Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 63 People Lost in the Spirit World

The gate to the spirit world refers to the door to the spirit world, which is the habitat of some ghosts and ghost-type Pokémon and is considered the world after death.

But why does the Lost Light Forest have a door to the spiritual world?

Xia Ye thought for a moment and came up with an answer. There would be a ghost gym in Suizhuan Town in the future. The Stray Light Forest was just north of the town. It was very reasonable to have a gate to the spirit world.

"Master Eleph, I have something to ask you." Xia Ye whispered, and at the same time he looked at Popola with the corner of his eyes.

Eleph understood what Xia Ye meant, and then said to Popola: "Popula, now Frost Milk Fairy and Tibulim can learn new moves~ Well, but they can't use them in the house~"

She took advantage of the situation and made a distressed expression, and Popla immediately replied: "Then let's go outside to train!"

"You're right, then I'll leave it to you, Gardevoir~" She waved her hand and watched her daughter and the three Pokémon push out the door, then looked at Xia Ye and said, "What happened? You made me recognize my mistake. , as long as I know, I will definitely answer you."

"Well, with all due respect, how did your husband die?"

"This" Eleph showed a sad expression, as if she recalled something bad. She sighed and replied: "Strictly speaking, it is not death, but disappearance. That's why I will stay in Wuzi for the past two years. Town, just to wait for him to come back."

"I don't believe that someone like him would abandon us, mother and daughter. After he disappeared, I searched the entire Stray Light Forest, and I couldn't find any trace of Gardevoir's perception."

"That can only be an accident, that is, death. This is the best result I can think of." Eleph clenched her fists. She couldn't imagine Simon betraying her, let alone imagine what it would be like if it were To be honest, she would probably have the most angry expression since she was born.

"Master Elephant, can you tell me in more detail, such as where your husband finally said he was going?"

"Well, he finally said." Although it was very sad, Eleph would never forget these words, "Look for red mushrooms."

"Red mushroom?"

"Well, he said that this red mushroom will change the Frostnip. You should know that some Pokémon in Galar will suddenly become huge, and the Frostnip will look bigger after eating this mushroom. Change will happen."

Suddenly becoming huge should refer to Gigantamax, and the appearance of Frost Milk Fairy will change when she gets bigger. Is it Gigantamax?

A Gigantamaxed Pokémon will not only become larger, but also become more prominent in its own characteristics. Frostnake is a Pokémon with this potential, so the red mushroom refers to the Gigantamax mushroom.

Where can I find Giant Shrooms in Lost Light Forest?

【Southwest. 】

In which area of ​​the Stray Forest does the door to the spirit world open?

【Southwest. 】

They are all in the Southwest! A bold guess emerged in Xia Ye's mind. Eleph's husband Simon was indeed missing. He might have accidentally entered the door to the spirit world. This special door would only open at a special time, so he was looking for her. No sign of Simon.

"Master Eleph, can you tell me when your husband disappeared?"

Why did the young traveler in front of me ask such a question? But looking at his appearance, he might have discovered something. Could there be any clues about Simon?

"October 31st, that is, four days later, I will never forget this day. If you know something, please tell me!" Eleph said imploringly, she did not want to let go of any clues.

After hearing Eleph's answer, Xia Ye asked in his heart, when is the opening time of the spiritual world door of Lost Light Forest?

[November 31st, dusk four days later. 】

Sure enough, my guess is probably correct, but the spiritual world is a very dangerous place. Do I really need to tell her?

"You really know something, please tell me! Please, if you want anything, I will find a way." Eleph's tone was very humble.

"Phew, but you still have Popola."

"Popula" Thinking of his daughter, Eleph's tone became hesitant. He was reluctant to tell me, probably because it was dangerous.

Bang, the wooden door was pushed open violently, and Popola stood outside the door and shouted: "Please, big brother, tell mom, it really is something related to dad!"

"Popula, eavesdropping is not a good habit." Xia Ye helplessly covered his forehead, "Huh, it's the spirit world. I suspect Popola's father is lost in the spirit world."

"The spiritual world. But isn't the spiritual world a world that only dead people can reach?" Eleph had obviously heard of the existence of the spiritual world.

"No, to be honest, I came to the Stray Light Forest to find the door to the spiritual world, the magical door that connects this world with the spiritual world." Xia Ye disguised himself and found a purpose for coming to the Stray Light Forest.

"Because it is a gate that connects two worlds, there will be situations where people who are still alive are lost in the spiritual world, and the time of his disappearance coincides with the time of the gate to the spiritual world, so I made this guess."

"Listen, the spirit world is a very dangerous place. Almost all ghost-type Pokémon are threatening to humans. This is why I was worried just now."

"If it's true as you said, then it's great that Simon is still alive." Eleph said with a tearful voice.

"Why?" Xia Ye was a little confused.

"Well, because a mere ghost-type Pokémon can't hurt my husband. I know his strength very well." Eleph's expression was firm, "So tell me the location of the gate to the spirit world, and I will also Not a weak and timid wife!”

"I am not a weak and timid daughter!" Popla continued.

"Well, according to my guess, the gate to the spirit world is in the southwest of the Lost Light Forest."

"Ah, no wonder Big Brother wants to come to Wuzi Town, because this is the center of the Stray Light Forest, but will you really not get lost on the way there?"

"Ahem. In short, going to the spirit world is very dangerous. You must be prepared, for example, having a Pokémon like the Night Demon." The reason why Xia Ye said this is that the Night Demon can freely travel between this world and the world. Spirit world.

"Night Demon? I understand, I will prepare."

Elove showed so much motivation after learning the information about her husband that she has now picked up the phone to talk to someone.

Then, early the next morning, an old man in a suit came to the Lost Light Forest. He brought an elf ball, which contained the Night Demon.

"Miss, it's time for you to let go of your obsession, but what's the use of this Pokémon? It won't bring back the souls of the dead," the old man warned.

"Dead people? No, I want to bring back the living!" Eleph threw the elf ball into the air, and a black and gray scary Pokémon appeared in front of her. Its red one eye was very scary.

According to Xia Ye, the spiritual world is very huge, and each spiritual world door leads to a different area. The dark night demon spirit can receive information from the spiritual world of the corresponding area in the real world.

"Dark Night Demon, are there any living people in the spiritual world nearby?"

Hearing this question, the Dark Night Demon couldn't help but laugh. There were not many people in this forest, and the gate to the spirit world opened only once a year. How could it be such a coincidence. Then its expression froze because it received a signal from the spirit world.

"Finally, a dark night demon is here. Send this living person back to me quickly. He has been in the spirit world for almost two years!"

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