Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 90 Alola’s Gift

In the sunset forest, the armored bird parked on the wooden roof was shocked to find that the boss had disappeared. Then when it opened its eyes again, it found that the boss was back where it was, and its eyes were sharper than before.

The most important thing is that the little monkey next to Xia Ye actually turned into a strong orangutan, exuding a powerful aura, and seemed to be stronger than the boss.

The armored bird thought of the boss and its braggadocio. It had originally dismissed it as a funny joke, but now it began to think about the authenticity of the story. Could it be true that one bird challenged a hundred electric mice?

"Phew, you're back, our home." Xia Ye put down her hands and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Gah!" The steel-armored crow screamed, with a tired face. I'm going to rest now. No one can disturb me.

"Go, Steel Armor Crow, have a good rest. Thank you very much this time." Xia Ye said.

The steel-armored crow nodded, yes, I deserve a lot of credit, huh? Xia Ye, how did he understand what I meant? Forget it, no matter so much, go to sleep!

It folded its wings and lay down on the spot, closed its eyes, and then let out a faint purring sound.

"This guy who really goes his own way actually fell asleep where he was. Forget it, let's go into the cabin as well. This experience is indeed a bit tiring."

"Hanglei." Banglei King Kong orangutan nodded.

Xia Ye walked to the wooden house and suddenly discovered a problem. The wooden door in front of her was a bit too small for the Banglei King Kong. Its height was now about two and a half meters, and it had to bend down and retract its arms to enter the wooden house.

Moreover, the small bed where they originally slept together could no longer accommodate Xia Ye and the Thunder King Kong Ape. It was time to find a way to transform it.

"Well, it's decided. Let's renovate the wooden house after we rest. What kind of new bed do you want, King Kong?"

"Hang Lei?"

The Banglei King Kong Ape looked at the small bed. It was true that there was no room for them now. He always felt a little lonely. Is this the price of growing up?

While it was thinking, the forest ranger assistant in Xia Ye's mind made a sound after a long time, and the routine settlement began.

[Complete the fifth time-space distortion and obtain the thick bone prop. Thick bones, some kind of hard bones, are loved by certain Pokémon. If they wear them, unexpected surprises will happen. 】

[Get the prop move learning machine to spray flames (once). Jet Flame: Fire fire towards the opponent, with a chance of causing the opponent to be burned. 】

[Get the prop move learning machine Venom Blast (once). Venom Impact: Splash special venom on the opponent. If the opponent is poisoned, it will cause higher damage. 】

[Obtain the prop Fire Stone. Fire Stone: A magical stone containing the energy of fire. Certain Pokémon will evolve after contact with it. 】

Is it a prop related to the Vera Volcano Test? These two move learning machines should not be useful in a short time. After becoming a ranger, I always feel that I have become very sensitive to fire-based moves.

[Obtain the large rhizome as a prop. Big rhizome: A strange tree root. The effect of the stamina-absorbing move will be improved after being carried. According to surveys, female Pokémon are more likely to carry it than male Pokémon. 】

Xia Ye didn't know how to complain about the information behind this. Speaking of who compiled the knowledge of the forest ranger assistant, he must be an unscrupulous guy.

[Obtain the prop move learning machine Flying Leaf Storm (once). Flying Leaf Storm: Setting off a leaf storm consumes a lot of physical energy and reduces its own special attack. It is loved by Pokémon who like to play devil's advocate. 】

[Obtain the prop move learning machine Da Sunny (once). Sunny Day: Makes the sunlight extremely strong, thereby increasing the damage of fire-based moves. 】

[Obtain props Lightning Strike Wood Seeds. Lightning Strike Wood: A plant that does not belong to this world. It has the ability to release strong electric current. It is very dangerous in this world, but it seems to be a common plant in the original world. 】

[Obtain props fist flower seeds. Fist Flower: A plant that does not belong to this world. It will attack nearby creatures with its fist-shaped petals. Eating it can temporarily increase your strength. 】

[Obtain prop sword grass seeds. Sword Grass: A plant that does not belong to this world. The edges of the leaves are extremely sharp and the leaves are hard. They can be used directly as swords. 】

[Obtain props bright fruit seeds (one hundred and fifty). Bright Fruit: A plant that does not belong to this world. It grows slowly and has square-like fruits that are extremely hard. The round shape in the middle is shining with blue light. It is said that if you collect 150 of them, something wonderful will happen. 】

[Obtain props Radiation Mushroom spawn. Radiation Mushroom: A plant that does not belong to this world. It is a strange fungus that adapts to harsh environments. It does not release radiation but absorbs pollution. However, it is highly toxic and only certain Pokémon feed on it. 】

An idea popped up in Xia Ye's mind, to build a magical botanical garden? No, no, some plants are too dangerous, and the description of this bright fruit seems to imply that one hundred and fifty of them will form a giant stone.

Speaking of which, the Alleite is indeed a Pokémon made up of 150 living entities. Can you get the Alleite by signing in for 150 days?

Xia Ye decided not to consider these plants in the ultimate space for a short time. Speaking of which, can I use these plants as a means of attack? Well, it is completely feasible? !

[Obtain the prop move learning machine Qiu Yu (once). Ask for Rain: It will rain heavily, thereby increasing the power of water-based moves. 】

[Obtain prop mist seeds. Mist Seeds: The seeds of strange plants will emit strange power under the mist field to enhance the special defense of the bearer. 】

[Obtain props hibiscus flower seeds. Hibiscus: The most common flower in Alola, the bright red color represents the unquenchable passion of the people of Alola. 】

Well, as expected, the more you experience, the more props you get, and each prop can recall what happened at that time.

[After completing the fifth time and space distortion, a special area, the tropical jungle, will be added. Tropical Jungle: The tall jungle formed by the hot and humid climate in the tropics will attract Pokémon who like hot and humid climates to settle there. 】

[Complete the fifth time and space distortion and obtain the purifying water prop. Purifying water: The magical purifying water made by Kapu Fin Fin is said to be able to wash away all the filth in the world. 】

[Complete the fifth time and space distortion and obtain the healing scale powder. Healing Scale Powder: The magical scale powder made by Kapu and Diedie is said to be able to heal any scars, fatigue and diseases. 】

[Complete the fifth time and space distortion and obtain the prop Fairy Slate. Fairy Slate: A fragment of a huge slate that contains powerful dream power. 】

Xia Ye is already used to it. The last prop it mentioned must be a heavyweight. However, the Goblin Slate is not as dangerous as the Monster Slate. Let Brimwen be given to it for safekeeping after she becomes the lord of the Dream Forest.

While waiting for news from the ranger assistant, Xia Ye carefully placed the gifts received from the children in the small town on the bookcase, including beautiful shells, some old puppets, and slightly shining stones. .

Each one is full of the children's thoughts. I don't know if they have taken good care of his wood carvings, but they are all his confident works.

"There are also Brilliant Stone and Z Pure Crystal. I really need to make the Brilliant Stone into a wrist. Well, let's call it the Sunset Forest Wind Z Bracelet."

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