Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 53 The ranger’s leisure time

At the Caolu Town bus station, the Galar Alliance arranged a special bus for the rangers Carlos and Padia. Now Xia Ye and the other four rangers are waiting for their arrival.

"Oh, I saw the bus~ Hmm, Bavi, smile, smile, you have to leave a good impression on the rangers in other areas."

At Anne's urging, Bawe showed a very twisted smile. Anne watched for a moment and then pulled up his scarf.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have forced it on you. It's better for you to remain aloof."

"Yeah." He answered simply as always.

After a while, two buses slowly parked next to the station, the doors opened, and about twenty rangers got off the two buses. Xia Ye once again felt the diversity of the rangers.

Foodies, office workers, paranormal fans, ninjas, kimono girls, graffiti artists and all kinds of people, you would never think of them as rangers at first glance.

However, there are also people in this group of forest rangers who are as honest and wearing uniforms as Xia Ye, otherwise he would really think that he is the strange guy.

"Welcome to Galar, fellow rangers."

Yaluo stepped forward and greeted everyone. Two people walked out of the two groups, who should be the leaders of this event.

Xia Ye, the blond woman holding a camera, knew that she was Violet, the gym leader from the Carlos White Sandal Gym. She was good at using insect-type Pokémon, so the ranger behind her must be from the Carlos area.

The other man was wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. He looked exactly like an office worker. His eyes looked slightly tired, so was the ranger behind him from Padiya? Xia Ye is very confused. Other people have some relationship with the forest, but office workers have nothing to do with it, right? Steel Forest?

"Long time no see, Yaluo~ Oh, are there any new faces? First time meeting, my name is Violet~" She picked up the camera in her hand and said with a smile: "My hobby is photography, beautiful moments should be recorded, right? "

"Hello, my name is Aoki, the leader of the Padia region for this event." He spoke weakly, and was just about to take out his business card as usual, when he suddenly thought of the nature of this event and slowly put his hand back to his side.

"Oh, anyway, let's come to the Grass Road Arena first. You must be exhausted along the way." Yaluo greeted the rangers. The event will only start tomorrow, so everyone needs to have a good rest today.

Everyone followed Yaluo to the grass arena. Each arena in Galar is large, allowing the rangers to rest easily.

"Free time~ What do you think would be better, Xia Ye~" During free time, Annie naturally approached Xia Ye. After learning about his experience, Annie had the idea of ​​​​taking care of him.

"Well, I want to see what other rangers are doing." Xia Ye wanted to learn about the experience of rangers from other people's conversations. These people were all his seniors, and there must be something he could learn from.

"Oh ~ Human observation, a very good idea, must be very interesting ~ Let's go quickly!" Annie was very interested. She first took Xia Ye to the most crowded area, the story meeting.

As the name suggests, this is a gathering where a group of rangers come together to share their stories, eat snacks, drink drinks, and enjoy human conversation.

The profession of forest ranger is actually very lonely. You are alone in the wild with only Pokémon by your side. After all, you are in the minority in forests close to towns like Xiaye.

Xia Ye and Annie listened quietly beside them and learned many interesting stories.

The ranger dressed as a ninja said that he came from a ninja village, but he thought he had no talent, so he left there and came to the alliance to find a job. He became a ranger with his familiarity with the forest environment and his agility. The reason why he maintains this appearance now is because Missing my hometown.

At this time, the ranger dressed as a doodler picked up his topic. The forest he was in was mostly occupied by a group of powerful students. The boss headed by him was a ninja enthusiast. He wanted to ask for relevant knowledge from ninjas and wanted to talk to this boss. Build a good relationship and persuade him to return to the academy to study.

The ninja readily agreed, and when the two were talking to each other, another person told his story. He originally wanted to be a Pokémon ranger, but ended up becoming a ranger by accident. Only then did he discover the two. They are completely different, one is affiliated to the Rangers Alliance and the other is affiliated to the Regional Alliance.

However, he now enjoys his job as a ranger and has no more thoughts of becoming a ranger.

The following story was also full of fun, until the supernatural fan told a ghost story. Annie suddenly looked embarrassed, pulled Xia Ye and was about to leave. The reason she gave was:

"Hey, Xia Ye, I've heard a lot of stories. It's time to go see what others are doing, okay?" Her voice was trembling.

Xia Ye nodded, and Annie's expression softened. She hurriedly pulled Xia Ye outside the Caolu Arena, and happened to run into Violet who had returned from Caolu Forest.

"Hi, I remember you are the rangers of Galar, can you help me find places worth shooting in Caolu Town?"

"Speaking of Caolu Town, there must be strange boulders and huge paintings~" Annie replied.

"Really, can you please take me there? My name is Violet, you should know it, right?"

"Of course, beautiful moments should be recorded, right?" Anne said with a smile.

Violet raised her camera to capture the moment when Annie smiled, then tilted her head and said, "That's right~"

"You actually took a picture of me, let me see it~" Annie came to Violet's side, "Oh, I also took a picture of Xia Ye, by the way, my name is Annie~"

Violet and Annie talked and laughed, and their relationship instantly became much closer.

Later, Annie took Xia Ye with one hand and her new friend with the other to the hillside on the west side of Caolu Town. Looking at the huge geoglyphs on the grass, Violet pressed the shutter continuously to record such wonderful things. landscape.

"Could the huge existence be related to Galar's dynamism?" Violet put down the camera and murmured to herself.

"Yeah, it was quite scary when the giant Pokémon ravaged the land." Annie's tone was unexpectedly low, "Um, Violet, I still want to take this child to find interesting things, so I'll say goodbye first~"

"Well, I have to take photos for a while, so I won't send them away~" Violet waved goodbye gently, Annie nodded and took Xia Ye to continue to observe the other rangers, and then they discovered Mi Dou.

With him were the gourmet ranger and Padea's team leader Aoki. The first two were surrounding a steaming pot, adding ingredients from time to time, while Aoki was holding up the bowls and chopsticks and waiting obediently for the completion of their work.

"Mi Dou, are you making delicious food again? Wow, what's going on! This color! But it smells so good." Annie's tone was very reluctant.

Xia Ye looked at it, and saw that the pot was so colorful that he had no appetite at all, but the taste was really delicious.

"Haha, don't worry about these details. Food in the wild is not so particular." Mi Dou said with a generous smile.

"Brother Mi Dou, we still need one ingredient. It must be bitter with a hint of spiciness." The gourmet looked troubled, and there was only one last step left.

Xia Ye thought for a while and didn't know where to take out a Luozi fruit. Its taste just matched the gourmet's description.

"Luo Ziguo! This is exactly what I want!" The gourmet was overjoyed and took the Luo Ziguo from Xia Ye's hand and began to process it.

Annie showed a surprised expression: "Xia Ye, where did you take the fruit from just now?"

"Special skills learned from friends." Xia Ye gave it away.

"It's so awesome. I want to learn it too, so teach it to me~" Anne's eyes flashed. At this time, the gourmet also finished processing the Luo Ziguo. He chopped it into pieces and sprinkled it into the pot with one hand, and the light shone. , the colorful soup turned milky white.

"Ah, how did you do this? It's amazing!"

Xia Ye was as surprised as Annie. This was the first time he saw food that could glow.

"Haha, the secret recipe is not to be shared, but the delicious food should be shared, come." Mi Dou filled out two bowls of thick soup and handed them to Xia Ye and Anni. The five of them gathered around the pot and tasted this bowl of magical delicacy.

As soon as Xia Ye takes his mouth, he can feel the five flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty exploding in his mouth. The completely different flavors form a harmonious tune. This is an indescribable magical taste. Well, if there is only one word to describe it, delicious.

"Oh, it tastes so delicious~" Annie was the first to sigh, and then asked a question that had troubled everyone for a long time, "Aoki, why do you want to wear a suit? Aren't you a ranger?"

"Thank you for the hospitality." Aoki first praised the soup and then said slowly: "Because I am not a ranger."

Everyone looked shocked. It turns out you are really not a ranger. Aoki was also confused. He took another sip of the soup and said:

"Why are you so surprised? I am just the leader of the team in the Padia region for this event. It is normal for the team leader to be a staff member of the alliance. After all, the rangers are under the management of the alliance."

Wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival ~

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