gorilla next to him suddenly fell to the ground, but it lay down with a smile on its face. Get some rest, guys, and give me a little help.”

Several band members nodded, and together they lifted the fallen King Kong and carried it to the Pokémon Center.

On the way back, Xia Ye was still praising the performance of the monkey, but suddenly his expression changed, and he rushed towards the Yanghua Lawn with his Pokémon. The words of the forest ranger assistant made him nervous.

[Pokémon hunters appear in the northeast of Sunset Forest. 】

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