Pokemon Court

Chapter 101: opportunity

If the poachers and the police are in full battle, no matter which side has the greatest advantage, Ting Shu can also take advantage of the chaos to retake the poke ball.

If the police can completely suppress the poachers, it would be better... But this group of poachers clearly has the first hand and can hide in Tianguan Mountain. Why did they choose to break out from the front again?

Ting Shu was puzzled. If the poachers did this, they would have the courage to face hard. Ting Shu suddenly thought of the huge generator that directly crushed the Tyrannosaurus.

The power displayed by that thing is much more powerful than that of the electric elves. If the human body is attacked by that thing, it is not good to say what it will look like.

"If you can find a way to destroy that..."

Ting Shu can't guarantee, but if you lose that, it should be a loss to the power of the poachers.

It is very likely that because of such a change, the police can quickly suppress the poaching gang, and the possibility of rescuing the elf will also increase a lot.

"If you can't find the location of the Elf Ball, first make destroying their power-generating weapons your primary goal."

The car drove and stopped again.

"What's the matter?" Ting Shu was surprised.

Indeed, as Ting Shu expected, the poaching gang’s hole card weapons are three huge power generating devices, whose lethality is far more terrifying than the tricks of the electric elves.

An electric shock is definitely not something ordinary elves can bear.

Want to break through from the front, poachers regard these 3 weapons as the most important killer.

However, in order to exert the greatest power of these 3 weapons, they had to find a suitable geographical location.

The right time, the right place, and the right people, are the three most important factors in combat. In this situation, poachers can only start with the right place.

Ting Shu could see from the message from the Dream Demon that in a short time, the poachers gathered in an instant, with a clear division of labor, and they were fully prepared for a battle.

They consist of three to five poachers in a matching battle team, as well as scientific researchers manipulating three "Thunder Kings".

According to the situation of the terrain, the poachers occupy the advantages of both sides and some obstacles, forming a battle formation, where they plan to snipe and catch up with the alliance forces.

For the police, this kind of battle is a bit unfair and unequal, but this is the reality. Poachers are on the active side. Escape and fight are the choices between them, but the police can only choose to hunt. , No matter what the situation, you can only choose to fight, this is the duty.

Lying in a dark corner, Ting Shu frowned tightly. In the picture that Meng Yao sent to him...the least staffed direction included three people, and there was also a "cursed doll".

This cursed doll was the one that Ting Shu saw and followed "Gray Feather". He didn't know why this little elf didn't follow his master, but instead guarded the three poachers in front of a truck...


Ting Shu was startled. There were 5 poachers' cars in total, and the remaining three vehicles all formed a battle formation with the poachers. Only this car and the car guarded by three people were in an idle position.

"Those three trucks have the ability to join the battle, and one of them is the one with the'Lei Gong' weapon." Ting Shu subconsciously judged.

"And that vehicle, including the one I'm in, is a useless vehicle that contains some logistics and rides on poachers..."

Not surprisingly, Ting Shu asked Meng Yao to observe again from a distance. Compared with the other combatants, the expressions of these three people were different.

"If there is no poke ball in this car, it is very likely that the poke ball and important items will be placed in that car."

"That is their goal..." Ting Shu supported his body. There was no one to guard the car, as if it was abandoned. That means there is no special value, and that car of the same status still has it. Three people, and the elf guard who may be the leader of the poacher...It is impossible to have just a few elf balls.

The little elves of their students are not so valuable yet, allowing these poachers to take care of them in such a tense situation.

Apart from that, the only thing they got from North Lake.

Ting Shu is self-aware and understands that his combat ability is actually not strong, especially when he only has the Dream Demon in his hands, and the ability he can display is even more limited.

Wanting to break through the three dragon kings and scorpions, and a cursed doll that looked more powerful, Ting Shu hesitated.

At the same time, he did not dare to let the Dream Demon get too close, perceiving the concealment of the ghost type elves. The same ghost type and super power type have unique advantages. If the dream demon is discovered by the cursed doll, it will not be beautiful...

"What should I do……"

Let the dream monster sneak attack with illusion? That's not safe, the Dragon King and Xie don't say, if the cursed doll that is also the ghost elf is recruited, it is incredible, and ordinary hallucinations will not affect the ghost at all.

Dragon King Scorpion...curse the doll...

Ting Shu rubbed his head, trying to think of a good way to solve these three people and cursing the doll.

The trainer... the knowledge of the coordinator is useless, and his strength is not enough to pose a threat to the opponent. The tree's thoughts surged, and the knowledge about the weakness of the dragon king and the curse doll continued to emerge in his mind.

Dragon King Scorpion... generally live in deserts or wetlands. Come out at night and live alone after leaving the territory. There will be a lot of concentration during the mating season. When they are young, they may live in groups as a family unit, and when encountering creatures larger than themselves, they may use venom paralysis to repel the opponent.

The Dragon King Scorpion has a very strong physique, even if it doesn't need to be poisonous, it can still disperse opponents with its proud power.

My god... Ting Shu has a headache, this is simply a devil, and the whole body is covered with hard armor, but the head cannot be rotated 180 degrees... The head cannot be rotated 180 degrees, is this the key point?

As Ting Shu thought about it, he recalled the message of cursing the doll. The energy of the curse penetrated into the cotton of the discarded doll and turned into a ghost-type elf. If you open your mouth, energy will escape...open your mouth and energy will leak...

Behind every ghost-type elf is a crippling story. Ting Shu didn’t want to go into it, but recalling the urban legend that cursed the doll, he still felt a chill. It is said that the elf turned into a discarded doll . Using the garbage dump as a habitat, it will also look for the children who abandoned it and walk around him.

"It's horrible...but... this statement is true." Ting Shu calmed down. Many academic papers have demonstrated that the world is full of incredible "special energies." In the academic world, it is no longer a mystery.

"Can you take advantage of this."

Ting Shu planned. He was waiting. It was not the time to act. He needed a time, just like when they fled, a time for other poachers to mess up.

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