Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 80 The dance partner of the soul, the drumbeat of the soul, the soul-soothing music on the t

Xia Ye and Steel Armored Crow were stunned by the sudden drum sound played by Pa Dong Monkey. This was the first time they heard such a fiery drum sound, and the Pokémon who had the same idea as them also rushed towards the top of the mountain. Come.

"Is this, Gala Gala?"

A group of rattles on the mountain road rushed towards the top of the mountain. The steel-armored crow suddenly turned its head to Xia Ye, its eyes asking if it should run away. The emerald green flames wrapped around the bone sticks in the hands of these Pokémon made the It panics.

This is Gala Gala in Alola form. Their attributes are not ground type but fire plus ghost type.

The hot and humid environment of Alola has become a paradise for grass-type Pokémon, which has also increased the number of natural enemies for the ground-type Gala Gala. The cruel environment has allowed them to live together in unity, promoting the ability to control fire and telepathy.

It is said that the flames on their bone rods are transformed from their mother's soul, which is why their attributes become fire and ghost.

"Don't panic, steel-armored crows, I can feel that they are not malicious." Xia Ye said. His long-term experience with Pokémon allowed him to vaguely feel Pokémon's emotions.

Xia Ye's statement was quickly verified. This group of black Gala Gala surrounded the Pa Dong Monkey who was playing the drum, then turned the bone stick in his hand and began to dance to the rhythm. The dance was mysterious and wonderful, with a sad feeling. atmosphere.

This sad atmosphere affected the Pa Dong Monkey. It slowly stopped holding the wooden stick in its hand and looked at the rattles all around. Their dance was performed in memory of their deceased relatives. The Pa Dong Monkey wanted to understand them. Why you can dance with sadness.

The fierce drumming stopped, and the Gala Galas also stopped dancing and looked at the Pa Dong Monkey. The leader Gala Gala suddenly shouted:

"Gala~Gala~" (Why did you stop playing, friend?)

As a Pokémon that also holds a stick and loves music, Gala Galas naturally regard it as their best friend.

"Donghou?" (Why can you still dance seriously in such a sad dance?)

The leader, Gala Gala, was silent for a while, then turned the bone stick in his hand and danced alone. The emerald green flames turned into circles in the air. As the rotation speed accelerated, phantoms appeared in the flames.

Then more phantoms appeared. They were the dead relatives of the Gala Galas. Through this mysterious dance, they can perceive the existence of the present world and meet their living relatives in the dance steps, which is why the Gala Galas behave like this. serious.

The monkey showed an expression of understanding. It understood why Gala Gala was so sad but still took it seriously, because dance is the only way for them to connect with their deceased relatives. It transcends the boundaries of life and death, and even the state of the soul is enough.

"Bringing the soul dance back to the other side, that's it, Pa Dong Monkey! Music is the same, it can not only directly touch the heart, but even the soul." Xia Ye suddenly said excitedly, he saw from the performance of Gala Gala The upper limit of the snap monkey.

"Come and give it a try, Pa Dong Monkey, shake our souls, I believe you can do it!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Xia Ye's expectation is a challenge, but Pa Dong Monkey also wants to complete this challenge. Yes, it can recall the souls of its deceased companions through dance, why can't its drum sound?

The steel-armored crow was shocked by Xia Ye and Pa Dong Monkey's jumping thoughts. Are you serious? The gala gala dance can recall the soul. Isn't it because the bone stick is originally the fire of the soul? Directly hitting the soul is powerful enough. Now, do you still want to pursue the upper limit? !

"As companions, we just need to choose to believe in it now. The expressions of the steel-armored crow and Pa Dong Monkey show that it has this kind of confidence."

Seeing that the steel-armored crow still had a skeptical expression, Xia Ye said with a smile:

"Surrounded by soul fire, isn't this just the perfect environment?"

"The grass element is an attribute that is closely related to life. The soul is a part of life. Moreover, Pa Dong Monkey has been to the world after death, so why not?"

The steel-armored crow's red eyes widened. Come on, when have you been to the world after death? Is it so exciting? !


The sudden sound of drums shocked the Steel-Armored Crow even more. This drumbeat made its heart surge with intense emotions, as if it was about to touch its soul.

Ah. Hahaha, come on, Pa Dong Monkey, now I have to admit that you really have this possibility!

The Gala Galas could not come back to their senses for a long time after hearing the sound of the drums. When the leader Gala Gala noticed that the flames on the bone stick began to stir, it shouted and started to dance. Different from the sadness in the past, it was in an excited mood and recalled Looking forward to the beautiful past with the departed companion.

Hearing the leader's cry, other Gala Galas also noticed something strange. They danced in unison, holding the same emotions as the leader.

The air was filled with restless souls. The monkeys who kept beating wooden drums felt their breath. They suddenly opened their eyes and found the soul!


This is the soul drum that resounds on the top of the volcano. Xia Ye, Steel Armor Crow, and Gala Gala, they all feel the invisible soul vibrating with the sound of the drum, and all the hope and bonds contained in it surge out. into it.

The dance steps of Gala Gala became more and more exciting, and the soul fire changed magically with the dance steps and the sound of drums. Countless emerald green flames flew into the air, and then landed in front of Gala Gala.

The posture of the flame changed and gradually turned into a group of galaxies. They gazed affectionately at their dancing companions and silently prayed for their future happiness.

Gala Gala also noticed their former companions, but they did not dare to stop dancing because they did not want this hard-won miracle to end. They could only hold back their tears and dance continuously, hoping that their friends could stay in this world longer. .

Xia Ye was very touched. The monkey really succeeded. Then the voice of the forest ranger assistant suddenly sounded.

[Padong Monkey’s master player has become a soul drummer. 】

[Soul drummer, soul-soothing drum. Effect: Increase the power of sound-based moves, increase the damage of sound-related moves to ghost-type Pokémon, and normal-type moves will be able to hit the opponent. 】

What, Xia Ye was very surprised, could the potential be advanced, but the forest ranger assistant didn't mention this?

[Yes, but the conditions are unknown and you need to explore by yourself, which is full of uncertainty. 】

Isn't that the same as not saying anything? Yeah, but it doesn't matter. I'm happy today because Pa Dong Monkey's hard work has paid off, and it's still such a huge gain!


Under the top of the mountain, densely packed Night Thief Salamanders suddenly emerged from all around. A huge Flame Queen Lizard stood behind them, watching the Pa Dong Monkey. It was also attracted by the Soul Drum.

It has taken a liking to Pa Dong Monkey and wants to treat it as its own musician, so no other guys are needed!

"Hooh haha!"

The Flame Queen gave an order, and all the Night Thief Salamanders climbed up to the top of the mountain. This was the order of the empress, to kill everyone except the green monkey.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, the Gala Galas stopped their dance, held their bone sticks tightly, and assumed a fighting posture. They wanted to protect the monkey who brought this miraculous moment!

Pa Dong Monkey also stopped playing the drum. It felt dense hostility, some directed at its new friends Gala Gala, some directed at its friend Steel Armored Crow, and some directed at its best friend Xia Ye.

The Soul Drum struck directly at its own soul. Pa Dong Monkey understood why it wanted to evolve. It was because it wanted to protect everyone it valued, so it had to become stronger to prevent them from being harmed!

A strong light burst out from Pa Dong Monkey's body instantly, and it was about to start evolving!

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