Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 97 Flowers and Girls New Mentor Xia Ye

Xia Ye downstairs roughly figured out Nayu's family situation during her conversation with Aye and Tim.

Her father works as a sailor and is basically away from home for a year. However, every time he comes back, he brings something unusual to Galar for his children.

Nayu's Magic Wall Doll was a gift from her father from other areas. With its help, Nayu could better take care of her two younger brothers and one younger sister, and it also gave her more free time to do Things you like.

Her mother works as a flower shop employee. Because her job is in Quanguan City, she rarely goes home. Nayu is basically entrusted with taking care of the house.

No wonder Xia Ye felt that the flower shop employee looked familiar when she went to Quanguan City to buy flower seeds. It turned out to be Nayou's mother.

Her brother Poole was influenced by his sister and her friends, namely Aye and Tim, to choose the Snake Bear as his partner. As expected, the members of Spike Town chose evil-type Pokémon!

Mal, on the other hand, was influenced by his father and chose the long-winged gull as his partner. His dream is to become a captain with his own ship. How could he be a captain without a large-billed gull.

At this time Nayu led a very quiet little girl down. She was Nayu's sister Nako.

As soon as they met, she said to Xia Ye: "I like grass-type Pokémon, preferably Pokémon with flowers. Well, brother Xia Ye."

So it turns out that she was influenced by her mother. Xia Ye nodded and said:

"Then I know a good place with your favorite Pokémon."

"Really?" The girl's eyes lit up.

"Of course, but you have to bring the Poké Ball with you."

"Yeah!" The girl nodded seriously.

"We're going too!" the two boys shouted, "Brother Xia Ye~"

"It's true that you two boys changed your tune so quickly. Is that okay, Xia Ye?" Nayu asked with a sigh.

Xia Ye smiled and did not refuse the child's request: "No problem, but remember not to run around."


Yanghua Lawn, this is where Xia Ye brought Nakko. Many of the grass-type Pokémon living here are in line with her preferences, and their aggressiveness is very low.

"Oh~" The two boys lying on the shoulders of the Thunder King Kong Ape exclaimed. They didn't know that there was such a place in the Sunset Forest.

Also unaware are the three members of the Screaming Team. After living next to the Sunset Forest for so long, they really didn’t know there was this piece of grass exuding a warm atmosphere.

"Miss Quer, she's so beautiful." Nako looked at the ladies in skirts in the middle of the lawn in a daze.

The sunlight shining through the leaves shines on it, like a noble princess enjoying a moment of tranquility. The bright red corolla on its head is bright and gorgeous. It is said that the better the care is taken, the more beautiful the corolla will be on the head of the skirt lady.

The lady in the green skirt beside it dances gracefully, and its energetic dance steps are highlighted on this warm grass, which makes people feel inspired both physically and mentally.

The moment she saw Miss Skirt, Nakko came up with an ideal, which was to breed a flower Pokémon as beautiful as Miss Skirt.

The ladies in skirts noticed Xia Ye's arrival and ran over happily, then came close to Xia Ye, and a strange floral fragrance spread around.

It’s the blend of floral scents emanating from their corollas that is healing and inspiring at the same time.

"Xia Ye, you have such a good relationship with the Pokémon in the forest." Aye said.

At this time, Tim pushed up his invisible glasses and said, "No, these two Pokémon are Xia Ye's Pokémon!"

"Eh, really? Xia Ye?!" The four brothers and sisters made surprised sounds at the same time.

"Well, yes." Xia Ye answered quite normally.

This made Nakko suddenly have more respect for this somewhat unfamiliar big brother. Being able to cultivate such a beautiful flower Pokémon is definitely someone worthy of my respect!

"Nake, do you like flowers?" Xia Ye suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I like it the most!"

"Then have you discovered these flower seedlings hidden in the grass?"

"Well, let me see"

Nako opened the grass and carefully searched for the flower seedlings. Suddenly, she found a familiar seedling. This was the flower that her mother had taught her.



"This is hydrangea!"

"Well, I can't recognize it, but it must be a kind of flower!" Nako said.

Xia Ye patted Nakko's head, and then said: "It's good enough, Nakko. The flowers will be hidden in the weeds before they bloom. Do you know what Pokémon Miss Skirt was before she evolved?"

"Well I don't know"

"Remember it, its name is Lily Root Doll."

"Lily Root Doll" Nako repeated Xia Ye's words, and suddenly a Pokémon with three green leaves on its head emerged from the lawn.

"Look, it's the lily root doll."

"No flowers?"

"Well, grass and flowers are the most common evolutionary characteristics of grass Pokémon. The ordinary grass will eventually turn into a blooming flower. What is beautiful is not only the moment it blooms, but also the place it spends to become a flower. The process we have gone through." Xia Ye said.

"Well, this is what Pokémon taught me. This is just my suggestion, Nakko, why not find a grass and cultivate it into a flower. I think this is what you are best at, right? "

"Of course! Well. Brother Xia Ye, how do I find Xiaocao who is willing to be cultivated by me?" Nako asked.

"Everyone living here is shy, but I think as long as you show kindness and share your heart with it, it will definitely succeed." Xia Ye smiled encouragingly.

"Well, I'll try it!" Nakko was full of enthusiasm.

Xia Ye nodded, turned and left. His mission was completed, and it was time to leave it to Nako herself.

Following Xia Ye's teachings, the girl tried her best to show her kindness. She also took out the special soil she carried with her. This was nutritious soil she made herself according to her mother's teachings. It can cultivate beautiful flowers and should also be favored by grass. A favorite of Pokémon.

After waiting patiently for a while, just when she was about to give up, a shy bud wandered in front of her. Nako's eyes were shining, and she couldn't wait to put the soil in front of the shy bud.

The shy bud sniffed it gently, and then showed a happy expression. It could feel the nutrition in it.

"Ah! Mianbao, um, are you willing to be my partner? I promise that I will cultivate you wholeheartedly, for sure!"

Feeling the girl's burning mood, Xiubao touched the bud that had not yet bloomed to Nako's little hand. It could feel it, so it was willing to respond to this mood.

Nako was very happy. She carefully took out the elf ball and put it in front of Mianbao. Mianbao stayed there quietly. Then the two touched and Mianbao turned into light and entered the ball.

The girl's heart beat with the red light of Didi, and she jumped happily after the beeping sound indicating the successful subjugation.

"I've conquered my shyness!" Nakko said excitedly.

Nayu looked at her sister dotingly. She felt the same way when she got a Pokémon for the first time. Her friends seemed to have the same idea.

"Xia Ye. Xia Ye?" Nayu, who was about to say thank you, suddenly found that Xia Ye beside her was missing. In a blink of an eye, he came to Nako's side.

Xia Ye, who was squatting on the ground, had a serious look on his face. He explained the cultivation methods, evolutionary requirements, daily habits, and precautions such as how to deal with toxin pollen.

Nake's expression was also serious. She must keep in mind the explanation given by her respected elder brother, and it was also knowledge related to her own shyness!

"Xia Ye. Maybe he is a good teacher?" Nayu said silently.

Aye and Tim nodded. Indeed, they both wanted to say, Teacher Xia Ye, please guide us!

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