Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 78 There is no shortage of hope in the post-disaster town

"So, Xia Ye, you agreed to participate in the island trial?!" Yin Hua looked excited.

"Well, that's right." Xia Ye nodded and said.

This time travel has a sad atmosphere, but in this sadness, Xia Ye can still feel the tenacity of the Alola people. Since he has this ability, why not help them?

Moreover, through this trial, Pa Dong Monkey may be able to touch the threshold of evolution. Xia Ye believes that its current strength is completely sufficient, but it just lacks an opportunity to evolve.

"I understand, then please come with me."

Then Yin Hua took Xia Ye to the small town near the altar. The dilapidated streets, fallen trees, and damaged houses were a tragic sight everywhere.

The house he lived in was not spared either. There was a big hole in the roof, the entire wooden door was missing, and the walls were left with traces of fists.

The residents who were less injured did not rest. They were busy repairing the damaged houses and taking care of the residents and Pokémon who were more seriously injured.

In the face of difficulties, they still did not give up hope, and chose to face and overcome them diligently. Their kindness gave the town unexpected strength.

The Pokémon who had received their protection before also rushed to help. Those who were able to help rebuild, while those who were unable to contribute gave the collected fruits to the townspeople, or took care of the injured, making their own efforts.

"I think everyone on Akala Island will be able to get rid of this unfortunate pain soon, because they have not given up hope." Xia Ye said, and now he believes that the decision he made before was correct.

"Ah, that's why I don't want them to lose their complete bodies and their precious lives. Xia Ye, did you know? The magical scale powder of the island's patron saint can even regenerate severed limbs." Yin Hua clenched his fists and said.

"No, you should hurry up now. I will tell you the overlord's information and fully support you. In this case, you can pass the test more easily."

Xia Ye nodded, now he must wake up Kapu Diedie quickly so that the people on Akala Island can get rid of the pain caused by the disaster.

Walking into the house, Yinhua pulled out an old book, which recorded the experience accumulated by the ancestors. Those who can defeat the overlord will be given the Z Pure Crystal, a symbol of bravery. It is said that some people rely on it to guide Pokémon to use Used powerful moves.

The island's patron saints seem to like this crystal very much, so Silver Birch believes that this crystal can awaken the sleeping patron saints.

The three Z-crystal veins on Akala Island are located in Gurgling Hill, Vera Volcano, and Shade Jungle. These three places are occupied by powerful overlord Pokémon.

The Overlord Pokémon is larger than the average Pokémon. It is entangled in a mysterious aura and calls on its subordinates to fight. It is a very difficult existence.

The overlord Pokémon of Gurgling Hill is said to have a huge size, and the water column it ejects has extraordinary power. However, people usually cannot find its whereabouts in Gurgling Hill. Some people say that it usually lives in the sea. Only people and Pokémon that feel the power will appear.

The overlord Pokémon of Vera Volcano is a huge black lizard, with the title of Empress. Its flames are high-temperature and corrosive. It also has many lizard Pokémon under its command, which are very difficult to deal with under its command. , because their flames are also corrosive.

The overlord Pokémon of the Shade Jungle is a giant praying mantis, but people who have fought it pointed out that this is actually its mimicry. It is actually a plant Pokémon, but you should not underestimate it just because of this information. , because its claws are sharp and can also spill all kinds of troublesome powder.

After listening to Silver Birch's information, Xia Ye had a definite answer to the true identities of the three overlord Pokémon. They were Tenten, Flame Queen and Orchid Mantis respectively.

There are no trainers who use Z-moves in this era. It seems that the Kapu people did not give the Shining Stone to the people of Alola. This was the era before the Island Tour appeared, and the Around the Island Trial was probably its predecessor.

"Well, this is all the information I can provide. This is the map of Akala Island. No, you still need a guide. I will arrange it." Yin Hua put his hand on the map and shook his head.

"No need, everyone is busy rebuilding their hometown, there is no need to contribute any more because of me."

"But Xia Ye, you are everyone's savior, I think this is necessary." Yin Hua still did not intend to give up.

"It really doesn't matter," Xia Ye smiled, "I have the help of the Steel Armored Crow. It can carry me to the sky, so the progress can be accelerated."

"Is it the Steel Armored Crow? Well, sure enough, seeing its size, I thought it could carry people." Yin Hua sighed with emotion. The big blunderbuss bird on the side looked at it with resentful eyes. It can't take you with it. Fei is really sorry.

"Then you must accept our material assistance. How can you have the strength to take part in the test if you don't eat enough? Xia Ye, please don't refuse this!" Yin Hua's tone was inexplicably tough.

"Okay, then I will accept your kindness." Xia Ye said.

"Great, I'll start preparations now. Xia Ye, you can rest here first and wait for me for a while."

"No, let me help rebuild. In fact, I am quite confident in my carpentry skills." Xia Ye stood up and said. "After all, all my Pokémon went to help."

"I understand," Yinhua nodded solemnly, then turned around and whispered, "Then I will also prepare supplies for you that are worthy of your heart!"

In the small town after the disaster, the steel-armored crow flew in the sky. Its claws easily grabbed heavy stones and helped people transport them to the designated location.

The children on the street screamed with emotion. This big black bird is so handsome, strong and good!

The steel-armored crow enjoys this kind of praise very much. It says that you can praise me more, so that I can be more motivated to help you, quack.

In a tent full of seriously injured patients, there was a depressing atmosphere, and death seemed to be just one step away from them. Suddenly, a melodious drum sound sounded, which was the sound of Pa Dong Monkey.

Music is something that brings hope to people. It wants to make them forget their pain for a short time and ignite the hope of survival.

The melodious drumbeats were transmitted calmly to the patients, and the hope of life contained in them was conveyed to them without reservation. They shed silent tears. For their families, for this performer, and for themselves, they had to work hard to live. Go down and live until the miracle of the patron saint comes.

Xia Ye did not help build the house because he was surrounded by a group of children. They learned that Xia Ye was going to participate in the test, so they were full of admiration for him and gave him all their treasures.

Children are the least injured, but many of them are still tortured by pain, but they have strong smiles on their faces.

"When you receive a gift, you must give a gift in return. Let me make some small wood carvings for you," said Xia Ye, whose arms were filled with small objects.

"I want Big Bird's!"

"Then I want the little monkey's!"

The children were quite excited, and Xia Ye responded one by one, quickly carving out steel-armored crows and snapping monkeys with various expressions, and gave them to the children as gifts in return.

"I will cherish your gifts, so you must cherish them." Xia Ye finished the final wood carving and made an agreement with the children.

"Well, definitely!" the children said in unison.

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