Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 57 Remarks on the launch

It’s on the shelves today. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your support and thank the editor for helping me out.

Five chapters will be updated today, as I have said before. From now on, we will continue to update twice a day at 8 am and 6 pm. We will update more when we have time.

Then let’s talk about the rules for adding updates. If the first order is 100, an additional chapter will be added for every 50 more orders. If the update is not completed in one day, it will be averaged into subsequent updates.

Thank you all for your recommendation votes, monthly votes and rewards. This is your recognition of me and makes me more motivated to create.

I've been reading your comments, and I'll also take your suggestions into account. I'm also grateful to my friends who have been adding pictures in the comment area.

In addition, let me make it clear here that the protagonist does not have a hunting cursor. His professional ranger is different from a ranger. He is a civil servant under the alliance. If you want to see the protagonist using a hunting cursor, then you can only say sorry.

I think the highlight of elf literature is the bond between people and Pokémon. In fact, it is the same whether it is a Pokémon ball or a hunting cursor. The key is the process of establishing the bond and the subsequent story.

Finally, thank you for your subscription support and your recognition of this work.

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