Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 67 Blue Crow: Xia Ye, I want to become stronger

The blue jay standing on the bird house looked into the distance. The brothers and sisters evolved one after another and found such a comfortable place to settle. But why do these two happy things together make me feel so sad?

Ah, I understand, the blue jay showed an expression of understanding, because I am not strong enough now! So I have a sense of crisis, afraid that my brothers and sisters will surpass me, afraid of powerful enemies like hateful armored birds taking away the settlement!

What an ugly idea. Blue Jay secretly despised himself. The experience of this month had greatly stimulated him. How could a good forest become what it is now, with such a powerful presence added to it.

The powerful queen of the lake, Menas, shows such charm that all the long-winged gulls who only eat French fries follow her voluntarily, which is really terrifying.

The power of the two ladies in skirts has also undergone tremendous changes. They were still little lily root dolls before.

There's also Plutomon, whose strength I can't see through lately. These Pokémon are all related to that man. That's right, it's the ranger Xia Ye!

If you want to become stronger, look for Xia Ye. This is the conclusion Blue Jay came to.

"Hmm, so you came to me because you wanted to become stronger?"

Xia Ye looked at the blue jay kneeling on the ground and felt that this scene was somewhat familiar.


The blue crow nodded fiercely. To be precise, it wanted to evolve and become a steel-armored crow as powerful as its mother!

"I understand, Blue Crow, the most intuitive way for you to become stronger now is to evolve. After evolving into the Steel Armored Crow, you will gain unparalleled defense power."

Blue Jay continued to nod, Xia Ye, as expected you understand me, so how can I evolve?

"First let's test your current strength, please, Pa Dong Monkey."

"Boom!" The monkey sitting next to Xia Ye jumped up.

"Gah!" The blue crow is full of confidence, after all, it has superior attributes!

What followed was a not so fierce fight, and with a heart-rending cry from the blue jay, the competition ended.

"Gah!" (Impossible, I, the Blue Jay, could actually be knocked down by a stick!)

Seeing the blue jay fall unwillingly, Xia Ye took out the wound medicine and sprayed it on it, and then said helplessly:

"Padong Monkey has been making progress. Your strength is not much different before, and you have attribute advantages. You lost so cleanly. You must be lazy, Blue Crow!"

Faced with Xia Ye's question, the blue jay could not refute. It fell into memories. Because it was always directing the clan's battles with its proud brain, it completely neglected daily exercise. It might not even be able to defeat its younger brother now.

"Well, you can't evolve without working hard. Let's start with daily training. I will also help you." Xia Ye sighed and said.

According to the game, the evolution of Pokémon needs to reach the corresponding level, but now in the real world, such precise numbers are not needed, but they are still useful for reference.

The evolution levels of Blue Jay and Pa Dong Monkey are similar. Now there is a big gap in strength between the two. Blue Jay definitely lacks the basic strength for evolution. Once these are completed, there will be an opportunity.

Intense emotions, strong thoughts, and drastic changes in the environment are all keys that may trigger evolution. What about this blue jay? Xia Ye struggled for a moment and stopped thinking about it. It would be better to ask him about this matter later. Now he should focus on improving his strength.

Later, in addition to daily patrols, Xia Ye had another fixed task every day, which was to train the blue jay.

"Food is very important. Today's five melon fruits and five thunderbolt fruits must be eaten on time." Xia Ye placed a plate of tree fruits in front of the blue jay.

"The steel energy contained in the Thunderbolt Fruit will help you evolve. After all, the Steel Armor Crow has steel attributes, and the flying energy contained in the Melon Fruit will help you lay the foundation."

The blue jay was sweating profusely. He almost died of exhaustion after eating ten berries yesterday. Why is he still coming today? Not to mention the hardness of the Pili Nut shell, it also feels like an iron block dipped in pepper. Which Pokémon can stand this?

"If you want to become stronger, you have to work hard. You should know it very well, right?"

"Quack! Quack!" After a strong ideological struggle, the blue jay finally started to speak. Is this the bitter fruit of laziness? It’s so hard and spicy!

"Second, daily basic training, you can do this by yourself, whether it's training moves or exercising physical strength."


The blue jay fights vigorously, but now it is full of strength and has no place to use it! It's ready to fly ten times around the Sunset Forest! Use the air blade a hundred times! Use provocation a hundred times!

The training process went very smoothly, of course, except for the provocation that affected a group of Morubeko and was severely shocked.

"Third, use actual combat to improve yourself. It's too boring to fight against the monkey. You need to challenge yourself, so Blue Jay, go find Morubeko!"

The blue jay's expression was dull. His feathers, which were originally soft and shiny, now looked like they were all marked by electric scorch. The result was that he had to do it all over again?

Then it showed a determined look, "Damn it, aren't they just a bunch of electric rats? I'm a proud blue jay, look at me defeating you with my amazing wisdom!"

"Ahem, Blue Jay, are you okay?" Xia Ye showed an apologetic expression.


The blue jay slowly supported his body with his wings, looking like he was fine. It turns out that the mother has endured so many tests, and now it worships the mother even more, so in order to move towards the goal of evolving the steel-armored crow, let the lightning come more fiercely, not because it feels good to be electrocuted.

"Well, with your will, you will definitely be able to evolve, so I plan to give you some harsh medicine." Xia Ye said, spraying the medicine on Blue Jay.


"There is a high probability of breaking through in extremely dangerous situations, so go challenge Menas!"

Xia Ye's smile was like a devil from hell. The blue crow flew up, hugging the tree trunk with its wings, and screamed.

I have decided that it is no longer possible. If I fight with such a terrifying existence as Menas, I am afraid that I will have to go to the spiritual world to meet my ancestors!

"Sorry, just kidding. However, I think you have reached the threshold of evolution now. Yes, you don't need to challenge Menas."

The blue jay showed a puzzled expression. There was no need to challenge Menas, so what was the solution?

"Blue Jay, do you have any wishes? You are definitely not just thinking about becoming stronger out of thin air. Ask the most direct thoughts in your heart. This is your opportunity to evolve."

The thought in my heart is that I want to be a noble steel-armored crow like my mother. No, the most direct thought is that the blue crow suddenly recalled the stupid look of those armored birds and the shame of leaving home.


The blue jay suddenly yelled. It understood. For some reason, it always felt that as long as it defeated those armored birds, it would be able to evolve. It would definitely be possible!

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